Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
Policies and Procedures Manual for Volunteers - Australian ...
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ACF VOLUNTEER PROCEDURES1. Recruitment<strong>Volunteers</strong> complete a registration <strong>for</strong>m available through the ACF website, <strong>and</strong> emails it tovolunteer@acfonline.org.au They will receive an automated response to acknowledge receiptof registration, <strong>and</strong> confirmation that they will be contacted if a suitable opportunity arises.1.1 Position DescriptionsWhen requesting a volunteer, staff should complete a Volunteer Position Description <strong>and</strong>provide the following in<strong>for</strong>mation in writing: The staff member’s department; Their role; Background in<strong>for</strong>mation pertaining to the relevance <strong>and</strong> need of the volunteer’s position; A list of basic tasks involved; Desirable skills required to carry out the position; Duration of position <strong>and</strong> time commitment; Name of supervisor.1.2 Initial contactVolunteer supervisors must provide their volunteers with the following: ACF Staff <strong>Policies</strong> of Relevance to <strong>Volunteers</strong> <strong>Volunteers</strong> Orientation <strong>Manual</strong> Melbourne (must be signed by volunteers based inthe Melbourne office) <strong>Volunteers</strong> Orientation <strong>Manual</strong> Sydney (must be signed by volunteers based in theSydney office)1.3 RegistrationOn the return of the registration <strong>for</strong>m, the volunteer’s details are entered on the Volunteerdatabase. Details about interstate volunteers may also be sent to the appropriate ACF office <strong>for</strong>follow-up.1.4 PlacementWhen the Volunteer Coordinator receives a position description from a staff member, an e-mailis sent to the appropriate volunteers. Criteria such as state, skills <strong>and</strong> interest areas are usedwhen sorting the database. Once there is a match, a meeting is arranged <strong>for</strong> the volunteer totalk directly with the staff supervisor <strong>for</strong> that position. The purpose of this meeting is <strong>for</strong> thesupervisor to determine whether the volunteer will be suitable <strong>for</strong> the position, <strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> thevolunteer to determine if they would like to take on the position offered. Days <strong>and</strong> times ofvoluntary work are to be determined at this meeting. If both the supervisor <strong>and</strong> the volunteerthen wish to proceed with this particular position, the volunteer coordinator is to be in<strong>for</strong>med <strong>and</strong>an induction process to be carried out.1.5 InductionWhere volunteers are working in the ACF Melbourne office over a period of time, the VolunteerCoordinator will take them through the orientation booklet, Welcome to ACF explaining thevarious sections.5