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<strong>MATE</strong> <strong>DOMESTIC</strong> <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 6QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) Basic Fire Fightingb) Elementary First Aidc) Basic Personal Safetyd) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilitye) GMDSS - ROCf) Medical Fitnessa) is at least 18 years of ageb) has completed -i) special training, including anadequate period of appropriateshipboard service as specified bythe Director; orii) an approved service in the deckdepartment of not less than 3 years;andc) has completed the approved education andtraining and met the standard of competence asspecified by the Director.MASTER <strong>DOMESTIC</strong> <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 6 (MASTER)QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) is at least 20 years of ageb) has an approved service of not less than 12months as an officer who is engaged on adomestic voyage on a ship of less than 500 GTanda) Efficiency in Survival Craftb) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilityc) GMDSS - ROCd) Radar Operatore) Medical First Aid Certificatec) has completed the approved education and f) Advance Fire Fightingtraining and met the standard of competence as g) Medical Fitnessspecified by the Director.<strong>MATE</strong> ON SHIPS BETWEEN 500 TO 3000 GT NEAR COASTAL <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 5QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT or more: andb) has completed the approved training and metthe standard of competence as specified by thea) Advance Fire Fightingb) Electronic Navigation Aids (Operation)c) Efficiency in Survival Craftd) Medical First Aide) Radar OperatorDirector.f) GMDSS - GOCg) Medical FitnessMASTER ON SHIPS BETWEEN 500 TO 3000 GT NEAR COASTAL <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 5(MASTER)QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT or more:b) has an approved sea-going service in thecapacity of an officer in charge of aa) Advance Fire fightingb) Electronic Navigation Aids (Operation)c) Efficiency in Survival Craftd) Medical First Aide) Radar Operatornavigational watch of not less than 36 months: f) GMDSS - GOChowever., this period may be reduced to not g) Medical Fitnessless than 24 months if not less than 12 monthsof such sea-going service has been served as achief mate: andc) has completed the approved training and metthe standard of competence as specified by theDirector

<strong>MATE</strong> ON SHIPS OF 3000 GT OR MORE NEAR COASTAL <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 4QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT or more:b) has an approved sea-going service as an officerin charge of a navigational watch on a ship ofa) ARPAb) Advance Fire fightingc) Electronic Navigation Aids (Operation)d) Efficiency in Survival Crafte) Medical First Aid500 GT or more of not less than 12 months; and f) Radar Operatorc) has completed an approved training and meetthe standard of competence as specified by theg) GMDSS - GOCh) Medical FitnessDirector.MASTER ON SHIPS OF 3000 GT OR MORE NEAR COASTAL <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 4 (MASTER)QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT:b) has an approved sea-going service as an officerin charge of a navigational watch on a ship ofa) ARPAb) Advanced Fire fightingc) Electronic Navigation Aids (Operation)d) Efficiency in Survival Crafte) Medical First Aid500 GT or more of not less than 36 months: f) Radar Observerhowever, this period may be reduced to not lessthan 24 months if not less than 12 months ofg) GMDSS - GOCh) Medical Fitnesssuch sea-going service has been served as achief mate: andc) has completed the approved education andtraining and meet the standard of competenceas specified by the DirectorOFFICER IN CHARGE OF A NAVIGATIONAL WATCH - <strong>CLASS</strong> 3QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) is at least 18 years of ageb) has an approved sea-going service ofa) ARPAb) Advance Fire fightingi) not less than one year as part of an c) Efficiency in Survival Craftapproved training program which d) Electronic Navigational Aids (Operation)includes on - board training as specified by e) Medical First Aidthe Director and is documented in an f) Radar Observerapproved training record book: org) GMDSS - GOCii)h) Medical Fitnessotherwise has an approved sea-goingservice of not less than 3 years:c) has performed, during the required sea-goingservice, bridge watchkeeping duties under thesupervision of a master or a qualified officerfor a period of not less than 6 months:d) meets the applicable requirements of rule 26 asappropriate, for performing designated radioduties in accordance with the Radio Regulation:ande) has completed the approved education andtraining and met the standard of competence asspecified by the Director.

CHIEF <strong>MATE</strong> ON SHIPS OF MORE THAN 3000 GT UNLIMITED <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 2QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT or more:b) has an approved sea-going service as an officerin charge of a navigational watch on a ship ofa) ARPAb) Advance Fire fightingc) Efficiency in Survival Craftd) Electronic Navigational Aids (Operation)e) Radar Observer500 GT or more of not less than 12 months: f) Radar Stimulatorandc) has completed the approved education andg) GMDSS - GOCh) Medical Care at Seatraining and meet the standard of competenceas specified by the Director.i) Medical FitnessMASTER ON SHIPS OF MORE THAN 3000 GT UNLIMITED <strong>VOYAGE</strong> - <strong>CLASS</strong> 1QUALIFICATION REQUIREDSUPPLEMENTARY CERTIFICATESa) meets the requirements for certification as anofficer in charge of a navigational watch on aship of 500 GT or more:b) has an approved sea-going service as an officerin charge of a navigational watch on a ship ofa) ARPAb) Advance Fire fightingc) Efficiency in Survival Craftd) Electronic Navigational Aids (Operation)e) Radar Observer500 GT or more of not less than 36 months: f) Radar Simulatorhowever, this period may be reduced to notless than 24 months if not less than 12 monthsg) GMDSS - GOCh) Medical Care at Seaof such sea-going service has been served as achief mate: andc) has completed the approved education andtraining and met the standard of competence asspecified by the Director.i) Medical Fitness

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