Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto

Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto

Immigration in Europe - HumanitarianNet - Universidad de Deusto


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FRAMING THE ISSUES AND MEETING THE CHALLENGES... 37protection of immigrants’ rights <strong>in</strong> the United States. The NGO communityworked closely with the INS <strong>in</strong> the early 1990s on a major reform andoverhaul of the asylum system. This collaboration resulted <strong>in</strong> the creationof much improved policies, laws and regulations to protect the rightsof refugees and asylum seekers <strong>in</strong> the United States. In fact, manyNGO representatives <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the asylum reform process later werehired by the INS as asylum officers with<strong>in</strong> its Asylum Offices across thecountry.The NGO community and the INS worked together to draft andpublish Detention Standards govern<strong>in</strong>g the treatment of INS <strong>de</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ees<strong>in</strong> prisons and <strong>de</strong>tention centres across the country pend<strong>in</strong>g theoutcome of their <strong>de</strong>portation cases. At the request of the INS, severalNGOs <strong>de</strong>veloped “Know Your Rights” programmes which provi<strong>de</strong><strong>in</strong>formation to INS <strong>de</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ees regard<strong>in</strong>g their rights to rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> theUnited States, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g provid<strong>in</strong>g pro bono representation to <strong>de</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ees.In a jo<strong>in</strong>t collaboration between the Board of <strong>Immigration</strong> Appeals —theimmigration appellate authority which <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s appeals from localimmigration court <strong>de</strong>cisions— and the NGO community, a Pro BonoProject was created to provi<strong>de</strong> free representation to INS <strong>de</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>eesaround the country <strong>in</strong> appeals of their cases. These are a few examplesof the many collaborative efforts which have resulted from strong andunified lobby<strong>in</strong>g by NGOs across the United States.Unfortunately, s<strong>in</strong>ce John Ashcroft has been named AttorneyGeneral, the relationship between the NGO community and the INS(which is un<strong>de</strong>r the jurisdiction of the United States Department ofJustice) has become somewhat stra<strong>in</strong>ed. Attorney General Ashcroft hastaken the lead <strong>in</strong> promot<strong>in</strong>g secretive immigration policies, has draftedregulations authoris<strong>in</strong>g secret <strong>de</strong>portation hear<strong>in</strong>gs, has stripped theadm<strong>in</strong>istrative appellate body <strong>in</strong> charge of immigration related appeals—the Board of <strong>Immigration</strong> Appeals— of much of its authority and hasgenerally promoted the restriction of immigrant rights after September11, 2001. 4 In response to these attacks on immigrants’ rights, NGOshave filed litigation seek<strong>in</strong>g open hear<strong>in</strong>gs and challeng<strong>in</strong>g newrestrictions on the rights of immigrants. They have also <strong>de</strong>velopedmedia campaigns to publicise and report on what is happen<strong>in</strong>g to4For more <strong>in</strong>formation on actions by US government agencies relat<strong>in</strong>g to immigrations<strong>in</strong>ce September 11, 2001, visit the American <strong>Immigration</strong> Law Foundation website athttp://www.ailf.org. Click on the Legal Action Center to access Post September 11 LegalResources which lists Executive Branch Actions s<strong>in</strong>ce September 11, 2001. This list<strong>in</strong>clu<strong>de</strong>s all the <strong>in</strong>itiatives taken by Attorney General John Ashcroft restrict<strong>in</strong>g immigrantrights <strong>in</strong> the United States.

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