Mass-Spring System - Railway Pro

Mass-Spring System - Railway Pro

Mass-Spring System - Railway Pro


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3How a <strong>Mass</strong>-<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>System</strong>FunctionsEffectively isolatingvibrationsThe goal of vibration isolation is todynamically decouple the superstructurefrom its environment in order toreduce the transmission of vibrationsand structure-borne sound.This decoupling is achieved by creatinga system capable of vibration. Ifa permanently elastic spring layer, suchas Sylomer® or Sylodyn®, is installed,the isolation takes place directly at thesource of the emissions. This ensuresthat the support point force F u(t) issmaller than the exciter force F e(t), resultingin reduced vibrations producedby the support point forces.mcF e(t)dF u(t)The function of an elasticallysupported superstructure can bedescribed very easily using an alternatesystem, referred to as a singledegree of freedom system. Manyvibration problems can be approximatelyexplained with this simplephysical model. If the superstructuremass is brought out of equilibrium bya brief exciter force F e(t), the massexecutes vibrations with the naturalfrequency f 0.c = dynamic spring stiffnessm = superstructure mass +unsprung mass of wheelset6

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