Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

Half-yearly financial Report at June 30, 2013 - A2A

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<strong>Half</strong>-<strong>yearly</strong> <strong>financial</strong> report <strong>at</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>30</strong>, <strong>2013</strong>Changes in accounting standards56of a three-stage process whose scope is to fully replace IAS 39 “Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement” and introduces new criteria for classifying and measuring<strong>financial</strong> assets and liabilities. The main changes introduced by IFRS 9 may be summarizedas follows: <strong>financial</strong> assets are classified into two c<strong>at</strong>egories alone - “<strong>at</strong> fair value” or “<strong>at</strong>amortized cost”. As a result, the c<strong>at</strong>egories “loans and receivables”, “available-for-sale<strong>financial</strong> assets” and “held-to-m<strong>at</strong>urity investments” disappear. Classific<strong>at</strong>ion within thetwo c<strong>at</strong>egories is carried out on the basis of an entity’s business model and the contractualcash flow characteristics of the <strong>financial</strong> asset. A <strong>financial</strong> asset is measured <strong>at</strong> amortizedcost if both of the following requirements are met: the objective of the entity’s businessmodel is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows (and therefore in substance not toearn trading profits) and the characteristics of the cash flows of the asset are solelypayments of principal and interest. A <strong>financial</strong> asset is measured <strong>at</strong> fair value if it is notmeasured <strong>at</strong> amortized cost. The rules for accounting for embedded deriv<strong>at</strong>ives havebeen simplified: separ<strong>at</strong>e accounting for the embedded deriv<strong>at</strong>ive and the <strong>financial</strong> asset“hosting” it is no longer required.All equity instruments - listed or unlisted - must be measured <strong>at</strong> fair value. IAS 39established on the other hand th<strong>at</strong> unlisted equity instruments should be valued <strong>at</strong> cost iffair value could not be reliably measured.An entity has the option of presenting changes in the fair value of equity instruments th<strong>at</strong>are not held for trading in equity; th<strong>at</strong> option is not permitted for equity instruments th<strong>at</strong>are held for trading. This design<strong>at</strong>ion is permitted on initial recognition, may be adoptedfor each individual instrument and is irrevocable. If an election is made for this option,changes in the fair value of these instruments may never be reclassified from equity toprofit or loss. Dividends on the other hand continue to be recognized in profit or loss.IFRS 9 does not permit reclassific<strong>at</strong>ions between the two c<strong>at</strong>egories of <strong>financial</strong> assetexcept in the rare case of a change in an entity’s business model. In this case the effects ofthe reclassific<strong>at</strong>ion are applied prospectively.The disclosures required to be made in the notes have been adjusted to the classific<strong>at</strong>ionand measurements rules introduced by IFRS 9;• IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”: the amendments to IAS 36, which are applicable fromJanuary 1, 2014, were issued on May 29, <strong>2013</strong> and regard the disclosures required onrecognizing impairment losses when the recoverable amount of impaired assets is basedon fair value less costs of disposal. The amendments remove the requirement to disclosethe recoverable amount of assets when the cash gener<strong>at</strong>ing unit (CGU) includes goodwillor intangible assets with indefinite useful lives but the asset is not impaired. In addition,disclosures are required of the recoverable amount of an asset or CGU and the way inwhich fair value less costs of disposal has been calcul<strong>at</strong>ed when an impairment loss hasbeen recognized for the asset;

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