Technical Datasheet 3M⢠Peltorâ¢
Technical Datasheet 3M⢠Peltorâ¢
Technical Datasheet 3M⢠Peltorâ¢
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3M Peltor <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Datasheet</strong>Peltor G99* Full Face HelmetProduct desriptionThe G99 helmet has been designed for competitive automotiveor kart racing. The helmet is designed for quick & easy instalmentof communication kit (MT63-FL6Y). Fitted with new Cone-head® linerwhich acts like a crumple zone around the headto absorb and dissipate impact forces more effectively.Key Features:• Quick & easy microphone/speakers integration (MT63-FL6Y)• Shock absorbing Cone-head® liner• H.A.N.S® post anchors• Light Weight• Anti-fog, anti-scratch visor• SNELL SA2010 certification• FIA8858-2010• Available in white and grey/black (M, L)ApplicationsCompetitive automotive or kart racing use.Standards and Approval:The G99 series helmets are tested and certified under the SNELLSA2010 standard.FIA8858-2010 approved for use with HANS device.Marking:The helmet is marked in accordance with the requirements ofSNELL SA2010 and FIA8858-2010.Accessories :V34AV34BV34CMT63-FL6YTK52TK57-01/1FL9M***Smoke visorClear visorBlue mirror visorCommunication kit (ear plugs & microphone)PTT largePTT smallCabe to connect communication radioVersions, size, weight:Description Article no Size Colour Weight gG99L-H GR FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,L XH001675368 L (58-59cm) Grey/Black 1550 +/-50G99L-H VI FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,L XH001675319 L (58-59cm) White 1550 +/-50G99M-H GR FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,M XH001675335 M (56-57cm) Grey/Black 1550 +/-50G99M-H VI FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,M XH001675285 M (56-57cm) White 1550 +/-50G99S-H VI FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,S XH001675301 S (54-55cm) White 1500 +/-50G99XL-H VI FULL FACE MOTORSPORT HELMET,XL XH001675293 XL (60-61cm) White 1600 +/-50V34B visor clearXH001675376V34A visor smokeXH001675384V34C visor blue/mirrorXH001678024
3M Peltor <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Datasheet</strong>Materials:Shell: Tri-weave. (Kevlar®/Carbon Fiber/Fiberglass composite)Visor: PC (polycarbonate) anti-scratch, anti-fogLiner: EPS (expanded polystyrene)Padding: FR Acrylic, Kevlar® KnitUse limitation:• Do not use this product against hazards other than thosespecified in this document.• This helmet has been designed for use with a head and necksupport system.• We recommend consulting a head and neck restraintmanufacturer or professional retailer when installing postanchors• It is intended for competitive automotive or kart racing use only.• It must not be used by motor-cyclists.• It must not be used on public streets, roads or highways.• As the protective capability may diminish over time, it isrecommended that helmets are replaced after 5 years.• No helmet can protect the wearer against all foreseeableimpacts. However, for maximum protection, the helmet must beof good fit and the retention system must be securely fastenedto retain the helmet. The helmet, when fitted and fastened, shallnot be removed easily.• This helmet is so constructed that the energy of an impact maybe absorbed through its partial destruction, though damage maynot be visible. If it suffers an impact, it must either be returned tothe manufacturer for inspection or be destroyed and replaced.• Make no modifications to this helmet.• This helmet can be seriously damaged by some commonsubstances such as gasoline, paint, adhesive or cleaning agentswithout visible damage. For cleaning apply only the following:luke warm water and mild soap.Important Notice:3M does not accept liability of any kind, be it direct or consequential (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business and/or goodwill)arising from reliance upon any information herein provided by 3M. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of the products fortheir intended use. Nothing in this statement will be deemed to exclude or restrict 3M’s liability for death or personal injury arising from itsnegligence.3M acknowledges the respective Trademark Owners´s rights in the above trademarks.CDS1010003 Rev a Peltor Marketing Communication3M Occupational Health &Environmental Safety Division3M Svenska ABBox 2341, SE-331 02 VärnamoSwedenPhone: +46 (0) 370 65 65 65Fax: +46 (0) 370 65 65 99Email: peltorcommunications@mmm.comInternet: recycle. Printed in Sweden.© 3M 2010. All rights reserved.