Kitchen Fundamentals/Math - Learning Zone Express

Kitchen Fundamentals/Math - Learning Zone Express

Kitchen Fundamentals/Math - Learning Zone Express

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Amazing Eggs Activity Lessons & Video3212DVD & 628001 812010 $54.95Food Preparation VideosAmazing Eggs VideoGrade 10 - AdultGet the facts on the amazing egg!Learn about size, grade, color,storage, cooking temperatures, andnutrition. Explore the versatility ofeggs, the various ways they can beprepared and how they contributeto the preparation of many otherfoods. Egg recipes are included anddemonstrated by comedian StevieRay. Teaching materials online.20 min. ©Revised 20083212 $49.95Amazing Egg ActivitiesFive, 2-hour lessons that explore oneof our most versatile, nutritious, andculturally-rich foods: the egg! Studentsengage in hands-on activities thatintegrate science, math, art, reading,health, and life skills and follow simplerecipes to create tasty egg dishes.628001 $29.95Say Cheese—Morning,Noon & Night VideoGrade 10 - AdultCheese in the morning? Cheeseat lunch? Cheese at supper time?Cheese anytime! Take a tour of cheesevarieties, history, preparation anddeliciously easy recipes for appetizers,entrees and dessert. Teachingmaterials online. 22 min. ©20013124 $49.95Tablescapes -Setting the Table VideoGrade 6 - AdultDining is more than just eating ameal, it’s a time to visit with familyand friends. Discover how to makemealtime more enjoyable throughappealing presentations. Table settingtechniques, along with simple tabledecoration ideas are demonstratedfor three basic serving styles: family,restaurant and buffet style. Teachingmaterials online. 13 min. ©20013221 $49.95Teen Parties on a Budget Videowith Tablesetting StepsGrade 6 - AdultHelp students learn to plan and enjoya successful event. Pepper Eggersshares fun themes for a movie night,a Mexican birthday, an Asian tasting,a sports event, and a game night.Basic table settings are also included.Teaching materials online. 18 min.©20073446 $49.95ORDER ONLINE: learningzonexpress.comHerbs and Spices VideoGrade 6 - AdultThe essence of the world’s cuisinesis based on indigenous ingredientsand flavorings. Most important arethe herbs and spices, which givethe cuisines their personalities.Cookbook author Paulette Mitchellexplains how to cook with herbsand spices as she shows you howto make Herb-Roasted Vegetables,Caprese Salad, Basil Pesto andPesto Butter – delicious, flavorful,easy-to-prepare recipes.Teachingmaterials online. 19 min.©20093502 $49.95Wrap & Roll VideoGrade 10 - AdultUnique ways to prepare easyfoods with wraps or rolls. WatchChef Andrew Zimmern preparesimple, healthy recipes, includingvegetable tarts with filo dough,barbeque chicken lettuce roll-ups,breakfast burritos, easy calzonesor pocket sandwiches, andquesadillas perfect for breakfastor lunch. Teaching materialsonline. 43 min. ©20043340 $49.95Herbs VideoGrade 7 - AdultHerbs have been used sinceancient times both medicinally andas a way to flavor foods. Take afascinating tour of the herb world.Learn history, varieties, growing,preparing, storing and deliciouslyeasy recipes. Includes recipesfor herb butter, tarragon vinegar,vinaigrette, and an omelette withherbs. Teaching materials online.26 min. ©20013125 $49.95Meal Appeal—Quick Garnishes VideoGrade 6 - AdultForget that your mother told younot to play with your food! Learntechniques to be creative and expressyourself by making food ingredientsmore attractive and fun. Chef PauletteMitchell demonstrates innovative anddelightful food designs perfect forgarnishing your plates. Feed your eyesand excite your appetite! Teachingmaterials online.17 min. ©Revised 20083217 $49.95Food Preparation Videos69Food Preparation

Food Preparation VideosHow Easy!All 5 VideosOn 1 DVDBaking Basics DVDDVD includes Baking and Cooking Basicsvideos. 5 videos on 1 DVD.3381 $199.95Baking Basics — Pies VideoGrade 7 - AdultNothing may be as American as applepie, but did you know pies actuallydate back to medieval Europe? ChefColleen Miner discusses the historyof pie as well as its versatility asboth a dessert and a main dish. Shedemonstrates how to create a basiccrust and a variety of delicious pies.Teaching materials online. 14 min.©20013106 $49.95Learn the basics of baking and cookingwith this comprehensive DVD!Discover the secrets of mouth-wateringbaked goods and basic meat preparationtechniquesIncludes cookies, pies, quick breads,yeast breads and meatsBaking Basics — Quick BreadsVideoGrade 7 - AdultFrom pancakes to loaf bread, quickbreads are fast and fun to prepareas well as delicious to eat. ChefNancy Mauer shows how to makemuffins, bread, popovers andbiscuits in your own kitchen, whilediscussing ingredients and basictechniques. Teaching materialsonline. 14 min. ©20013104 $49.95Baking Basics — Yeast BreadsVideoGrade 7 - AdultCreate great-tasting yeast breads athome. Chef Nancy Mauer discussesthe various types of ingredientsand how each is used in preparingdifferent types of breads. One recipeis used to create a loaf of bread,caramel and dinner rolls. Chef Nancydemonstrates the basics of breadmaking and creates a variety ofdifferent shapes. Teaching materialsonline. 13 min. ©20013103 $49.95Food PreparationBaking Basics — Cookies VideoGrade 7 - AdultWho doesn’t love the smell of cookiesin the oven? Cookies are a tastytreat and offer a rewarding bakingexperience. Chef Colleen Minerdiscusses the ingredients needed,measuring techniques, and manydifferent varieties of cookies includingdrop, bar, cut out, rolled, pressedand molded. She demonstrates herfavorite chocolate chip, sugar, andpeanut butter cookies. Teachingmaterials online. 20 min. ©20013105 $49.95Cooking Basics — Meat VideoGrade 7 - AdultMeat often is the centerpiece offamily meals. Professional ChefColleen Miner discusses the basicsof beef, lamb, and pork. Nutritionalinformation, selection and preparationtips are presented in a demonstrationformat. Learn the different cookingmethods of roasting, broiling/ grilling,stir-frying/pan broiling and braising/stewing. Teaching materials online.21 min. ©20013108 $49.9570 Food Preparation VideosTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

Grocery Store ShoppingVideosThe Grocery Shopping ChallengeVideoGrade 6 - AdultDo you know the tricks grocery stores useto get you to spend more of your money?Follow Megan and Josh as they navigate theaisles to see who can get the best price andnutritional value for eight common groceryitems. They’ll give you the keys to eatingwell for less! Teaching materials online.12 min. ©20093501 $49.95Adventures in the Grocery Store VideoGrade 10 - AdultLearn how to shop smart in the grocerystore with Chef Andrew Zimmern. Learnhow to check food quality before you buy,transport and store food, save money whenmaking purchases and much more! Teachingmaterials online. 18 min. ©20033164 $49.95Teens Take on Grocery ShoppingMini UnitGrade 6 - 12Guide teens through grocery shopping basics:• List making, food inventory, and meal planning• Label reading and product selection• Impulse buying and ways to avoid it1072 $24.95Grocery Shopping SecretsPowerPoint PresentationWith an average of 45,000 products in thesupermarket, how do you decide what itemsgo in your grocery cart? What influencesyour decisions? The Grocery ShoppingSecrets PowerPoint guides consumersthrough the different grocery departmentsto help cut through the schemes to get thebest value for your food dollar. 28 slides.Includes presenter’s notes.7179 $49.95Meal Planning PowerPoint ®Put the fun back into planning meals!Menu planning, health and nutrition, mealpatterns, grocery shopping, preparation, foodand kitchen safety, and time managementare covered in this comprehensivePowerPoint ® . ©20097134 $49.95UPDATEDThe Super CartPoster18” x 24” Laminated410013 $14.95Tablet8 1/2” x 11”, 2-sided,50 sheets470013 $9.95UPDATED2009“Good” cart vs. “Bad”cart shows The SuperCart is both goodfor you and foryour budget.PowerPoint ®Food PreparationORDER ONLINE: learningzonexpress.comGrocery Store Shopping71

Food & <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety5 Minute Food & <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety ActivitiesGrade 6 - 128½” x 5½”, spiral boundActivity topics include:• Food borne pathogens• Proper food handling techniques• Preventing accidents in the kitchen1213 $29.95Snap Re-cap Food & <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety PowerPoint ® GameHost your own game show in the classroom with this fun and interactive way toreview food and kitchen safety concepts. Perfect for groups! Simple and easyto use in Microsoft PowerPoint ® , game topics include: Food Safety, Bad Bugs,and <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety. ©20097206 $49.95GamesGerm Wars Game <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety Game• Basic Training • <strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety• Defend Yourself • Food Safety• Identify the Invaders • Emergency Techniques• Combat Strategies • Cleaner Is Safer• Careful Cooking • Common Sense5014 $29.955005 $29.955014C Game Cards Only 5005C Game Cards Only$15.95$15.95Food Safety Bingo30 - 8½” x 11”Laminated Cards5109 $24.95<strong>Kitchen</strong> Safety Bingo30 - 8½” x 11”Laminated Cards5120 $24.95Food Safety Tablet8½” x 11” 50 Sheets perTablet Fun black & whiteworksheet on back.4057T $6.00Glo Germ Experiment KitGlo Germ shows proper handwashing and cleaning. For handwashing training use the oil orlotion. The powder can be usedto show surface contaminationand the transfer of germs from avariety of surfaces to the hands.Kit contains: battery-operated6½” ultraviolet light (runs on fourAA batteries), 8 oz. bottle of GloGerm Oil, 4 oz. bottle of Glo GermPowder and teacher’s guide.5031 Experiment Kit $65.955033 4 oz. Glo Germ Powder(200 demonstrations) $18.955034 8 oz. Glo Germ Lotion(150 applications) $20.95Food PreparationPlay It Safe!KitA food safetycurriculum& SpoiledRotten video.8203 $69.95Fight BAC! Poster18” x 24” Laminated4296 $14.954136S Spanish4136E English72 Food & <strong>Kitchen</strong> SafetyTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.70034136R RapHand WashingPostersSet of Four 11”x 17” Cardstock4136G $14.95Posters availableindividually at$5.00 Call forquantity pricing.4136N GraphicsAll products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

Lesson Plans, CookbooksCookbooksFood Management Lesson PlanSimplify your food labs! This organized guide providesrecipes, master grocery order forms, worksheets andanswer keys. Tips and ideas from an experienced FACSteacher make labs a success from start to finish. Includesactivities on lab safety, recipe analysis and menu planing.1191 $29.95Food Management StudentRecipe BookColorful student take-home cookbookwith 18 recipes from the FoodManagement Lesson Plan.1192 Set of 10 $19.95Cooking with Class CookbookClassroom tested recipes by FACSteachers in Minnesota. Over 150student-approved recipes in a binder,including Breakfast, Grazing, Dinner,Worldly Bites. This delicious collectionof recipes will create food memoriesfor students and teachers.6164 $29.95Recipes from the CulinaryClassroomA collection of recipes – starters,entrees, sides, breakfast, anddesserts – that align with theProStart culinary competition.Incorporates skills needed tomeet industry standards inmenu planning, knife skills, andmanagement.6170 $19.95Look What’s CookingCookbookFresh demo & lab ideas for thecooking teacher. Recipes withactivity sheets. Over 125 classroomrecipes.6175 $39.95CurriculaMODE Lesson PlansUse the power of popularmedia celebrities to helpteach FACS! MODE featuresMartha Stewart, Oprah,Donald Trump and Emeril.Excellent project plans forengaging your students—using movies, music, gameshows, reality shows andbooks to teach. Writtenby Susan Turgeson, 2009AAFCS Teacher of the Year.1189 $49.95Doing the DishesPosterSet of Six (identical)11” x 17” Cardstock4236 $14.95Food PreparationFood InnovationsCurriculumStudents will develop anew, healthy food product— working collaborativelyto prepare, package, andmarket their nutritiousnew product. They willlearn the basics of nutritionand product marketing aswell as current trends andtechnology.1180 $39.95<strong>Kitchen</strong> Lab DutiesPostersSet of Six (identical)11” x 17” Cardstock4170 $9.9574 Lesson Plans, CookbooksTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003If You Didn’tMake It PosterFour 11” x 17”(same) Cardstock4560 $19.95All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

International FoodsVideosWorld Food Markets:Italy VideoGrade 7 - AdultExperience the sights and soundsof Italian food markets! Join chefand award-winning cookbook authorPaulette Mitchell on a tour of Italianfood markets. Filmed in Italy, viewerswill be taken on a culinary journeyto discover the fresh produce andingredients that flavor Italian cuisine.Teaching materials online.26 min. ©20093488 $49.95World Food Markets:Italy Activity PacketCreative and fun activities andworksheets to supplement the WorldFood Markets: Italy video.1206 $16.95World Food Markets: China VideoGrade 7 - AdultAccompany cookbook author and worldtraveler Paulette Mitchell in Hong Kong,Shanghai, and Zhujiajiao. See how modernlife contrasts with timeless traditions inthese densely populated Chinese cities.Visit food markets that hum with activityand witness the high value placed onfreshness. The Chinese come not only toshop, but also to savor noodles, dumplings,and local specialties. Teaching materialsonline. 24 min. ©20103511 $49.95World Food Markets:China Activity PacketCreative and fun activities and worksheetsto supplement the World Food Markets:China video.1209 $16.95SAVE! Italy World Food Markets Class PackIncludes: 3488, 1206, 910000 & 710002 822024 $99.95SAVE! China World Food Markets Class PackIncludes: 3511, 1209, 9120 & 7181 822025 $99.95Bulletin BoardsItaly Food Markets Bulletin Board KitExplore Italy and its food culture and market life with the ItalyBulletin Board Kit. The kit features a variety of beautiful photosof Italian food and ingredients, such as zucchini blossoms,artichokes, blood oranges, and more. Includes 5½” x 17” Italytitle piece, 7 – 8” x 8” photos and 6 – 4½” x 11” photos withmatching descriptions.910000 $24.95China Food Markets Bulletin Board KitTour China’s food markets and culture with the China BulletinBoard Kit. The kit features a variety of beautiful photos ofChinese market scenes and ingredients, including 100 year oldeggs, durian fruit, zongzi, and more. Includes 5½” x 17” Chinatitle piece, 7 – 8” x 8” photos and 6 – 4½” x 11” photos withmatching descriptions.9120 $24.95Food PreparationPowerPoint ®Italy Food MarketsPowerPoint PresentationGet to know the foods,ingredients, and food marketsof Italy on this 80+ slideshowof Florence, Venice, Rome, andSicily. Includes presenter’s script.710002 $34.95China Food MarketsPowerPoint PresentationLearn about the foods,ingredients, and culture ofChina and its food markets inthis 80+ slideshow of HongKong, Shanghai, and Zhujiajiao.Includes presenter’s script.7181 $34.9576 International FoodsTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

International FoodsWorld Food Markets - Award Winning Video SeriesWorld Food Markets:Spain VideoGrades 7 - AdultCome along on a journey through thebeautiful markets of Spain, the place tofind traditional and exotic produce andother ingredients which provide therich flavor of Spanish cuisine. Viewerswill follow Paulette Mitchell, chefand award-winning cookbook author,inside several marketplaces to exploreSpanish culture and food. Teachingmaterials online. 18 min. ©20093487 $49.95World Food Markets:Spain Activity PacketCreative and fun activities andworksheets to supplement the WorldFood Markets: Spain video.1205 $16.95World Food Markets: France VideoGrade 7 - AdultJoin chef and award-winning cookbook authorPaulette Mitchell as she walks down grandboulevards and wanders through cobblestonestreets in Paris, Nice, and Marseillewhile savoring the wonderful flavors andmemorable sights of France. Visit sidewalkcafés and food markets, where you can seeand taste distinctive French ingredients.Watch an interview with a Parisian woman,who talks about her life in this world capital.Learn about the French joie de vivre. Teachingmaterials online. 22 min. ©20093489 $49.95World Food Markets:France Activity PacketCreative and fun activities and worksheetsto supplement the World Food Markets:France video.1210 $16.95SAVE! Spain World Food Markets Class PackIncludes: 3487, 1205, 9123 & 7183 822026 $99.95SAVE! France World Food Markets Class PackIncludes: 3489, 1210, 9121 & 7180 822027 $99.95Spain Food Markets Bulletin Board KitOffer a glimpse into Spanish food culture and market lifewith the Spain Bulletin Board. The Spain Bulletin Board kitfeatures a variety of stunning photos of Spanish food, suchas paella and churros, ingredients, and market scenes.Includes 5½” x 17” Spain title piece, 7 – 8” x 8” photos and6 – 4½” x 11” photos with matching descriptions.9123 $24.95Spain Food MarketsPowerPoint PresentationDiscover the foods,ingredients, and market placesof Spain, including Barcelona,Cádiz, and Cartagena in this80+ slideshow. Includes presenter’sscript.7183 $34.95ORDER ONLINE: learningzonexpress.comFrance Food Markets Bulletin Board KitTransform your bulletin board to offer a glimpse of the foods andfood markets of France. The France Bulletin Board kit featuresa variety of stunning photos of French food, such as croissants,crêpes, and bouillabaisse, ingredients and market scenes.Includes 5½” x 17” France title piece, 7 – 8” x 8” photos and6 – 4½” x 11” photos with matching descriptions.9121 $24.95France Food MarketsPowerPoint PresentationObserve the foods andingredients that make Frenchcuisine famous in this 80+slideshow of markets and specialtyshops of Paris, Marseille, and Nice.Includes presenter’s script.7180 $34.95International Foods77Food Preparation

Choose a wide variety and aim to eat atleast five different portions a day.u Choose fruit or chopped vegetablesas a snack.u Add dried or fresh fruit to breakfastcereals.u Have a salad with sandwiches orwith pizza.u Add vegetables to casseroles andstews and fruit to desserts.u Try not to eat the same fruits andvegetables every day.Choose lower fat versions whenever you can.u Choose lower fat meat products.u Choose lean cuts of meat.u Cut visible fat including skin from meat and poultry and drain away fat after cooking.u Try to grill, roast or microwave meat and fish rather than frying.u Eat oily fish once a week.Most people need to EAT LESS!Base a third of your food intake on foodsfrom this group, aiming to include at leastone food from this group at each meal.u Base your meals around foods fromthis group.u Eat wholegrain or wholemeal breads,pastas and cereals as well as whitechoices.u Choose low fat oven chips ratherthan fried chips.u Eating more foods from this groupwill help to reduce the proportion offat and increase the amount of fibrein the diet.u Avoid frying or adding too much fatto these foods.Try to eat 2-3 servings a day.u Choose low fat milk i.e. semiskimmed or skimmed milk.u Choose low fat yogurts and reduced fat cheeses.International FoodsLesson PlansMini UnitsIncludes lecture material, overheads,handouts, lab options and test.International Foods Lesson PlansIncrease global awareness by sharing food and culturefrom around the world! Lesson plans in two parts:• The Global Picture - Foods of the World: bringstudents to a higher level of global understanding.• International Cuisine: engage students in the foodand culture of the country, then prepare the recipes.1172 $39.95CurriculumUPDATEDUPDATED2009Food & Religion Mini-UnitReadings, recipes, andactivities will increase thestudent’s understanding of therelationship of food and religion.1021 $24.95UPDATEDUPDATED2009Food & Culture Mini-UnitFoodways of differentcultural and religious groupsin the U.S. are discussed.1023 $24.95UPDATEDUPDATED2009Regional & Foreign FoodsMade EasyGrade 7 - 12Introduce the cuisines andcultures of the United Statesand from around the worldinto any foods class. Contains33 reproducible activities andworksheet masters, teacher’sguide, word lists and answerkeys. ©2008 J&B Products, Inc.1195 $26.9550 Web-based EthnicFoods Lesson PlansExplore ethnic foods onthe Internet! Creativeworksheets andexercises about holidays,spices and unique foodsin 80 different countries1160 $24.95PostersFood & Culture II Mini-UnitCovers Asia, the Mediterranean,the Caribbean and India.1105 $24.95Taste of America Mini-UnitInvestigate traditional foods in6 regions: Pacific, Last Frontier,Southern, New England,Southwest and Middle Atlantic.1050 $24.95Food PreparationFruit andvegetablesMost of us shouldEAT MORE!Meat, fish andalternativesEAT MODERATE AMOUNTS.Foods containing fat andfoods containing sugarUK Eatwell Plate Poster18” x 24” Laminated4441 $9.95Breads, othercereals andpotatoesMost of us shouldEAT MORE!Milk and dairy foodsEAT MODERATE AMOUNTSWorld Foods Poster SetSet of 3, 18” x 24” Laminated490082 $19.9578 International FoodsTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

International FoodsBulletin BoardMexico Food Markets Bulletin Board KitBulletin board kit features a variety of photos ofMexican food, ingredients and market scenes.9122 $24.95PowerPoint ®SAVE! Mexican Cooking Class PackSet includes: 3503, 1214, 7182, 9122822028 $99.95World Foods: Mexican Cooking VideoGrade 6 - AdultThe cuisine of Mexico is a fiesta – a celebration of thesenses. Cookbook author and world traveler PauletteMitchell explains traditional Mexican ingredients, suchas fresh and dried chilies, tortillas, cheeses, vegetables,beans, and beverages. She demonstrates the preparationof tasty recipes including guacamole, two salsas,quesadillas, aqua fresca, and chilies rellenos, and sheexplains how to combine them into a festive meal thatwill delight family and friends. Teaching materials online.19 min. ©20093503 $49.95World Foods: Mexican Cooking Activity PacketActivities and worksheets on Mexican cooking tosupplement the World Foods: Mexican Cooking video.1214 $16.95SAVE! Chinese Cooking DVD & Activity PacketSet includes: 3504 & 1215 822029 $53.95Mexico Food Markets PowerPointPresentationExplore Mexico’s food markets and experience theingredients that make Mexican food unique in this80+ slideshow. Includes presenter’s script.7182 $34.95World Foods: Chinese Cooking VideoGrade 6 - AdultWhether you’re a newcomer to Chinese cooking orwant to fine-tune your skills, this video makes it easyto prepare healthful, classic Chinese dishes at home.Paulette Mitchell, cookbook author and world traveler,explains the ingredients, equipment, and techniques toguarantee success. She demonstrates Beef and BroccoliStir-Fry, Chinese Mapo Tofu with Noodles, and Egg DropSoup. Teaching materials online. 24 min. ©20093504 $49.95World Foods: Chinese Cooking Activity PacketActivities and worksheets on Chinese cooking tosupplement the World Foods: Chinese Cooking video.1215 $16.95A Tour of a Mexican Food Store VideoTravel with Chef Andrew Zimmern on his journeythrough a Mexican food store. Learn about theculture and history of Mexico through the foods heencounters. Teaching materials included. 12 min.©20023197 $29.95A Tour of a Mexican Food Store ActivityPacketFun activities and worksheets on a Mexicangrocery store. A supplement to a Tour of aMexican Food Store video.1217 $16.95ORDER ONLINE: learningzonexpress.comSAVE! French Cooking DVD & Activity PacketSet includes: 3505 & 1216 822030 $53.95World Foods: French Cooking VideoGrade 6 - AdultThe French are serious about food. In fact, the word“cuisine” comes from the French language. Theirtraditional dishes are rich and elegant, but French homecooking is thrifty and seasonal, combining an abundanceof healthful ingredients with delicious flavorings.Cookbook author and world traveler Paulette Mitchellexplains typical French ingredients and prepares CroqueMonsieur, Rustic Chicken and Potatoes, and Tuna SaladeNiçoise and Vinaigrette. Teaching materials online.21 min. ©20093505 $49.95World Foods: French Cooking Activity PacketActivities and worksheets on French cooking tosupplement the World Foods: French Cooking video.1216 $16.95International Foods79Food Preparation

International FoodsPowerPoint ®Content slides, activities, quiz, and web resources.International Foods PowerPoint ®Covers: Latin America, the British Islesand Western Europe.7137 $49.95VideosInternational Foods 2: AfricaPowerPoint ®Covers: North (Egypt & Morocco); West(Senegal & Nigeria); East (Ethiopia &Kenya); South Africa and the Middle East.7148 $49.95Meals in Minutes: Easy Stir-fry VideoGrade 6 - AdultJoin comedian Stevie Ray as he walksstep-by-step through the basics of stirfrycooking. Learn about the essentials,including the history, the wok, what utensilsto use, how to prepare rice, and more! In amatter of minutes, Stevie prepares a simpleand delicious chicken stir-fry. Teachingmaterials online. 19 min. ©20083475 $49.95International Foods 3: AsiaPowerPoint ®Covers: China, Japan, Korea, Indonesia,Thailand, India and Russia.7158 $49.95Ethnic Eating: Japanese Foods VideoGrade 10 - AdultA dining experience at a Japanese restaurantincludes more than just eating sushi!A knowledge of food terms and eatingetiquette are also necessary. Join ChefAndrew Zimmern for a fascinating study ofthe rich cultural history of Japan’s food. Heinterviews the owner and presents a foodtour of Japanese dishes. Teaching materialsonline. 14 min. ©20043338 $29.95Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods VideoGrade 10 - AdultSpain is “hot” and tapas are too! Chef AndrewZimmern tours a Spanish restaurant and gives studentsthe basics of Spanish ingredients, tapas, and regionaldishes—as well as Spain’s rich history and culture.Teaching materials online. 17 min. ©20043337 $29.95Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foods Activity PacketCreative and fun activities and worksheets on Spanishfoods to supplement the Ethnic Eating: Spanish Foodsvideo.1207 $16.95Food PreparationThe History of American Cuisine VideoRegional Cooking in AmericaGrade 6 - Adult500 Years in 20 minutes!Explores the rich heritage and distinct qualitiesthat typify the food we eat. The narrator,executive chef, and historian weave a storyof food history from 1519 until today—inthe South, Northeast, Midwest, Pacific andSouthwest. Teaching materials online.22 min. ©20063023 $79.95Ethnic Eating SeriesA perfect way to introduce ethnic foods, along witha country’s geography, history, culture, nutrition,ingredients, cooking equipment and techniques.Only hands are shown in demonstration format.Reproducible recipes and teacher’s guide included.The Ethnic Eating series DVD includes a variety ofrecipes from Chinese, French, Italian, Mexican andScandinavian cuisine. ©2006 Holloway Productions3425 $170.0080 International FoodsTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

International Foods PostersInternational FoodsPoster SetSet of three, 18” x 24”LaminatedIncludes: Mexico, Italyand China.4544 $29.95Mexico Poster18” x 24” Laminated4534 $14.95Italy Poster18” x 24” Laminated4535 $14.95China Poster18” x 24” Laminated4536 $14.95SET of 10InternationalPostersSet includes: 4544,4350, 435418” x 24” Laminated4469 $99.95Set of Three InternationalFoods Posters SAVE!Featuring foods from Germany,Scandinavia and France with aglossary on each.4350 $29.95France Poster18” x 24” Laminated4347 $14.95Germany Poster18” x 24” Laminated4348 $14.95Scandinavia Poster18” x 24” Laminated4349 $14.95Argentina Poster18” x 24” Laminated4351 $14.95Japan Poster18” x 24” Laminated4353 $14.95Buy all four posters and SAVE! Includes: Argentina, Japan, India and Spain 4354 $39.95ORDER ONLINE: learningzonexpress.comIndia Poster18” x 24” Laminated4346 $14.95Spain Poster18” x 24” Laminated4352 $14.95International Foods Posters81Food Preparation

Early ChildhoodEarly Childhood5 Minute Child Development ActivitiesGrade 6 - 12Get students thinking, introduce a lesson, or fillthose extra minutes of class time with these funand engaging activities. 8½” x 5½” spiral bound1200 $29.95Child DevelopmentPostersSet of six 18” x 24” Laminated 4237 $49.95PowerPoint ®Child Development Part IPowerPointBasic overview of introductorychild developmentconcepts including stagesof development, types ofdevelopment and discipline.Use alone or in conjunctionwith the Child Development &Babysitting for Middle Schoolcurriculum (1218).710003 $49.95Child Development & Babysitting ModuleIncludes Child Development & Babysitting Curriculum forMiddle School, Child Development Part I PowerPoint, ChildDevelopment Part II PowerPoint, Babysitting PowerPoint,and Look…A Babysitter DVD8190 $199.95Child Development &Babysitting for MiddleSchool CurriculumKnowing how children growand develop, as well as knowinghow to care for children are vitalskills for anyone to know. In theChild Development & BabysittingCurriculum, a basic underamiddleschool level for “tomorrow’s”future parents.A variety of activities and topicsare presented including•Types of development•Preschool•<strong>Learning</strong> centers•Media influence250+ pages, 3-ring binder.121800 $59.95•Importance of play and reading•Children’s snacks•Baby care•Babysitting basics•And more!82 Early ChildhoodTO ORDER, CALL 1.888.455.7003Child Development Part IIPowerPointBasic overview of introductorychild development conceptsincluding communication withchildren and influences ondevelopment. Use alone orin conjunction with the ChildDevelopment & Babysittingfor Middle School curriculum(1218).710004 $49.95Babysitting PowerPointBasic overview of babysittingand baby care, includingbabysitting as a job, thebusiness side of babysitting,and babysitting basics. Usealone or in conjunction withthe Child Development &Babysitting for Middle Schoolcurriculum (1218).710005 $49.95All products ©<strong>Learning</strong> <strong>Zone</strong>Xpressunless otherwise indicated

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