Metric - Hunter Industries
Metric - Hunter Industries
Metric - Hunter Industries
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The Irrigation Innovators
The MP RotatorSetting the Standard for Water EfficiencyHigh UniformityPrecision-engineered streams provide excellent coverage,and superior wind resistanceLow Precipitation RateReduces runoff on slopes and tight soilsFlexible Design ToolFrom 2.5 to 9 m spacing—any models can be combined on the same zoneAutomatic Matched PrecipitationEven after arc and radius adjustmentProven Durability & ReliabilityRotator® technology proven since 1987 in the agricultural marketQuick, Easy, Arc and Radius AdjustmentsFast installation—no nozzles to change
The One and OnlyThe MP Rotator is amultistream rotor like noother. It installs on the<strong>Hunter</strong> ProSpray andMPR40 bodies, giving youthe versatility your project needs. What makes the MP Rotatorso special? It is in the MP — true matched precipitation that is.Any combination of the many rotators you see on the right canoperate in conjunction with one another. Giving you ultimateflexibility you simply can't duplicate with any other product.112345MPR40 Key FeaturesBuilt-in the stemregulator set at 2.8 BarsNew easy-toidentifygray capPressure activated,multifunction, noflow-by wiper sealTwo-piece ratchetingriser for quick arcalignmentFactory-installeddrain check valveThe MPR40 & The MP Rotator—A Perfect CombinationDesigning and working with the MP Rotator gave us theopportunity to make it even better. How? We did this bydetermining its optimal operating pressure.The end result: The MPR40. We calibrated the MPR40to provide the MP Rotator with a consistent 2.8 Bars.Even more, we've added a new gray-colored body cap foreasy identification. Together, the two are a true blend oftechnology and performance. In fact, the MPR40 is theonly product of its kind. Discover the MPR40. Paired withthe MP Rotator, it’s a partnership that performs.The MPR40 Sprinkler Body:Four models available: 10 cm (4"), 15 cm (6"),and 30 cm (12") (shrub model not shown).2345
ModelsMP1000 (Female Thread) &MP1000HT (Male Thread)Radius Range – 2.4 - 4.6 m including allpressure and radius adjustment influencePressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Low trajectory, perfect for smaller areas• For minimum radius, install on a 2.1 Bars regulatedInstitutional Spray bodyMPCorner (Female Thread) &MPCornerHT (Male Thread)Radius Range – 2.4 - 4.6 mPressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Designed for application in areas withless than 90 degrees of arc area necessary• Does not require adjacent sprinklers to reach intothe first 0.9 - 1.5 m of coverageMP2000 (Female Thread) &MP2000HT (Male Thread)Radius Range – 4.0 - 6.4 m including allpressure and radius adjustment influencePressure Range – 1.7 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Flow rate is about 1/3 of a 4.6 m spray head;and yet has greater radius and higher uniformity• For minimum radius, install on a 2.1 Bars regulatedInstitutional Spray bodyMPLCS515 (Female Thread) &MPLCSHT515 (Male Thread)Pressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Matched precipitation even after radius reductionwith head to head spacing• Can be used on the same zone with the MP1000,MP2000 or MP3000 and still maintain matchedprecipitation• Adjustable right edgeMP3000 (Female Thread) &MP3000HT (Male Thread)Radius Range – 6.7 - 9.1 m including allpressure and radius adjustment influencePressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Flow rate is about the same as a 4.6 m spray head;and yet has greater radius and higher uniformity• For minimum radius, provide adjustable zonepressure regulation; Installation on a 2.1 Barspressure regulated Institutional Spray body is notrecommended if radius reduction is needed• For maximum radius, provide pressures over 2.8 BarsColor-coded for easy identification,the MP Rotator is the perfectsolution for water efficiency.The MP Rotator is easy to install anda breeze to adjust.MPSS530 (Female Thread) &MPSSHT530 (Male Thread)Pressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Matched precipitation even after radius reductionwith head to head spacing• Can be used on the same zone with the MP1000,MP2000 or MP3000 and still maintain matchedprecipitation• Adjustable right edge to fit curved stripsMPRCS515 (Female Thread) &MPRCSHT515 (Male Thread)Pressure Range – 2.1 - 3.8 BarsApplication Notes• Matched precipitation even after radius reductionwith head to head spacing• Can be used on the same zone with the MP1000,MP2000 or MP3000 and still maintain matchedprecipitation• Edges are fixed
Maintain Matched Precipitation – Any Model, Any Arc, Any RadiusAdjustable RadiusAdjustable ArcMP1000All models of the MP Rotator allow for easy radius adjustment of up to 25%while maintaining automatic matched precipitation.90º to 210º 210º to 270º 360ºMP1000-90-210 MP1000-210-270 MP1000 -360Stream Height @ 2 Bars = 0.4 mMP20002.5 m 4.6 mRadius ReductionMaroonMP2000-90-210Light BlueMP2000-210-270OliveMP2000-360Stream Height @ 2 Bars = 1 m4 m 6.4 mRadius ReductionBlackGreenRedMP3000Stream Height @ 2.8 Bars = 2 mMP3000-90-210MP3000-210-270MP3000-3606.7 m 9.1 mRadius ReductionBlueYellowGrayMP CornerStream Height @ 2 Bars = 0.25 m2.4 m 4.5 mRadius ReductionThe MP Corner is designed for tight corners that are difficult to irrigate properly with conventionalsprinklers. It has an adjustable arc from 45° to 105°, maintains MPR at any arc, any radius and canbe placed on the same zone with any other MP Rotator model.MPCornerTurquoise45º to 105ºMP1000 radiusreduced to 2.7 mNo overlap neededfirst 0.9 m3.7 mMP Corner atfull radius45ºMP1000 radiusreduced to 2.7 mMP StripExample with triangular spacing.MPLCS-515(Left Strip)MPSS-530(Side Strip)MPRCS-515(Right Strip)MP Side StripMP Side Strip1.5 mMP Left StripMP Side Strip4.6 m 4.6 m 4.6 m 4.6 mMP Right StripThe three MP Strip models of the MP Rotator family offer an exciting alternative to irrigate stripareas. Strip models offer improved uniformity and excellent wind-fighting ability. The reducedflow rate compared to conventional sprays makes longer runs and/or fewer zones possible.IvoryBrownCopper
no need for MP Rotator on title if by itself.SPECIFICATION GUIDEMODELMP1000MP2000MP3000EXAMPLE: MP2000* - 90ADJUSTABLE ARC90 = 90° to 210°210 = 210° to 270°360 = 360°MPCORNER 45-105 = 45° to 105°MPLCS515MPRCS515MPSS530LEFTRIGHTSIDE* Note: Add “HT” to specify male threadmust add the text box below. white text.Note: MP Add Rotator “HT” to Performance specify male thread Data – <strong>Metric</strong>Arc90°180°210°270°360°PressureBars kPa1.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 375MP1000Radius: 2.5 to 4.6 mAdjustable Arc and Full CircleColor Code: Maroon or OliveColorMaroon = 90º to 210ºLt. Blue = 210º to 270ºOlive = 360ºRadiusm--- 4 to 6.4 mAdjustable Arc and Full CircleColor Code: Black, Green, or RedMP3000Radius: 6.7 to 9.1 mAdjustable Arc and Full CircleColor Code: Blue, Yellow, or GrayFlow Precip mm/hr Radius Flow Precip mm/hr Radius FlowLPH LPM m LPH LPM m LPH LPM---3638414244454749---7276818488919497---85899598102106109113--108114123126132135141147---144153161169177183190195---0.610.630.680.700.730.750.780.81--- = 90º to 210ºGreen = 210º to 270ºRed = 360ºSPECIFICATION GUIDE5. MPR40 - 04 - CV - MP2000-90MODELMPR40 = MPR40 (Includes factoryinstalled40 PSI pressure regulator) BLACK 40%CHART BLACK 20%POP-UP HEIGHT00 = Shrub04 = 4" Pop-up06 = 6" Pop-up12 = 12" Pop-upColorBlue = 90º to 210ºYellow = 210º to 270ºGray = 360º7. = Factory-installedcheck valve (Pop-upmodels only)2.632.772.923.083.253.383.533.673.805.485.886.226.556.887.187.487.778.026.406.857.277.658.028.378.729.039.378.358.839.339.8210.3210.7711.2211.6812.1210.9811.7212.4213.1013.7514.3714.9515.5216.07Precip mm/hr11101010910101111111011111010111112111011111010111112121011111010111112111011111010111112131112121111121213131212121112121313131212121112121313131212121112121313131212121112121313MP ROTATORSSee MP RotatorSpecification Guidefor details(Not included)Charts and SpecsINT-629 10/08MP Rotator Performance Data – <strong>Metric</strong>MP CornerRadius: 2.4 to 4.6 mAdjustable ArcColor Code: TurquoiseArc45°90°105°PressureBars kPa1.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3751.75 1752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 375ColorTurquoise = 45º to 105ºRadiusm--- 2110113117120LPM0.610.630.680.700.730.750.780.811.151.271.311.401.441.571.631.671.731.341.481.531.631.701.831.881.942.00MP Rotator Performance Data – <strong>Metric</strong>MPLCS515MPRCS515MPSS530NozzleModelMPLeft StripMPRight StripMPSide StripPressureBars kPa2.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 3752.00 2002.25 2252.50 2502.75 2753.00 3003.25 3253.50 3503.75 375ColorIvoryCopperBrownUnadjusted Reduced Precip RateRadius LPH Radius LPH mm/hr43454850525456584345485052545658859095100104108113117303335363840414330333536384041436066697376798386121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212The Irrigation Innovators<strong>Hunter</strong> <strong>Industries</strong> Incorporated1940 Diamond Street, San Marcos, California 92078www.<strong>Hunter</strong><strong>Industries</strong>.com •