Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
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ACF VOLUNTEER POLICYBackground<strong>Volunteers</strong> have been involved in almost every area of the <strong>Australian</strong> ConservationFoundation’s activity since its inception in 1966. Traditionally ACF has attracted people with arange of backgrounds <strong>and</strong> skills, a shared commitment to the environment <strong>and</strong> a desire to helpACF achieve its goals.ACF recognises <strong>and</strong> values the reciprocal nature of the relationship <strong>and</strong> is committed toproviding a volunteer program which both: Supports ACF’s work; <strong>and</strong> Meets the expectations <strong>and</strong> needs of individual volunteersDefinitionIn this policy the term “volunteer” refers to Volunteering Australia’s definition of FormalVolunteering:“Formal volunteering is an activity which takes place through not <strong>for</strong> profit organisationsor projects <strong>and</strong> is undertaken:• to be of benefit to the community <strong>and</strong> the volunteer;• of the volunteer’s own free will <strong>and</strong> without coercion;• <strong>for</strong> no financial payment; <strong>and</strong>• in designated volunteer positions only.”Policy1. The <strong>Australian</strong> Conservation Foundation offers a volunteer program which aims to: Abide by Volunteering Australia’s Principles of Volunteering (see Appendix) Recruit <strong>and</strong> maintain a committed group of volunteers; Provide volunteers with the level of responsibilities <strong>and</strong> involvement that meet theirexpectations; Help ACF achieve it’s goals.2. In order to achieve this, the Volunteer Coordinator is responsible <strong>for</strong> recruiting, inducting<strong>and</strong> managing volunteers.3. The Volunteer Coordinator will maintain a <strong>Procedures</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Volunteers</strong> which detailsrecruitment, induction, training, rights <strong>and</strong> responsibilities, insurance, acknowledgement,reimbursement, dismissal <strong>and</strong> resignation.4. In addition, where applicable, volunteers will be covered by, <strong>and</strong> made aware of, thefollowing general staff policies: Equal opportunity Sexual harassment Acceptable use Confidentiality Conflict of interest Privacy Risk management Fieldwork health <strong>and</strong> safety Complaint <strong>and</strong> dispute resolution