Optimization of a solar chimney design to enhance natural ...
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<strong>Optimization</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> <strong>design</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>enhance</strong> <strong>natural</strong> ventilation in a multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey<strong>of</strong>fice buildingM. Gontikaki BSc. dr. Dipl.-Ing. M. Trcka pr<strong>of</strong>.dr.ir. J.L.M. Hensen Ir. Pieter-Jan HoesUnit Building Physics and SystemsEindhoven University <strong>of</strong> TechnologyEindhoven, NetherlandsABSTRACTNatural ventilation <strong>of</strong> buildings can be achieved with <strong>solar</strong>-driven, buoyancy-induced airflow through a <strong>solar</strong><strong>chimney</strong> channel. Research on <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>s has covered a wide range <strong>of</strong> <strong>to</strong>pics, yet study <strong>of</strong> the integration inmulti-s<strong>to</strong>rey buildings has been performed in few numerical studies, where steady-state conditions wereassumed. In practice, if the <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> is <strong>to</strong> be used in an actual building, dynamic performance simulationswould be required for the specific building <strong>design</strong> and climate. This study explores the applicability <strong>of</strong> a <strong>solar</strong><strong>chimney</strong> in a pro<strong>to</strong>type multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey <strong>of</strong>fice building in the Netherlands. Sensitivity analysis and optimization <strong>of</strong>the <strong>design</strong> will be performed via dynamic performance simulations in ESP-r. The robustness <strong>of</strong> the optimized<strong>design</strong> will be tested at the final stage, against e.g. windows’ opening by users. This is an ongoing project;calibration <strong>of</strong> the <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> model and preliminary sensitivity analysis results are presented here.INTRODUCTIONThe exploitation <strong>of</strong> sustainable energy sources <strong>to</strong>cover the functional demands <strong>of</strong> buildings (forheating, ventilation, cooling etc) can contribute <strong>to</strong>significant energy savings and thus <strong>to</strong> alleviation <strong>of</strong>the current environmental, economical and socialproblems related <strong>to</strong> conventional energy practices.Passive (<strong>natural</strong>) ventilation <strong>of</strong> buildings is asuccessful means <strong>to</strong> save energy otherwise consumedfor mechanical ventilation and/or cooling. Solar<strong>chimney</strong>s (SC) are passive elements that make use <strong>of</strong>the <strong>solar</strong> energy <strong>to</strong> induce buoyancy-driven airflowand <strong>natural</strong>ly ventilate the building.A SC differs <strong>to</strong> a conventional <strong>chimney</strong> in that atleast one wall is made transparent; <strong>solar</strong> radiationenters the <strong>chimney</strong> through the glazed part and heatsup the walls. The temperature <strong>of</strong> the air inside the SCchannel rises due <strong>to</strong> heat transfer from the walls andthe resulting buoyancy drives the airflow through thechannel. The SC pulls air from the interior <strong>of</strong> thebuilding, which is replaced by fresh air throughopenings or other paths, and <strong>natural</strong> ventilation isaccomplished. Performance <strong>of</strong> the SC is primarilydescribed by the induced ventilation flow rates; incase heat harvesting is also <strong>of</strong> interest, airtemperature in the channel is the other importantperformance indica<strong>to</strong>r.The geometry <strong>of</strong> the SC channel is described byits height, length and cavity width. The elements <strong>of</strong>the SC are presented in Fig. 1; the terms indicated inFig. 1 will be used in the following sections <strong>to</strong> refer<strong>to</strong> the <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>’s parts and geometrical features.Integration <strong>of</strong> a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> in a building ispossible in many ways (Fig. 2), e.g. as part <strong>of</strong> thesouth-facing façade (or the façade where maximum<strong>solar</strong> availability applies), on the ro<strong>of</strong> (also known as‘ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>’), in the place <strong>of</strong> a conventional<strong>chimney</strong> or as extension <strong>of</strong> a double façade (usuallyfor multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey buildings).The present study explores the passiveventilation potential <strong>of</strong> a SC integrated in a multis<strong>to</strong>rey<strong>of</strong>fice building in the Netherlands. It formspart <strong>of</strong> a broader project under the name ‘Earth, Wind& Fire’, concerning the exploitation <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong>,geothermal and wind energy in a pro<strong>to</strong>type building.This is an ongoing research and results are not yetavailable. The following sections present anextensive literature review, the applied methodologyand envisaged results.Figure 1.Cross-section and <strong>to</strong>p view <strong>of</strong> a SC.Figure 2. Integration possibilities <strong>of</strong> SC in buildings.
LITERATURE REVIEWGeneral Literature ReviewDuring the past few decades numerous researchstudies have been performed on the SC concept, thathave deepened our knowledge on the performance,the parameters that affect the performance and theapplicability <strong>of</strong> the system for <strong>natural</strong> ventilation andpassive cooling <strong>of</strong> spaces. The studies can fall underthe broad categories <strong>of</strong> experimental, analytical andnumerical modeling studies. A general overview <strong>of</strong>previous studies based on the above categorizationwill be presented initially. This section <strong>of</strong>fers ageneral impression <strong>of</strong> the various research <strong>to</strong>pics andapproaches, and no findings will be reported forbrevity reasons. Instead, the findings <strong>of</strong> parametricanalysis studies and <strong>of</strong> the ones regarding integrationin multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey buildings will be grouped andpresented in two consecutive separate sections, sincethey are greatly related <strong>to</strong> the present study.Experimental studies.Field studies concerning the ventilation inducedby SC configurations in a small-scale single-roomhouse were performed in Thailand (Khedari et al.,2000). In a consecutive study Khedari et al. (2003)studied the performance <strong>of</strong> SC systems in an airconditionedsmall-scale house. Barozzi et al. (1992)tested a 1:12 small-scale model <strong>of</strong> a building wherethe ro<strong>of</strong> functions as a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>. Hirunlabh et al.(1999) performed a similar study for a 31m 3 volumehouse where a metallic <strong>solar</strong> wall was placed on thesouthern façade. Labora<strong>to</strong>ry experiments on smallscalemodels were also performed, where temperaturedistribution <strong>of</strong> the air and the walls’ surfaces, thevelocity pr<strong>of</strong>ile in the <strong>chimney</strong>’s channel and themagnitude <strong>of</strong> the air flow rates were studied, incombination with parametric analysis (Chen et al.2003, Burek and Habeb 2007). The performance <strong>of</strong> afull-scale 2m high SC that was part <strong>of</strong> a 12m 3 room,was studied under labora<strong>to</strong>ry conditions by Bouchair(1994), while Arce et al. (2009) studied a 4.5m highmodel, under real meteorological conditions in Spain.Analytical studies.In a number <strong>of</strong> analytical studies mathematicalmodels were developed for the prediction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>solar</strong><strong>chimney</strong>s’ performance. Experiments were usuallyperformed, in order <strong>to</strong> validate the models. Bansal etal. (1993) developed a steady-state mathematicalmodel <strong>to</strong> calculate the mean air flow rates andtemperatures <strong>of</strong> a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> connected <strong>to</strong> aconventional one. Wall temperature was assumeduniform. Awbi and Gan (1992) analytically derivedthe air temperature distribution along the SC channelby making the same assumption. A steady-statemathematical model was also developed byBassiouny and Koura (2008) <strong>to</strong> predict the airchanges per hour 1 (ACH) induced in a room by a SC.The thermal resistance network approach wasadopted <strong>to</strong> set up the steady-state heat transferequations in the model <strong>of</strong> Ong and Chow (2003),which predicts the performance <strong>of</strong> a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>under varying ambient conditions. Mathur et al.(2006) followed a similar approach <strong>to</strong> calculate theACH induced in a room by a small-sized <strong>solar</strong><strong>chimney</strong> integrated <strong>to</strong> a normal window. A simplifiedthermal model and a computer program <strong>to</strong> calculateventilation flow rate through a <strong>chimney</strong> weredeveloped by Afonso and Oliveira (2000) which alsotakes in<strong>to</strong> account varying climatic conditions, thethermal inertia <strong>of</strong> the back wall and dependence <strong>of</strong>the convective heat transfer coefficient on the airflow rate.Numerical modeling studies.The buoyancy-driven airflow and heat transfer invertical heated cavities were investigatednumerically, mainly through Computational FluidDynamics (CFD) simulations in an increasingnumber <strong>of</strong> studies during the past decade. Some <strong>of</strong>the studies focused on the airflow regime and the heattransfer mechanisms in the SC channel, while otherson parametric investigations. The latter will bementioned here briefly, since more details will begiven in the following section. Numericalinvestigations on the airflow within the Trombe wallchannel, which can be considered a type <strong>of</strong> SC,preceded by many years, with the first one being that<strong>of</strong> Borgers and Akbari (1979). Rodrigues et al.(2000) studied the airflow regime and the transitionfrom laminar <strong>to</strong> turbulent flow in a SC channel usinga finite-volume method. The heat transfermechanisms (by conduction, convection andradiation) in the SC channel were studied in detail,using the numerical method <strong>of</strong> finite-differencecontrol volumes, by Nouanégué and Bilgen (2009).In certain studies numerical modeling wasemployed <strong>to</strong> perform parametric analysis on the SCsystem. The effects <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong> heat gain and glazingtype (Gan and Riffat, 1998), cavity width (Gan,2006), inclination and low emissivity coating (Harrisand Helwig, 2007) were some <strong>of</strong> the issuesinvestigated using CFD modeling. Recently Gan(2010) found that the size <strong>of</strong> the computationaldomain (for CFD simulations) has an impact on theairflow and heat transfer coefficient predictions in<strong>solar</strong> heated cavities, and made correspondingsuggestions. An extensive parametric analysis for aSC integrated in a pro<strong>to</strong>type residential building wasperformed by Ho Lee and Strand (2009), usingnumerical modeling in the program EnergyPlus. Theauthors developed a SC module for the program and1 Ventilation rate expressed as a fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> the space volume:ACH [-] = (ventilation induced in one hour –[m 3 ])/(spacevolume – [m 3 ])
performed single-day dynamic simulations, assumingthree different locations for the building. Numericalinvestigations have also been performed <strong>to</strong> study theapplication <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong>s or similarconfigurations <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong> heated cavities (e.g. doublefaçades) in multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey buildings (Punyasompun etal. 2009, Ding et al. 2005, Letan et al. 2003, Gan2006). The corresponding findings <strong>of</strong> these and <strong>of</strong> theparametric analysis studies are reported in thefollowing two sections.Parametric Analysis FindingsIn parametric analysis, parameters are varied oneby one <strong>to</strong> determine the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the system’sperformance against each. It has been employed inthe vast majority <strong>of</strong> studies and has played asubstantial role in understanding the mechanismscontrolling the performance <strong>of</strong> the <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> andtheir interactions. The most influential (and thusmostly studied) parameters can fall under thecategory <strong>of</strong> geometrical (e.g. wall height, gap width),construction (e.g. type <strong>of</strong> glass, insulation) andclimatic (e.g. <strong>solar</strong> radiation, wind) parameters. Someindicative results will be presented in this section,regarding the effect <strong>of</strong> these parameters on thesystem’s performance.Effect <strong>of</strong> wall height and cavity width.The effect <strong>of</strong> wall height and cavity width has insome cases been studied and expressed separately,while in others inextricably, in terms <strong>of</strong> the height-<strong>to</strong>widthaspect ratio (also referred <strong>to</strong> as height-<strong>to</strong>-gapratio). Air flow increases with height, since the backwall’s heat gains increase: in a parametric study onTrombe walls, Gan (1998) found that an increase inwall height by a quarter is equivalent <strong>to</strong> an increasein heat gains by three quarters. In the study <strong>of</strong> Ho Leeand Strand (2009) air flow rates increased in all threeassumed locations <strong>of</strong> the building, by ~73% when thewall height increased from 3.5 <strong>to</strong> 9.5m (a cavitywidth <strong>of</strong> 0.3m was considered).With respect <strong>to</strong> the cavity width, it was foundthat the induced flow rate increases with increasingwidth. In the analytical study <strong>of</strong> Ong and Chow(2003) it was estimated that a 0.3m wide channelinduced 56% higher flow rate than one <strong>of</strong> 0.1m.Similarly, according <strong>to</strong> the model <strong>of</strong> Bassiouny andKoura (2008) a threefold increase in cavity widthcauses an increase <strong>of</strong> ACH by 25%. Rodrigues et al.(2000) argued that airflow rates grow with cavitywidth, but the growth ratios decrease as the widthincreases. In some studies an optimum cavity width(or optimum height-<strong>to</strong>-width ratio) was reported; forthis optimum width the flow rate became maximum,while for wider gaps reverse flow occurred thatreduced the mean flow through the SC (Spencer et al.2000, Chen and Li 2001). This discrepancy betweenstudies is attributed <strong>to</strong> the different ranges <strong>of</strong> height<strong>to</strong>-widthratios investigated and <strong>to</strong> the influence <strong>of</strong>the inlet size. The term ‘inlet’ is used here <strong>to</strong> describethe opening from where the room air is admitted in<strong>to</strong>the SC channel. In case the inlet size increases alongwith the cavity width, a lower pressure drop in theinlet can counterbalance the reduction in the flow ratecaused by reverse flow, so that no optimum width isfound (Gan 1998, Chen et al. 2003). Gan (2006) laterreported an optimum width <strong>of</strong> 0.55m for a 6m highSC and supported that the optimum width increaseswith height.Effect <strong>of</strong> inlet size.The effect <strong>of</strong> inlet size was also explored insome studies, and was found <strong>to</strong> have a wicker effec<strong>to</strong>n the performance compared <strong>to</strong> that <strong>of</strong> the cavitywidth. Increasing the inlet size by a fac<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> threeincreased the induced ACH by 11% in the analyticalstudy <strong>of</strong> Bassiouny and Koura (2008), whileNouanegue and Bilgen (2009) found that volumeairflow rate is a decreasing function <strong>of</strong> inlet size. Gan(1998) claimed rising airflow rates for cavity widthbeyond 0.3m, as long as the inlet size has the samesize as the width.Effect <strong>of</strong> inclination angle.Various inclination angles (15 o /30 o /45 o /60 o ) werestudied experimentally by Chen et al. (2003) for aconstant height, cavity width and uniform heat flux.The air velocity pr<strong>of</strong>ile across the cavity width wasfound <strong>to</strong> be more uniform when the SC was inclined,leading <strong>to</strong> lower pressure losses at inlet and outlet,and thus <strong>to</strong> higher airflow rates (45% higher airflowrate was found for the angle <strong>of</strong> 45 o ). Harris andHelwig (2007) numerically studied the consequences<strong>of</strong> inclining the SC along the ro<strong>of</strong> line <strong>of</strong> buildings(for the latitude <strong>of</strong> Edinburgh, Scotland). Theyargued that although the heat gains can be favoreddue <strong>to</strong> tilt, heat transfer between air and glazing ishigher, resulting in higher heat losses that couldreduce the performance. Higher flow rates by 11%were found (for the optimum angle <strong>of</strong> 67.5 o ), whilethe performance at 45 o angle was almost the same asthat <strong>of</strong> the vertical SC. It is implicit that the impact <strong>of</strong>SC inclination is highly dependent on the latitude <strong>of</strong>the location.Effect <strong>of</strong> back wall properties.Increasing the thickness <strong>of</strong> the back wall (i.e itsthermal mass) favors night-time ventilation becausethe time distribution <strong>of</strong> the induced airflow rateschanges; their magnitude on the other hand is notsignificantly altered (Charvat et al. 2004, Martí-Herrero and Heras-Celemin 2007). Insulation <strong>of</strong> theback (and side) wall(s) is imperative <strong>to</strong> preventdevastating heat losses <strong>of</strong> the SC (as well asoverheating <strong>of</strong> the adjacent spaces): airflow ratesdecreased by 60% without back wall insulationaccording <strong>to</strong> the study <strong>of</strong> Afonso and Oliveira (2000),while Gan (1998) reported that 40% <strong>of</strong> available heatgains would be lost through a non-insulated back
wall (0.3m thick). In that study the surfacetemperature <strong>of</strong> the back wall rose by 9 o C wheninsulation was applied. Back wall absorptivity shouldbe as high as possible <strong>to</strong> maximize <strong>solar</strong> heat gains.Increasing the absorptivity from 0.25 <strong>to</strong> 1, led <strong>to</strong>increased airflow rates by 42-57% in all threelocations assumed for the building (Ho Lee andStrand 2009). Back wall emissivity should be as lowas possible <strong>to</strong> restrict radiative heat losses; when alow-e coating was applied at the back wall, airflowrates increased by 10% in the study <strong>of</strong> Harris andHelwig (2007).Effect <strong>of</strong> glazing type.The use <strong>of</strong> double glazing can preventdowndraught (and thus reverse flow) along the coldglass surface during winter, but was also found <strong>to</strong>increase the induced airflow rates up <strong>to</strong> 17% whenapplied <strong>to</strong> a Trombe wall used for passive ventilationin the summer (Gan, 1998). Harris and Helwig(2007) argued that double glazing improves theperformance <strong>of</strong> a SC but only marginally, so that it isnot a cost-effective measure (only summer conditionswere considered).Effect <strong>of</strong> climate: <strong>solar</strong> intensity and wind.The intensity <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong> heat flux is the motiveforce for the operation <strong>of</strong> the SC and is thus the mostdeterminant fac<strong>to</strong>r for its performance. In theexperimental study <strong>of</strong> Chen et al. (2003) varyingvalues were considered for the uniform heat flux onthe back wall and the airflow rate was found <strong>to</strong> riseby ~38% for a threefold increase <strong>of</strong> heat flux (from200W/m 2 <strong>to</strong> 600W/m 2 ). Mathur et al. (2006) foundthat airflow rate increases linearly with <strong>solar</strong>radiation and Bansal (1993) estimated that a SC withsurface area <strong>of</strong> 2.25m 2 , would induce 100m 3 /hr and350m 3 /hr for <strong>solar</strong> radiation <strong>of</strong> 100W/m 2 and1000W/m 2 respectively. Based on experimentalinvestigations on a small-scale SC, Burek and Habeb(2007) derived that the mass flow rate is proportional0.572<strong>to</strong> Q i where Q i (W/m 2 ) the uniform heat fluxsupplied <strong>to</strong> the back wall. The simulations <strong>of</strong> Ho Leeand Strand (2009) showed flow rates <strong>to</strong> vary as muchas 200% between the three assumed locations <strong>of</strong> thebuilding, as a result <strong>of</strong> the varying <strong>solar</strong> availability.Wind is the second most influential climaticparameter, as it can create positive or negativepressures at the outlet <strong>of</strong> the SC and thus obstruct or<strong>enhance</strong> the airflow. In the outdoor experiments byArce (2009) at a full-scale SC, the highest airflowrates coincided with the highest recorded windvelocity, while Afonso and Oliveira (2000) alteredtheir model <strong>to</strong> include wind effects which provedsignificant (error between model predictions andmeasurements was then lower than 10%). In theanalytical study <strong>of</strong> Mathur et al. (2006) the largeerror <strong>of</strong> 23% was attributed <strong>to</strong> wind effects, whichwere neglected in the model. In practice, devices canbe incorporated at the outlet <strong>of</strong> the SC so that wind <strong>of</strong>all directions creates negative pressures.Integration in Multi-S<strong>to</strong>rey BuildingsInvestigating the performance <strong>of</strong> a SC in a multis<strong>to</strong>reybuilding holds great interest due <strong>to</strong> the highpotential benefits involved in actual, large-scaleapplications. This subject has been studied onlynumerically in the past few years, mainly with CFDsimulations assuming steady-state temperature andair velocity fields. The CFD models were validatedagainst small-scale experimental data.Passive ventilation <strong>of</strong> a five-s<strong>to</strong>rey building wasfound feasible in the study by Letan et al. (2003).Numerical simulations were performed withcommercial CFD s<strong>of</strong>tware assuming steady-statetemperature and velocity fields and summerconditions. It was found that the induced airflow ratesdecreased with floor height: the lower the floor, thehigher the airflow rate. Acceptable thermal conditionswere found for the first four floors with airtemperatures close <strong>to</strong> that <strong>of</strong> the incoming air (atmaximum 25.5 o C), while the fifth floor wasoverheated up <strong>to</strong> 29.9 o C. The authors argued thatextending the SC by one s<strong>to</strong>rey height would improvethe situation, but mechanical ventilation would still berequired for the <strong>to</strong>p floor.Ding et al. (2005) investigated a pro<strong>to</strong>type eights<strong>to</strong>rey<strong>of</strong>fice building with an atrium on the northernside and a double-skin façade on the southern side,which extends <strong>to</strong> a SC channel above the ro<strong>of</strong> height.Reduced scale experiments and CFD simulationswere employed in this study. The size <strong>of</strong> the openingsconnecting the atrium <strong>to</strong> the occupant spaces werefixed, while for the size <strong>of</strong> the openings between thefloor spaces and the double-skin channel three valueswere tested (1m 2 /2m 2 /4m 2 per floor). Differentheights for the SC were also examined. Here as wellthe airflow rates got lower with floor level. Byincreasing the openings’ size higher airflow ratesresulted at all floors, but the pressure difference at theupper floors got lower, resulting in lower percentage<strong>of</strong> the overall flow going through these. The authorsrecommended that the SC should be at least twos<strong>to</strong>reyhigh.Ventilation <strong>of</strong> a four-s<strong>to</strong>rey building (<strong>to</strong>tal height<strong>of</strong> 12m) via buoyancy-induced flow in a double-skinfaçade channel was studied by Gan (2006) usingCFD analysis. Although not a SC channel wasstudied here, the double-skin façade works in asimilar way, with the difference <strong>of</strong> more symmetricalheating <strong>of</strong> the two glass skins. Varying cavity widthsfor the double-façade channel and different exhaustconfigurations from the floors <strong>to</strong> the channel wereinvestigated. Replacing the outer skin <strong>of</strong> the façadewith pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic panels (PV) was also examined.For the <strong>design</strong> where each floor has its own opening
<strong>to</strong> the double-skin channel (referred <strong>to</strong> as ‘roomventilation’ in the study), flow rates decreased frombot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>p, due <strong>to</strong> lower stack heights in the upperlevels: for a cavity width <strong>of</strong> 0.4m, 34% and 17% <strong>of</strong>the <strong>to</strong>tal flow was induced at the bot<strong>to</strong>m and <strong>to</strong>p floorrespectively. These floor-<strong>to</strong>-floor variations weresignificantly reduced when PV panels wereintegrated at the outer skin <strong>of</strong> the façade. For thisfour-s<strong>to</strong>rey structure a cavity width <strong>of</strong> 0.6-0.8 isproposed as optimum for the ‘room ventilation’<strong>design</strong>.Punyasompun et al. (2009) performed smallscale experiments for a three-s<strong>to</strong>rey building underthe Bangkok climatic conditions and developed asimplified model that could be used for <strong>design</strong>ing a‘multi-<strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> building’. They tested twopossible ways <strong>of</strong> SC integration; one where eachfloor had a separate SC channel (i.e. outlet openingsat every floor), and one where the floors wereconnected <strong>to</strong> a common SC channel, extending frombot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>p floor (i.e. one outlet opening at the <strong>to</strong>p<strong>of</strong> the channel). The latter proved <strong>to</strong> perform betterand induce higher airflow rates in the floors.Concluding RemarksIt is evident that fair background knowledge hasbeen gained so far on the physical mechanisms andthe various parameters affecting the performance <strong>of</strong>SC systems. The potential <strong>of</strong> SC systems <strong>to</strong> driveairflow and achieve sufficient passive ventilation inbuildings has been explored in several studies andwas found satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry. Most <strong>of</strong> these studieshowever, involved single-room or single-zonebuildings and assumed steady-state conditions, whilemost <strong>of</strong> the outdoor experimental studies (subjected<strong>to</strong> dynamic climatic conditions) were performed forhot and arid climates and specific building types,typical <strong>of</strong> the location. Recent studies havedemonstrated the additional complexity andchallenges posed by integrating a SC system with amulti-s<strong>to</strong>rey building, indicating the need for furtherresearch on various related <strong>to</strong>pics.In practice and for large-scale applications <strong>of</strong> SCsystems in buildings, it is imperative that the <strong>design</strong>be based on performance estimations for dynamicconditions and for the specific building, climate andsurroundings. Numerical modeling in buildingperformance simulation (BPS) <strong>to</strong>ols should beemployed when it comes <strong>to</strong> practical applications:dynamic thermal and airflow simulations for the SCbuildingsystem can be performed and the feasibility,potential benefits as well as possible improvements<strong>of</strong> the <strong>design</strong> can be fully explored.This project studies the feasibility <strong>of</strong> a SCintegrated in a pro<strong>to</strong>type multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey <strong>of</strong>fice buildingin the Netherlands. Performance simulations will beperformed in the BPS <strong>to</strong>ol ESP-r and results will beused for sensitivity analysis (SA) and <strong>Optimization</strong> <strong>of</strong>the <strong>design</strong>. At present only the SA results areavailable. The calibration procedure and the SAresults are presented in the following sections.AIMThe aim <strong>of</strong> this part <strong>of</strong> the project is theinvestigation <strong>of</strong> the applicability and optimization <strong>of</strong>a <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>enhance</strong> <strong>natural</strong> ventilation in amulti-s<strong>to</strong>rey <strong>of</strong>fice building in the Netherlands.METHODOLOGYTo achieve the aim <strong>of</strong> the project we envisagedthe research methodology which involves thefollowing stages (Fig. 3):1. Calibrating the model <strong>of</strong> the <strong>solar</strong> <strong>chimney</strong> withthe available data from the small-scalemeasurements set-up.2. Performing Sensitivity Analysis (SA) for a SC<strong>design</strong> and for the following parameters: length,cavity width, inside face short-wave absorptivityand long-wave emissivity, insulation thicknessand thermal mass <strong>of</strong> the back and side walls,glazing type and glass percentage <strong>of</strong> the glazedwall. For the selected range <strong>of</strong> variance <strong>of</strong> theaforementioned parameters, the Latin Hypercubesampling method is employed and 200 samplesFigure 3. Applied Methodology.
R-squared (R 2 ) is used <strong>to</strong> judge statistical correlationwhich can take values from 0 <strong>to</strong> 1, with 1 being theabsolute agreement between measurements andmodel predictions. Since the SC is modeled in ESP-rwith nine thermal zones over the height (see Fig.4[b]), i.e. model’s input and output data refer <strong>to</strong> ninepoints representing the average conditions in thezones, the available measured data (at four heights)were fitted linearly with curves and ‘measured’values were estimated for the nine model heights, sothat the calculation <strong>of</strong> the R 2 is possible. The R 2 value<strong>of</strong> the linear fitting curves was usually above 0.90,indicating a linear relationship between height and airtemperature in the SC.It is noted that the measured mass flow value,derived from velocity measurements at two points <strong>of</strong>the SC cross-section (at four different heights), isassigned an error <strong>of</strong> 40%, which is the maximumvariation between points along the length and width<strong>of</strong> the SC channel, found in measurements performedspecifically <strong>to</strong> have an idea <strong>of</strong> the velocity pr<strong>of</strong>iledistribution in the channel. Therefore, a valid range<strong>of</strong> ±40% around the measured mass flow value isestimated, within which the predicted value shouldfall.Calibration Results & DiscussionThe calibration procedure outlined in theprevious section was performed for ten timeslots. It isnoted that the roughness parameter was found <strong>to</strong> havenegligible effect in the predictions, therefore it wasfixed at 1mm and calibration consisted <strong>of</strong> adjustingthe local loss fac<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> the SC components (Ci). Inall cases a loss fac<strong>to</strong>r value between 0.6 and 1.0 wasfound <strong>to</strong> be appropriate (for each timeslot a differentvalue gave the best results) but since this value is afixed input parameter in the model, results arepresented here for a Ci value <strong>of</strong> 1.0. Agreementbetween model predictions and measurements withrespect <strong>to</strong> air temperatures for every timeslot ispresented in Table 1, expressed with the value <strong>of</strong> R 2 ,while agreement <strong>of</strong> measured and predicted massflow rates is presented in Table 2, where predictedvalues should fall with the valid range. For brevityreasons in Table 2 only the number <strong>of</strong> the timeslot isincluded; for more data one can refer <strong>to</strong> Table 1.Given the errors introduced by pre-processing <strong>of</strong>the measured data (e.g. data fitting with curves andassumption for the surface temperatures <strong>of</strong> the wallsat the upper part <strong>of</strong> the SC) the model’s performanceis considered satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry and the calibrationprocedure successful. In most cases the R 2 value isabove 0.70, whereas lower values are found at times<strong>of</strong> low <strong>solar</strong> radiation intensity values (e.g. timeslotno.5) or for the timeslots <strong>of</strong> 15/4/10, where asignificant error is traced back <strong>to</strong> the trendline <strong>of</strong> thesurface temperatures. Wind speed is also high duringthis day, which could account for the poorperformance <strong>of</strong> the predictions, since wind isneglected in the model.The above are an indication that the model (where theC i value is fixed) will not be able <strong>to</strong> represent massflow and air temperatures accurately in some hours <strong>of</strong>the day where extreme conditions, in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>solar</strong>radiation and/or wind speed might come <strong>to</strong> play arole in the real system. The complexity <strong>of</strong> flowcharacteristics in a <strong>natural</strong>ly ventilated duct and thevarious parameters that affect the flow cannotpossibly be all represented equally well in a model,which is a simplification <strong>of</strong> the real system.The calibrated model was also validated forwhole-day dynamic conditions and results werefound <strong>to</strong> be satisfac<strong>to</strong>ry. Validation results are notpresented here for brevity reasons. Confidenceacquired in the ESP-r model <strong>of</strong> the SC throughvalidation allows us <strong>to</strong> use it for the simulationpredictions required in the next steps.Table 1. Calibration results: air temperatureagreement between measurements and modelpredictionsTable 2. Calibration results: mass flow rateagreement between measurements and modelpredictions.CASE STUDYSome information regarding the pro<strong>to</strong>typebuilding is presented here, since the sensitivityanalysis is performed for a SC <strong>design</strong> intended <strong>to</strong>work for the specific building. The case study is
ased on a simplified model <strong>of</strong> the faculty <strong>of</strong>Architecture at the Eindhoven University <strong>of</strong>Technology (TU/e) campus, in the Netherlands. Thefloor plan <strong>of</strong> the building is rectangular withdimensions <strong>of</strong> 43.2*32.4m (floor surface area is~1400m 2 ). The 32.4m dimension, corresponding <strong>to</strong>the southern and northern façade determines themaximum possible length <strong>of</strong> the SC (see nextsection). The <strong>to</strong>tal building height is 49.5m (9 floors<strong>of</strong> 5.5m height each), and ventilation requirementsare estimated at 32.66 m 3 /s (3.63m 3 /s for each floor).Outdoor air enters the building through a main supplyduct on the northern side (conditioning <strong>of</strong> the air isassumed up <strong>to</strong> 18 o C in the supply duct), diverges in<strong>to</strong>the floors and is consecutively exhausted in the mainexhaust duct on the southern side (exhaust airtemperature is 20 o C). The SC channel is connected <strong>to</strong>the exhaust duct at ground level; a fan located at thebot<strong>to</strong>m <strong>of</strong> the SC will guarantee an airflow <strong>of</strong> 32.66m 3 /s at all times. The pressure drop through the ductnetwork <strong>of</strong> the building (excluding the SC channel)was estimated <strong>to</strong> be aprox. 40Pa. Dampers arelocated at each floor level <strong>to</strong> balance the system andensure that all floors receive the same airflow rate.The building is assumed <strong>to</strong> be an <strong>of</strong>fice building, thusthe functional hours are from Monday <strong>to</strong> Friday andfrom 7am <strong>to</strong> 7pm (3132 hours per year).SENSITIVITY ANALYSISSensitivity analysis is performed for a full-scaleSC <strong>of</strong> 50m height, intended <strong>to</strong> be integrated with thepro<strong>to</strong>type <strong>of</strong>fice building previously described. Theparameters considered in the SA are presented inTable 3, along with the corresponding ranges andstep changes; discrete values and uniformdistributions were considered for each parameter.Table 3. Parameters and their range <strong>of</strong> valuesconsidered for SA.properties <strong>of</strong> the absorbant layer. Three glazing typesare taken in<strong>to</strong> account (single, double and low-e) witha visible light transmission value <strong>of</strong> 0.87, 0.76 and0.79 respectively. Restrictions were imposed so thatthe cavity width is less than 25% <strong>of</strong> the length (<strong>to</strong>avoid shading) and that the cross-section area <strong>of</strong> theSC results in air velocities not more than 3m/s in theSC shaft. The parameter ‘glass percentage’ isconsidered <strong>to</strong> account for the reduction <strong>of</strong> the <strong>to</strong>talglazed area due structural framing <strong>of</strong> the glazingwall. The parameters (independent variables) weresampled simultaneously using the Latin HypercubeSampling method and 200 samples were generated(for the matrix generation the freeware <strong>to</strong>ol Simlabwas used). The performance indica<strong>to</strong>rs considered forthe SA (dependent variables) are (i) the annualharvested energy in KWh and (ii) the annual fanenergy savings in KWh.The annual harvested energy is calculated as the sum<strong>of</strong> the air enthalpic gains in the SC for all functionalhours:(1)Where [m 3 /s] the volume flow rate through theSC, [kg/m 3 ] the air density <strong>of</strong> the incoming air,[KJ/kgK -1 ] the specific heat capacity <strong>of</strong> air at theinlet temperature, [ o C] the air temperature at theoutlet <strong>of</strong> the SC and the temperature <strong>of</strong> theincoming air, assumed <strong>to</strong> be 20 o C.The annual fan energy savings are calculated as thesum for all functional hours <strong>of</strong> the quantity:(2)With the building volume flow rate equal <strong>to</strong> 32.66m 3 /s, =0.65 [-] the fan’s efficiency and thepressure difference induced by the SC equal <strong>to</strong>:(3)With the term ‘thermal mass’ the thickness <strong>of</strong> aconcrete layer placed behind the absorbant layer 2 <strong>of</strong>the back and side walls is considered. Absorptivity(short-wave) and emissivity (long-wave) are material2 the term is used here for the surface material <strong>of</strong> theopaque walls <strong>of</strong> the SC, which is usually a low thermalmass layer with a dark-coloured outer surface formaximum <strong>solar</strong> radiation absorption.with [kg/m 3 ] the density <strong>of</strong> the air at thesupply duct (temperature <strong>of</strong> supply air is assumed18 o C), [kg/m 3 ] the air density at the SC channeland [Pa] the pressure losses (local dynamicand friction losses) <strong>of</strong> the SC. In case results anegative quantity the energy savings are set <strong>to</strong> zer<strong>of</strong>or that hour, since a negative value would mean thatthe fan would have <strong>to</strong> consume more power <strong>to</strong>account for the SC’s high losses. It is reminded thatthe fan would need <strong>to</strong> generate a pressure differenceequal <strong>to</strong>:(4)
For the <strong>to</strong>tal <strong>of</strong> 200 samples, simulations wereperformed in ESP-r and the two performanceindica<strong>to</strong>rs were derived for each sample. The method<strong>of</strong> standardized regression coefficients (SRC) wasused <strong>to</strong> analyze the results, which is a linearregression method. For every performance indica<strong>to</strong>r(harvested energy and fan savings) the parameters <strong>of</strong>the SA are assigned an SRC value between 0 and 1,which indicate the sensitivity <strong>of</strong> the model output <strong>to</strong>that parameter. The higher the SRC value, the moresensitive the model (i.e. the performance indica<strong>to</strong>r) <strong>to</strong>that parameter. A positive value <strong>of</strong> the SRC meansthat a positive change <strong>of</strong> the parameter’s value willresult in a positive change <strong>of</strong> the performanceindica<strong>to</strong>r. A negative SRC value means that for apositive change <strong>of</strong> the parameter a negative change <strong>of</strong>the performance indica<strong>to</strong>r is expected. Results <strong>of</strong> theSA are presented in the next section.thickness is low because the backwall <strong>of</strong> the SC isassumed <strong>to</strong> be in contact with the wall <strong>of</strong> the exhaustduct, where the air temperature is 20 o C. The negativevalue <strong>of</strong> the SRC for the thermal mass indicates thatit is preferable <strong>to</strong> have the lower thermal masspossible in the walls construction in order <strong>to</strong>maximize harvested energy and fan energy savings.From the results <strong>of</strong> the 200 simulations a scatterplotis produced with the x-axis being the harvestedenergy and the y-axis the fan energy savings; eachdot corresponds <strong>to</strong> one sample. It can be derived fromFigure 5 that the two performance indica<strong>to</strong>rs are notconflicting, i.e. there will be a solution that willmaximise both, as is for example the solutionencircled in the figure. It can also be seen that a largenumber <strong>of</strong> solutions results in zero fan energysavings (or increased required fan power).SA ResultsFor each performance indica<strong>to</strong>r, the ranking <strong>of</strong>the eight parameters, starting from the mostinfluential, and the SRC values are presented in Table4. It is noted that the R-square values are 0.875 forthe harvested energy model and 0.871 for the fanenergy savings model, reassuring that the linearregression method was a good choice; in case thesevalues were low a non-linear regression analysiswould have been more appropriate.Table 4. Ranking <strong>of</strong> the SA parameters.Figure 5.Scatter-plot <strong>of</strong> the 200 simulation results.For the harvested energy the most importantparameters are the length <strong>of</strong> the SC, the short-waveabsorptivity <strong>of</strong> the walls, the glazing type (thepositive SRC value here means a double is preferable<strong>to</strong> a single glazing and that the low-e would be thebest choice out <strong>of</strong> the three) and the thermal mass.For the fan energy savings only the second mostinfluential parameter is different compared <strong>to</strong>harvested energy, and that is the gap width, whichranks only 7 th in the harvested energy model.Parameters 5 <strong>to</strong> 6 are not as important, whereas theones ranking 7 th and 8 th could be discarded from theregression model (the p-value is more than 0.05) 3 . Itshould be noted that the ranking <strong>of</strong> the insulationCONCLUSIONSThe applicability <strong>of</strong> a SC for passive ventilation<strong>of</strong> a pro<strong>to</strong>type multi-s<strong>to</strong>rey <strong>of</strong>fice building in theNetherlands is explored. Measurement data in asmall-scale SC were used <strong>to</strong> calibrate and validate theSC model. Modeling and simulations were performedin the building simulation <strong>to</strong>ol ESP-r. A case study<strong>of</strong>fice building has been chosen and a sensitivityanalysis (SA) <strong>of</strong> a SC <strong>design</strong> intended for thisbuilding was performed. The dimensions <strong>of</strong> the SC(length and gap width), the short-wave absorptivity<strong>of</strong> the walls, the glazing type and thermal mass wereidentified as the most influential parameters withrespect <strong>to</strong> the annual harvested energy in the SC andthe annual fan energy savings. The next step is theoptimization <strong>of</strong> the SC <strong>design</strong> and at the final stage arobustness analysis <strong>of</strong> the optimized <strong>design</strong> against -among others- active user behavior (e.g. opening <strong>of</strong>windows). At the final stage the integrated model <strong>of</strong>the SC and the <strong>of</strong>fice building will be used.3 The p-value is the probability that the true SRC is zero. Ifp-value is higher than 0.05 the variable should be discardedfrom the model.
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