fan coil valves series 2131 - 3131 - 4131

fan coil valves series 2131 - 3131 - 4131

fan coil valves series 2131 - 3131 - 4131


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01F151-GBFAN COIL VALVESSERIES <strong>2131</strong> - <strong>3131</strong> - <strong>4131</strong>MAINFEATURES- Available in the following versions :• 2 way, Size : 1/2” - 3/4” - 1”• 3 way, Size : 1/2” - 3/4” - 1”• 3 way 4 ports, Size : 1/2” - 3/4”- Compact sizes and reduced weights.- Conforms to Italian Law UNI 8156/81.

The <strong>fan</strong>-<strong>coil</strong> control <strong>valves</strong> Series <strong>3131</strong>, <strong>4131</strong>, are designedand built to be used both for diverting and mixingservice, provided the max. operating Dp given in the tablebe observed in order to avoid risk of faulty operation;except for <strong>valves</strong> Item <strong>3131</strong>1 (1”) where the recommendedapplication is solely that of diverting.ItemSizeHydraulic CharacteristicsKvsstraight wayKvby-pass∆P maxOperatingbar∆P close offwith10CNC/NA20CbarThe reliability of the <strong>fan</strong>-<strong>coil</strong> control <strong>valves</strong> Series<strong>2131</strong>, <strong>3131</strong>, <strong>4131</strong> is guaranteed by the 100% testing onthe production, which check the hydraulic seals of thevalve body and its external components and that of theplug in its flow shut-off function.<strong>2131</strong>12<strong>2131</strong>34<strong>2131</strong>11/2"3/4"1" of <strong>fan</strong>-<strong>coil</strong> control <strong>valves</strong> depends on the type ofplumbing systems as well as the required flow rate andpressure drop characteristics.In systems with 2-way control <strong>valves</strong> it is advisable toprovide by-pass <strong>valves</strong> Series 466 to ensure a minimumrecirculation of the fluid.<strong>3131</strong>12<strong>3131</strong>34<strong>3131</strong>1<strong>4131</strong>121/2"3/4"1"1/2"1.72.5 (Mix)2.8 (Div) (Mix)0.8 (Div)0.5 (Mix)0.7 (Div)0.60.7 (Mix)0.8 (Div) is recommended not to install the valve with theactuator facing down.The <strong>valves</strong> can be connected by using the soft-sealtailpieces Series 840 with the range of single-piece orunion fittings (3-piece).<strong>4131</strong>34 3/4"Mix: Mixing2.5 (Mix)2.8 (Div)1.80.5 (Mix)0.7 (Div)1.5Dev: DivertingMATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTIONBodyBrass CW617NRodBrass with chemical nickel-platingSpring AISI 302Overall Dimensions (mm)<strong>2131</strong><strong>3131</strong>PlugEPDMBCDDDDBSPECIFICATIONMax. pressure16 barADMin. fluid temperature 4 °CMax. fluid temperature 110 °C<strong>4131</strong>ALiquids which can be used Water also with glycol ≤ 30%Plug stroke2.5 mmBy-pass leakage< 0,02 % KvsActuator connection Threaded ring nut M 30 x 1.5D DCBAITEM SIZE A B C<strong>2131</strong>12<strong>2131</strong>34<strong>2131</strong>1<strong>3131</strong>12<strong>3131</strong>34<strong>3131</strong>1<strong>4131</strong>12<strong>4131</strong>341/2”3/4”1”1/2”3/4”1”1/2”3/4”52568252568252564345705658938386---2534413550

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