PARTS LIST FOR K309 Flux Cored Fume Gun - Lincoln Electric
PARTS LIST FOR K309 Flux Cored Fume Gun - Lincoln Electric
PARTS LIST FOR K309 Flux Cored Fume Gun - Lincoln Electric
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<strong>K309</strong> <strong>Flux</strong>-<strong>Cored</strong> <strong>Fume</strong> <strong>Gun</strong>IM550June, 1995Safety Depends on You<strong>Lincoln</strong> arc welding and cuttingequipment is designed and builtwith safety in mind. However, youroverall safety can be increased byproper installation ... and thoughtfuloperation on your part. DONOT INSTALL, OPERATE ORREPAIR THIS EQUIPMENTWITHOUT READING THISMANUAL AND THE SAFETYPRECAUTIONS CONTAINEDTHROUGHOUT. And, mostimportantly, think before you actand be careful.OPERATOR’S MANUALWorld's Leader in Welding and Cutting ProductsPremier Manufacturer of Industrial MotorsSales and Service through Subsidiaries and Distributors Worldwide22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199 U.S.A. Tel. (216) 481-8100
iDiesel engine exhaust and some of its constituentsare known to the State of California to cause cancer,birth defects, and other reproductive harm.The Above For Diesel Engines<strong>FOR</strong> ENGINEpowered equipment.1.a. Turn the engine off before troubleshooting and maintenancework unless the maintenance work requires it to be running.____________________________________________________1.b.Operate engines in open, well-ventilatedareas or vent the engine exhaust fumesoutdoors.____________________________________________________1.c. Do not add the fuel near an open flamewelding arc or when the engine is running.Stop the engine and allow it to cool beforerefueling to prevent spilled fuel from vaporizingon contact with hot engine parts andigniting. Do not spill fuel when filling tank. Iffuel is spilled, wipe it up and do not startengine until fumes have been eliminated.____________________________________________________1.d. Keep all equipment safety guards, covers and devices inposition and in good repair.Keep hands, hair, clothing andtools away from V-belts, gears, fans and all other movingparts when starting, operating or repairing equipment.____________________________________________________1.e. In some cases it may be necessary to remove safetyguards to perform required maintenance. Removeguards only when necessary and replace them when themaintenance requiring their removal is complete.Always use the greatest care when working near movingparts.___________________________________________________1.f. Do not put your hands near the engine fan.Do not attempt to override the governor oridler by pushing on the throttle control rodswhile the engine is running.SAFETYWARNINGCALI<strong>FOR</strong>NIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNINGSThe engine exhaust from this product containschemicals known to the State of California to causecancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.The Above For Gasoline EnginesARC WELDING CAN BE HAZARDOUS. PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS FROM POSSIBLE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH.KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. PACEMAKER WEARERS SHOULD CONSULT WITH THEIR DOCTOR BE<strong>FOR</strong>E OPERATING.Read and understand the following safety highlights. For additional safety information, it is strongly recommended that youpurchase a copy of “Safety in Welding & Cutting - ANSI Standard Z49.1” from the American Welding Society, P.O. Box351040, Miami, Florida 33135 or CSA Standard W117.2-1974. A Free copy of “Arc Welding Safety” booklet E205 is availablefrom the <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Company, 22801 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.BE SURE THAT ALL INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES AREPER<strong>FOR</strong>MED ONLY BY QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS.1.h. To avoid scalding, do not remove theradiator pressure cap when the engine ishot.ELECTRIC ANDMAGNETIC FIELDSmay be dangerous2.a. <strong>Electric</strong> current flowing through any conductor causeslocalized <strong>Electric</strong> and Magnetic Fields (EMF). Weldingcurrent creates EMF fields around welding cables andwelding machines2.b. EMF fields may interfere with some pacemakers, andwelders having a pacemaker should consult their physicianbefore welding.2.c. Exposure to EMF fields in welding may have other healtheffects which are now not known.2.d. All welders should use the following procedures in order tominimize exposure to EMF fields from the welding circuit:2.d.1. Route the electrode and work cables together - Securethem with tape when possible.2.d.2. Never coil the electrode lead around your body.2.d.3. Do not place your body between the electrode andwork cables. If the electrode cable is on your rightside, the work cable should also be on your right side.i___________________________________________________1.g. To prevent accidentally starting gasoline engines whileturning the engine or welding generator during maintenancework, disconnect the spark plug wires, distributor cap ormagneto wire as appropriate.Mar ‘952.d.4. Connect the work cable to the workpiece as close aspossible to the area being welded.2.d.5. Do not work next to welding power source.
iiSAFETYiiELECTRIC SHOCK cankill.3.a. The electrode and work (or ground) circuitsare electrically “hot” when the welder is on.Do not touch these “hot” parts with your bareskin or wet clothing. Wear dry, hole-freegloves to insulate hands.3.b. Insulate yourself from work and ground using dry insulation.Make certain the insulation is large enough to cover your fullarea of physical contact with work and ground.In addition to the normal safety precautions, if weldingmust be performed under electrically hazardousconditions (in damp locations or while wearing wetclothing; on metal structures such as floors, gratings orscaffolds; when in cramped positions such as sitting,kneeling or lying, if there is a high risk of unavoidable oraccidental contact with the workpiece or ground) usethe following equipment:• Semiautomatic DC Constant Voltage (Wire) Welder.• DC Manual (Stick) Welder.• AC Welder with Reduced Voltage Control.3.c. In semiautomatic or automatic wire welding, the electrode,electrode reel, welding head, nozzle or semiautomaticwelding gun are also electrically “hot”.3.d. Always be sure the work cable makes a good electricalconnection with the metal being welded. The connectionshould be as close as possible to the area being welded.3.e. Ground the work or metal to be welded to a good electrical(earth) ground.3.f.Maintain the electrode holder, work clamp, welding cable andwelding machine in good, safe operating condition. Replacedamaged insulation.3.g. Never dip the electrode in water for cooling.3.h. Never simultaneously touch electrically “hot” parts ofelectrode holders connected to two welders because voltagebetween the two can be the total of the open circuit voltageof both welders.3.i.When working above floor level, use a safety belt to protectyourself from a fall should you get a shock.3.j. Also see Items 6.c. and 8.ARC RAYS can burn.4.a. Use a shield with the proper filter and coverplates to protect your eyes from sparks andthe rays of the arc when welding or observingopen arc welding. Headshield and filter lensshould conform to ANSI Z87. I standards.4.b. Use suitable clothing made from durable flame-resistantmaterial to protect your skin and that of your helpers fromthe arc rays.4.c. Protect other nearby personnel with suitable, non-flammablescreening and/or warn them not to watch the arc nor exposethemselves to the arc rays or to hot spatter or metal.FUMES AND GASEScan be dangerous.5.a. Welding may produce fumes and gaseshazardous to health. Avoid breathing thesefumes and gases.When welding, keepyour head out of the fume. Use enoughventilation and/or exhaust at the arc to keepfumes and gases away from the breathing zone. Whenwelding with electrodes which require specialventilation such as stainless or hard facing (seeinstructions on container or MSDS) or on lead orcadmium plated steel and other metals or coatingswhich produce highly toxic fumes, keep exposure aslow as possible and below Threshold Limit Values (TLV)using local exhaust or mechanical ventilation. Inconfined spaces or in some circumstances, outdoors, arespirator may be required. Additional precautions arealso required when welding on galvanized steel.5.b. Do not weld in locations near chlorinated hydrocarbon vaporscoming from degreasing, cleaning or spraying operations.The heat and rays of the arc can react with solvent vapors toform phosgene, a highly toxic gas, and other irritatingproducts.5.c. Shielding gases used for arc welding can displace air andcause injury or death. Always use enough ventilation,especially in confined areas, to insure breathing air is safe.5.d. Read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions for thisequipment and the consumables to be used, including thematerial safety data sheet (MSDS) and follow youremployer’s safety practices. MSDS forms are available fromyour welding distributor or from the manufacturer.5.e. Also see item 1.b.Mar ‘95
iiiSAFETYiiiWELDING SPARKS cancause fire or explosion.6.a. Remove fire hazards from the welding area.If this is not possible, cover them to preventthe welding sparks from starting a fire.Remember that welding sparks and hotmaterials from welding can easily go through small cracksand openings to adjacent areas. Avoid welding nearhydraulic lines. Have a fire extinguisher readily available.6.b. Where compressed gases are to be used at the job site,special precautions should be used to prevent hazardoussituations. Refer to “Safety in Welding and Cutting” (ANSIStandard Z49.1) and the operating information for theequipment being used.6.c. When not welding, make certain no part of the electrodecircuit is touching the work or ground. Accidental contactcan cause overheating and create a fire hazard.6.d. Do not heat, cut or weld tanks, drums or containers until theproper steps have been taken to insure that such procedureswill not cause flammable or toxic vapors from substancesinside. They can cause an explosion even though they havebeen “cleaned”. For information, purchase “RecommendedSafe Practices for the Preparation for Welding and Cutting ofContainers and Piping That Have Held HazardousSubstances”, AWS F4.1 from the American Welding Society(see address above).6.e. Vent hollow castings or containers before heating, cutting orwelding. They may explode.6.f. Sparks and spatter are thrown from the welding arc. Wear oilfree protective garments such as leather gloves, heavy shirt,cuffless trousers, high shoes and a cap over your hair. Wearear plugs when welding out of position or in confined places.Always wear safety glasses with side shields when in awelding area.6.g. Connect the work cable to the work as close to the weldingarea as practical. Work cables connected to the buildingframework or other locations away from the welding areaincrease the possibility of the welding current passingthrough lifting chains, crane cables or other alternate circuits.This can create fire hazards or overheat lifting chainsor cables until they fail.6.h. Also see item 1.c.CYLINDER may explodeif damaged.7.a. Use only compressed gas cylinderscontaining the correct shielding gas for theprocess used and properly operatingregulators designed for the gas andpressure used. All hoses, fittings, etc. should be suitable forthe application and maintained in good condition.7.b. Always keep cylinders in an upright position securelychained to an undercarriage or fixed support.7.c. Cylinders should be located:• Away from areas where they may be struck or subjected tophysical damage.• A safe distance from arc welding or cutting operations andany other source of heat, sparks, or flame.7.d. Never allow the electrode, electrode holder or any otherelectrically “hot” parts to touch a cylinder.7.e. Keep your head and face away from the cylinder valve outletwhen opening the cylinder valve.7.f.Valve protection caps should always be in place and handtight except when the cylinder is in use or connected foruse.7.g. Read and follow the instructions on compressed gascylinders, associated equipment, and CGA publication P-l,“Precautions for Safe Handling of Compressed Gases inCylinders,” available from the Compressed Gas Association1235 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.<strong>FOR</strong> ELECTRICALLYpowered equipment.8.a. Turn off input power using the disconnectswitch at the fuse box before working onthe equipment.8.b. Install equipment in accordance with the U.S. National<strong>Electric</strong>al Code, all local codes and the manufacturer’srecommendations.8.c. Ground the equipment in accordance with the U.S. National<strong>Electric</strong>al Code and the manufacturer’s recommendations.Mar ‘95
ivSAFETYivPRÉCAUTIONS DE SÛRETÉPour votre propre protection lire et observer toutes les instructionset les précautions de sûreté specifiques qui parraissentdans ce manuel aussi bien que les précautions de sûretégénérales suivantes:Sûreté Pour Soudage A L’Arc1. Protegez-vous contre la secousse électrique:a. Les circuits à l’électrode et à la piéce sont sous tensionquand la machine à souder est en marche. Eviter toujourstout contact entre les parties sous tension et la peau nueou les vétements mouillés. Porter des gants secs et sanstrous pour isoler les mains.b. Faire trés attention de bien s’isoler de la masse quand onsoude dans des endroits humides, ou sur un planchermetallique ou des grilles metalliques, principalement dansles positions assis ou couché pour lesquelles unegrande partie du corps peut être en contact avec lamasse.c. Maintenir le porte-électrode, la pince de masse, le câblede soudage et la machine à souder en bon et sûr étatdefonctionnement.d.Ne jamais plonger le porte-électrode dans l’eau pour lerefroidir.e. Ne jamais toucher simultanément les parties sous tensiondes porte-électrodes connectés à deux machines à souderparce que la tension entre les deux pinces peut être letotal de la tension à vide des deux machines.f. Si on utilise la machine à souder comme une source decourant pour soudage semi-automatique, ces precautionspour le porte-électrode s’applicuent aussi au pistolet desoudage.5. Toujours porter des lunettes de sécurité dans la zone desoudage. Utiliser des lunettes avec écrans lateraux dans leszones où l’on pique le laitier.6. Eloigner les matériaux inflammables ou les recouvrir afin deprévenir tout risque d’incendie dû aux étincelles.7. Quand on ne soude pas, poser la pince à une endroit isolé dela masse. Un court-circuit accidental peut provoquer unéchauffement et un risque d’incendie.8. S’assurer que la masse est connectée le plus prés possiblede la zone de travail qu’il est pratique de le faire. Si on placela masse sur la charpente de la construction ou d’autresendroits éloignés de la zone de travail, on augmente le risquede voir passer le courant de soudage par les chaines de levage,câbles de grue, ou autres circuits. Cela peut provoquerdes risques d’incendie ou d’echauffement des chaines et descâbles jusqu’à ce qu’ils se rompent.9. Assurer une ventilation suffisante dans la zone de soudage.Ceci est particuliérement important pour le soudage de tôlesgalvanisées plombées, ou cadmiées ou tout autre métal quiproduit des fumeés toxiques.10. Ne pas souder en présence de vapeurs de chlore provenantd’opérations de dégraissage, nettoyage ou pistolage. Lachaleur ou les rayons de l’arc peuvent réagir avec lesvapeurs du solvant pour produire du phosgéne (gas fortementtoxique) ou autres produits irritants.11. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur la sûreté,voir le code “Code for safety in welding and cutting” CSAStandard W 117.2-1974.2. Dans le cas de travail au dessus du niveau du sol, se protégercontre les chutes dans le cas ou on recoit un choc. Nejamais enrouler le câble-électrode autour de n’importe quellepartie du corps.3. Un coup d’arc peut être plus sévère qu’un coup de soliel,donc:a. Utiliser un bon masque avec un verre filtrant appropriéainsi qu’un verre blanc afin de se protéger les yeux durayonnement de l’arc et des projections quand on soudeou quand on regarde l’arc.b. Porter des vêtements convenables afin de protéger lapeau de soudeur et des aides contre le rayonnement del‘arc.c. Protéger l’autre personnel travaillant à proximité ausoudage à l’aide d’écrans appropriés et non-inflammables.4. Des gouttes de laitier en fusion sont émises de l’arc desoudage. Se protéger avec des vêtements de protectionlibres de l’huile, tels que les gants en cuir, chemise épaisse,pantalons sans revers, et chaussures montantes.PRÉCAUTIONS DE SÛRETÉ POURLES MACHINES À SOUDER ÀTRANS<strong>FOR</strong>MATEUR ET ÀREDRESSEUR1. Relier à la terre le chassis du poste conformement au codede l’électricité et aux recommendations du fabricant. Le dispositifde montage ou la piece à souder doit être branché àune bonne mise à la terre.2. Autant que possible, I’installation et l’entretien du posteseront effectués par un électricien qualifié.3. Avant de faires des travaux à l’interieur de poste, ladebrancher à l’interrupteur à la boite de fusibles.4. Garder tous les couvercles et dispositifs de sûreté à leurMar. ‘93
vThank Youfor selecting a QUALITY product by <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong>. We want youto take pride in operating this <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Company product••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!vPlease Examine Carton and Equipment For Damage ImmediatelyWhen this equipment is shipped, title passes to the purchaser upon receipt by the carrier. Consequently, Claimsfor material damaged in shipment must be made by the purchaser against the transportation company at thetime the shipment is received.Please record your equipment identification information below for future reference. This information can befound on your machine nameplate.Model Name & Number _____________________________________Date of Purchase_____________________________________Whenever you request replacement parts for or information on this equipment always supply the informationyou have recorded above.Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep ithandy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:WARNINGThis statement appears where the information must be followed exactly to avoid serious personal injury orloss of life.CAUTIONThis statement appears where the information must be followed to avoid minor personal injury or damage tothis equipment.
11DESCRIPTIONThe <strong>K309</strong> is a <strong>Flux</strong>-<strong>Cored</strong> <strong>Fume</strong> <strong>Gun</strong> NEMA rated 250amperes 60% duty cycle. It was developed to removesmoke emitted at the arc when welding withInnershield electrodes in out of position and downhandwelding. The gun can use .068"/.072”, 5/64"and 3/32" electrode at 3/4" and 1" electrical stickouts.Any of the X-Tractor vacuum sources will provide asuitable vacuum source to remove the smoke. The<strong>K309</strong> gun will fit any <strong>Lincoln</strong> Wire feeder that can usea K126 gun. The wire feed cable length is 15 feet,and 15 feet of exhaust hoses are provided along witha hose adapter to 1-3/4” (45mm) exhaust hose.<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has 1-3/4" hoses for both regular duty(PVC flexhose S19947- ) and heavy duty (Reinforcedrubber S14927-8) applications.The <strong>K309</strong> gun is shipped ready to weld 5/64" electrodeat 3/4” or 1” electrical stickout and can be usedwith other electrode sizes by using the appropriatecontact tip. The following table shows the parts neededfor various wire sizes.WireSize5/64”5/64”3/32”.068” & .072”ContactTipT14050-5/64T14726-5/64 1T14050-3/32T14050-.072Parts FurnishedWith K206YesNoNoNosource.These units will provide enough vacuum to removesmoke generated at the welding arc. A vacuumsource rated 20 CFM at 65 inches of water can beused in place of the <strong>Lincoln</strong> vacuum units.Some welding sparks and spatter may be picked up.CAUTIONCheck that sparks will not damage non-<strong>Lincoln</strong> vacuumunits or create fire hazards.------------------------------------------------------------------------Vacuum must be on when welding with the gun.WARNINGWithout air flow, the gun will become overheated andthe intake tube will deteriorate rapidly. The intake tubecan be rotated to either side of the nozzle to improvesmoke pickup or visibility.------------------------------------------------------------------------OPERATIONThe <strong>K309</strong> gun is shipped ready to weld 5/64" electrodeat 3/4” or 1” electrical stickout and can be usedwith other electrode sizes by using the appropriatecontact tip.1Low cost tip available as parts order. Wear life may be 1/3 to 1/5 that ofstandard that of standard contact tip. Main application will be where customerhas high replacement due to arcing tip to work. Tip can be identifiedby a vee groove on O.D.INSTALLATIONFor overhead welding, the optional 30° nozzle is recommended.Connect the wire feed cable and control cable to thewire feeder by inserting the male end of the wire feedcable into the brass block on the front of the wire feederand tightening the set screw. Keep this connectionclean and bright. Insert the control cable polarizedplug into the receptacle on the wire feeder. (Note:The wire feeder must have correct drive rolls and tensionsetting for the electrode used.)Connect the hose adapter to any 1-3/4" (45 mm)exhaust hose. <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> has 1-3/4" hoses forboth regular duty (PVC flexhose S19947- ) and heavyduty (Reinforced rubber S14927-8) applications.Then connect the hose to an X-Tractor VacuumFLUX CORED FUME GUNNOTE: For optimum smoke pickup, use drag anglesof 15° from the vertical, or less. As the dragangle increases over this figure, smoke pickupwill be less and less effective.MAINTENANCETo insure proper smoke pickup and gun life, air flowmust be maintained through the gun. To maintainproper air flow, the rubber intake tube, internal aluminumtube, and exhaust hose behind the gun mustbe kept free of spatter.a. Clean rubber intake tube by squeezing along itslength as required - usually every 15 to 30 minutesof arc time.b. Clean aluminum tube in the handle by shutting offthe vacuum, removing the intake tube, and cleaningout the spatter with a piece of wire usually onceor twice a shift.
2c. Clean exhaust hose behind the gun by squeezingalong entire length to break up collected spatter.Blockage will usually occur within 4 feet of gunhandle. Exhaust hose should be cleaned everycoil of electrode unless more frequent cleaning isindicated. An exhaust hose blockage can also becleared by running a wire or electrode through theinside diameter of the hose.The end of the intake tube will deteriorate from theheat of arc and must be replaced when tube is tooshort to pick up smoke. The useful life of the intaketube can be extended by pulling it out of the connectingtube until the intake end is even with the end ofthe nozzle. See parts list illustration.<strong>Gun</strong> CablesClean cables after using approximately 300 pounds ofelectrode. Remove the cable from the wire feeder andlay it out straight on the floor. Remove the contactnozzle tip from the gun. Using an air hose and onlypartial pressure, gently blow out the cable from thegun end. Too much pressure at the start will cause thedirt to form a plug.Flex the cable over its entire length and again blowout the cable. Repeat this procedure until no furtherdirt comes out.<strong>Gun</strong> Nozzlea. Replace worn contact tips as required.b. Remove spatter from tip or extension guide aftereach ten minutes of arc time as required.c. Replace worn spring liner in nozzle. The life of theliner can be doubled by rotating the liner 180°. Theliner can be pulled out the back end of the nozzleby wedging the blade of a small screwdriver in theI.D. and pulling.d. Internal parts of nozzle can be removed andreplaced by removing the internal hollow-lock setscrew from the contact tip end of the nozzle with a5/32” Allen wrench.The ceramic insert and retainer will normally fall outthe end of the nozzle but if they do not, gently drivethe spring liner towards the outgoing end of the nozzle.See the parts list pages for construction details andreplacement parts. When re-assembling the nozzle,make certain that the ceramic nozzle insert is placednext to the spring liner. The hollow-lock set screw is tobe tightened to give .38” as measured from the end ofthe nozzle to the hollow-lock set screw.2TROUBLESHOOTINGTrouble Cause RemedyPoor smoke pickup Vacuum unit not operating correctly. Clean filters or repair vacuum unit.Spatter buildup on intake tube or I.D. ofaluminum tube in handle.Hoses blocked or damaged.Strong drafts.Visible stickout is too long.Remove spatter and clear all passages.Clean or repair hoses.Eliminate strong drafts or construct barriersso draft will not affect smoke removal.Shorten visible stickout torecommended length.Poor arc action or erratic feeding. Worn contact tip or nozzle. Replace worn parts.Dirty cable.Blow out cable with compressed air.FLUX CORED FUME GUN
P103-RP103-R<strong>PARTS</strong> <strong>LIST</strong> <strong>FOR</strong><strong>K309</strong> <strong>Flux</strong> <strong>Cored</strong> <strong>Fume</strong> <strong>Gun</strong>NOTE: This Parts Manual is provided as an informative guide only, when ordering parts always refer to the<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Parts List.<strong>K309</strong> FLUX CORED FUME GUN6-14-95
2P103-R<strong>K309</strong> FLUX CORED FUME GUN<strong>PARTS</strong>2SPRING LINER (23A)CERAMIC INSERT (23B)14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 25 43INSERT RETAINER (23C)HOLLOW-LOCK SET SCREW (23D)21151617181918212730232624TUBE TO BE EVEN WITHEND OF NOZZLE WITHIN .06L59812-3-95JNOTE: This Parts Manual is provided as an informative guide only, when ordering parts always refer to the<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Parts List.<strong>K309</strong> FLUX CORED FUME GUN
3# Indicates a change this printing.* Recommended Spare Part<strong>PARTS</strong>Use only the parts marked “x” in the column under theheading number called for in the model index page.3ITEM DESCRIPTION PART NO. QTY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<strong>Gun</strong> & Cable Assembly (68° Nozzle), Includes:<strong>Gun</strong> & Cable Assembly (30° Nozzle), Includes:1 Retaining Tube T14350-3 1 X2 Intake Tip T14350-1 1 X3 Connector S14927-10 1 X4 Shield Block S16399 1 X5 Retaing Ring S9776-7 1 X6 Nozzle Clamp S15921-2 1 X7 Socket Head Cap Screw T9447-28 1 X8 Trigger Clamp T14281 1 X9 Exhaust Tube M13697 1 X10 Handle M13699 1 X11 Rivet Button T13504 1 X12 Handle Extension S16909-1 1 X13 Conductor Cable L6068-1 1 X14 Exhaust Hose Assembly S16403 1 X15 Pan Head Screw #8-32 x .25 4 X16 Control Cable Assembly, Includes: M13698-15 1 XMicro Switch T12485 1 XConnector Wire Feeder End (Earlier <strong>Gun</strong>s Only) S12020-6 1 X17 Support Tube S14927-11 1 X18 Hose Clamp S10888-31 2 X19 Connector S16404 1 X21 Heat Shield S15142 1 X23 Nozzle (68°), Includes: M11476 1 X23 Nozzle (30°), Includes: M13304-6 1 X23A Spring Liner T12931-4 1 X23B Ceramic Insert T12576-2 1 X23C Insert Retainer T12977-1 1 X23D Hollow-Lock Set Screw T12932-1 1 X24 Nozzle Tip, Note 1 T14050-5/64 As Req’D X25 Self Tapping Screw S8025-37 1 X26 Thread Protector T12313 1 X27 Caution Decal T14351 1 X30 Hose Adapter (Hose To Tube) S20591-6 1 XNote: 1 When tip life is limited by tip beingfused over, T-14726-5/64 tips maygive a lower overall cost.6-14-95NOTE: This Parts Manual is provided as an informative guide only, when ordering parts always refer to the<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Parts List.<strong>K309</strong> FLUX CORED FUME GUN
NOTES<strong>K309</strong> FLUX CORED FUME GUN
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WARNING● Do not touch electrically live parts orelectrode with skin or wet clothing.● Insulate yourself from work andground.● Keep flammable materials away.● Wear eye, ear and body protection.SpanishAVISO DEPRECAUCION● No toque las partes o los electrodosbajo carga con la piel o ropa mojada.● Aislese del trabajo y de la tierra.● Mantenga el material combustiblefuera del área de trabajo.● Protéjase los ojos, los oídos y elcuerpo.FrenchATTENTION● Ne laissez ni la peau ni des vêtementsmouillés entrer en contactavec des pièces sous tension.● Isolez-vous du travail et de la terre.● Gardez à l’écart de tout matérielinflammable.● Protégez vos yeux, vos oreilles etvotre corps.GermanWARNUNGPortugueseATENÇÃO● Berühren Sie keine stromführendenTeile oder Elektroden mit IhremKörper oder feuchter Kleidung!● Isolieren Sie sich von denElektroden und dem Erdboden!● Não toque partes elétricas e electrodoscom a pele ou roupa molhada.● Isole-se da peça e terra.● Entfernen Sie brennbarres Material!● Mantenha inflamáveis bem guardados.● Tragen Sie Augen-, Ohren- und Körperschutz!● Use proteção para a vista, ouvido ecorpo.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION <strong>FOR</strong> THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BEUSED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOSCONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS AETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.
● Keep your head out of fumes.● Use ventilation or exhaust toremove fumes from breathing zone.● Turn power off before servicing.● Do not operate with panel open orguards off.WARNING● Los humos fuera de la zona de respiración.● Mantenga la cabeza fuera de loshumos. Utilice ventilación oaspiración para gases.● Desconectar el cable de alimentaciónde poder de la máquinaantes de iniciar cualquier servicio.● No operar con panel abierto oguardas quitadas.SpanishAVISO DEPRECAUCION● Gardez la tête à l’écart des fumées.● Utilisez un ventilateur ou un aspirateurpour ôter les fumées des zonesde travail.● Débranchez le courant avant l’entretien.● N’opérez pas avec les panneauxouverts ou avec les dispositifs deprotection enlevés.FrenchATTENTION● Vermeiden Sie das Einatmen vonSchweibrauch!● Sorgen Sie für gute Be- undEntlüftung des Arbeitsplatzes!● Strom vor Wartungsarbeitenabschalten! (Netzstrom völlig öffnen;Maschine anhalten!)● Anlage nie ohne Schutzgehäuseoder Innenschutzverkleidung inBetrieb setzen!GermanWARNUNG● Mantenha seu rosto da fumaça.● Use ventilação e exhaustão pararemover fumo da zona respiratória.● Não opere com as tampas removidas.● Desligue a corrente antes de fazerserviço.● Não toque as partes elétricas nuas.● Mantenha-se afastado das partesmoventes.● Não opere com os paineis abertosou guardas removidas.PortugueseATENÇÃOJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA ASPRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.