Consolidated Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss Account/Cash Flow ...

Consolidated Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss Account/Cash Flow ... Consolidated Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss Account/Cash Flow ...


68 Clariant Chemicals (India) Limited – ConsolidatedAnnual Report 2010Schedulesforming part of the Consolidated Profit and Loss AccountSCHEDULE 12 : OTHER INCOME 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsDividend on current non-trade investments 677.96 407.90Export incentives 573.83 420.13Profit on sale of fixed assets (Net) 45.88 80.31Cash discounts 34.58 39.40Rental income 204.39 398.25Indenting commission 773.67 589.29Provision for doubtful debts written back (Net) 94.79 —Profit on sale of current investments (Net) 13.51 0.21Miscellaneous 722.95 727.683141.56 2663.17SCHEDULE 13 : COST OF MATERIALS 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsRaw materials consumed 43370.96 38507.15Packing materials consumed 2734.69 2279.01Purchases of finished goods 13298.05 12133.72(Increase)/Decrease in stocks of finished goods and work-in-progress :Opening stockFinished goods 4466.55 5740.02Work-in-progress 838.15 1203.69Less: Closing stock5304.70 6943.71Finished goods 4912.94 4466.55Work-in-progress 954.94 838.155867.88 5304.70(563.18) 1639.0158840.52 54558.89SCHEDULE 14 : PERSONNEL COST 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsSalaries, wages, bonus, etc. 4867.33 4677.67Contribution/Provision for provident fund, superannuation scheme, gratuity fund, etc. 1011.33 551.95Welfare expenses 834.11 929.096712.77 6158.71

Consolidated Schedules69SCHEDULE 15 : INTEREST ( NET ) 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsInterest PaidOthers 116.16 100.32Less : Interest received (Gross) :Others (Tax deducted at source ` 9.53 Lakhs; Previous year : ` 12.69 Lakhs) 92.96 83.2023.20 17.12SCHEDULE 16 : OTHER EXPENDITURE 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsStores and spare parts etc. consumed 553.23 513.59Repairs and maintenance :Plant and machinery 966.42 712.77Buildings 254.82 218.64Others 225.91 164.76Power and fuel 3653.20 4595.77Rent (including lease payments) (See note 9, Schedule 17) 567.73 555.90Rates and taxes (including water charges) 469.91 519.85Insurance 103.04 69.40Clearing, forwarding and transport 2104.33 1337.22Travelling and conveyance 1247.52 881.57Commission (See note 14, Schedule 17) 127.61 179.83Cash discount 2.55 11.76Other discounts on sales (See note 14, Schedule 17) 816.60 684.65Assets written-off 22.61 100.69Provision for doubtful debts/advances (Net) — 29.39Excise duty 118.97 (322.78)Exchange loss (Net) 61.48 168.57Legal and consultancy 1410.41 174.62Miscellaneous (See note 11, Schedule 17) 4166.99 3744.5016873.33 14340.70

68 Clariant Chemicals (India) Limited – <strong>Consolidated</strong>Annual Report 2010Schedulesforming part of the <strong>Consolidated</strong> <strong>Profit</strong> and <strong>Loss</strong> <strong>Account</strong>SCHEDULE 12 : OTHER INCOME 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsDividend on current non-trade investments 677.96 407.90Export incentives 573.83 420.13<strong>Profit</strong> on sale of fixed assets (Net) 45.88 80.31<strong>Cash</strong> discounts 34.58 39.40Rental income 204.39 398.25Indenting commission 773.67 589.29Provision for doubtful debts written back (Net) 94.79 —<strong>Profit</strong> on sale of current investments (Net) 13.51 0.21Miscellaneous 722.95 727.683141.56 2663.17SCHEDULE 13 : COST OF MATERIALS 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsRaw materials consumed 43370.96 38507.15Packing materials consumed 2734.69 2279.01Purchases of finished goods 13298.05 12133.72(Increase)/Decrease in stocks of finished goods and work-in-progress :Opening stockFinished goods 4466.55 5740.02Work-in-progress 838.15 1203.69Less: Closing stock5304.70 6943.71Finished goods 4912.94 4466.55Work-in-progress 954.94 838.155867.88 5304.70(563.18) 1639.0158840.52 54558.89SCHEDULE 14 : PERSONNEL COST 2010 2009` Lakhs ` LakhsSalaries, wages, bonus, etc. 4867.33 4677.67Contribution/Provision for provident fund, superannuation scheme, gratuity fund, etc. 1011.33 551.95Welfare expenses 834.11 929.096712.77 6158.71

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