Basic Principles of Electromagnetism

Basic Principles of Electromagnetism

Basic Principles of Electromagnetism


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CHAPTER`4C h a p t e r 4 | 87BASIC PRINCIPLES OFELECTROMAGNETISM4.0 INTRODUCTIONThis chapter is explaining about the relationship between current flows in conductor,classify factors that affect electromagnetic strength and understand the characteristics<strong>of</strong> magnetic quantities in electromagnet. The learning outcomes for this chapter arethe students should be able to explain clearly the relationship between current flowand magnetism.4.1 MAGNETMagnet can be defined as material that can attract piece <strong>of</strong> iron or metal. Magnet hastwo poles north and south. Material that attracted by the magnet is known as magneticsubstances. The ability to attract the magnetic substances is known as magnetism.4.1.1 <strong>Principles</strong> Of MagnetMagnet has a magnetic field around the magnet itself. Magnetic field is theforce around the magnet which can attract any magnetic material around it.Flux magnet is the line around the magnet bar which form magnetic field.Figure 4.1: Magnetic Field<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 884.1.2 <strong>Basic</strong> Magnet LawMagnetic flux lines have a direction and pole. The direction <strong>of</strong> movementoutside <strong>of</strong> the magnetic field lines is from north to south. The strongestmagnetic fields are at the magnetic poles. Different poles attract each other andsame magnetic poles will reject each other. Flux form a complete loop andnever intersect with each other. Flux will try to form a loop as small aspossible.Figure 4.2: Magnetic Flux4.1.3 Types Of MagnetThere are two types <strong>of</strong> magnet known as pure magnet and manufacturemagnet.i) Pure MagnetPure magnet is a magnet stone. The stone originally have the naturalmagnetic. <strong>Basic</strong>ally the stone is found in the form <strong>of</strong> iron ore.ii)Manufacture MagnetThere are two types <strong>of</strong> manufacture which is permanent magnet andtemporary magnet.a) Permanent MagnetThe ability <strong>of</strong> the magnet to kept its magnetism. There are fivebasic shape <strong>of</strong> permanent magnet as shown in Figure 4.3. <strong>Basic</strong>allypermanent magnet is used in a small device such as speakers, meterand compass. Permanent magnet can be obtained by naturally ormagnetic induction and placing a magnet into a coil then suppliedwith a high electrical current. The basic types <strong>of</strong> permanent magnetare U Shape, Horseshoe, Rod, Cylinder and Bar.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 89b) Temporary magnetAn electric current can be used for making temporary magnetsknown as electromagnet. It has magnetic properties when subjectedto magnetic force and it will be lost when power is removed.Typically the temporary magnet is used in electrical componentsuch as relay and small devices such as electrical bell.4.2 ELECTROMAGNETElectromagnet is a magnetic iron core produced when the current flowing through thecoil. Thus, the magnetic field can be produced when there is a current flow through aconductor. The direction <strong>of</strong> the magnetic field produced by the current in the solenoidcan be determined using two methods:i) Right Hand Grip Ruleii) Maxwell's Screw Law4.2.1 Right Hand Grip RuleRight Hand Grip Rule is a physics principle applied to electric current passingthrough a solenoid, resulting in a magnetic field. By wrapping the right handaround the solenoid, thumb is pointing in the direction <strong>of</strong> the magnetic northpole and fingers in the direction <strong>of</strong> the conventional current. This rule can alsobe applied to electricity passing through a straight wire. The thumb points inthe direction <strong>of</strong> the conventional current from positive to negative. Meanwhilethe fingers points <strong>of</strong> the magnetic lines <strong>of</strong> flux.Figure 4.3: Right Hand Grip Rule4.2.2 Maxwell's Screw LawAnother way to determine the direction <strong>of</strong> the flux and current in a conductoris to use Maxwell's screw rule. A right-handed screw is turned so that it movesforward in the same direction as the current, its direction <strong>of</strong> rotation will givethe direction <strong>of</strong> the magnetic field from south to north.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 90Figure 4.4: Maxwell’s Screw Law4.3 ELECTROMAGNETIC EFFECTA flow <strong>of</strong> current through a wire produces a magnetic field in a circular path aroundthe wire. The field patterns <strong>of</strong> a current flow in a conductor can de determine usingboth rules <strong>of</strong> right hand grip or Maxwell’s Screw. Note that, conventional currentflow towards or inside the conductor is marked by cross (X) and current flow away oroutside the conductor is marked as dot ( · ).4.3.1 Single ConductorThe direction <strong>of</strong> the field pattern in going and out going produced by a currentflowing through a single conductor can be determine by applying both rules asillustrated in Figure 4.5.Source: Fundamental Electrical & Electronic <strong>Principles</strong> by Christopher R RobertsonFigure 4.5: Current flow (a) in going (b) out going<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 914.3.2 Two ConductorsIf the two conductors where the current flow in the same direction, themagnetic flux pattern will produce around both conductors and combine tocreate attraction between them as shown in Figure 4.6 (a). If the current inconductors flow in opposite direction, the field pattern will repulse each other.The effect is shown in Figure 4.6(b).(a)(b)Source: Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik,Cetakan Pertama 2000 by Abd.Samad HanifFigure 4.6: Two closed current-carrying conductors flow(a) in same direction (b) in opposite direction4.4 ELECTROMAGNETIC STRENGTHThere are 4 factors that affect electromagnetic strength:1. Number <strong>of</strong> turnsThe strength <strong>of</strong> the electromagnet is directly proportional to the number <strong>of</strong> turn inthe coil. By varying the number <strong>of</strong> turns in its coil can produce very strongmagnetic fields and its strength.2. Current strengthThe strength <strong>of</strong> the electromagnet is directly proportional to the current flowing inthe coil. Greater the current flow through the coil, stronger will be the magneticfields produced.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 923. Length <strong>of</strong> coilThe strength <strong>of</strong> the electromagnet is directly proportional to the length <strong>of</strong> the coil.By coil up the wire can increasing the length and increase the force <strong>of</strong> magneticfield.4. Types <strong>of</strong> conductorDepend on the nature <strong>of</strong> the core material. The use <strong>of</strong> s<strong>of</strong>t <strong>of</strong> core can producesthe strongest magnetism.4.5 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTIONWhen a conductor is move across a magnetic field, an electromagnetic force (emf) isproduced in conductor. This effect is known as electromagnetic induction. The effect<strong>of</strong> electromagnetic induction will cause induced current. There are two laws <strong>of</strong>electromagnetic induction:i. Faraday’s lawii. Lenz’z Law4.5.1 Faraday’s lawFaraday’s law is a fundamental relationship which comes from Maxwell’sequations. It is a relative movement <strong>of</strong> the magnetic flux and the conductorthen causes an emf and thus the current to be induced in the conductor.Induced emf on the conductor could be produced by two methods i.e. flux cutsconductor or conductor cuts flux.a. Flux cuts conductorFlux cut conductor is when the magnet is move towards the coil as shown inFigure 4.9, a deflection is noted on the galvanometer showing that a currenthas been produced in the coil.Source: Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik, Cetakan Pertama 2000 by Mohd. Isabin IdrisFigure 4.7: Flux cuts conductor<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 93b. Conductor cuts fluxConductor cut flux is when the conductor is moved through a magnetic fieldas shown in Figure 4.8. An emf is induced in the conductor and thus a source<strong>of</strong> emf is created between the ends <strong>of</strong> the conductor. This is the simple concept<strong>of</strong> AC generator. This induced electromagnetic field is given bywhereE = Blv volts [4.1]B = flux density, Tl = length <strong>of</strong> the conductor in the magnetic field, mv = conductor velocity, m/sIf the conductor moves at the angle θ° to the magnetic field, thenE = Blv sinθ° volts [4.2]Source: Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik, Cetakan Pertama 2000 oleh Mohd.Isa bin IdrisFigure 4.8: Conductor cuts fluxExample 4.1A conductor 300mm long moves at a uniform speed <strong>of</strong> 4m/s at right-angles toa uniform magnetic field <strong>of</strong> flux density 1.25T. Determine the current flowingin the conductor when(a)(b)its ends are open-circuitedits ends are connected to a load <strong>of</strong> 20 Ω resistance.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 94Solution 4.1When a conductor moves in a magnetic field it will have an emf induced in itbut this emf can only produce a current if there is a closed circuit. Induced emfE = Blv = (1.25)(300/1000)(4)(a)If the ends <strong>of</strong> the conductor are open circuit, no current will flow eventhough 1.5 V has been induced.(b)From Ohm’s lawE 1.5I = = 75mAR 204.5.2 Lenz’z LawThe direction <strong>of</strong> an induced emf is always such that it tends to set up a currentopposing the motion or the change <strong>of</strong> flux responsible for inducing that emf.This effect is shown in Figure 4.9.Source: Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik dan Elektronik, Cetakan Pertama 2000 by Mohd. Isabin IdrisFigure 4.9: Bar magnet move in and move out from a solenoid<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 954.6 MAGNETIC QUANTITY CHARACTERISTICSThere are many magnetic quantities in the System International (SI) unit. This chapteris only going to discuss on magnetomotive force, magnetic field strength, magneticflux, flux density, permeability and reluctance.4.6.1 Magnetiomotive Force, F mMagnetomotive force is a cause <strong>of</strong> the existence <strong>of</strong> magnetic flux in amagnetic circuit. The total flux produced is depends on the number <strong>of</strong> turn (N)made in the circuit. It is also proportional to the current (I) passing through thecoil. Then, the magnetomotive force is the product <strong>of</strong> current and the number<strong>of</strong> turns.F m = NI ampere turn [4.3]4.6.2 Magnetic Field Strength, HMagnetic field strength or magnetizing force is defined as magnetomotiveforce, F m per meter length <strong>of</strong> measurement being ampere-turn per meter.HF NI= m= ampere turn / meter [4.4]l lwhereF m - magnetomotive forceN - number <strong>of</strong> turnsI - currentl - average length <strong>of</strong> magnetic circuitExample 4.2A current <strong>of</strong> 500mA is passed through a 600 turn coil wound <strong>of</strong> a toroid <strong>of</strong>mean diameter 10cm. Calculate the magnetic field strength.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 96Solution 4.2I = 0.5AN = 600d = π x 10 x 10 -2 mNI600 × 0.5H = ampereturn / metre = = 954.81 AT/ml0.31424.6.3 Magnetic Flux and Flux DensityMagnetic flux is the amount <strong>of</strong> magnetic filed produced by a magnetic source.The symbol for magnetic flux is phi (Φ). The unit for magnetic flux is theweber, Wb. Magnetic flux density is the amount <strong>of</strong> flux passing through adefined area that is perpendicular to the direction <strong>of</strong> flux:Magnetic flux density =magnetic fluxareaΦB = Tesla [4.5]AThe symbol for magnetic flux density is B. The unit <strong>of</strong> magnetic flux densityis the tesla, T, and the unit for area A is m 2 where 1 T = 1 Wb/m.Example 4.3A magnetic pole face has rectangular section having dimensions 200mm by100mm. If the total flux emerging from the the pole is 150µWb, calculate theflux density.Solution 4.3Magnetic flux, Φ = 150 µWb = 150 x 10 -6 WbCross sectional area, A = 200mm x 100mm = 20 000 x 10 -6 m2−6Φ 150 × 10Flux density, B = =−6A 20000 × 10= 7.5 mT<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 974.6.4 PermeabilityPermeability is the measure <strong>of</strong> the ability <strong>of</strong> the material to allow the magneticfield to exist in it. Absolute permeability, µ <strong>of</strong> a material is the ratio <strong>of</strong> the fluxdensity to magnetic field strength.µ = µ 0µr[4.6]If the magnetic fields exist in the vacuum, the ratio <strong>of</strong> the flux density to themagnetic field strength is a constant called the permeability <strong>of</strong> free space. Forair or any other non-magnetic medium, the ratio <strong>of</strong> magnetic flux density toBmagnetic field strength is constant , = a constant. The equation forHpermeability <strong>of</strong> free space in non-magnetic medium is as shown in equation4.7 below.BH= µ 0[4.7]The permeability <strong>of</strong> free space, µ 0 is equal to 4π x 10-7 H/m. In the air or anynon-magnetic material µr = 1, this is the same magnetic properties as avacuum as shown in equation 4.7. µ r is relative permeability and it isconsidered when the different type <strong>of</strong> material is used. µr is defined as theratio <strong>of</strong> the flux density produced in the material that produced in the air or asdefine in equation 4.8.flux density in materialµr=[4.8]flux density in vacuumµr varies with the type <strong>of</strong> magnetic material. The approximate ranges <strong>of</strong>relative permeability for some common magnetic materials are as follows:Cast iron: µ r = 100 – 250Mild steel: µ r = 200 – 800Cast steel: µ r = 300 – 900Therefore the permeability for all media other than free space in a magneticmedium or material is as shown in equation in 4.9 below.BH= µ 0µ[4.9]r<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 98Example 4.4A flux density <strong>of</strong> 1.2 T is produced in a piece <strong>of</strong> cast steel by a magnetizingforce <strong>of</strong> 1250 A/m. Find the relative permeability <strong>of</strong> the steel under theseconditions.Solution 4.4B = µ 0µ HrB 1.2µr= == 764−2µ H (4π× 10 )(1250)04.6.5 ReluctanceReluctance, S is the magnetic resistance <strong>of</strong> a magnetic circuit to presence <strong>of</strong>magnetic flux. The equation for reluctance is as equation 4.10 belowFmHl l 1S = = = =[4.10]Φ BA ( B / H ) A µ 0µ ArThe unit for reluctance is 1/H or H -1 or A/Wb. The ferromagnetic materialshave low reluctance and can be used as magnetic screens to prevent magneticfields affecting materials within the screen.Example 4.5Determine the reluctance <strong>of</strong> a piece <strong>of</strong> metal with length 150mm, when therelative permeability is 4 000. Find the absolute permeability <strong>of</strong> the metal.Solution 4.5Reluctance,S =1µ 0µ rA=(4π× 10−7−3150 × 10)(4000)(1800 × 10−6)= 16 580 H -1<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 99Absolute permeability,= µ µµ0r−7= (4π× 10 )(4000)= 5.027 x 10 -3 H/mREFERENCERobertson, C.R (2008) “Fundamental Electrical and Electronic <strong>Principles</strong> 3 rdNewnes, New YorkEdition”,PROBLEMS1. Find the magnetic field strength applied to a magnetic circuit <strong>of</strong> mean length 50 cmwhen a coil <strong>of</strong> 400 turns is applied to it carrying a current <strong>of</strong> 1.2 A.(960AT/m)2. A current <strong>of</strong> 2.5A when flowing through a coil produces an mmf <strong>of</strong> 675 At. Calculatethe number <strong>of</strong> turns on the coil(270 turns)3. A magnetizing force 8000 A/m is applied to a circular magnetic circuit <strong>of</strong> meandiameter 30 cm by passing a current through a coil wound on the circuit. If the coil isuniformly wound around the circuit and has 750 turns, find the current in the coil.(10.05 A)4. The maximum working flux density <strong>of</strong> a lifting electromagnet is 1.8 T and the effectivearea <strong>of</strong> a pole face is circular in cross-section. If the total magnetic flux produced is 353mWb, determine the radius <strong>of</strong> the pole.(0.196m)5. A coil <strong>of</strong> 300 turns is wound uniformly on a ring <strong>of</strong> non-magnetic material. The ringhas a mean circumference <strong>of</strong> 40 cm and a uniform cross-sectional area <strong>of</strong> 4cm 2 . If thecurrent in the coil is 5 A, calculate (a) the magnetic field strength, (b) the flux densityand (c) the total magnetic flux in the ring.(3750AT/m, 4.712mT, 1.885µWb)6. At what velocity must a conductor 75mm long cut a magnetic flux <strong>of</strong> density 0.6T if ane.mf. <strong>of</strong> 9V is to be included in it? Assume the conductor, the field and the direction <strong>of</strong>motion are mutually perpendicular.(200m/s)7. A conductor <strong>of</strong> length 15cm is moved at 750mm/s at right-angles to a uniform fluxdensity <strong>of</strong> 1.2 T. Determine the emf induced in the conductor.(0.135V)<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

C h a p t e r 4 | 1008. Find the speed that a conductor <strong>of</strong> length 120mm must be moved at right angles to amagnetic field <strong>of</strong> flux density 0.6 T to induce in it an emf <strong>of</strong> 1.8 V.(25m/s)9. A 25 cm long conductor moves at a uniform speed <strong>of</strong> 8 m/s through a uniform magneticfield <strong>of</strong> flux density 1.2T. Determine the current flowing in the conductor when (i) itsends are open-circuited (ii) its ends are connected to a load <strong>of</strong> 15 ohms resistance.(0, 0.16A)10. A conductor <strong>of</strong> length 0.5 m situated in and at right angles to a uniform magnetic field<strong>of</strong> flux density 1 wb/m 2 moves with a velocity <strong>of</strong> 40 m/s. Calculate the emf induced inthe conductor. What will be the emf induced if the conductor moves at an angle 60º tothe field.(20V, 17.32V)<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Electromagnetism</strong>

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