mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

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AccessoriesCircular delivery plenumMade of galvanized plate, it’s used to direct air to the room by means of tube ducts.It has round plastic flanges, and can be easily cut in order to be used with one or another connection diameter.BModel A B Uds.05 450 200 mm07/11/13/17 850 200 mm19/21/23 1135 200 mmCADelivery grilleMade of anodized aluminium, it lets to direct manually the air direction both horizontally or vertically by means of the position of thelouvers.Modelo A B Uds.05 564 253 mm07/11 931 245 mm13/17 1017 275 mm19/21/23 1215 315 mmBA + 50B + 50AHot water batteryIts purpose is to heat, using water from a boiler (four-pipe unit).The standard battery will be used to cool (two pipes), and the supplementary battery of the water battery (the other two pipes) to heat thebuilding.The water battery is supplied in a plenum, which is screwed directly on the discharge nozzle of the unit.The battery is made with expanded copper tubes and aluminium fins.The batter is equipped with an air drainHydraulic connections hot water batteryModels 05 - 07 - 11Models 13 - 17 - 19 - 21 - 235045251083

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