mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

mercury sp - Ferroli

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AccessoriesPeriodic ventilationIn the case in which the control is imbedded in the machine, when the fan is turned off due to having reaching thermostatic regulation, ON /OFF cycles of the fan shall be carried out, to allow the air probe to capture the actual ambient temperature. Said function is activated both inthe heating and cooling mode.HOT START functionThis consists of the pre-heating of the battery prior to starting the fan. This function is only active in heating mode and can be done in twoways:- Ventilation time delay: for controls with thermostatic regulation in the cross valve there is a fixed delay timing of 180 seconds betweenthe activation of the heat regulator and the activation of the ventilation, to allow the valve to open completely. After 180 seconds the fanwill start up when the water probe reaches a temperature greater than or equal to 39.5ºC. This function does not exist in the controlswith thermostatic regulation in the fan.- Ventilation start-up: The fan starts up when the water temperature is greater than 39.5ºC; this function exists in both the controls asthermostatic regulation in the valve and in the fan.Valve / Fan ON38.5°C39°C39.5°CWater temperature ºCHysteresis diagram of the thermostatic regulation (valve or fan, depending on the type of controller).Post-ventilationAfter disconnection by thermostat of the electric elements, ventilation continues in operation for 90 seconds, in order to cool the elements.91

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