Imprimer Idealarc CV420 & CV505.QXD - Lincoln Electric

Imprimer Idealarc CV420 & CV505.QXD - Lincoln Electric

Imprimer Idealarc CV420 & CV505.QXD - Lincoln Electric


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<strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> EuropeIDEALARC <strong>CV420</strong> & CV505ADVANTAGES✓Two reliable workhorses witha high duty cycle to supportyour application.✓Potted and EncapsulatedPrinted Circuit Board controls in separate dust freecompartment.✓Different feeders forconstruction and shipyard, allwith meters, with or withoutsynergic or memory; justselect the feeder of yourchoice.CVPHASEHIGH OUTPUTRELIABLE WORKHORSEThe <strong>Idealarc</strong> <strong>CV420</strong> and CV505 are industrialpower sources for heavy-duty applications.Both power sources are designed tooperate in heavy environmental conditions.This can be shipyards or offshore yards outside.Therefore the machines are truly meetingIP23 allowing operation in any adverseconditions. Also, all the sensitive componentsare enclosed in a compartment freefrom dust and separated from the airflowneeded to cool the machine. There is onlyone PCB completely encapsulated for maximumprotection.We rated the machines 60% at 420 and 500Amps and, as with all <strong>Lincoln</strong> machines,tested at an outside temperature of 40 ˚C.Such a rating will allow you to weld solid andcored wires at 100 % duty with the <strong>CV420</strong>and 100% for large diameter solid and coredwires with the CV505.SBoth power sources will work with the analogcontrolled feeders from <strong>Lincoln</strong>.Recommended however is the combinationwith LF33. With this feeder we focussed onruggedness, dimensions and ease of use.The result is an incredibly rugged, protectivecasing with the primary controls on the outside.The secondary controls are securelyenclosed within the protective casing closeto the wire drive. The feeders come as standardwith an undercarriage, for use undertough industrial conditions.The extensive set of features of the LF33includes 2/4-step, run-in, wire inch and gaspurge. Two clear digital meters display thewelding Voltage and Amperage. Like all<strong>Lincoln</strong> machines the <strong>Idealarc</strong> <strong>CV420</strong> and505 are designed with the application inmind.Application and selection chart✓Superb Arc behavior withArgon Mix and 100%Co2.✓Water and Air cooled versionsavailable✓All drives are equipped with anexcellent wire drive systemwith two or four large driverolls and powerful motor.✓Electronic feedback system onthe wire drive will guaranteeconsistent wire feed speed.✓LF33 small rugged and easy tohandle feeder with brightdigital Voltage and Amp meter.✓Completed with an extensiveset of features.✓Equipped with large diameterwheels, push/pull bar andlifting eyes for fullmaneuverability.✓Low cylinder entry for easyloading and unloading of thegas cylinder.385A@100%CV505325A@100%420A@60%<strong>CV420</strong>Wire MC710 Ø 1.6 mmWire MC710 Ø 1.2 mmWire Supra Mig Ø 1.2 mmWire Supra Mig Ø 1.0 mmWire Supra Mig Ø 0.8 mm500A@60%✓Built the <strong>Lincoln</strong> Way‘RUGGED & RELIABLE’✓Three Year Parts and LabourWarranty✓Truly meeting IEC974-1 and CEstandards.40A 180A 270A 350A 420A500Awww.lincolnelectriceurope.com

Technical DetailsTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower Item Cooling Input Input@rated Current Rated output@40 O C Rated output@40 O C Dimensions Weight ProtectionSource Number Voltage output range 100% duty cycle 60% duty cycle HxWxD Class<strong>CV420</strong> K14028-1A Air870x565x1030 13422 KVA @ 60% 30-420A 325A 420A<strong>CV420</strong> K14028-1W Water 230 / 400V 870x700x1030 155CV505 K14029-1A Air 3Ph 870x565x1030 14930 KVA @ 60% 40-500A 385A 500ACV505 K14029-1W Water870x700x1030 170IP23Feeder Item Cooling Drive Wire size WFS Dimensions Weight Meters Pre-setting Crater Hot/soft Synergic MemoryNumber rolls M/Min HxWxD startLF33 K14030-1W Air/Water 4 1-20m/min 440x270x636 17 ✓ WFSLF34 K14035-1W 4 1,5-20m/min 460x300x533 17 ✓ V&WFS ✓ ✓LF35 K14036-1W 4 1,5-20m/min 460x300x533 17 ✓ V&WFS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓0.8-1.6 mmLF37 K10406 41,5-20m/min 356x188x533 16 ✓ V&WFS ✓ ✓LF38 K10407 4 1,5-20m/min 356x188x533 16 ✓ V&WFS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓LN15 K1871-2 2 1.3-18m/min 304x220x584 13 ✓ WFSINTERCONNECTION CABLESAir Water LengthK10347-PG K10347-PGW 1,5 meterK10347-PG-5M K10347-PGW-5M 5 meterK10347-PG-10M K10347-PGW-10M 10 meterK10347-PG-15M K10347-PGW-15M 15 meterOPTIONSH.D. undercarriage LF33 K14032-1CO2 Heater connection kit K14009-1Remote control LF33 K14034-1PACKAGE INCL.Package Includes LengthPrimary cable 5 meterWorklead + Clamp 3 meterLN15 Portable feeder (D200)LF33 Factory feeder (D300)LF38 Portable feeder (D300)United Kingdom: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> (UK) Ltd.Tel: +44 114 287 2401 Fax: +44 114 287 2582Belgium: <strong>Lincoln</strong> Smitweld BelgiumTel: +32 2 377 00 71 Fax: +32 2 378 18 77France: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> France SATel: +33 232 11 40 40 Fax: +33 232 11 40 11Germany: <strong>Lincoln</strong> Smitweld G.m.b.HTel: +49 201 896 280 Fax: +49 201 896 2831Italy: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Italia, SRLTel: +39 010 754 111 Fax: +39 010 754 1150The Netherlands: <strong>Lincoln</strong> Smitweld B.V.Tel: +31 24 352 29 11 Fax: +31 24 352 22 02Denmark: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> NordicTel: +45 86 26 51 00 Fax: +45 86 26 51 50Spain: <strong>Lincoln</strong> KD, SaTel: +34 93 685 9600 Fax: +34 93 685 9610Turkey: A.S. KaynakTel: +90 216 377 30 90 Fax: +90 216 377 00 00Poland: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Bester S.A.Tel: +48 746 46 1100 Fax: +48 746 46 1082Other countries: <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Europe B.V.Tel: +31 24 352 29 27 Fax: +31 24 352 29 29Your <strong>Lincoln</strong> <strong>Electric</strong> Distributor:www.lincolnelectriceurope.comE0041.04/06

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