Alumni Columns - Northwestern State University Alumni

Alumni Columns - Northwestern State University Alumni

Alumni Columns - Northwestern State University Alumni


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ALMUNI NEWSOur Brighter TomorrowCapital Campaign reaches individuals, provides pathways to the futureShane Creppel isn’t waiting to showhis thanks for the assistance he hasreceived in attending <strong>Northwestern</strong> <strong>State</strong><strong>University</strong>Creppel, a freshman from Natchitoches,is the recipient of the Joe SampiteFamily Scholarship and the J.W. JohnsonKiwanis Scholarship. Creppel, the firstperson in his family to go to college, saidgetting involved is one way to acknowledgethe support he received and be asuccessful student. He is a HospitalityManagement and Tourism major andserves as a senator for the Student GovernmentAssociation.“It’s up to us to get involved andmake the university more competitive,”Creppel said. “Students should getinvolved and give back. It gives the universitya better image.”Creppel is among the students whohave benefited from <strong>Northwestern</strong>’s firstCapital Campaign. The campaign beganin 2000 with a goal of $18.84 million bythe end of 2007. But with more than ayear to go, the university has raised morethan $27 million to enhance academicprograms, provide scholarships and assistthe NSU athletic program.“I have had complete confidencefrom the time this campaign was envisionedthat our alumni and friends wouldshow their support for <strong>Northwestern</strong> in anunprecedented way,” said NSU PresidentDr. Randall J. Webb. “Those associatedwith <strong>Northwestern</strong> know that this institutionis a special place. They are willing togenerously support the university whenasked to do so.”NSU has received donations for itsfirst three $1 million endowed chairs. TheErbon W. and Marie Wise EndowedChair in Journalism, the Charles RagusFamily Endowed Chair in Business andthe Melba Law Steeg Endowed Chair inEducational Technology Leadership,were established with a gift of $400,000to the NSU Foundation, which wasmatched with $600,000from the Board ofRegents Support Fund.Endowed chairs allow<strong>Northwestern</strong> to provideresearch funding andsupport for a nationallyrecognized scholar.The university alsohas more than 30endowed professorshipsworth $100,000 each.Interest generated by theendowment will fundfaculty research anddevelopment along withneeded equipment.“This campaign hasraised awareness amongour alumni and friendsabout the importance ofprivate giving in assisting<strong>Northwestern</strong>,” saidDirector of <strong>Alumni</strong> andDevelopment Dr. ChrisMaggio. “The universitycan no longer rely on juststate allocations to carryout its mission, but needs donors to augmentsalaries, provide faculty and programsupport and create scholarships forstudents.”Maggio said this campaign haschanged perceptions about those whosupport <strong>Northwestern</strong>.“In the past many people thought<strong>Northwestern</strong> alumni and friends couldn’tor wouldn’t give to the university in amajor way,” said Maggio. “This campaignhas shown what our supporters cando as a group. Each gift has been importantas we worked to meet and exceed ourgoals. We have built momentum in thearea of fundraising and will build on thatmomentum.”NSU’s College of Nursing has benefitedfrom two joint ventures which willbe worth approximately $5.5 million overfive years. Because of the support, <strong>Northwestern</strong>has expanded opportunities fornursing students in Shreveport andAlexandria.“Gifts that we have received duringthe Capital Campaign have helped theCollege of Nursing in a major way,” saidDr. Norann Planchock, dean of the Collegeof Nursing. “Because of limitedresources, we had to limit the number ofstudents in the program. These joint ventureshave allowed us to hire additionalfaculty and increase enrollment.”The College of Nursing was able toenroll 50 additional students because ofthe gifts it received. One donor also provideda stipend for students. This type ofsupport in addition to private scholarshipshas allowed a number of students tocontinue their education.“A number of our students have atough time making ends meet while theyare trying to earn a degree,” said Planchock.“Without the generosity of individualswho contribute toward scholarships,they would not be able to continuetheir education. Any type of financialhelp eases a burden on them.”<strong>Northwestern</strong>’s athletic program hasalso been a major part of the capital campaign.According to Director of AthleticsSee Capital Campaign Page 2<strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Columns</strong> Fall 2006 / 1

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