Book of Mormon Evidences From Ancient Aztec and Mayan Writings

Book of Mormon Evidences From Ancient Aztec and Mayan Writings

Book of Mormon Evidences From Ancient Aztec and Mayan Writings


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FiveThe Deity* "... <strong>of</strong>fered up by the northern Indians, to the bountiful giver, the supreme holy spirit <strong>of</strong> fire,whom they invoke in that most sacred <strong>and</strong> awful song, YO He Wah, <strong>and</strong> loudly ascribe to Him,Hallelu-Yah, for his continued goodness to them." (Adair <strong>of</strong> sacrifices <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>ferings) VIII 366Supplement* The Indian invocation either <strong>of</strong> all or some <strong>of</strong> the syllables <strong>of</strong> Jehovah, or Yohewah, in theirfestivals <strong>and</strong> religious dances, is so remarkable a fact that it will be satisfactory thta it does not reston the single testimony <strong>of</strong> Adair, but is confirmed by the accounts <strong>of</strong> writers <strong>of</strong> other nations, bothfrench <strong>and</strong> spanish, <strong>and</strong> particularly by the original religious songs <strong>of</strong> the Indians. VIII 384Supplement* ... the learned editor <strong>of</strong> Major Long's 'Expedition to the Rocky Mountains' ... many <strong>of</strong> the stanzas<strong>of</strong> which terminate with the syllables Yah-we-he-ya, Whe-he-ya, Hah-he-whe-ya, evidentallyinvocations <strong>of</strong> the Great Spirit, <strong>and</strong> clearly enunciative <strong>of</strong> the Divine name. VIII 384 Supplement* Richard Lauden, describing the yearly festival <strong>of</strong> the Floridians ... as the sound <strong>of</strong> Yah-wah,jarred in Lauden's ear, he called it Java, in resemblance to the Syriac <strong>and</strong> Greek method <strong>of</strong>expressing the tetra-grannaton, from which Galatinus imposed it upon us, calling it Jehova, instead<strong>of</strong> Yohewah. VIII 370 Supplement* Laet, in his description <strong>of</strong> America, <strong>and</strong> Escarbotus, assure us, they have <strong>of</strong>ten heard the SouthAmerican Indians to repeat the sacred word Halleluiah, which made them admire how they firstattained it. VIII 373 Supplement* "And the natives <strong>of</strong> Sir Francis Drake's New Albion were desirous <strong>of</strong> crowning him Hio, or Ohio,a name well known in North America, <strong>and</strong> hath an evident relation to the great beloved name. Hadthe former been endued with a proper capacity, <strong>and</strong> given a suitable attention to the Indian generallaw <strong>of</strong> purity, he would probably have described them singing YoHeWah, Hallelu-Yah & c., afterthe present manner <strong>of</strong> our North American red natives." (Adair) .... VIII 368 Supplement* Don Jose Cortes likewise, describing in his inedited Memoirs the manners <strong>and</strong> customs <strong>of</strong> theApache Indians ... thus notes this frequent recurrence <strong>of</strong> the syllable Ho in the songs which theyused in their religious dances. VIII 384 Supplement* It may be here observed, that the particle, teo, in the Mexican language prefixed to the names <strong>of</strong>persons, places <strong>and</strong> nations, <strong>and</strong> meaning divine, as in Teocipactli, Teochichimeca, correspondsexactly with, jeru, in Hebrew, which signifies, in the same manner, holy or divine. VI 186* ... the Mexicans believed, like the Jews, that God was omnipresent both in heaven <strong>and</strong> in hell ...VI 518* As a rock <strong>and</strong> refuge <strong>of</strong> his chosen people - a name which the Mexicans emphatically bestowedupon Huitzilopochtli ... VIII 180* ... (from previous excerpt)second verse <strong>of</strong> the nintey-first Psalm, "I will say <strong>of</strong> the Lord, He is myrefuge <strong>and</strong> my fortress:my God; in him I will trust. VIII 180

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