Tendukheda - Damoh

Tendukheda - Damoh

Tendukheda - Damoh


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a. If a bidder engages in a corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercivepractice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice;b. If a bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity as specifiedin this RFP document and as extended by the bidder from time to time;c. If the selected bidder fails within the specified time limit to sign theagreementd. In case the agreement is terminated under clause Bid Security of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded by the SecretaryDistrict E-Governance Society, without any interest, on signing of Agreementwith the Selected Bidder or when the Bidding Process is cancelled by theSecretary.4.7. SELECTION OF BIDDER4.7.1. The bidder quoting the lowest Process Fee (lowest bidder) shall ordinarily bedeclared as the Selected Bidder.4.7.2. In case two or more bidders ("Tie Bidders") quote the same amount ofProcess Fee, the Secretary shall identify the Selected Bidder by draw of lot,which shall be conducted, with prior notice, in the presence of the TieBidders who choose to attend.4.7.3. In case the lowest bidder withdraws or is not selected for any reason in thefirst instance ("first round of bidding"), the Secretary may invite all theremaining bidders to extend their respective Bid Security and bid validity, asnecessary, and match the bid with the aforesaid lowest bidder ("secondround of bidding”). If in the second round of bidding, only one biddermatches the lowest bidder, it shall be the Selected Bidder. If two or morebidders match the said lowest bidder in the second round of bidding, then thebidder whose bid was lower as compared to other bidders in the first roundof bidding shall be the Selected Bidder. For example, if the third and fifthlowest bidders in the first round of bidding offer to match the said lowestbidder in the second round of bidding, the said third lowest bidder shall bethe Selected Bidder.4.7.4. In case no bidder offers to match the lowest bidder in the second round ofbidding as specified in Clause 4.7.3, the secretary may invite fresh bids fromthe remaining bidders ( excepting the lowest bidder who failed to become theselected bidder) in sealed cover at its discretion or may invite fresh bids.Model RFP Document for the use of District e-Gov Society Prepared by DPSM GOMP14

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