Auxiliary valves PLC series - Oleosistemas

Auxiliary valves PLC series - Oleosistemas

Auxiliary valves PLC series - Oleosistemas


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<strong>Auxiliary</strong> <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong>Direct-acting pressure relief <strong>valves</strong>Catalogue HY17-8702/UKSeptember 2004

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKContentsPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong>List of contentsPageGeneral Information ....................................................................................................... 3<strong>PLC</strong>053 ..........................................................................................................................4<strong>PLC</strong>081 and <strong>PLC</strong>082..................................................................................................... 5Single housing ............................................................................................................... 6Double housing .............................................................................................................. 7<strong>PLC</strong>181 and <strong>PLC</strong>182..................................................................................................... 8<strong>PLC</strong>280 ..........................................................................................................................9Ordering ................................................................................................................. 10-11Subject to alteration without prior notice. The graphs and diagramsin this catalogue are typical examples only. While thecontents of the catalogue are updated continually, the validity ofthe information given should always be confirmed. For moredetailed information, please contact Parker Mobile Hydraulics.2 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKGeneral InformationPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong><strong>PLC</strong>053 <strong>PLC</strong>081 <strong>PLC</strong>082 <strong>PLC</strong>181 <strong>PLC</strong>182 <strong>PLC</strong>280The <strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong> auxiliary <strong>valves</strong> are directacting,factory-set pressure relief <strong>valves</strong> ofthe cartridge type that can be suppliedwith or without a threaded plug. They canalso be supplied with housings to facilitatein-line installation.<strong>PLC</strong> <strong>valves</strong> are intended primarily toact as combined pressure-relief and anticavitation<strong>valves</strong> - otherwise known as portrelief <strong>valves</strong> - in the service ports of ourdirectional <strong>valves</strong>. However, they can alsobe used to advantage in other situationswhere pressure relief <strong>valves</strong> in this sizerange are required. Indeed, <strong>PLC</strong> cartridge<strong>valves</strong> are purchased in great quantities byseveral of the world’s leading pump andtransmission manufacturers.Construction and function<strong>PLC</strong> pressure relief <strong>valves</strong> are made ofhigh-strength steel and consist of a seat,poppet, spring and nut. After the pressuresetting has been made, the damper nut islocked against the poppet by welding, inorder to prevent the factory-set openingvalue from changing. When the cartridge issupplied with a plug, a spring is includedto enable the cartridge to function as ananti-cavitation valve. An anti-cavitation valveis essentially a check valve that enablesoil to be sucked from the tank line in orderto prevent cavitation in a consumer. Theplug is fitted with an O-ring of nitrile rubber.Poppets without a pressure relief functionare also available. They are usedwhen only a ‘check valve’ is required toperform an anti-cavitation function.Technical dataFlow capacityThe flow capacities of the respective <strong>PLC</strong><strong>valves</strong> are dependent on the extent ofpressure increment that can be accepted,and are illustrated in the typical graphsthat begin overleaf. The nominal flow capacities,however, are as follows:<strong>PLC</strong>05350 l/min<strong>PLC</strong>081/08280 l/min<strong>PLC</strong>181/182180 l/min<strong>PLC</strong>280280 l/minPressure-setting flowAs standard, the desired pressure is setwith a flow of 20 l/min passing through thepressure relief valve. The exception is the<strong>PLC</strong>053, for which the pressure setting ismade with a flow of 10 l/min passing throughthe valve.Weights<strong>PLC</strong>0530,06 kg<strong>PLC</strong>0810,03 kg<strong>PLC</strong>0820,11 kg<strong>PLC</strong>1810,06 kg<strong>PLC</strong>1820,165 kg<strong>PLC</strong>2800,39 kgThe <strong>PLC</strong>053, 082, 182 and 280 are suppliedwith a threaded plug.Housing for <strong>PLC</strong>082 cartridge(inclusive of cartridge) 1,6 kgHousing for two <strong>PLC</strong>082 cartridges(inclusive of cartridges) 2,8 kgHydraulic fluidsBest performance is obtained using mineral-baseoil of high quality and cleannessin the hydraulic system.Hydraulic fluids of type HLP (DIN51524), oil for automatic gearboxes TypeA and engine oil type API CD can beused.Synthetic, fire-resistant and environmentallyfriendly oils can also be used. Ifin doubt about the suitability of an oil,please contact your nearest Parker representativefor advice.For best function, oil viscosity should bebetween 15 and 45 mm 2 /s (cSt).FiltrationFiltration should be arranged so that TargetContamination Class 2018/14 accordingto ISO 4406 is not exceeded.TemperatureTemperature range, fluid:-20 o C to +90 o CTemperature range, ambient:-40 o C to +60 o CTemperature shock resistance: max. 100o C/secondGeneralThe data given in this catalogue is applicableat an oil temperature of 50 o C andviscosity of 30 mm 2 /s (cSt) using mineralbaseoil complying with DIN 51524, whenthe cartridge valve is installed in a mastermanifold.Features and benefits• Small dimensions - easy to install• Single unit - facilitates installation• Very tight - no unnecessary leakagelosses• Good characteristic – small pressurechange between different flows• Good opening and closing characteristics– distinct opening and closing• Low hysteresis – good precision inpressure maintenance• Fast acting – reacts quickly to pressuresurges• Setting locked by welding – preventsundesirable changing of pressure setting3 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKTechnical InformationPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>053 <strong>series</strong>Diagram for <strong>PLC</strong>053 pressure relief valve∆p (bar)Pressure override characteristic40030020010000∆p (bar)10 20 30 40 50 60Anti-cavitation characteristicq (l/min)302010Anti-cavitation valve (N)Pressure relief valve0010 20 30 40 50 60q (l/min)6,3Unless stated otherwise:Edges broken 0.1-0.5 unlessindicated otherwiseHydraulic symbol forpressure relief valveAnti-cavitationvalve (N)2,5R0,6 maxR0,2 maxR0,1-0,3R1±0,2R0,5 max15°±1°2,540°±1°0,5±0,1(32,5±0,1)2,7±0,245°±5°A4Ø20,3 0-0,1M18x1,5-6HØ13,8 +0,043015 min23 +0,2-0,80,1 A0,05 A40,05 ASeat embossed with Ø13 mm class III steel ballImpact energy 9±2 NmStated dimensions apply before embossing32,5±0,10,05 AAØ0,144Ø10 +0,04-0,02Within40 minappliesMachining tools can be purchased from Parker Hannifin.Cavity drawing, <strong>PLC</strong>0534 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKTechnical InformationPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>081 and 082 <strong>series</strong>Diagram for <strong>PLC</strong>081 and <strong>PLC</strong>082 pressure relief <strong>valves</strong>∆p (bar)Pressure override characteristic50040030020010000 25 50 75 100 125∆p (bar)30252015105Anti-cavitation characteristicq (l/min)00 25 50 75 100 125q (l/min)6,3Unless stated otherwise:Edges broken 0.1-0.5 unlessindicated otherwise15°±1° Ø25,3 0 -0,1Hydraulic symbol forpressure relief valveAnti-cavitationvalve (N)2,5R1±0,22±0,20,1AØ30 +2 0R0,2±0,12,545°±5°R0,4 max1±0,18 minM24x1,5 - 6HØ18 +0,11 044 4AØ13 +0,07 00,05 A16 min 10±0,220,5 max430 max0,1 A37±0,146,5 min0,05 A35°±1°4Seat embossed with Ø16 mm class III steel ballImpact energy 12±2 NmStated dimensions apply before embossingInom45 mingällerMachining tools can be purchased from Parker Hannifin.Cavity drawing, <strong>PLC</strong>0825 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKDimensionsPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>082 <strong>series</strong>Single housingPTHydraulic symbol for single housingConnection T, Tank*4018Connection P (pressure)*Connection P (pressure)*8615 3875(18)50608010Mounting hole Ø11 (2x)18SW = 12, T = 60 Nm*) Thread dimension G ½ or G ¾.See page 11.SW = spanner widthT = tightening torque6 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKDimensionsPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>082 <strong>series</strong>Double housingM1 T M2Hydraulsymbol för dubbelhus4011Connection T, Tank, plugged (G 3/4)327548 11,52110664(32)68SW = 12, T = 80 Nm (2x)Connection M1, pressure (2x)*Mounting holeØ11 (3x)56Connection M2, pressure (2x)**) Thread dimension G ½ or G ¾.See page 11.SW = spanner widthT = tightening torque7 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

2,5Catalogue HY17-8702/UKTechnical InformationPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>181 and 182 <strong>series</strong>Diagram for <strong>PLC</strong>181 and <strong>PLC</strong>182 pressure relief <strong>valves</strong>∆p (bar)Pressure override characteristic50040030020010000∆p (bar)25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200q (l/min)Anti-cavitation characteristic302520151050025 50 75 100 125 150 175 200q (l/min)15°±1°2,5Ø25,3 0-0,10,1 AR1 maxØ0,2 A4M24x1,5-6HØ20 +0,0840AØ14 +0,07 00,1Hydraulic symbol forpressure relief valveAnti-cavitationvalve (N)2±0,20,05A2,5R0,2±0,1 alt.0,2±0,1x45°19,5 min27 max45°±5°11,5±1,556±0,1**68 min***72 min0,7±0,2R0,4 max alt.0,4x45° max(56)Ø2,5 min1±0,2** applies to Ø14 + 0.07/0*** applies to Ø140,05 A35°±1°Seat embossed with Ø16 mm class III steel ballImpact energy 12±2 NmStated dimensions apply before embossingMachining tools can be purchased from Parker Hannifin.14 min21,5 min0,5 A6,3Unless stated otherwise:Edges broken 0.1-0.5 unlessindicated otherwiseCavity drawing, <strong>PLC</strong>1828 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKTechnical InformationPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong>280 <strong>series</strong>Diagram for <strong>PLC</strong>280 pressure relief valve∆p (bar)Pressure override characteristic50040030020010000 50 100 150 200 250 300 350∆p (bar)20Anti-cavitation characteristicq (l/min)1510Without drainage of springchamberWith drainage of spring chamber50050 100 150 200 250 300 350q (l/min)Seat embossed with Ø25 mm class II steel ballImpact energy 18±3 NmStated dimensions apply before embossing1±0,10,05 A2,50,5 +1 0(65,5)12,8 maxØ5 min2,581,5 min77,5 min65,5±0,145°±1°R0,4 max alt.0,4x45° max40 maxR0,2±0,1 alt.0,2±0,1x45°45°±5°26 max20 min9+0,203,22,50R0,6 max alt.0,6x45° max2,5R1 max3,3±0,2A0,05Ø17H1016,5 max0,1Ø35,4 +0,102,5460°±2°0,1 A15°±1°Machining tools can be purchased from Parker Hannifin.AØ25H11M33x2-6HØ40,2H9Ø44,8H11Ø0,1 A M2xR1±0,1Ø0,10,05B0,5±0,2x45°3,7 +0,20B2,52x Free from burnsH=0,2 max STD 5080,341A – AAANV=34Ø17H10+0,0700Ø25H11+0,1300Ø40H9+0,0620Ø44,8H11+0,1600MV=150 Nm6,3Unless stated otherwise:Edges broken 0.1-0.5 unlessindicated otherwiseHydraulic symbol forpressure relief valveGroove forO-ring 39.2 x 326,5a) 34 maxa) For emergency operationNV = Spanner widthMV = Tightening torqueCavity drawing, <strong>PLC</strong>2809 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKOrderingPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong><strong>PLC</strong>-<strong>series</strong> pressure relief <strong>valves</strong> can be ordered using theordering numbers in the table below.Should you require a pressure setting not listed in the table, or requirethe pressure setting to be made at a flow different to standard, pleasecontact your Parker Hannifin representative.Pressure <strong>PLC</strong>053 <strong>PLC</strong>081 <strong>PLC</strong>082 <strong>PLC</strong>181 <strong>PLC</strong>182 <strong>PLC</strong>280[bar]with plug40 — 9120 0291 53 9120 0291 03 9120 0292 03 9120 0292 50 —50 393000K176 9120 0291 54 9120 0291 04 9120 0292 04 9120 0292 51 —63 393000K177 9120 0291 55 9120 0291 05 9120 0292 05 9120 0292 52 —80 393000K178 9120 0291 56 9120 0291 06 9120 0292 06 9120 0292 53 —100 393000K179 9120 0291 57 9120 0291 07 9120 0292 07 9120 0292 54 —125 393000K180 9120 0291 58 9120 0291 08 9120 0292 08 9120 0292 55 —140 393000K181 9120 0291 59 9120 0291 09 9120 0292 09 9120 0292 56 —160 393000K182 9120 0291 60 9120 0291 10 9120 0292 10 9120 0292 57 —175 393000K183 9120 0291 61 9120 0291 11 9120 0292 11 9120 0292 58 —190 393000K184 9120 0291 62 9120 0291 12 9120 0292 12 9120 0292 59 —210 393000K185 9120 0291 63 9120 0291 13 9120 0292 13 9120 0292 60230 393000K186 9120 0291 64 9120 0291 14 9120 0292 14 9120 0292 61 20006727250 393000K187 9120 0291 65 9120 0291 15 9120 0292 15 9120 0292 62 20004981280 393000K189 9120 0291 66 9120 0291 16 9120 0292 16 9120 0292 63 20007439300 393000K190 9120 0291 67 9120 0291 17 9120 0292 17 9120 0292 64 20005798330 393000K191 9120 0291 68 9120 0291 18 9120 0292 18 9120 0292 65350 393000K192 9120 0291 69 9120 0291 19 9120 0292 19 9120 0292 66 20000990380 393000W018 9120 0291 70 9120 0291 20 9120 0292 20 9120 0292 67 20006115400 — 9120 0291 71 9120 0291 21 9120 0292 21 9120 0292 68420 393000U020 9120 0291 72 9120 0291 22 9120 0292 22 9120 0292 69 00153491N* 393000K194 — 9120099686 — — —* Anti-cavitation valve without pressure-relief function10 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

Catalogue HY17-8702/UKOrderingPressure relief <strong>valves</strong><strong>PLC</strong> <strong>series</strong><strong>PLC</strong>082 mounted in single housingThe <strong>PLC</strong>082 mounted in a single housing can be ordered using theordering numbers below. Should you require a pressure setting notlisted in the table, please contact your Parker Hannifin representative.Pressure G1/2 G3/4[bar]50 3766780 3766789125 3766781 —160 3766782 —175 3766783 —190 3766784 3766903210 3766785 3766904230 3766786 3766862<strong>PLC</strong>082 mounted in double housingPressure G1/2 G3/4[bar]140 3766767 —160 3766769 3766777175 3766770 —190 3766771 —210 3766772 —230 3766773 3766900250 — 3766901280 — 376687311 Parker Hannifin ABMobile Controls DivisionBoras, Sweden

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