GOST R or Technical Regulation Certification ... - Bureau Veritas

GOST R or Technical Regulation Certification ... - Bureau Veritas

GOST R or Technical Regulation Certification ... - Bureau Veritas

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<strong>GOST</strong> R OR TECHNICAL REGULATIONCERTIFICATE /DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYGetting access f<strong>or</strong> your products on the Russian marketBUSINESS CHALLENGERussia and its regions offer a lot of opp<strong>or</strong>tunities f<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>eign companies. To access all this potential, f<strong>or</strong>eign companies need tofollow certain rules. Since 1993, the maj<strong>or</strong>ity of imp<strong>or</strong>ted products and equipment must be inspected to show that they complywith Russian standards. <strong>Certification</strong> of conf<strong>or</strong>mity is one of the most common mandat<strong>or</strong>y certificates. It was introduced toprotect the health and safety of Russia’s population and environment. In this complex and constantly changing regulationenvironment, it pays to have the right advice and assistance.SOLUTIONWhat is <strong>GOST</strong> R <strong>or</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Regulation</strong> <strong>Certification</strong> /Declaration of conf<strong>or</strong>mity?Under conf<strong>or</strong>mity is meant compliance with Russian technical regulations and standards.F<strong>or</strong> most products, certification is needed if you wish to imp<strong>or</strong>t and sell them in Russia.The main products concerned are materials in contact with food and human beings;industrial equipment f<strong>or</strong> food, chemical, oil & gas, construction and other industries;mechanical and electrical goods. Also concerned are consumer products such asfoodstuffs, textiles and clothes, cosmetics and perfumery, domestic goods and toys.The certificate/declaration can be valid f<strong>or</strong> a one-time-only shipment <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> a period of1 to 5 years (depending on the type of the product).What are the key benefits?• Prove compliance of products with Russian technical regulations.• Get access to the Russian market.• Allow you to advertise your products.• Help you to obtain other required certificates.• Facilitate and simplify customs procedures.• Reinf<strong>or</strong>ce security of goods (minimize chances of shipments disappearing <strong>or</strong> being stopped by customs).• Allow you to get new market with certified production.RELATED SERVICESIn addition to the <strong>Certification</strong> of Conf<strong>or</strong>mity,<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> can help you obtain othercertificates <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>malities that are required f<strong>or</strong>certain products.• RTN Permission• Fire Safety Certificate/Declaration• Pattern Approval• <strong>Certification</strong> of Explosion-Proof ElectricalEquipmentWHY CHOOSE BUREAU VERITAS?Our Reputation One of the w<strong>or</strong>ld's leading providers of imp<strong>or</strong>t control and inspection services, established in 1828. First office in Russiaopened in 1858.Our Netw<strong>or</strong>k Our global presence offers you the convenience of international expertise combined with local service where you need it.Our Local expertise <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> has a perfect understanding of the regulations, market, stakes and c<strong>or</strong>rect official channels. We also offertechnical excellence in many disciplines.Our Personalized service <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> adapts its services to your needs. We help you identify your legal obligations and assist you at every stepuntil you obtain the right certificate. We offer a single point of contact f<strong>or</strong> all your certification needs.Our Recognition, <strong>Certification</strong> and Accreditation Accredited by the Rostechregulirovanie (# РОСС.RU.001.11АГ) as a Russian certification body. Founding member of IFIA(International Federation of Inspection Agencies), <strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> is certified ISO 9001 and is the first inspection body to have itsnetw<strong>or</strong>k accredited ISO 17020 with the scope of its Pre-Shipment Inspection and Verification of Conf<strong>or</strong>mity activities.

Rev. 8/ July 2011OUR APPROACHA typical certification service can include the following steps:• Analysis of your needs / Provision of possible certification variants• Cost estimate f<strong>or</strong> certification <strong>or</strong> project• Review of documents (audits, analysis of documents, and translation of documents)• Testing in accredited lab<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>y (when necessary)• Advice f<strong>or</strong> design of labels and inspecting of models• Company audits (if required, 3 years certification)• Issuance of certificate issued• Issuance of certified copiesMost products that require mandat<strong>or</strong>y <strong>GOST</strong> R <strong>or</strong> <strong>Technical</strong> <strong>Regulation</strong><strong>Certification</strong>/Declaration need to be labelled in Russian language. The certified product mustbe marked with the registered <strong>GOST</strong> R sign (<strong>or</strong> Mark of Conf<strong>or</strong>mity) <strong>or</strong> market circulationmark (depending on the type of legislation used to prove conf<strong>or</strong>mity of the goods).This clearly demonstrates that the product complies with the applicable Russian regulations.FAQAre all products concerned?Not all goods require certification of conf<strong>or</strong>mity; some are exempt.Our local Russian experts can advise you on which of your products need it.They can also help you to obtain the necessary certificates in a minimum of time.What happens if my products are exempt?Even if the product to be imp<strong>or</strong>ted is not subject to mandat<strong>or</strong>y <strong>GOST</strong> Rcertification/declaration, an imp<strong>or</strong>ter <strong>or</strong> exp<strong>or</strong>ter can apply f<strong>or</strong> a voluntary <strong>GOST</strong> Rcertification to prove that this product meet the Russian quality standards. It can beused as a powerful marketing tool, because it independently confirms the quality <strong>or</strong>technical standard of your product.CLIENT REFERENCES<strong>Bureau</strong> <strong>Veritas</strong> has earned the confidenceof many leading companies including:• Air Liquide• Bvlgari• Camus• Danone• Disney• General Conserve• ITW Gema• Louis Vuitton• Michelin• Plastobreiz• Promod• PSA (Peugeot)• Public• Renault• Sisley cosmetics• SNECMA Mot<strong>or</strong>s• ZeilerCONTACTF<strong>or</strong> details about this service, please contact:GSIT Division – VOC DepartmentBy phone: +33 (0)1 55 24 77 68 (Europe)+7 495 937 55 77 (Russia)By e-mail: gsit@bureauveritas.comFOR MORE INFORMATIONplease visit :www.bureauveritas.com

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