General Terms and Conditions for Maintenance ... - Carl Zeiss, Inc.
General Terms and Conditions for Maintenance ... - Carl Zeiss, Inc.
General Terms and Conditions for Maintenance ... - Carl Zeiss, Inc.
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<strong>General</strong> <strong>Terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Conditions</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Maintenance</strong> Contracts6. Payment6.1 As payment <strong>for</strong> the services, we are entitled to chargeyou, depending on the type of agreement, a flatmaintenance fee <strong>for</strong> each date or specific period ofmaintenance work or a fee in accordance with theapplicable rates.6.2 The flat maintenance fee shall include all labour costs <strong>for</strong>the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the agreed service, including travelcosts <strong>and</strong> expenses. If, however, at your premises, themaintenance personnel are held up in the per<strong>for</strong>mance ofthis work, the waiting times may also be charged at theapplicable hourly rate <strong>for</strong> maintenance personnel. Youshall also bear any additional costs incurred if, <strong>for</strong>reasons attributable to you, the maintenance work cannotbe per<strong>for</strong>med or cannot be per<strong>for</strong>med in full within theagreed time.6.3 The flat maintenance fee does not include the costs <strong>for</strong>substances used to maintain the instruments, aids,wearing parts, spare parts, exchange parts <strong>and</strong> all thoseservices per<strong>for</strong>med by us in addition to the servicesagreed. Such costs <strong>and</strong> services will be charged at ourapplicable rates.6.4 The level of the flat maintenance fee shall be derived fromthe relevant maintenance agreement. Statutory valueaddedtax <strong>and</strong> other applicable statutory duties will becharged in addition. If we per<strong>for</strong>m services abroad, youshall refund all incurring <strong>for</strong>eign taxes <strong>and</strong> dutiesconnected to the service.6.5 Payments shall be due without deduction immediatelyafter the completion of our services <strong>and</strong> upon receipt ofthe invoice. Immediately upon default of payment –or fromthe due date if the client is a businessman within themeaning of the German Commercial Code– we areentitled to dem<strong>and</strong> default interest of 8 (<strong>for</strong> consumers 5)percentage points above the base lending rate p.a.. Wereserve the right to claim a higher actual damage.6.6 The agreed flat maintenance fee is based on costs at thetime the maintenance contract is concluded. We shall beentitled to adjust the flat fee in accordance with costdevelopments provided we disclose individual costelements <strong>and</strong> their share of the costs. You will be notifiedin writing of any adjustment at least 6 weeks be<strong>for</strong>e thestart of the accounting period to which the priceadjustment applies. You shall be entitled, within 4 weeksof receiving such notification, to terminate themaintenance contract as of the moment the priceadjustment becomes effective.6.7 You may only offset claims that are uncontested or legallybinding. You may only en<strong>for</strong>ce a right of retention if this isbased on the same contractual relationship <strong>and</strong> if you arenot a businessman.7. Cooperation duties7.1 You shall make the instruments available to ourmaintenance personnel <strong>and</strong> subcontracted third parties atthe agreed time in order to allow us to per<strong>for</strong>m themaintenance work, <strong>and</strong> you shall grant access to thepremises.7.2 You shall make the following services (sections 7.2.1 <strong>and</strong>7.2.2) available free of charge <strong>for</strong> the duration of themaintenance work:7.2.1 Tools –with the exception of special tools <strong>and</strong> measuringinstruments– that need to be present at the installationconcerned in accordance with the relevant accidentpreventionregulations.7.2.2 Appropriate support staff to operate the instruments <strong>and</strong>support the maintenance personnel, along with, ifapplicable, any aids required.7.3 Any special safety <strong>and</strong> plant regulations in <strong>for</strong>ce at yourpremises that must be observed by us during theper<strong>for</strong>mance of the maintenance work shall be pointedout, <strong>and</strong> if necessary, explained in detail to themaintenance personnel be<strong>for</strong>e the maintenance workbegins. If such measures require a significant amount oftime, we reserve the right to make an additional chargeon basis of that period of time..CARL ZEISS MEDITEC AG7.4 The in<strong>for</strong>mation required about the instrument to bemaintained shall be passed on <strong>and</strong> the associateddocuments made available to our maintenance personnel<strong>and</strong> subcontracted third parties.7.5 You shall in<strong>for</strong>m the maintenance personnel of anypeculiarities <strong>and</strong> problems that have appeared in relationto the instrument to be maintained without being asked <strong>for</strong>such in<strong>for</strong>mation.8. Warranty8.1 We shall be obliged to complete or rectify free of chargeany work that has been per<strong>for</strong>med defectively.8.2 We undertake to eliminate free of charge any defects inthe parts used within the context of the maintenance workby rectifying or exchanging these parts.8.3 If we fail to comply with the above obligations relating tocompletion, rectification or exchange, or fail to do so intime, you shall be entitled to set a reasonable graceperiod. If we culpably allow a reasonable grace period setto expire, you may dem<strong>and</strong> a reduction in themaintenance payment or terminate the contract withoutnotice. The same also applies if the work per<strong>for</strong>medunder the warranty is defective.8.4 You are not entitled to make any other or further warrantyclaims. In particular, we provide no guarantee that theinstruments subject to the maintenance work will operatefree of interruption <strong>and</strong> faults.8.5 If you assert warranty claims, you shall immediately notifyus of any defects or damage after discovering them <strong>and</strong>do everything possible to limit the damage caused by adefect.8.6 Unless otherwise agreed, the period of warranty shall be12 months. The restart of the period of warranty shall beexcluded except in cases of intent or gross negligence.8.7 If the examination of a warranty claim demonstrates thatthere is no case <strong>for</strong> a claim, we shall be entitled to charge<strong>for</strong> the examination <strong>and</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance of the service at theapplicable rates.9. Limitation of liability9.1 If you are unable to use the instrument we per<strong>for</strong>medservices on in con<strong>for</strong>mity with the contract because of ourfault as a result of the omission or improperimplementation of suggestions <strong>and</strong> advice given be<strong>for</strong>e orafter the conclusion of the contract or through theinfringement of other additional contractual obligations–particularly instructions <strong>for</strong> the operation <strong>and</strong>maintenance of the delivered instrument– sections 8, 9.2,9.3 <strong>and</strong> 9.4 shall apply accordingly.9.2 We shall only be liable –on any legal groundswhatsoever– <strong>for</strong> damage which is not caused to theinstrument we per<strong>for</strong>med services on itself in the followingcases:- intention,- gross negligence,- culpable injury of life, body <strong>and</strong> health,- defects we have concealed fraudulently or of which wehave guaranteed the absence.9.3 In the event of the culpable violation of substantialcontractual obligations (obligations the breach of whichputs the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract at risk),we shall also be liable <strong>for</strong> ordinary negligence; however,this liability shall in terms of the amount be limited todamage that could reasonably have been <strong>for</strong>eseen <strong>and</strong>that is typical <strong>for</strong> a contract of this nature.9.4 Any claims going beyond the scope of sections 9.1 to 9.3shall be excluded.Version 11.0 Page 2 of 3
<strong>General</strong> <strong>Terms</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Conditions</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Maintenance</strong> Contracts10. Duration of the contract10.1 The maintenance contract is concluded <strong>for</strong> an indefiniteperiod.10.2 The maintenance contract ends when the instrument issold or ultimately taken out of service. The contract shallend no sooner as we have received written notificationabout this.10.3 The maintenance contract may be terminated <strong>for</strong>individual instruments or in its entirety by either party atthe end of the calendar year, giving 3 months’ notice. Itshall not be terminated be<strong>for</strong>e the end of the yearfollowing the year in which the contract has beenconcluded.10.4 We shall be entitled to terminate the maintenancecontract without notice at any time if you are in default ofpayment <strong>for</strong> more than 30 days or if the instrument hasbeen repaired or maintained by third parties without ourconsent or if the maintenance work has been made moredifficult by changes to the configuration that have notbeen approved by us or if the instrument-specificenvironmental conditions no longer comply with theinstallation guidelines.10.5 The contract may only be terminated in writing.11. Final provisions11.1 We point out that personal data in relation to ourcontractual relationship may be stored by us <strong>and</strong> may betransferred to companies associated with us in the <strong>Carl</strong><strong>Zeiss</strong> group, too.11.2 Subsidiary agreements, amendments <strong>and</strong> additions tomaintenance contracts must be in writing in order to beeffective. Oral agreements on the suspension of therequirement of written <strong>for</strong>m are void.11.3 You shall not be entitled to transfer your rights <strong>and</strong>obligations under the contract to third parties. If yousurrender the instrument that is subject to themaintenance work to a third party, your paymentobligation continue to apply, unless the third party takesover this contract with our consent.11.4 The place of jurisdiction, provided that you are abusinessman, a legal person under public law or a specialfund under public law, shall be Jena/Germany. However,we may also take legal action against you at your place ofbusiness.11.5 Governing law shall be the law of Germany with theexclusion of the international conflict of laws provisionsthereof <strong>and</strong> with the exclusion of the United NationsConvention on Contracts <strong>for</strong> the International Sale ofGoods (CISG).11.6 Should any of the clauses of these <strong>General</strong> <strong>Terms</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Conditions</strong> be wholly or partially invalid, the validity of theremaining clauses or parts thereof shall not be affected.CARL ZEISS MEDITEC AGVersion 11.0 Page 3 of 3