Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

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<strong>Half</strong>-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> report <strong>at</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Certific<strong>at</strong>ion of the condensedhalf-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ementspursuant to article 154-bis,paragraph 5 of Legisl<strong>at</strong>ive Decreeno. 58/981. The undersigned Graziano Tarantini, in the name of and on behalf of the entire ManagementBoard of <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A. and Stefano Micheli, the manager in charge of preparing the corpor<strong>at</strong>eaccounting documents of <strong>A2A</strong> S.p.A., certify the following, taking into account the provisionsof article 154-bis, paragraphs 3 and 4 of Legisl<strong>at</strong>ive Decree no. 58 of February 24, 1998:• the adequacy in rel<strong>at</strong>ion to the characteristics of the business and• the effective applic<strong>at</strong>ion244of the administr<strong>at</strong>ive and accounting procedures for the prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of the condensedhalf-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ements during the first half of <strong>2013</strong>.2. We also certify th<strong>at</strong>:2.1 the condensed half-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ements:a) have been approved in accordance with the intern<strong>at</strong>ional accounting standardsapproved by the European Community pursuant to Regul<strong>at</strong>ion (EC) no. 1606/2002 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council of July 19, 2002;b) agree with the balances on the books of account and the accounting entries;c) give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, results and <strong>financial</strong> position of theissuer and the set of companies included in the consolid<strong>at</strong>ion;2.2 the interim report on oper<strong>at</strong>ions includes a reliable analysis of the key events th<strong>at</strong> tookplace during the first six months of the year and their effect on the condensed half-<strong>yearly</strong><strong>financial</strong> st<strong>at</strong>ements, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties forthe remaining six months of the year. The interim report on oper<strong>at</strong>ions also includes areliable analysis of the inform<strong>at</strong>ion on significant rel<strong>at</strong>ed party transactions.Milan, July 31, <strong>2013</strong>Graziano Tarantini(on behalf of the Management Board)Stefano Micheli(Manager in charge ofpreparing the corpor<strong>at</strong>eaccounting documents)

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