Notice of Arrival
Notice of Arrival
Notice of Arrival
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<strong>Notice</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arrival</strong> Form1.Vessel DetailsREPUBLIC OF CROATIAMinistry <strong>of</strong> the Sea, Transport and InfrastructureNOTICE OF ARRIVALVessel Name Call Sign IMO NumberMMSIRedni brojobrascaFlagPort <strong>of</strong> RegistryOwnerOperator/ChartererClassification SocietyYear <strong>of</strong> BuildNett TonnageGross TonnageSummerDisplacementDeadweightLenght Over AllType <strong>of</strong> ShipBeamLast Port and CountryPort:Country:Draft On <strong>Arrival</strong> SummerFore Aft Draft* Bunker Convention / Insurance for Bunker PollutionIssuing Authority*International Anti-fouling System CertificateIssuing Authority* Wreck Removal Insurance / Financial SecurityIssuing AuthorityVessels AgentDATE ISSUED EXPIREDATE ISSUED EXPIREDATE ISSUED EXPIRERATINGLast Port State Control - Place and Date (According to Paris MOU Report)Master's Name2.<strong>Arrival</strong> / Departure DetailsPort <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arrival</strong>Date and Time <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arrival</strong>Next portNext CountryNumber <strong>of</strong> Crew Number <strong>of</strong> Passengers ETD3.Cargo DetailsGeneral Description <strong>of</strong> Cargo for DischargeGeneral Description <strong>of</strong> Cargo for LoadingCargo WeightCargo WeightDangerous Cargo on Board4.International Ship Security Certificate - ISPS CodeIssuing AuthorityCertificate Expiry DateSecurityLevelShip Security Officer5.Ballast Water DetailsBallast Management Planon Board (State Yes or No)Management Plan Implemented(State Yes or No)Res.A.868(20) on Board(State Yes or NO)Any Ballast forDischarge6.NotesTo Be Filled By HMOReceived By Name: Date: Time:*WARNING: If Bunker Convention Insurance, Anti-fouling System Certificate and Wreck Removal Insurance are Not Availableon Board, Entry in Croatian Teritorial Waters will be DENIED*WARNING: COPY OF CERTIFICATES MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH PREARRIVAL NOTICEPrepared By:capt.V.Malnar ingMSTI
MSTINOTIFICATION OF SHIP - GENERATED WASTE(As per Article 6. <strong>of</strong> Directive 2000/59/EU)Information to be sent to Harbour Master Office 48 hours before arrival in any Croatian portVessel Name:IMO NumberGTPort <strong>of</strong> Registry:Flag:Call Sign:AGENT:<strong>Arrival</strong> Port:ETA:Last port:Last Country:Last port and date <strong>of</strong> vessel's last disposal <strong>of</strong> ship-generated waste:ETD:Next Port:Next Country:Are you delivering: ALL SOME NONE<strong>of</strong> your waste to local reception facilities?Please advice if: Oil Incinerator Rate/Hour: and/orGarbage Incineratorare installed / operationalRate/Hour:Type and amount <strong>of</strong> waste and residues to be delivered and / or remaining onboard, and percentage <strong>of</strong> maximum storage capacity¹:If delivering all waste, complete second column as appropriate.If delivering some or no waste, complete all columns.¹ Tick appropriate boxTYPE OF WASTEWASTE TO BEDELIVERED(m³)MAXIMUMDEDICATEDSTORAGECAPACITY(m³)AMOUNT OFWASTERETAINED ONBOARD (m³)PORT AT WHICHREMAININGWASTE WILL BEDELIVEREDESTIMATED AMOUNT OFWASTE TO BEGENERATED BETWEENNOTIFICATION ANDNEXT PORT OF CALL (m³)1. WASTE OILSSludgeBildge waterOther (Specify)2. GARBAGEFood wastePlasticOtherSewage(¹)3. Cargoassociated waste(²) (specify)4. Cargo Residues(²) (specify)(¹) Sewage may be discharged at sea in accordance with regulation 11 <strong>of</strong> annex IV <strong>of</strong> Marpol 73/78. The corresponding boxes do notneed to be completed if it is the intention to make an authorised discharge at sea.(²) May be estimates1. This informations may be used for Port State Control and other inspection purposes2. Member states will determine which bodies will receive copies <strong>of</strong> this notification3. This form is to be completed unless the ship is covered by an exemption in accordance withArticle 9. <strong>of</strong> Directive 2000/59/ECI confirm that above details are accurate and correct and there is sufficient dedicated on boardcapacity to store all waste generated between notification and next port at which waste will bedelivered.DATE:SIGNATURETIME:Prepared By:Capt.V.Malnar ingWASTE NOTIFICATION
REPUBLIC OF CROATIAMinistry <strong>of</strong> the Sea, Transport and InfrastructureISPS CODE <strong>Arrival</strong> notificationThe following report is required for all ships to which ISPS Code applies and which intend to enter atany Croatian portIn accordance with "Zakon o sigurnosnoj zaštititrgovačkih brodova i luka otvorenih za međunarodnipromet", Official Gazette 48/2004 and 51/2004,SOLAS '74 Chapter XI-2 Convention andInternational Ship and Port Security Code48 Hours Advance <strong>Notice</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Arrival</strong>NOTIFICATION NUMBER:To be filled by Harbour Master's Office1.Vessel's name2.Flag3.IMO Number4.'s position andreporting timePort <strong>of</strong> arrivaland ETAISSC Expiry date,issuing AuthorityShip's security levelLast ten POC andport's security levelAny specialmeasures taken inlast ten POC1. SL10. SL<strong>Notice</strong> must be sent through ship's agent or directly to Harbour Master's Office and Port AuthoritiesDenial <strong>of</strong> entry into Croatian waters and ports will apply to any vessel failed to send required ISPSARRIVAL NOTIFICATION and/or to any vessel failed to comply with requirements <strong>of</strong> "Zakon osigurnosnoj zaštiti trgovačkih brodova i luka otvorenih za međunarodni promet", Official Gazette48/2004 and 51/2004, SOLAS'74 Convention and International Ship and Port Security Code
MSTIDANGEROUS GOODS MANIFEST(As required by SOLAS 74, chapter VII, regulation 4.5 and 7-2.2, MARPOL 73/78, annex III, regulation 4(3) and chapter 5.4, paragraph <strong>of</strong> the IMDG Code)1. VESSEL INFORMATION2. VOYAGE INFORMATIONVessel Name:<strong>Arrival</strong> Port:IMO Number:Year <strong>of</strong> Build<strong>Arrival</strong> Date:Flag:Port <strong>of</strong> Registry:ETD:Type *:Call Sign:Next Port:Master's Name:Next Country:Agent:BOOKING/REFERENCENUMBERMARKS & NUMBERSCONTAINER ID. NO(s).VEHICLE REG. NO(s).NUMBER ANDKIND OFPACKAGESPROPER SHIPPING NAMECLASSUNNUMBERPACKINGGROUPSUBSIDIARYRISK(S)FLASH POINT(IN °C)MARINEPOLLUTANTMASS (kg) GROSS/NETGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGNGEmSSTOWAGE POSITIONON BOARDIMO FAL FORM 7NGNMaster's Signature:Place and Date:Prepared By:Capt.V.Malnar ingDANGEROUS GOODS MANIFEST
NOTICE OF ARRIVAL FORMANDATORY EXPANDED INSPECTIONApplies to1.2.3.4.all ships with HRS pr<strong>of</strong>ilebulk carriers over 12 years <strong>of</strong> age eligible for an Expanded Inspectionpassenger ship older than 12 years eligible for an Expanded Inspectionchemical tanker, gas carrier, oil tanker older than 12 years eligible foran Expanded InspectionVESSEL NAME:IMO number:Date keel laid(on ships certificate)MMSIVessels AgentFLAG:Deadweight tonnage:Ship type(see above)Call signFOR TANKERSConfiguration <strong>of</strong> hullsingle hull / single hull SBT / double hullcondition <strong>of</strong>cargo tanksand ballastfull / empty / inertedfull / empty / inertedVolume and Nature <strong>of</strong> CargoVolume (MT)Nature (type) <strong>of</strong> CargoPort <strong>of</strong> DestinationBerth*ETAPlanned operationsETDPlanned duration <strong>of</strong> callloading / unloading / otherPlanned statutory surveys / Substantial maintenance & repair workFromship master / agent / operatorLast port state control - Place andDate (According to Paris MoU ReportTelFaxE-mailContactDateTime*additional helpful information for the Port State to prepare for the inspection