Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto
Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto
Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto
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INTRODUCTION 27the immediate, short term problems of the policy world (CASTLES, 2003,p. 26). Good research will always call <strong>in</strong>to question the a<strong>de</strong>quacy andusefulness of taken for granted generalisations, assumptions andcategories —one might say that this is what research is for. It is by suchquestion<strong>in</strong>g, therefore, that research can play its most effective part <strong>in</strong>the general improvement of human welfare. In the words of LouisPasteur, a scientist whose practical contribution to the improvement ofhuman welfare it is difficult to exaggerate: “Il n’existe pas <strong>de</strong> sciencesappliquées mais seulement <strong>de</strong>s applications <strong>de</strong> la science” (1872, p. 42).ReferencesCASTLES, S. (2000a) “Migration and M<strong>in</strong>orities <strong>in</strong> <strong>Europe</strong>: Perspectives for the1990s: Eleven Hypotheses”. In: S. Castles, Ethnicity and Globalization:From Migrant Worker to Transnational Citizen. Sage Publications, London.CASTLES, S. (2000 b) “Multicultural Citizenship: The Australian Experience”. In:S.Castles, Ethnicity and Globalization:From Migrant worker to TransnationalCitizen, Sage Publications, London.CASTLES, S. (2003) “Towards a Sociology of Forced Migration and SocialTransformation”. In: Sociology 37 (1), pp. 13-34.COLLINSON, S. (1999) Globalisation and the Dynamics of International Migration:Implications for the Refugee Regime. Work<strong>in</strong>g Paper No. 1, New Issues <strong>in</strong>Refugee Research, UNHCR, Geneva.GAMMELTOFT, P. (2002) Remittances and other F<strong>in</strong>ancial Flows to Develop<strong>in</strong>gCountries. Expert Work<strong>in</strong>g Paper, Centre for Development Research,Copenhagen.GIBNEY, M.; HANSEN, R. (2002) “Asylum policy <strong>in</strong> the West: Past trends, futurePossibilities”. Paper prepared for the WIDER International Conference onPoverty, International Migration and Asylum, Hels<strong>in</strong>ki, 27-28 September.HIRSCHMAN, A.O. (1970) Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to Decl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong> Firms,Organisations and States. .Harvard University Press, Harvard, MA.JOPPKE, C. (1998) “<strong>Immigration</strong> Challenges to the Nation-State”. In: Challengesto the Nation-State: <strong>Immigration</strong> <strong>in</strong> Western <strong>Europe</strong> and the United States,ed. C. Joppke. Oxford University Press, Oxford.JORDAN, B.; DÜVELL, F. (2003) Migration: The Boundaries of Equality and Justice.Polity Press, Cambridge.LEÓN-LEDESMA, M.; PIRACHA, M. (2001) “International Migration and the Role ofRemittances <strong>in</strong> Eastern <strong>Europe</strong>”. Department of Economics, University ofKent at Canterbury. (read, 1/10/03).MARTIN, S. (2001) Remittance Flows and Impact. Paper prepared for theRegional Conference on Remittances as a Development Tool, organized bythe Multilateral Investment Fund and the Inter-American DevelopmentBank.