Volume 24, No.2, June 2003 - The Bernard Lonergan Web Site
Volume 24, No.2, June 2003 - The Bernard Lonergan Web Site
Volume 24, No.2, June 2003 - The Bernard Lonergan Web Site
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N E W S L E T T E R 2 4 : 2 J U N E 2 0 0 3PUBLICATIONSAnon. ‘<strong>Lonergan</strong>, <strong>Bernard</strong> J.F.’ <strong>The</strong> Concise Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature. EditorWilliam Toye. Oxford University Press, 2001. p. 284.Budenholzer, Frank. 'Some Comments on the Problem of Reductionism in Contemporary PhysicalScience.' Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 38/1 (March 03) 61-69.Donnelly, Samuel J. M. A. Personalist Jurisprudence, the Next Step: A Person-Centered Philosophyof Law for the Twenty-First Century. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press,<strong>2003</strong>.‘Joining the personalism of John Macmurray and others with a critique of method inspired by<strong>Lonergan</strong> is the central insight of this book’ (p. xv).Kanaris, Jim. '<strong>Lonergan</strong> and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.' Explorations in ContemporaryContinental Philosophy of Religion, chapter 5. Ed. Deane-Peter Baker and Patrick Maxwell.Amsterdam and New York: Editions Rodopi b.v., <strong>2003</strong>. Pp. 65-79.Knasas, John (F. X.). Being and Some Twentieth-Century Thomists. New York: Fordham UniversityPress, <strong>2003</strong>.A forthright defense of ‘Existential Thomism’ and Gilsonian perceptionism in philosophyagainst every trend in Thomism that departs from this line. <strong>The</strong> author is particularly criticalof the Transcendental Thomists who, having lost their Thomism, ‘journey into the abyss’ (pp.284-85). <strong>Lonergan</strong> is numbered among the Transcendental Thomists, and his thought iscriticized in asides throughout the text and in a sustained way on pp. 102-107.McShane, Philip. 'A Reform of Classroom Performance,' Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy andEducation 13/3 (2002) 279-309.Novak, Michael. '<strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>.' Crisis (February <strong>2003</strong>) 27-31.Novak reflects his experiences in the late 50s of taking courses from <strong>Lonergan</strong>'s at theGregorian, as well as many reflections on <strong>Lonergan</strong>'s personality.O’Callaghan, John P. ‘Verbum Mentis: Philosophical or <strong>The</strong>ological Doctrine in Aquinas?’Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 74 (2000) 103-119.‘What all of the commentators share is the strong conviction that the verbum mentis is crucialfor understanding St Thomas’s philosophical psychology, as well as his philosophy oflanguage grounded in Aristotle’s Peri hermeneias. My claim is that…the verbum mentis playsno philosophical role in St Thomas’s thought, but is rather a properly theological discussion. Ithas the theological purpose of providing nothing more than an image or metaphor for talkingabout man, made in the image and likeness of God as Trinity’ (pp. 107-108). <strong>Lonergan</strong>, whomthe author regards as figuring prominently among the commentators, is misled in hisinterpretation of Aquinas because he treats the universal term as if it is a proper or singularname of something, and so ‘finds mental objects for it to directly refer to or name’ (p. 112).Ormerod, Neil. ‘Augustine and the Trinity: Whose Crisis?’ Pacifica 16 (February, <strong>2003</strong>) 17-32.‘This article analyses criticisms made of Augustine’s Trinitarian theology by Colin Gunton. Itdemonstrates that many of these criticisms are unfair, or are based on inconsistencies andinadequacies in Gunton’s own position.’ Toward the end of the article (pp. 31-32), the authorremarks that ‘the clarity with which Augustine deals with the problem of consciousness ismatched only by that of <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>,’ and that <strong>Lonergan</strong> provides a solution to thedifficulties with Augustine’s account of self-knowledge.
2 <strong>Lonergan</strong> Studies Newsletter <strong>24</strong>:2Rixon, Gordon. ‘Derrida and <strong>Lonergan</strong> on the Human Subject: Transgressing a Metonymical Notion.’Toronto Journal of <strong>The</strong>ology 18/2 (2002) 213-29.‘<strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s methodologically grounded intellectual project develops and explores thedynamic core of the human subject’s intentional operations, promoting refined, deliberatepraxis and progressive, reflexive knowledge…. Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive methodologychallenges the assumed legitimacy of an essentially defined notion of subject…. Our purposehere is to interpret and appreciate <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s notion of the subject in light of the strength ofDerrida’s challenge.’Roy, Louis. Mystical Consciousness: Western Perspectives and Dialogue with Japanese Thinkers.Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, <strong>2003</strong>.‘…the work draws on Western and Japanese thinkers to develop a philosophy of religion thatis friendly to the experience of meditators and that can explore such themes as emptiness,nothingness, and the self. Western thinkers considered include Plotinus, Eckhart,Schleiermacher, Heidegger, Brentano, Husserl, Sartre, and <strong>Lonergan</strong>…’Rusembuka, Muhigirwa F. <strong>The</strong> Two Ways of Human Development according to B. <strong>Lonergan</strong>:Anticipation in Insight. Roma: Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2001.‘For <strong>Lonergan</strong>, truly human development takes two complementary ways: the way up and theway down…This study examines philosophically how <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s understanding of these twoways of human development, operative in Method in <strong>The</strong>ology, thematic in the post-Methodarticles, are anticipated in Insight.’Van Hollebeke, Mark. ‘To Thine Own Self Be True: Tensions in <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Conception ofSelf-Appropriation.’ Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 75(2001) 149-70.‘This paper explores the centrality of self-affirmation in <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Insight and isspecifically concerned with the role of bias in relation to self-appropriation and genuineness. Ibegin with an explication of the process of self-affirmation and the model of knowledge itinvolves. I then discuss the nature of bias and its relation to genuineness in Insight. Myanalysis concludes that bias in never “overcome,” in the sense of being eliminated.’REVIEWS<strong>Lonergan</strong>, <strong>Bernard</strong>. Collected Works of <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>. For A New Political Economy, CWL 21.Macroeconomic Dynamics: An Essay in Circulation Analysis, CWL 15. Grace and Freedom:Operative Grace in the Thought of St Thomas Aquinas, CWL 1. Phenomenology and Logic:<strong>The</strong> Boston College Lectures on Mathematical Logic and Existentialism, CWL 18. <strong>The</strong>Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ, CWL 7.Maloney, Raymond. Milltown Studies 20 (2002) 150-53.<strong>Lonergan</strong>, <strong>Bernard</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Ontological and Psychological Constitution of Christ. See LSN 22:2/1.Hefling, Charles. New Blackfriars 84/985 (March, <strong>2003</strong>) 159-61.aCoelho, Ivo. Hermeneutics and Method: <strong>The</strong> ‘Universal Viewpoint’ in <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>. See LSN22:1/1.Thuruthiyil, Scaria. Salesianum 64/4 (2002) 672-74.Roy, Louis. Transcendent Experiences: Phenomenology and Critique. See LSN 22:3/3.Dadosky, John D. Toronto Journal of <strong>The</strong>ology 18/2 (2002) 315-16.
<strong>June</strong> <strong>2003</strong> 3DISSERTATIONS & THESESBeaudin, Lorraine Catherine. <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Notions of Authenticity and TechnologicalIntegration. <strong>The</strong>sis for the Doctorate in Philosophy, 2002, University of Calgary, Canada.Director: Bill Hunter.‘This research seeks to demonstrate the value <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s concept of authenticity has foreducators interested in the integration of computers in teaching and learning…. <strong>The</strong> results ofthis investigation indicate that authenticity may indeed be a useful construct in explainingteachers’ decisions regarding technological integration’(Author’s Abstract).Clifford, Catherine Elizabeth. <strong>The</strong> Groupe des Dombes: A Dialogue of Conversion. <strong>The</strong>sis for theDoctorate in Philosophy, 2002, University of St Michael’s College, Toronto, Canada.Director: Margaret O’Gara.‘This work presents the history of the dialogue [of the Groupe des Dombes] and itscontribution to ecumenical progress. It offers an interpretation of the Groupe des Dombes’method through the lens of <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s approach in Method in <strong>The</strong>ology… Fourstages are identified in the evolution of the Groupe des Dombes’ method. An expandedmethodology reflects engagement in a broader spectrum of the functional specialties identifiedby <strong>Lonergan</strong> such that all the operations of theology are brought to bear on the dialogue’secumenical endeavor’ (Author’s Abstract).WEB WORKSDunne, Tad. Spiritual Exercises for Today. http://www.concentric.net/~tdunne/writings.htmlA companion volume to his Spiritual Mentoring, both of which were published byHarperSanFrancisco but are now out of print. Both are available in PDF and in HRMLformats.CONFERENCES & COURSESOn May 30 th -31 st and <strong>June</strong> 1 st a conference entitled, ‘<strong>The</strong> Functional Specialties, Cosmopolis and<strong>Lonergan</strong>’s New Renaissance Project,’ was held at the Law School of Fordham University. <strong>The</strong>programme featured the following:• L. Hundersmarck on ‘Encapsulating the Divine: Fundamentalism, 9/11 and its Aftermath, and theWorld Religions.’• Philip McShane on ‘<strong>Lonergan</strong> and Feynman: Opera Omnia ’, ‘<strong>Lonergan</strong> and Feynman—andArchimedes’, 'An Operational Definition of Functional', and ‘Living Chemicals: Re-Orienting theContemporary Life Sciences and Stephen J. Gould in Passing’.• Frank Braio on ‘Three Twilight Citations & Family Business’, ‘<strong>The</strong> Secondness of Metaphysics &the Dialectic of Insight’ and ‘Dialectic in Method in <strong>The</strong>ology, “Mortificatio”, Revisioning theWisdom Quest’.• Darlene O’Leary on ‘<strong>The</strong> Functional Specialties and <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Economics’.• Richard Valles on ‘<strong>The</strong> Dialectic of “Contemporary” Music—in Performance.’• Dick Lambert on ‘Brief Notes on—Ecological Method & Recalling a <strong>The</strong>sis’.<strong>The</strong> spring meeting of the Dublin <strong>Lonergan</strong> Centre was held on March 21, <strong>2003</strong>. A larger gatheringthan usual come to hear the presentations. Raymond Maloney, SJ, presented 'Some <strong>The</strong>mes of
4 <strong>Lonergan</strong> Studies Newsletter <strong>24</strong>:2Spirituality in <strong>Lonergan</strong> and Rahner.' Declan Marmion, SM, presented 'Rahner and His Critics:Revisiting the Dialog.'COMING UP<strong>The</strong> 30 th Annual <strong>Lonergan</strong> Workshop will take place at Boston College, <strong>June</strong> 15-21, <strong>2003</strong>. <strong>The</strong>theme for this year is ‘<strong>The</strong> Good Under Construction’: <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Contribution.’ Scheduledspeakers include David B. Burrell, Shawn Copeland, Robert M. Doran, Joseph Fitzpatrick, JohnHaughey, Glenn Hughes, Paul Kidder, Paulette Kidder, Michael H. McCarthy, <strong>Bernard</strong> McGinn,William Mathews, Sebastian Moore, Mark D. Morelli, and William E. Murnion. For furtherinformation email Fred Lawrence at: lawrence@bc.edu.On Wednesday, July 30 th , the <strong>Lonergan</strong> Symposium ofSeton Hall University will present '<strong>Lonergan</strong> andPolitics.' Tentative roster includes: John Ranieri on'Gerard and <strong>Lonergan</strong>: Do <strong>The</strong>ir Viewpoints HaveAnything in Common? – Reflections on the Meanings ofthe Pharmakos and the Cross and the Possibility ofPolitical Life'; Stephen Martin: 'A <strong>Lonergan</strong>ianAnalysis of Sin and Salvation in Elia Kazan's and BuddSchulberg's "On the Waterfront"; Bruce Anderson: 'Onthe Need and, further, the Possibility of the Re-OrderingLegal Studies!'; Dick Lambert: 'Thomas Berry's <strong>The</strong>Universe Story, our Ecozoic Era, and the Viewpoint andPraxis of <strong>Lonergan</strong>'s Cosmo-Polis'; Frank Braio:'<strong>Lonergan</strong>'s Reflections on the Sources of Violence/Non-Violence'. <strong>The</strong> Conference will run from 10 AM to 8PM. Meals, discussion, poetry, and prayers for worldpeace included. For details contact Stephen Martin atmartinist@shu.edu or 973-761-9481. Or contact FrankBraio at 718-328-9338.It is only by a rigorousconfinement of themetaphysician to theintellectual pattern ofexperience,and of metaphysical objects tothe universe of being asexplained,that this basic enterprise ofhuman intelligence can freeitself from the morass ofpseudo problems thatotherwise beset it.B. <strong>Lonergan</strong>, Insight, p 537<strong>The</strong> West Dublin Conference (Nova Scotia, Canada) ofAugust 11th - 15th has as its topic "Reaching for the meaning of 'function' in functionalspecialization". For further details, information on registration, travel, residence, etc, contact eitherPhilip McShane at pmcshane@ns.sympatico.ca or Michael Shute at mailto:mshute@mun.ca.PROJECTS<strong>The</strong> official opening of the <strong>Lonergan</strong> Centre for Ethical Reflection took place at the Department of<strong>The</strong>ological Studies, Concordia University, Montreal on <strong>June</strong> 2, <strong>2003</strong>. In conjunction with the openingof the Centre, a journal, Word in the World: Graduate Journal of <strong>The</strong>ological Studies, was alsolaunched. <strong>The</strong> guest speaker for the opening was Dr. Kenneth R. Melchin from St. Paul University,Ottawa, Canada. For further information regarding the centre, contact Christine Jamieson at:jamieson@alcor.concordia.caArticles for volume 4 of <strong>The</strong> Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis are now being accepted on the topicof 'Functional Interpretation.' For submission details go to www.mun.ca/jmda. <strong>The</strong> introduction involume 2 has a sketch of the topic. http://www.mun.ca/jmda/vol2/editors/pdf. <strong>The</strong> next issue of theJournal of Macrodynamic Analysis (<strong>The</strong> Festschrift) should be out by should be out by August.In Innsbruck, Roland Krismer is working on a translation into German of Fr. Brian Cronin's book,Foundations of Philosophy: <strong>Lonergan</strong>'s Cognitional <strong>The</strong>ory and Epistemology On the German
<strong>June</strong> <strong>2003</strong> 5<strong>Lonergan</strong> site, he has uploaded the Preface, Introduction, and first chapter and plans to upload furtherchapters as he completes them. See http://deutsch.lonergan.org/<strong>The</strong> Glossary Project moves forward, with 44 entry articles to date. See the link underwww.lonergan.on.ca. Carla Mae Streeter, editor, invites additional terms, either from teachers whohave prepared definitions for their students or from other scholars concerned for precision in their areaof expertise.<strong>Lonergan</strong> Research Institute<strong>The</strong> following audio compact discs of lectures by <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong> will be available in late <strong>2003</strong>. <strong>The</strong>first price shown is current, the price in brackets will be in effect on January 1, 2004.• Lectures on INSIGHT (i.e., Understanding and Being, the Halifax lectures of 1958). 28 discs:$2<strong>24</strong> [$280]. $10 [$12] for single discs.• 'Is It Real?' Lecture delivered at MIT in 1972, with discussion following. One disc: $10 [$12].• 'What Are Judgments of Value?' Lecture delivered at MIT in 1972, with discussion following.One disc: $10 [$12].Postage and a small handling charge will be added to all orders. Payment may be made by cheque (inthe US, that's check!), VISA, or Master Card. All prices are in US dollars unless ordering from withinCanada. Do not send credit card numbers by internet.Collected Works. <strong>Volume</strong> 17, Philosophical and <strong>The</strong>ological Papers, 1965-1980, will be sent to theprinter shortly. This is the twelfth of 25 volumes projected in the series. <strong>The</strong> next volume scheduled is<strong>Volume</strong> 12, <strong>The</strong> Triune God: Systematics. We hope to publish this sometime in 2004, to mark thecentenary of <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>'s birth.A Request from the LRI Library. Authors: Please send us a copy of your work. <strong>The</strong> Institute invitesauthors to send us a hard copy or an electronic file of their writings on <strong>Lonergan</strong> as they are published,together with relevant bibliographic information, for inclusion in the library’s collection. <strong>The</strong> libraryalso maintains a large collection of unpublished theses and dissertations on <strong>Lonergan</strong>. So the invitationnaturally extends to graduate students to send us a copy of their unpublished theses and dissertations,in either of the above mediums (preferably unbound if a hard copy is sent), once they are successfullydefended.Do you have a recording of <strong>Lonergan</strong>? Institute’s CD project has as one of its aims to preservepermanently on CD all recordings made of <strong>Lonergan</strong>, whether they be of lectures, discussions andanswers to questions, or interviews. If you have such recordings, please send us in writing or by e-mailrelevant information regarding them, so that we can verify whether they are lacking in our holdings. Ifso, we would gladly make a copy of the recording(s) or provide a CD of the recording(s) to you as ourbenefactor.Archive Preservation of Papers and Other Documents. Since spring 2002 the <strong>Lonergan</strong> Archiveshave taken new shape, owing to the work of John Dadosky and Aaron Lupton. Storage of <strong>Lonergan</strong>'sdocuments in 62 acid-free boxes is nearing completion, as well as the duplication of all original,irreplaceable records for external users to handle. Also, an electronic database containing descriptionsof the entire <strong>Lonergan</strong> opus is about 50 percent completed. Users will be able to search for specificdocuments by title, author, date, or any keyword. Our intention is eventually to place this tool online,along with graphic or full-text versions of many records that can be accessed and examined by remoteresearchers.Finances. A spring appeal letter was sent to all those who have agreed to receive our regularmailings. Returns have been gratifying thus far, but it is clear that we must also take some newinitiatives to assure the ongoing work of the Institute. <strong>The</strong> work is labor-intensive, and the worker
6 <strong>Lonergan</strong> Studies Newsletter <strong>24</strong>:2deserves the wages. <strong>The</strong>re is no way of cutting back on salaries without jeopardizing the projectsthemselves. At the moment, we are hoping and praying for the one big break that we need, even as wecontinue to try to expand our regular donor source.PEOPLEFrs. Gerald Whelan and Maurice Schepers send word from Nairobi, Kenya, of a one-day meetingfor people interested in <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s thought, organized by Fr. Schepers and held on April 26 th . <strong>The</strong>aim of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for the participants to share information on ‘work inprogress’ and to plan for the future. <strong>The</strong> main speaker was Fr. Brian Cronin, author of Foundations ofPhilosophy: <strong>Lonergan</strong>’s Cognitional <strong>The</strong>ory and Epistemology. Others who took part in the meeting,besides those already mentioned, included Nicholas Fogliacco and Loretta Brennan, who heads theInstitute for Spirituality at Tangaza College.In his recent article ‘Jesus’ Resurrection and Christian Origins’ (Gregorianum 83/4 [2002]: 615-35),the New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright, remarks that he stands 'in a line of historians whohave…argued for a form of “critical realism” in which the interaction between the historian and thesubject matter is fully allowed for’ (p. 633). In the footnote attached to this remark, he says that the'methodological basis for this goes back not least to <strong>Bernard</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong>, whom I first encounteredthrough the work of Ben Meyer….’A second article by Frank Budenholzer, SVD, on reductionism in science has been accepted byZygon: Journal of Religion and Science. <strong>The</strong> first is cited in the bibliography above. In the second, hedevelops the notion of emergence.SubscriptionsaOnline current and past issues available (no charge) atwww.lonergan.on.ca. For mailed issues, subscription paymentsare payable in advance ($20 Canadian or US). Send to:Newsletter, <strong>Lonergan</strong> Research Institute / 10 St Mary Street,Suite 500 / Toronto, Ontario / Canada M4Y 1P9. For accountinformation, call Debbie Agnew at the number below.Sponsor<strong>Lonergan</strong> Studies Newsletter is sponsored by the <strong>Lonergan</strong>Research Institute. Director: Robert M. Doran, S.J. OfficeAdministrator: Deborah Agnew. Telephone: 416-922-8347. Fax416-921-1673. E-mails: Robert Doran: d.doran@excite.com orbdoranca@yahoo.ca. Bob Croken: bob.croken@utoronto.ca.Deborah Agnew: debbie.agne@utoronto.ca. <strong>Web</strong>site:www.utoronto.caContributionsWhile we have regular contributors, we invite anyone withnews to submit it. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lonergan</strong> Studies Newsletter ispublished quarterly in March, <strong>June</strong>, September, andDecember. News for any issue should be in the hands ofthe editor by the 15 th of the preceding month (February,May, August, November). Send toTad Dunne2923 WoodsleeRoyal Oak, MI 48073Phone: <strong>24</strong>8-549-3366Email: tdunne@concentric.netISSN 0845-2849