Talking to Children about domestic violence and abuse. ADVA ...

Talking to Children about domestic violence and abuse. ADVA ...

Talking to Children about domestic violence and abuse. ADVA ...


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<strong>Talking</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>Children</strong><strong>about</strong><strong>domestic</strong><strong>violence</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>abuse</strong>advaagainst <strong>domestic</strong> <strong>violence</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>abuse</strong>in DevonPrinted March, 2006 by adva, Against Domestic Violence <strong>and</strong> Abuse in DevonTo request copies of this leaflet or more information please contact: xxxxx xxxx, xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxThis leaflet was printed on xxx xxxxx paper, a 100% recycled paper created from xxxx xxxxxx <strong>and</strong>printed with 100% vegetable inks which are not harmful <strong>to</strong> the environment.A guide for parents<strong>and</strong> practitionersCompiled by Dinah Mears forthe <strong>ADVA</strong> partnershipadvaagainst <strong>domestic</strong> <strong>violence</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>abuse</strong>in Devon

For ParentsThese ideas are <strong>to</strong> help you support yourchildren. <strong>Children</strong> who live with <strong>domestic</strong><strong>violence</strong> feel:Powerless:Because they can’t s<strong>to</strong>p the <strong>violence</strong>Confused:Because it doesn’t make senseAngry:Because it shouldn’t be happeningGuilty:Because they think they’ve done something wrongSad:Because it’s a lossAfraid:Because they may be hurt, they may lose someonethey love, others may find outAlone:Because they think it’s happening only <strong>to</strong> themWhat children need <strong>to</strong> hear <strong>about</strong> <strong>domestic</strong> <strong>violence</strong>It’s not okay It’s not your fault It must be scary for you I willlisten <strong>to</strong> you You can tell me how you feel; it is importantI’m sorry you had <strong>to</strong> see/hear it You do not deserve <strong>to</strong> have this inyour family I will help you <strong>to</strong> stay safe There is nothing youcould have done <strong>to</strong> prevent/change it We can talk <strong>about</strong> what <strong>to</strong> do<strong>to</strong> keep you safe if it happens again. (For example, staying in yourroom, going <strong>to</strong> neighbours, etc.) You are an individual <strong>and</strong> can choosenot <strong>to</strong> fight or hurt peopleHow <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>about</strong> your ex-partner:Speak <strong>about</strong> your “ex” in a general way Try <strong>to</strong> avoid “name calling”Challenge behaviour not the person Your child may still love theabusive parent <strong>and</strong> may be confused by feeling this way. This could behard for you <strong>to</strong>o! But it will really help your child if she/he is able <strong>to</strong>express these feelings.Ideas for helping children when they’ve witnessed DV:Talk <strong>about</strong> it with them when they are ready Listen <strong>to</strong> themTalk <strong>about</strong> their feelings Show underst<strong>and</strong>ing Let them know it’snot their fault Let them talk, if they want <strong>to</strong> Let them knowyou will try <strong>to</strong> keep them safe/act in a way that is safe Let them knowthe <strong>violence</strong> is not okay Acknowledge it’s hard/scary for themAccept that they may not be willing or able <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>about</strong> it right awayAlways act in a way that is non-threatening <strong>and</strong> non-violent withyour kids Take them <strong>to</strong> counselling if they need it Let them bechildren <strong>and</strong> try <strong>to</strong> share your own worries with another adultSet limits respectfully if your child behaves in aviolent or abusive way.

How Denial affects <strong>Children</strong>Child learns that the <strong>violence</strong> is normal Child is afraid <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>about</strong>the <strong>violence</strong> Child is confused, doesn’t underst<strong>and</strong> Blamesher/himself Learns <strong>to</strong> deny <strong>and</strong> not <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>about</strong> their own feelingsMakes them feel like they are crazy Makes them feel lonely,isolated from their friends Learns that its not okay <strong>to</strong> ask <strong>about</strong> the<strong>violence</strong> or discuss it Gives the children unrealistic beliefs<strong>about</strong> the causes of <strong>violence</strong>It’s a lot scarier for children when no one evertalks <strong>to</strong> them <strong>about</strong> the <strong>violence</strong>Examples of Ways of Overcoming ObstaclesBe patient. Don’t push it. Try another time. They usually hear youanyway Acknowledge that it may be uncomfortable for you<strong>to</strong> talk abou the <strong>violence</strong>. Try <strong>to</strong> get more comfortable by talking <strong>to</strong>someone you trust Acknowledge that it may be scary for you<strong>to</strong> remember the <strong>violence</strong>. It’s scary for your kids <strong>to</strong>o. Once you starttalking, it may feel less scary Acknowledge that saying thatyou don’t have time is probably because it’s difficult, or you don’tfeel capable of talking <strong>to</strong> your child <strong>about</strong> itAcknowledge that it may be uncomfortable foryou <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>about</strong> the <strong>violence</strong>For Practitioners:Benefits of <strong>Talking</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Children</strong> <strong>about</strong> the Violence<strong>Children</strong> feel safer They learn that <strong>violence</strong> isn’t their fault Theylearn that <strong>violence</strong> isn’t an okay way <strong>to</strong> solve problems It helpsthem <strong>to</strong> feel cared for, <strong>and</strong> unders<strong>to</strong>od <strong>Children</strong> learn that it’s OK <strong>to</strong>talk <strong>about</strong> feelingsEmotional Needs of <strong>Children</strong> Who Have WitnessedDomestic ViolenceFearAngerChild’s emotionFear of those they love intheir own home, where theyshould feel most safeAnger at the <strong>abuse</strong>r, or atthe survivor for not leavingthe situationChild needs <strong>to</strong>Be able <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> someonethey trust <strong>about</strong> theirfeelings, learn ways <strong>to</strong> keepthemselves safe <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>know they have a plan forwhat <strong>to</strong> do when there is<strong>violence</strong>, have a feeling ofcontrol in the situation(I will go over <strong>to</strong> my neighbourswhen it happens)Learn that it’s okay <strong>to</strong> feelboth anger <strong>and</strong> love <strong>to</strong>wardssomeone, know that it isokay <strong>to</strong> love their parenteven when they hate thebehaviour they see, knowthey are not bad if they lovethe <strong>abuse</strong>rConfusionFeeling they need <strong>to</strong> takesides (e.g. if I love Mum,I can’t love Dad <strong>and</strong> viceversa)Know that it is okay <strong>to</strong> loveboth parents at the sametime

LossGuilt/ResponsibilityFeelinglife isunpredictableChild’s emotionLoss of a helathy, safe family,loss of one parent if theyleave (or the constant threa<strong>to</strong>f this), loss of comfort inthe homeGuilt for causing the<strong>violence</strong>, or not s<strong>to</strong>pping itsomehow, responsible forpreventing the <strong>violence</strong>, <strong>and</strong>taking care of Mum <strong>and</strong> thefamilyFeeling vulnerable on a dailybasis, with no power <strong>to</strong> control<strong>about</strong> what will happenChild needs <strong>to</strong>Talk <strong>about</strong> feelings withsomeone they trust,develop a support system ofextended family or friendsoutside the homeUnderst<strong>and</strong> that the <strong>violence</strong>is not their fault, <strong>and</strong>that it is an adult problemfor the adults <strong>to</strong> work outFind areas in their liveswhere they can have control<strong>and</strong> make plans <strong>and</strong> decisions,create a safety planwith someone they trust,create some structure <strong>and</strong>stability whenever possible(creating daily routines thatprovide a sense of control)<strong>Talking</strong> <strong>to</strong> children <strong>about</strong> Domestic Violence isvery difficult for most people <strong>and</strong> takes a lot of work,patience <strong>and</strong> commitment.Useful Contactswww.thehideout.org.ukWomen’s Aid website providing useful information <strong>and</strong> signposting specifically forchildren <strong>and</strong> young people living with <strong>domestic</strong> <strong>violence</strong>.www.exeterwomensaid.org.ukThe Safe Project 01392 667 147 PO Box 219 Exeter EX4 3XQThis is an Outreach project for girls <strong>and</strong> young women (aged 14-25) who are affectedby <strong>domestic</strong> <strong>violence</strong>. It covers Exeter, Mid-Devon <strong>and</strong> East Devon. The Safe Projec<strong>to</strong>ffers confidential one-<strong>to</strong>-one support, telephone support, signposting, information<strong>and</strong> training for agencies <strong>and</strong> information sessions in schools <strong>and</strong> youth clubs.www.home-start.org.uk00800 686 368www.e-parents .orgNational Family & Parenting Institute430 Highgate Studios, 53-70 Highgate RoadLondon NW5 1TLwww.oneparentfamilies.org.ukOne parent Families 0800 0185 026www.raisingkids.co.ukwww.parentingplus.org.ukParentline Plus 0808 800 2222www.urnotalone.comInteractive web site for childrenwww.childline.org.uk0800 1111 (24 hours a day)This web site provides information for both children <strong>and</strong> adults on issues of concern<strong>to</strong> children. Includes factsheets <strong>about</strong> different kinds of <strong>abuse</strong>, bullying, bereavement,peer pressure. All children <strong>and</strong> young people in trouble or danger can call forfree <strong>and</strong> confidential advice or just someone <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong>. No problem <strong>to</strong>o big or <strong>to</strong>osmall. You don’t have <strong>to</strong> give your name. If you prefer, you can write <strong>to</strong> them at:Childline, Free Post 1111, London N1 OBR (no stamp needed)

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