Badge Registration, Exhibitor Guests (formerly VIP's) - IAAPA
Badge Registration, Exhibitor Guests (formerly VIP's) - IAAPA
Badge Registration, Exhibitor Guests (formerly VIP's) - IAAPA
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EXHIBITOR REGISTRATIONEXHIBITOR STAFF BADGESComplimentary <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Staff <strong>Badge</strong>s are provided to exhibitors. Exhibiting companies willbe allotted five (5) staff badges for the first 100 square feet of exhibit space and two (2) staffbadges for every 100 additional square feet of exhibit space under contract with a maximumof 50 complimentary Staff <strong>Badge</strong>s, per exhibit booth. See the chart on Page 3.Additional Staff <strong>Badge</strong>s are available at the cost of $109.00 per badge, which is the lowestmember rate for the show.EXHIBITOR STAFF BADGE GUIDELINES <strong>Registration</strong> includes complimentary access to the education conference program. All special events including breakfasts, lunches, and receptions are ticketed eventswith a separate registration fee. Pre-registration is required and space is limited. No one under the age of 18 can be registered as an exhibitor. Do not register non-exhibitors through the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site. <strong>IAAPA</strong> willcharge a $100 penalty per exhibitor staff badge used by a buyer. Use the <strong>Exhibitor</strong>Guest Invitations (<strong>formerly</strong> VIP Program) to register current/prospective clients toattend the Trade Show free (see the next page).NEW! BADGE & TICKET SHIPPING POLICY<strong>Badge</strong>s and tickets will not be automatically shipped. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s have the choice to receivetheir badges and purchased tickets in advance by providing a UPS or FedEx accountnumber during the registration process. All shipping charges will be billed to this account.Shipping Option: If you choose to have your badges and purchased tickets shipped, the lastday to register is October 28. <strong>Badge</strong> holders will need to be picked up on-site. If yourequire changes to your badges or tickets, you must bring them to on-site registration andchanges will be made. The designated contact in the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site will receiveall shipped badges. If you need to purchase additional tickets after your badges have beenshipped, they will be available for pickup on-site.On-Site Pick-up Option: If you choose to pick-up your badges and purchased tickets on-site,they can be picked up at <strong>Registration</strong> for no additional charge. On-site registration hours willbe posted on the show FAQ’s page.Any lost or misplaced badges and purchased tickets must be repurchased at full cost. If theoriginals are located, they must be submitted in writing to <strong>IAAPA</strong> following the show for arefund.1
EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Go to the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site: Enter a few letters of your booth name (the “Exhibiting As” name noted on yourcontract).3. Once you search and locate your company name, use your <strong>IAAPA</strong> CompanyMember ID as your password. If you cannot locate it, contact <strong>IAAPA</strong> at +1 (703)836-4800 or e-mail exhibitors@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org.4. The Contact Name listed is the person that will receive the mailed badges if youdesignate to receive them via UPS or FedEx (see previous page). If you wish for theContact to be registered to attend the show, you must click the Register link next totheir name under My <strong>Registration</strong>s.5. Click the “Register Another Person” button to add additional staff.6. Once you have registered all your staff badges, click the “Next” button until youreach the Confirmation page. Your registrations will remain Pending until youcomplete the registration process.7. Confirmations are available by logging into the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site and willalso be emailed to the registrant.8. You can login to the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site to cancel or substitute staff namesprior to the badges being shipped, if designated. Any changes can be made on-siteat no charge.9. There are no refunds for canceled tickets.Step-by-Step instructions with screen shots for the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> site areHERE.SAVE TIME IN ORLANDO AND REGISTER YOUR EXHIBIT STAFF EARLY!Register now: GUEST INVITATIONS(FORMERLY VIP PROGRAM)Invite your customers to attend <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 for FREE!WHAT IT ISAn <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest <strong>Registration</strong> site will be available late August 2012 for exhibitors to invitetheir most important customers and prospects to attend <strong>IAAPA</strong> Attractions Expo 2012 astheir guests. Persons registering with an <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest Invitation will receive freeadmission to the Trade Show when they register online by Friday, November 9. AfterNovember 9, the cost is $109 – the lowest of all registration rates!HOW IT WORKSYour company contact will receive a link to the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest <strong>Registration</strong> site and aunique code late August if your booth is fully paid. Each code will have a specifiedallotment of complimentary registrations based on the size of the booth (see the chart onthe next page). For indoor booths, each 100 square feet of indoor space is eligible for 5Guest Invitations and for outdoor booths each 100 square feet of outdoor space is eligiblefor 1 Guest Invitation with a limit of 250 Invitations per exhibit booth.2
Once the complimentary allotment has been met, the code will become invalid. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>smay purchase additional <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest Invitations at the cost of $109 each if requested toexhibitors@<strong>IAAPA</strong>.org and paid by Friday, October 26. No additional Invitations can bepurchased after that date.Step-by-Step instructions with screen shots for the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest <strong>Registration</strong> siteare HERE.<strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Guests</strong> <strong>Registration</strong> Site: OPTIONS & VERIFICATION PROCESS<strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Guests</strong> will have the same mailing options as exhibitors for their badges. However,a new verification process will be in place on-site in Orlando to ensure the registrantinformation is accurate. Attendees and <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Guests</strong> must provide a picture ID orbusiness card on-site to receive their badge and/or badge holder. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s areexempt from the verification process. If the exhibitor chooses to register their <strong>Exhibitor</strong><strong>Guests</strong> directly, to ensure unauthorized attendees do not use any of their complimentaryallotment, then they need to receive accurate information from their guests. Any incorrectinformation will be corrected on-site before the badges credentials are distributed.It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure only the invited guest uses the codeprovided. <strong>IAAPA</strong> will not be held responsible for unauthorized attendees registering with an<strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest code.EXHIBIT STAFF USE OF INVITATIONS<strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest Invitations not used to register customers and prospects, may be used toregister additional Exhibit Staff beyond the allotment of complimentary <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Staff<strong>Badge</strong>s. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Staff <strong>Badge</strong>s obtained in this manner will also be complimentary, butthese registrants will only have access to the trade show floor during open, published hours.These registrants will also be subjected to the verification process on-site.<strong>Exhibitor</strong> Guest Invitations may only be used for the purposes set forth in this document;any other uses, including but not limited to, sale to members/attendees, are prohibited.STAFF BADGE & EXHIBITOR GUEST INVITATION ALLOTMENTS<strong>Exhibitor</strong> GuestAllotment(indoor)<strong>Exhibitor</strong> GuestAllotment(outdoor)Staff <strong>Badge</strong>Booth SizeAllotment100 (10’x10’) 5 5 1200 (10’x20’) 7 10 2300 (10’x30’) 9 15 3400 (10’x40’ or420’x20’) 11 20500 (10’x50’) 13 25 5600 (20’x30’) 15 30 6800 (20’x40’) 19 40 8900 (30’x30’) 21 45 93
1200 (30’x40’ or1220’x60’) 27 601500 (30’x50’) 33 75 151600 (20’x80’) 35 80 161800 (30’x60’) 39 90 182400 50 120 243000 50 150 304500 50 225 455000 50 250 50TYVEK WRISTBANDSTyvek wristbands may be worn by exhibitors during move-in, before <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Registration</strong>opens on-site, Saturday, November 10 at 12:00 p.m. The wristbands will NOT be mailed inadvance, but can be picked up at the security counter located in the South Concourse nearS220. A business card, paystub or some other form of ID that indicates your company nameneeds to be shown in order to receive wristbands. <strong>Exhibitor</strong>s may wear the wristbands,instead of their exhibitor badges, during move-in, and have full access to the trade showfloor. Wristbands for move-out are not needed unless the person moving out was notregistered for the show. They can pick-up wristbands at the Floor Manager’s Office (near<strong>IAAPA</strong> Central and the Exhibit Sales Office on the show floor), or the Security Office isS210A.Please note that all exhibitors will need <strong>Exhibitor</strong> <strong>Badge</strong>s during trade show hours.Remember to register your staff at: Tyvek Wristband program is for EXHIBITORS ONLY. <strong>Exhibitor</strong> Appointed Contractorsmust pick up wristbands from security on-site at the Contractor check-in desks located atthe South Employee Entrance and North Employee Entrance. See the <strong>Exhibitor</strong> AppointedContractors information for more details.4