mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

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AccessoriesThermostatic regulation of the cross valveIn this case, the management of the fans differs depending on operation in heating or cooling, as explained below:- Cooling: Thermostatic regulation opens / closes the valve according to demand, while the fan is always active, even when thethermostatic regulation has reached the temperature(min, med, or max position ) or starts and stops according to demand (autoposition) and periodic ventilation.- Heating: The thermostatic regulation opens/closes the valve while the fan is controlling the HOT START and PERIODIC VENTILATIONfunctions with the corre<strong>sp</strong>onding delay times.Evolution of temperatureONValveOFFHeat mode OperationONFanOFFONValveOFFCool mode OperationFan ONcontinuoOFFFanautoONOFFHeating/ cooling with thermostatic regulation in the cross valveThe management of the cross valve carries out an ON / OFF control with indicator of valve closure on reaching the set point, depending on thehysteresis cycles of the heating / cooling diagrams. The valves to be used are of the normally closed type, with electrothermic actuators withopening/closing times of approximately three minutes.The fan is controlled by timer as explained in the paragraph VENTILATION CONTROL, to constantly capture the ambient temperature.Position of the water probeWaterTemp.Water probe position89

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