Instructions For Use (PDF) - Bisco, Inc.
Instructions For Use (PDF) - Bisco, Inc.
Instructions For Use (PDF) - Bisco, Inc.
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CHOICE*Aesthetic Resin CementGENERAL INFORMATIONCHOICE is a light-cured/dual-cured aesthetic resin cement that is ideal forcementation of porcelain or composite indirect restorations. Each 4.5g syringecontains the LIGHT-CURED RESIN CEMENT which is ideal for veneers. Thedual-cured mode is recommended for cementation of porcelain or compositeinlays, onlays, crowns and bridges. CHOICE is intended for use with adhesivessuch as the ALL-BOND 2 ® *, ALL-BOND 3 ® *, and ONE-STEP ® */ONE-STEPPLUS ▲ adhesive systems. CHOICE WATER-SOLUBLE TRY-IN PASTES areavailable and may be used to achieve highly aesthetic results.▲Refer to manufacturer’s instructions. Not all one-bottle adhesives bondto dual-cured or self-cured composites. Unlike others, ONE-STEP andONE-STEP PLUS bond to dual-cured and self-cured materials.Indications for <strong>Use</strong>Porcelain or composite:• Veneers• Inlays• Onlays• Crowns• BridgesTECHNICAL INFORMATION<strong>For</strong> Dual-Cured Mode:Working Time: Minimum 4 minutes (including mixing)(At Room Temperature, 22°C/72°F)Setting Time: Maximum 5 minutes(In The Intraoral Environment, 37°C/98.6°F)Working and setting times will be accelerated in the warm intraoralenvironment. Also, the cement will set quickly once it comes in contactwith the ALL-BOND 2 primers on the tooth.* CHOICE is a trademark of BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.ALL-BOND 2, ALL-BOND 3 and ONE-STEP are registered trademarks of BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USENOTE: When “Restoration(s)” appears in this section, it refers to inlays, onlays, crowns and bridges.1. SHADE SELECTION with WATER SOLUBLE TRY-IN PASTE• TRY-IN PASTES will not set and may be mixed together to produce virtually any desired shade.• Each shade of TRY-IN PASTE matches the corresponding “cured” RESIN CEMENT shade.a. Clean the tooth preparation with a slurry of pumice; rinse and dry.b. <strong>For</strong> Composite Veneers/Restorations: Continue with step c.<strong>For</strong> Porcelain Veneers/Restorations:• If the laboratory has not etched the veneer/restoration, contact lab forproper etching instructions.• To the etched internal surface, brush on 1-2 coats of BISCO’sBIS-SILANE* (2-Part Silane) or BISCO’s PORCELAIN PRIMER* to theinternal surface and wait for 30 seconds. Dry with air syringe.NOTE: Surface of the porcelain will look the same before and after silaneapplication.c. Place the selected shade of TRY-IN PASTE on the veneer/restoration andgently seat on tooth. Remove TRY-IN PASTE by rinsing with water.(Repeat if necessary.)d. When the desired shade has been selected, remove the veneer/restoration. Clean the tooth preparation with water. Rinse the veneer/restoration with water and then ultrasonically clean in distilled water for 2-3minutes. Dry thoroughly.2. VENEER/RESTORATION PREPARATION<strong>For</strong> Porcelain Veneers/Restorations:a. ALL-BOND 2 or 3 USERS: Apply a very thin layer ofPORCELAIN BONDING RESIN*, a HEMA-free resin to the silanatedinternal surface. Do NOT light cure!ONE-STEP USERS: Apply 1 coat of ONE-STEP or ONE-STEP PLUS tothe silanated internal surface. Gently but thoroughly air dry to evaporatethe solvent. Do NOT light cure!b. Continue with Steps #3 (TOOTH PREPARATION) and #4(CEMENTATION) below.* PORCELAIN PRIMER and PORCELAIN BONDING RESIN are manufactured by BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.BIS-SILANE is a trademark of BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.
<strong>For</strong> Composite Veneers/Restorations:a. Sandblast the internal surface of the veneer/restoration for 1-2 seconds.Rinse and dry.b. ALL-BOND 2 USERS: Mix PRIMERS A and B (1:1) and apply 2-3consecutive coats on the internal surface of the veneer/restoration.Remove the excess with a gentle flow of air. Apply a very thin layer ofPORCELAIN BONDING RESIN, HEMA-free resin over the primedveneer/restoration and air thin. Do NOT light cure the PORCELAINBONDING RESIN.ALL-BOND 3 USERS: Mix Parts A and B (1:1) and apply 1-2 coats to theinternal surface of the veneer/restoration. Gently but thoroughly air dry untilthere is no visible movement of the material. Light cure for 10 seconds.ONE-STEP USERS: Apply 1 coat of ONE-STEP or ONE-STEP PLUS.Gently but thoroughly air dry to evaporate the solvent. Do NOT light cure!c. Continue with Steps #3 (TOOTH PREPARATION) and #4(CEMENTATION) below.3. TOOTH PREPARATIONa. Clean tooth preparation with a slurry of pumice, rinse, and dry.b. Etch tooth preparation with an etchant, such as UNI-ETCH ® * w/ BAC (32%phosphoric acid), for 15 seconds. Rinse with water and lightly air dry.NOTE: Remove excess water but do not dessicate. Preparation shouldappear visibly moist.c. ALL-BOND 2 USERS: Mix PRIMERS A and B (1:1) and apply 5consecutive coats. Gently but thoroughly dry with air syringe to evaporatesolvent. Light cure for 10 seconds. Apply a thin layer of PRE-BOND*, airthin, and do NOT light cure!ALL-BOND 3 USERS: Mix Parts A and B (1:1) and apply 1-2 consecutivecoats. Gently but thoroughly dry with air syringe to evaporate solvent. Lightcure for 10 seconds.ONE-STEP USERS: Apply 1-2 consecutive coats of ONE-STEP orONE-STEP PLUS. Gently but thoroughly air dry to evaporate the solvent.Light cure for 10 seconds.* UNI-ETCH is a registered trademark of BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.PRE-BOND is manufactured by BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>.
4. CEMENTATION ●a. Apply selected shade(s) of CHOICE RESIN CEMENT to the internalsurface of the prepared veneer/restoration.b. Seat the veneer/restoration on the tooth with gentle, passive pressure.c. (Optional) Light cure for 10 seconds to tack the restoration into place.d. Remove excess cement.e. Beginning with the lingual surface, light cure for 40 seconds per surface.●If dark or opaque veneers have been selected to mask staining or ifcementing an inlay, onlay, crown or bridge, use CHOICE DUAL-CUREDPASTE CATALYST to ensure thorough curing of the cement. Mix equalvolumes of CHOICE RESIN CEMENT and DUAL-CURED PASTECATALYST.
STORAGE: Store at room temperature (20°C/68°F - 25°C/77°F). See individualcomponent labels for specific expiration dates.PRECAUTIONS: Unpolymerized resins may cause skin sensitization insusceptible persons. Avoid contact with the skin. In case of contact with the skin,wash thoroughly with soap and water. Phosphoric acid of UNI-ETCH is a severeeye irritant and tissue irritant. If accidentally instilled into the eye, flush withcopious amounts of water and seek medical attention immediately. In case ofcontact with other tissues, rinse immediately with plenty of water for severalminutes. Injury may result if UNI-ETCH is allowed to remain on the skin or mucosafor extended periods of time.WARRANTY: BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>. recognizes its responsibility to replace products ifproven to be defective. BISCO, <strong>Inc</strong>. does not accept liability for any damage orloss, either direct or consequential, stemming from the use of or inability to usethe products as described. Before using, it is the responsibility of the user todetermine the suitability of the product for its intended use. The user assumes allrisk and liability in connection therewith.CAUTION: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of adental professional.BISCO, INC.1100 W. Irving Park RoadSchaumburg, IL 60193U.S.A.847-534-60001-800-BIS-DENTwww.bisco.comEC RepresentativeBisico FranceL’Opera- BP. 6013680 Lançon De ProvenceFrancePhone: 33-490-42-9292