Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report part 3 - ACP Fish II


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SummaryGeographical Information Systems (GIS) would appear to be an ideal tool foraquaculture installations. In this project it was planned to use GIS to assess largeareas using nationally available data sets. Spatial data required were acquired fromvarious Government agencies as there is no national spatial repository existing.Marine aquaculture parameters were assessed based on wind, wave, bathymetryand benthic habitat. Very limited data was made available for land assessment ascompared to the marine environment. Further analysis could be done once landcover data is complete and available.Typical freshwater in St Kitts and Nevis are from wells and small springs which aremainly used for consumption and agriculture therefore was not included.EU Funded A project Implemented by Page 4RTF pg. 176/204

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