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Physics 12 University Preparation2012 Price ListOntario Senior Science - Grade 12 (SPH4U)TitleStudent Best Value BundleISBNImplementationPriceQty.TotalIncludes: Student Text (print) & Student Text PDFs (online)(valued at $74.95)9780176520601$74.95 Study Guide (print)(valued at $9.95)Value of $84.90!Savings of 12%Interactive Student Best Value BundleIncludes: Student Text (print) & Student Text PDFs (online)(valued at $74.95) Study Guide (print)(valued at $9.95)9780176520533$86.95 Online StudentValue of $129.85!Centre (online)Savings of 36%(valued at $49.95)(interactive; 5 year subscription)Title ISBNSchool NetPriceImplementationPriceQty.TotalOnline Student Resources (Without Student Text Purchase)Online Student Centre (interactive)1 Year Subscription per StudentOnline Student Centre (interactive)5 Year Subscription per Student9780176520519 $9.95 $9.959780176520526 $49.95 $49.95Teacher's ResourcesOnline Teaching Centre (interactive)One-time Purchase (subscription fee waived)Teacher's ResourcePrint + CD-ROM(Save 50% off the Regular School Price)Solutions ManualCD-ROM(Save 50% off the Regular School Price)Test Bank - ExamView®CD-ROM(Save 50% off the Regular School Price)Catholic Perspectives ToolkitOnline - * Special Offer: Purchase copies of the Student Resource(online or print) and receive the Catholic Perspectives Toolkit at noadditional charge.(1 access code per school)9780176520465 $499.95 $499.959780176520441 $360.00 $180.009780176520472 $360.00 $180.009780176520489 $360.00 $180.009780176520595 $150.00 *$150.00*For non-book items and freight: Schools in ON, NB, NFLD add 13% HST, NS add 15% HST, BC add 12% HST. Fornon-book items Quebec is subject to 9.5% QST on the total of the products and GST.Please be advised that this is to assist you in calculating your estimated total of your order. It is possible that the finalinvoice may differ if we determine that the item purchased may not qualify for the point of sale rebate.**Shipping charges will be added to the bill and will vary depending on weight and location.SubtotalAdd 2% to subtotal (min. $7.95 Shipping**)GSTQST/HST*Also Available:• Student Text + Online Access to .PDF Files only (not bundled)• Licences for School and District Portals (Learning Management Systems)• Other media formats (i.e. CD/DVD-ROM)Please contact your <strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Sales Representative for more information.TotalVisit the official website!www.nelson.com/onseniorscience

Program Component DescriptionsStudent TextPrint + Online Access to .PDF Files• Hardcover print resource with over 3000 high quality questions• Online access to the Student Text .PDF files are included with the purchase of each print Student TextOnline Student Centre (interactive)1 Year Subscription per Student5 Year Subscription per StudentStudy GuidePrintAll-new sleek and engaging design, interactive, multimedia-rich resource including: Interactive Student eBook,animations, videos, narrated glossary terms, simulations, integrated weblinks, and quizzes immediately accessible atpoint-of-use.Consumable resource provides additional opportunities for practice and reinforcement of key concepts.Online Teaching Centre (interactive)One-time Purchase (subscription fee waived)Up to 3 Users• Connect to rich curricular content including:- All content from the Online Student Centre and the Teacher's Resource plus additional Blackline Masters- Simulations, animations, videos, modifiable PowerPoint ® , and Interactive Whiteboard lessons for every chapter- Comprehensive teacher's notes with Blackline Masters to support interactive content, planning charts, assessmenttools and rubrics (all modifiable)- Illustrations from the Student Text in .jpeg format- Fully worked solutions for the Study Guide- Dry labs offering students opportunities to make predictions and draw conclusions in key concept areas without theneed to enter a laboratory setting• Select media files are downloadable• RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication) keep lessons current with up-to-the-minute content such as: news headlines,blog entries, audio, video, and other frequently updated works published onlineTeacher's ResourcePrint + CD-ROMSolutions ManualCD-ROMExamView® Test Bank (Version 6.2.1)CD-ROMTeacher's Resource available including a print binder plus a CD-ROM including all Teaching Notes plus modifiableBlackline Master files.Includes solutions to ALL section, chapter, and unit questions in the Student Text such as: Tutorials, Mini Investigations,Investigations, and Unit Tasks. All fully worked solutions are also available.Over 1,900 modifiable questions that support chapter content and are correlated to expectations and AchievementChart categories. Question formats include: true/false, multiple choice, completion, and short answer.Catholic Perspectives ToolkitOnline - *Special Offer: Purchase copies of the Student Resource(online or print) and receive the Catholic Perspectives Toolkit at noadditional charge. (1 access code per school)Created for Catholic school science educators. Tied to the Student Text, this toolkit contains selected lessons,modifiable Blackline Masters, background content, readings, and links to multimedia, all designed to illuminate sciencecontent through Catholic perspectives.<strong>Nelson</strong> <strong>Education</strong>'s Grade 12 science resources provide the depth and breadth of content thatis specifically developed to prepare students for university.Visit the official website to explore the demos for theOnline Student Centre and Online Teaching Centre.www.nelson.com/onseniorscience

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