Business/Marketing Plan - City of Brantford
Business/Marketing Plan - City of Brantford
Business/Marketing Plan - City of Brantford
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TOURISM BRANTFORD 2011-12<strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>“Connecting & Building Together”MISSION STATEMENT“Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> is a destination marketing organization that seeks to effectively marketthe multitude <strong>of</strong> unique attractions in <strong>Brantford</strong> and area to maximize tourism potential.”www.discoverbrantford.com_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
tourism brantford2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>: “Connecting & Building Together”table <strong>of</strong> contents ______________________________________________________________________________________Introduction 2Key 2010 Initiatives 3Tourism Performance: National, Provincial, Local 4Priority Focus 6Environmental Scan 7Key Issues to be Addressed 82011/12 Assumptions 8Opportunities & Threats: External 9Strengths & Weaknesses: Internal 10Strategic Linkages 12Market Priorities 15<strong>Marketing</strong> Strategy By Market 17- Travel Trade/Group 17- Meetings and Conventions 18- Leisure 19- Cultural Tourism and Development 21- Travel Writer/Media and Communications 22- Sport Tourism 23- Visitor Services 242011/12 <strong>Marketing</strong> Opportunities & ServicesPartnerships & Memberships 32Committees 33Staff Team 36References 36Acronyms/Abbreviations 37_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 1 519. 751.9900
introduction _______________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> is pleased to present the 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>: “Connecting & Building Together” forthe Economic Development & Tourism Department - Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> division.Building on past achievements <strong>of</strong> both Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> and the local tourism industry, the focus <strong>of</strong> the 2011-12<strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is on marketing activities within six key sectors and corresponding destination managementefforts. This plan outlines the individual objectives, strategies and tactics that the division will apply and implementfor each marketing activity throughout the coming year, including various 2011-12 marketing opportunities availablethrough Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>. Opportunity descriptions list key programs being <strong>of</strong>fered, their associated timing andparticipation details - all featured on <strong>Brantford</strong>, in conjunction with the Tourism Advisory Committee, will continue its grass-roots communicationsprogram, which promotes the positive spirit <strong>of</strong> the community, the value <strong>of</strong> tourism in contributing to economicprosperity and thereby enhancing the quality <strong>of</strong> life for residents.mission statement“Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> is adestination marketing organizationthat seeks to effectively market themultitude <strong>of</strong> unique attractionsin <strong>Brantford</strong> and area to maximizetourism potential.”The Sector Specific <strong>Marketing</strong> Working Group <strong>of</strong> the TourismAdvisory Committee’s input was instrumental in the development <strong>of</strong>the 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.SERVICE DESCRIPTIONFor 17 years, Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> has served as <strong>Brantford</strong> and area’sleading Destination <strong>Marketing</strong> Organization, providing strategicdirection in the development <strong>of</strong> the area’s tourism industry. Top divisionalpriorities incorporate business retention and expansion withthe intent for the local tourism industry to function as animportant economic engine, enriching both the quality <strong>of</strong> life andoverall wealth <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> and area.Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>’s mandate falls within the municipal structure <strong>of</strong> the Corporation <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>. Tourism<strong>Brantford</strong> is part <strong>of</strong> the Economic Development Department, which is under the auspices <strong>of</strong> the CommunityDevelopment Commission.TOURISM BRANTFORD’S CULTURETourism <strong>Brantford</strong> staff embody a culture <strong>of</strong> excellence. The staff unit focuses on programs that are results-oriented,reflective <strong>of</strong> the community that is served, positioned to succeed and built on partnerships. Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>programming is based on strong communications links within the division, and includes the establishment <strong>of</strong> targets,tracking mechanisms, and budgetary controls.2010 ACHIEVEMENTS/AWARDSEconomic Developers Council <strong>of</strong> Ontario (EDCO) - <strong>Marketing</strong> Awards 20101. Trails Take Flight - Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance - Winner2. Destination Lure - Honourable MentionEconomic Development Association <strong>of</strong> Canada (EDAC) - <strong>Marketing</strong> Awards 2010Trails Take Flight - Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance - WinnerOntario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership Corporation (OTMPC) - <strong>Marketing</strong> Awards 20101. Trails Take Flight - Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance - Winner2. Deal or More Deal OMCA Luncheon Event - Southern Ontario Tourism Team - Finalist_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 2 519. 751.9900
key 2010 initiatives & lessons learned __________________________1. Continued development <strong>of</strong> the “Let’s Meet Up” corporate program; building awareness <strong>of</strong> services to keymunicipal departments; and committee participation in tourism industry associations.Results:• 31 meetings and conventions serviced• 10 bids prepared and one site tour completedLessons Learned:• Must continue to develop networking opportunities to engage and buildrelationships with meeting planners - local and regional• Opportunity within the municipality to generate more meeting and conference business2. Launch <strong>of</strong> the newly re-developed website www.discoverbrantford.comResults:• New website launched prior to May 24th weekend• Visits: June 1 to December 31, 2010: 32,227Lessons Learned:• Must devote resources and time to continuously update website• Need for video streaming on the website• Need for more seasonal/experiential photo images• Need for protocol and resources dedicated to social media3. Completion <strong>of</strong> the municipal sports bid and hosting policyResults:• Development <strong>of</strong> new sport tourism lure publication and pr<strong>of</strong>ile completedLessons Learned:• Protocol to support policy is needed• Partnership with <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks and Recreation, Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong>Ontario, and <strong>Brantford</strong> Sports Council is critical• Need for base funding in order to facilitate bidding opportunities4. Completion <strong>of</strong> 2010/11 Discovery GuideResults:• 100,000 printed• 78 advertisers• Joint project successfully completed in partnership with the County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations,New Credit and the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Lessons Learned:• Local sales program is needed to ensure customer satisfaction• Editorial must be created locally• Guide needs to be ready for distribution Q2 2011 (April)5. Active participation in the new RTO structure in Ontario and RTO # 3 that involved the following page 3 519. 751.9900
projects:• www.heart<strong>of</strong> campaign• Image inventory• War <strong>of</strong> 1812 Bicentennial Region 7 - Western Corridor Alliance• Deal or More Deal OMCA Luncheon Sponsorship and Travel Trade program• Development <strong>of</strong> Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>• Incorporation <strong>of</strong> the organizationResults:• Initial awareness building <strong>of</strong> RTO #3 has begun with the heart<strong>of</strong> campaign• Pr<strong>of</strong>essional photography featuring <strong>Brantford</strong> and area’s events• Travel Trade program was leveraged to focus on the region and will be used to create a new Itinerary Cataloguesuitable for the group market• Western Corridor 1812 Bicentennial Alliance/Region 7 hired a project manager to coordinate a variety <strong>of</strong> productdevelopment and promotional programsLessons Learned:• A great deal <strong>of</strong> time and effort has been attributed to the initial formation phase <strong>of</strong> the RTO #3 by TourismHamilton, Tourism Burlington and Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>• Incremental marketing and development activities will benefit <strong>Brantford</strong> in several key areas• Collaboration and leadership is needed in order to move forward6. Implementation <strong>of</strong> travel trade program through the leveraging <strong>of</strong> strategic partnerships.Results:• 22 coaches -790 passengersLessons Learned:• With a variety <strong>of</strong> partners, develop <strong>of</strong> marketing programs that showcase the “hub and spoke”attributes <strong>of</strong> the area• Partnering with the Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts in servicing the group businessmarket must continuetourism performance: national, provincial& local __________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism Performance: Canada 1Total Person Visits: 254.5 millionWho is traveling to Canada?• 224.1 million or 88% are Canadians• 25.8 million or 10% are from the US• 4.6 million or 2% are from other countriesImpact to Canada’s economy:• $70.9 billion spent by visitors (including domestic travel)12007 Statistics Canada, National Tourism Indicators, International Travel Survey, and Travel Survey <strong>of</strong> Residents <strong>of</strong> Canada_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 4 519. 751.9900
Tourism Performance: Ontario 2Total Person Visits: 100,999,000Who is coming to Ontario?• 85,667,000 or 85% are Canadians• 13,165,000 or 13% are from the US• 2,167,000 or 2% are from other countriesOvernight Stays:• 34,153,000 or 34% are Canadians• 6,190,000 or 6% are from the US• 1,952,000 or 2% are from other countriesImpact:• $17,628,560 spent by visitors (same-day and overnight)Impact to Ontario’s economy:• $20.424 billion in direct, indirect and induced contributions to the GDPTourism Performance: <strong>Brantford</strong> 3Total person visits: 865,000Who is coming to <strong>Brantford</strong>?• 789,000 or 91% are from Ontario• 16,000 or 2% are from, Other Canada• 35,000 or 4% are from the US• 24,000 or 3% are from overseasOvernight Stays: 307,000Top ten activities by overnight visitors (in ranked order):1. Any outdoor/sports-related activity2. Golfing3. Sports events4. OLG Casino <strong>Brantford</strong>5. Nature parks6. Cultural performances7. Festivals/fairs8. Fishing9. Boating/water activities10. Historic sitesImpact to <strong>Brantford</strong>’s economy:• $76.431 million22008 Statistics Canada, Canadian Travel Survey, International Travel Survey, Ontario Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism32009 Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> Annual Report; Ontario Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism: Regional Tourism Pr<strong>of</strong>iles, 2008 Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism/Statistics page 5 519. 751.9900
priority focus___________________________________________________________________________________________MandateTo increase the number <strong>of</strong> visitors to <strong>Brantford</strong> and to maximize their impact to the local economy.This is achieved through three main service areas:1. <strong>Marketing</strong>, Communications and Public Relations2. <strong>Business</strong> Retention + Expansion (BR+E)3. Visitor Information ServicesCustomer SegmentsIn order to help develop and grow the tourism sector in <strong>Brantford</strong>, Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> works with the followingcustomer groups:1. Existing and potential tourism business and organizations in <strong>Brantford</strong> and area2. <strong>Brantford</strong> residents3. Visitors and soon-to-be visitors4.Travel influencers, including tour operators, travel journalists/media, sport event organizers, meeting planners andassociation executivesEffective PartnershipsTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> recognizes its partnerships and values their importance in successfully delivering the division’sservices and thereby fulfilling its mandate, as outlined, by the municipality.Results-DrivenA variety <strong>of</strong> tools are used to measure the results <strong>of</strong> the division’s programs and activities, including:1. Tourism indicators - visitation numbers, economic impact, travel intention surveys, customer satisfactionquestionnaires and occupancy data provided by hotel partners2. Information and feedback from partners3. Competitor analysis4. Budget impacts and timing <strong>of</strong> the delivery <strong>of</strong> the programs<strong>Marketing</strong> ExcellenceOver the last ten+ years, the following associations have given provincial and national recognition to many <strong>of</strong> thedivision’s programs and projects:• Economic Developers Council <strong>of</strong> Ontario (EDCO) - 8 different awards since 2003• Economic Development Association <strong>of</strong> Canada (EDAC) - 3 different awards since 2003• Ontario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership Corporation (OTMPC) - 2 different awards since 2009• Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO) - 7 different awards since 1999_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 6 519. 751.9900
environmental scan - summary <strong>of</strong> facts _______________________________Provincial 4• Ontario’s tourism industry faced another challenging year in 2010, however it is outpacing U.S. growth.• Growing unemployment: As a result <strong>of</strong> the recession, many manufacturers became more efficient over the last twoyears, allowing them to be pr<strong>of</strong>itable with fewer employees.• Canadian dollar parity with U.S. currency still weighs heavily on the tourism sector. The number <strong>of</strong> international visitorsentering Ontario finally increased in Q4 2009 and Q1 2010. However, compared to the same period in 2009, thislevel is still 5.2% lower and over 60% below the peak reached in Q4 1998.• U.S. accounts for nearly 90% <strong>of</strong> international travellers to Ontario.• Ontario-US Border: Total traffic volume for Ontario’s border crossings with Michigan and New York was up 5.6%YTD in September 2010 compared with the same period last year. Passenger car volumes rose 3.9% while bus volumesincreased by 3%.• Accommodation service firms are adding jobs and hotel occupancy rates have begun to improve.• The number <strong>of</strong> overseas travellers entering Ontario in July grew 5.3% in 2010 over 2009 numbers.• Double-digit growth was tracked in such important international markets as Japan, India, and China• China granted Approved Destination Status to Canada in June 2010.• While the US. economy has resumed growth, relatively weak consumer confidence and ongoing challenges in thehousing sector could impact Ontario’s exports in 2011.• Ontario’s economic growth forecast was 3.4% in 2010; unemployment rates sat at 8.8%.• Improving economic and labour market conditions in Canada will also support domestic travel.• Accommodation and food services account for a large share <strong>of</strong> tourism output and employment in Ontario.Local 5• <strong>Brantford</strong>/Brant population: 137,000 (1.1% <strong>of</strong> the population <strong>of</strong> Ontario)• Job growth per 1,000 people: 26.9% - Q2 2009• Unemployment: 10.8% Q2 2010• Housing starts: 0.9% (percentage <strong>of</strong> Ontario)• Housing starts per 10,000 people: 11.3• Consumer insolvencies per 1,000 people: 2.4cOMPARISON ANALYSIS - HOTEL OCCUPANCYProvincial Indicators: Hotel occupancy rates have begun to improve. In Ontario, occupancy rates for July 2010 reached58.8% - a 3.3% increase over 2009. Average daily room rates for Ontario hotels increased by 1.6% while revenue peravailable room jumped by 7.6% for July YTD. 6Hotel Occupancy Rate Revenue Per Room Average Daily Room RateAll <strong>of</strong> Ontario 61.5% $78.17 $127.12Brant/<strong>Brantford</strong> 55.1% $52.44 $95.16Hamilton 60.1% $67.55 $112.39Halton/Burlington 58.4% $66.32 $113.62Kitchener/Cambridge 55.8% $58.15 $104.21Wellington County/Guelph 46.2% $52.83 $114.39St. Catherines/Niagara 54% $72.31 $133.89London 54.8% $55.89 $101.98Toronto 66% $90.06 $114.394Industry Canada, Ontario Economic Overview, November 2010 Update5Industry Canada, Ontario Economic Overview, November 2010 Update6Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism, Statistics Canada, page 7 519. 751.9900
key issues to be addressed _____________________________________________________________2011 to 2012• Leveraging partnerships at local and industry levels and with senior levels <strong>of</strong> government• Enhancing communications and joint programming with County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River Territory,and Mississaugas <strong>of</strong> the New Credit First Nation• Focusing on incremental opportunities with RTO #3, including the completion <strong>of</strong> a regional tourism strategy, and theWar <strong>of</strong> 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration• Implementing turn-key project management (all sales and editorial functions) for the Discovery Guide 2011/12publication• Protocol development for social marketing• Implementing CMS database system in order to gain higher levels <strong>of</strong> customer service intimacy• Develop BR+E visitation targets and implementation plan• Developing market-specific web tools to enhance communications efforts• Investigate bid securement funding opportunities to enhance sport event and tournament businessin FUTURE• Continued leveraging <strong>of</strong> partnerships at both local and partner levels and senior levels <strong>of</strong> government• Continue to increase communication and joint programming efforts with County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the GrandRiver Territory and Mississaugas <strong>of</strong> the New Credit First Nation• Through RTO #3, implement the incremental destination development and marketing opportunities as outlined inthe regional tourism strategy• Strengthen brand development and management <strong>of</strong> brand equity• Continue development <strong>of</strong> e-marketing initiatives• Enhance meeting/convention and sport event/tournament business by building on the current success in each <strong>of</strong>those markets and developing opportunities2011/12 assumptions ___________________________________________________________________________Retail Tactics• Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will continue to develop programs aimed at increasing visitation to and length <strong>of</strong> stay in <strong>Brantford</strong>and area, however, “closing <strong>of</strong> the sale” rests with individual organizations and owner/operators (suppliers).Regional Tourism Organizations (RTO’s)• 2011-12 will mark a year <strong>of</strong> continual transition with the advent <strong>of</strong> the RTO structure in Ontario over the last6 to 12 months.• RTO #3 is comprised <strong>of</strong> the following communities: Halton, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, <strong>Brantford</strong>, Brant, SixNations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River Territory and Mississaugas <strong>of</strong> the New Credit First Nation. Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> ispositioned to be an active participant in the development and implementation <strong>of</strong> RTO #3’s tourism strategy.• Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will continue to advocate for <strong>Business</strong> Retention + Expansion (BR+E) resources to beallocated to research, product and program development, and the deployment <strong>of</strong> incremental marketing tactics.Overall• Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will continue to respond to changes in the environment and adapt to marketing programs as challengesand opportunities arise._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 8 519. 751.9900
opportunities & threats: external ________________________________________Opportunities for Tourism• Increase travel to <strong>Brantford</strong> within a four-hour radius <strong>of</strong> the city• Increase “stay-cation” travel opportunities• Build on RTO #3’s activities and programs• Expand relationships with the County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations and New Credit• Proximity to Six Nations and County <strong>of</strong> Brant (unique cultural and rural experiences)• Create new services and programming to reflect growing and changing needs <strong>of</strong> both tourism partners and thecommunity’s demographic (i.e. newcomers)• Expand on strategic marketing programs with the <strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel Association• Participate in Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance 7• Increase social media opportunities• Increase promotion <strong>of</strong> welcome/greeting opportunities at locations outside <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & TourismCentre (i.e. Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts)• Become growth/expansion target market for outside regional media outlets (Hamilton, Cambridge, Woodstock andSimcoe)• Growing infrastructure lends to more tourism-related programming opportunities• Leverage provincial and federal funding and initiatives (i.e. Locals Know, Tourism Awareness Week, Cultural Days,and War <strong>of</strong> 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration)• Niche market development opportunities• Highlight growth <strong>of</strong> downtown district in <strong>Brantford</strong>• Growth in the meeting and convention market• Offer and promote community partnership opportunities• Sport tourism market• Increase number <strong>of</strong> cultural events/festivals• Growth <strong>of</strong> university/college community• Increase willingness for collaboration/business-to-business partnerships• Increase value <strong>of</strong> small business in light <strong>of</strong> the global recession and the view <strong>of</strong> “big business”• Six Nations is home to many world-famous individuals including such internationally recognized historic figures suchas E. Pauline Johnson, Indian poetess and actorThreats for Tourism• Ongoing land claims action and unresolved treaty issues with the Six Nations community has resulted in uncertaintyin the area’s business climate and decreased investment potential <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, which is having significantnegative impacts on building activity and overall perception <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> as a good place to do business and to visit• Socio-economic interdependency with the County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations and New Credit communities can provide aripple effect to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> in terms <strong>of</strong> ongoing marketing, promotions, and investment• Better alignment <strong>of</strong> marketing and promotion service/efforts at regional and provincial levels• Sluggish economy, slower growth in personal disposable income, high unemployment rate and high gasoline pricesat the pumps• Declining US economy, passport requirements, border-crossing line-ups, continual drop in US visitors to Ontario• Instability in the financial markets - real time global information is driving volatility• Low consumer confidence and behaviour - lack <strong>of</strong> spending and travelling for leisure long-haul purposes7Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance is comprised <strong>of</strong> the following communities who are located along the Grand River Watershed: Elora/Fergus, North Wellington, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Guelph, St. Jacob’s Country, County <strong>of</strong> Brant, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River Territory, andHaldimand page 9 519. 751.9900
strengths & weaknesses: internal __________________________________________Tourism StrengthsNatural Assets• Grand River is a designated Canadian Heritage River• The Paris to <strong>Brantford</strong> portion <strong>of</strong> the river as an Exceptional Waters Corridor• Shoreline/waterfront throughout the city• <strong>Brantford</strong>’s trail network and links to Cambridge, Hamilton and Simcoe are known as the “hub” for southern Ontario• Parks and green spaces• Mohawk Park is an urban forest “jewel” with significant oak tree stands• <strong>Brantford</strong> - Brant’s Crossing, Mohawk Lake, D’Aubigny Creek• Within a one-hour radius <strong>of</strong> Lake Ontario and Lake Erie• Provincially significant and diverse wildlife habitat; i.e. birds (Bald Eagle), migrating birds (Warblers, Song Birds,Great Egret), nesting areas and fish (rare and threatened species habitat includes Redside Dace, Black Redhorse andEastern Sand Darter)• Mature riparian forest borders the Grand River• Rare Carolinian species <strong>of</strong> trees/vegetation• Earth Science Areas <strong>of</strong> Natural and Scientific Interest - tufa mounds and marl wetlands, gypsum mines• Tall-grass prairies, perched fen, and savannah landscapes• Rich archaeological heritage• Fertile, rolling landscapeLocation/Weather/Climate• Positioned on the 400 series corridor, proximity to border (near US), close to airports (Hamilton and Toronto); port <strong>of</strong>entry with excellent land transportation links• Ideal “hub and spoke” destination• Designated in the provincial “Places to Grow” strategy• Increasing culture diversity <strong>of</strong> local citizens/newcomers• Four seasons and a mild/moderate climateDiverse Tourism-Related Experiences in the Area• Trans Canada Trail system and the expansion <strong>of</strong> a new trail system south <strong>of</strong> the city• Access to waterways: Grand River• Aboriginal tourism experiences, culture and events: Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River Territory and Mississaugas <strong>of</strong> theNew Credit First Nation• Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts• Brant Museums & Galleries Association, including Mohawk Chapel, Bell Homestead National Historic Site and theWoodland Cultural Centre• Gardens and Parks: Best Bloomin’ <strong>City</strong>/horticultural excellence• OLG Casino <strong>Brantford</strong>: Refurbishment <strong>of</strong> the facility using environmentally-friendly construction materials, includingthe installation <strong>of</strong> eco-friendly systems ($37.4 million construction project to be completed in 2011)• Historically significant architecture, public art and monuments• <strong>Brantford</strong> Farmers’ Market• Cultural events and festivals• Culinary tourism experiences, the 100-mile diet and agri-tourism• Sport tourism events and tournaments• A variety <strong>of</strong> good quality golf coursesCorporate Support, Staffing & Volunteers and Initiatives• <strong>City</strong>-supported budget• Dedicated and motivated pr<strong>of</strong>essional staff team• Cross-corporate (<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>) partnerships• Volunteer structure includes enthusiastic, committed citizens_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 10 519. 751.9900
• Community Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>• Downtown <strong>Brantford</strong> Master <strong>Plan</strong>• <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks and Recreation: Special event coordination, marketing and Harmony Square• <strong>Brantford</strong> Cultural Network: Development <strong>of</strong> the 2011-16 Five-Year Municipal Cultural <strong>Plan</strong> and the MuseumSustainability <strong>Plan</strong>• Public Art Policy and protocol development• Economic Development Strategy• Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong>• Special events and festivals coordinated by volunteers, including; Doors Open Brant, International Villages Festivaland <strong>Brantford</strong> International Jazz Festival, to name a fewClean, Safe, Friendly, and Well-Appointed Community• <strong>Brantford</strong> is an emerging urban centre with small-town feel• Population: 96,800• Employment: 42,000• <strong>Brantford</strong> has many hometown heroes and a strong volunteer base who strive to make the community a great placeto live, work and play• <strong>Brantford</strong> is a recognized leader in the “Walkable Cities” initiative• Transportation Infrastructure: <strong>Brantford</strong> Municipal Airport, <strong>Brantford</strong> Transit Services and rail and bus serviceconnections to points throughout the provinceCommunity Pride• <strong>Brantford</strong> and area civic pride is increasing and there is a growing appreciation <strong>of</strong> the community’s promising futurepotentialUniversity/Post-Secondary Education• The growth <strong>of</strong> post-secondary education in the community includes: The designation <strong>of</strong> the Schulich School <strong>of</strong>Education program at Nipissing University-<strong>Brantford</strong>; Mohawk College’s five year plan and potential expansion indowntown <strong>Brantford</strong>; Laurier <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Academic and Research Centre/Community Stedman Bookstore opening;increase in student residence capacity by 2011-12; and the completion <strong>of</strong> Laurier <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Master <strong>Plan</strong>Good Value for Money• <strong>Brantford</strong> and area has a solid <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong> ro<strong>of</strong>ed accommodations that <strong>of</strong>fer competitive rates• Local attractions <strong>of</strong>fer quality experiences at reasonable admission rates<strong>Brantford</strong>’s Downtown District• Harmony Square’s special events and year-round programming, combined with activities <strong>of</strong> the Downtown<strong>Brantford</strong> BIA, creates the look and feel <strong>of</strong> a “destination”• <strong>Marketing</strong> programs support the newly revived downtown district (e.g. restaurants, entertainment, etc.)• <strong>Brantford</strong> Public Library growing as a cultural and community resource• Enhanced cultural activities• <strong>Brantford</strong> Arts Block and programming• <strong>City</strong> Council-approved Downtown <strong>Brantford</strong> Master <strong>Plan</strong>• Re-development <strong>of</strong> the south side <strong>of</strong> Colborne Street, which is located in the heart <strong>of</strong> the downtown district• <strong>Brantford</strong> Downtown BIA Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> and Communications/<strong>Marketing</strong> StrategyCelebrities and Acclaim• <strong>Brantford</strong> is home to many world-famous individuals, including, Alexander Graham Bell, inventor <strong>of</strong> the telephone;Lawren Harris, Group <strong>of</strong> Seven; and E. Pauline Johnson, Indian poetess and actor• <strong>Brantford</strong> is home <strong>of</strong> contemporary figures like hockey legend Wayne Gretzky and his father Walter, Canada’s mostfamous hockey page 11 519. 751.9900
• <strong>Brantford</strong> recognizes past accomplished individuals through the “Walk <strong>of</strong> Fame” program• <strong>Brantford</strong> and area products and merchandise are known worldwide (e.g. past: Massey, present: Zamboni, Ferrero)Communications and Media• Internet connectivity/broadband and high speed is available in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>• Local media outlets include daily newspaper and websites: The Expositor, The Brant News, CKPC Radio AM andFM and Rogers Community TelevisionEnhanced and New Facility Infrastructure Construction Projects• Federal and provincial dollars and contributions from the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> and the County <strong>of</strong> Brant, havefacilitated the following capital infrastructure-building programs:1. <strong>Brantford</strong> and District Civic Centre2. Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre - both aquatics and arena(s)3. <strong>Brantford</strong> Municipal Airport4. <strong>Brantford</strong> Farmers’ Market5. County <strong>of</strong> Brant - new twin pad arena developmentTourism Weaknesses• Transitional challenges with pending major capital projects, including: south side <strong>of</strong> Colborne Street re-development,two-way conversion <strong>of</strong> Dalhousie and Colborne Streets and the implementation <strong>of</strong> a new transit terminal• Closure <strong>of</strong> Kanata Village• Alignment <strong>of</strong> marketing and promotion service/efforts within the municipality and community• Lack <strong>of</strong> support for social media programming by the municipality• Lack <strong>of</strong> strong tourism-related attraction “icon” draw to community• Lack <strong>of</strong> service standards in the motel sector• Lack <strong>of</strong> convention/space capacity for larger audiences (+ 500)• Lack <strong>of</strong> well-rounded entertainment scene and “night-life” opportunities for adults and university/collegestudents• Limited sport infrastructure for all sport genres/need for facilities in addition to ice surfaces and aquatics• Lack <strong>of</strong> financial support to grow the meeting and convention and sport markets• Lack <strong>of</strong> available community volunteers creates an overall negative impact to not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it groups in themuseums and galleries sector• Need to build on the efforts <strong>of</strong> Nipissing University-<strong>Brantford</strong> towards the expansion <strong>of</strong> an academic calendar year toa twelve-month per-year cycle• Lack <strong>of</strong> transportation services and infrastructure to and from the Six Nations communitystrategic linkages __________________________________________________________________________________Community Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>Utilizing the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s approved community-based strategic plan as the foundationfor the development <strong>of</strong> this plan, Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> has created a blueprint that is anchored inthe priorities and goals that the community has deemed important. In particular, the goals <strong>of</strong>“Economic Vitality and Innovation” and “High Quality <strong>of</strong> Life & Caring for All Citizens” aretargeted in the objectives and strategies for the coming year._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 12 519. 751.9900
Economic Development StrategyThe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s new three to five year Economic Development Strategy, approved in Q32010, includes 65 recommendations and identifies several short and long-term opportunities thatinvolve the tourism and arts and culture sectors in <strong>Brantford</strong> and area.The following are some <strong>of</strong> the key recommendations from the strategy that relate to thetourism and culture sectors in <strong>Brantford</strong>:Tourism Sector1. Proactively continue to build on existing relationships with the Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River, the Mississaugas <strong>of</strong>the New Credit First Nation, the County <strong>of</strong> Brant and other regions as appropriate to leverage opportunities andcreate a broader context.2. Accelerate the growth <strong>of</strong> sport tourism through strategic marketing <strong>of</strong> new municipal sport infrastructure, bid andhosting opportunities.3. Work with partners in the newly created provincial RTO #3 to leverage provincial support, enhance the tourismproduct and experiences and market the area.4. Develop standardized visitor statistics and tracking mechanisms from key attractions in the area to determine whyvisitors come to <strong>Brantford</strong> and what will encourage them to stay longer.5. Conduct an analysis <strong>of</strong> current marketing areas and develop opportunities for future growth.6. Carry out niche tourism market research and segmentation in order to better focus product development andmarketing initiatives.7. Accelerate the business retention and expansion activities with downtown businesses.8. Establish a working committee to develop a downtown business retention and recruitment strategy, in partnershipwith the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Downtown <strong>Business</strong> Improvement Area,post-secondary institutions and department staff.9. Through the utilization <strong>of</strong> local retirees with business expertise, increase mentorship opportunities available toexisting companies, especially smaller firms, to increase their ability to survive and prosper.10. Increase the capacity <strong>of</strong> this mentorship program by recruiting local retired business persons as mentors.11. Continue to assist in the business capacity development <strong>of</strong> the tourism industry, downtown businesses andsmaller industrial companies.12. Establish a Community Task Force, chaired by the Mayor, to bring together all parties in raising education and skilllevels <strong>of</strong> the community.Arts and Culture Sector1. Proactively continue to build on the existing relationships with the Six Nations <strong>of</strong> the Grand River, Mississaugas <strong>of</strong>the New Credit First Nation, the County <strong>of</strong> Brant and other regions as appropriate to leverage opportunities andcreate a broader context.2. Encourage continued growth <strong>of</strong> the local cultural sector by integrating economic development strategies withmunicipal cultural page 13 519. 751.9900
3. Continue with the implementation <strong>of</strong> the Municipal Cultural <strong>Plan</strong> to increase the creative capacity <strong>of</strong> the city and t<strong>of</strong>urther develop the arts and culture sector.4. Accelerate the implementation <strong>of</strong> the Museum Sustainability <strong>Plan</strong> and develop market-readiness strategies formuseums and art galleries.5. Establish a working committee to develop a downtown business retention and recruitment strategy, in partnershipwith the Economic Development Advisory Committee, the Tourism Advisory Committee, the Downtown <strong>Business</strong>Improvement Area, post-secondary institutions and department staff.Downtown Master <strong>Plan</strong>The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Downtown Master <strong>Plan</strong> (approved in 2008) has several opportunities for the tourism and artsand culture sector. Out <strong>of</strong> the 47 recommendations that were approved, there are several that have a direct connectionto the work <strong>of</strong> the division:1. Provide a stronger focus on tourism opportunities through a new tourism <strong>of</strong>fice, staffresources and formalized partnerships.2. Integrate the OLG Casino <strong>Brantford</strong> into downtown’s identity and economy;emphasizing on drawing tourists to downtown.3. New signage to and within the downtown core.4. Create a sprout fund for local arts and cultural groups.5. Develop a Public Art Policy and protocol.6. Create a marketing strategy to expand opportunities and foster communitypartnerships.7. Relocate Brant Museum and Archives to a high pr<strong>of</strong>ile location.Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong>The <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong> was approved in June 2010. It provides a wide spectrum <strong>of</strong>recommendations that have bearing on the work <strong>of</strong> the division now and into the future.Ten Pillars <strong>of</strong> the Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong>:1. Link and enhance natural features2. Protect water quality3. Protect integrity <strong>of</strong> the dyke4. Value heritage resources5. Manage naturalized riverside parks and plan for recreation that depends on awaterside location6. Celebrate and leverage the trails7. Promote authentic tourism and economic development8. <strong>Plan</strong> for a sensitive urban interface9. Be a model for environmental stewardship10. <strong>Plan</strong> based on the watershedThe Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong> identified two main key areas where Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> can align its strategic workactivities and projects:1. Heritage and Culture: Opportunities to protect and interpret pre-contact history <strong>of</strong> the area, building strongerconnections to the cultural heritage <strong>of</strong> the watershed throughout <strong>Brantford</strong>.2. Destinations: The creation <strong>of</strong> a Waterfront Cultural Corridor_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 14 519. 751.9900
Mar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Re g i o n a lDistribute Corporate <strong>Plan</strong>ner program to qualified meeting planners and leadsBuild opportunities for qualified meeting planners to participate in site inspections during 2011/12Host a corporate Familiarization Tour in early spring 2011 - target 10 meeting plannersongoingongoingQ1Mar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Provincial/In t e r n a t i o n a lHost a corporate promotion lunch in Toronto in partnership with the <strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel AssociationParticipate in industry trade shows specific to the meetings and convention market, such as Teté-a-Tetéin Ottawa, ON, and CanSPEP in Hamilton, ON, to generate qualified leads/follow-up for Corporate<strong>Plan</strong>ner partnersCreate incentive promotions for corporate business with <strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel AssociationAttendance at monthly luncheon meetings hosted by local chapters <strong>of</strong> Meeting Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalsInternational (MPI) -Toronto Chapter and the Canadian Society <strong>of</strong> Association Executives (CSAE)Completion <strong>of</strong> a tour incentive marketing piece in partnership with the <strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel Association andlocal businessesQ2Q3Q3ongoingQ2BR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingIncrease convention business through continued work with meeting and convention tourism partnersby increasing the number <strong>of</strong> bids completed and secured on their behalfComplete the second phase <strong>of</strong> the Meeting <strong>Plan</strong>ner/Let’s Meet Up program, including an onlineconvention booking inquiry form and a section on Frequently Asked Questions/Community Pr<strong>of</strong>ilesspecifically tiered towards meeting planners ( to service all groups through bid assistance, sites, information packages, media assistance,guest and companion programs and tour itinerary planningongoingQ2ongoingTarget Market: LEISUREObjectives1. To increase the number <strong>of</strong> visitors to our community.2. To drive consumer inquiries to and promote the1-800 #.3. To maintain 2010 market reach and exposure through increased partnerships andleveraging opportunities.4. To increase the number <strong>of</strong> niche market partnerships in order to strengthenmarket <strong>of</strong>fering and appeal.5. To implement a consistent look and feel in print and electronic communicationsthat has consumer appeal and drives inquiries and visitation to <strong>Brantford</strong> andarea.6. To continue to coordinate local media awareness programs involving local media outlets.Target Audience Segment1. Demographics:• Mainstream Families - Provincial Families• Retired Roamers, adults and mature couples• Visiting Friends & Family (VFR)2. Industry Targets:• CAA - Ontario3. Industry Associations:• Attractions Ontario, Festivals & Events Ontario, OTMPC: Family and Outdoor Programs, and the Ontario TourismCulinary page 19 519. 751.9900
Con s u m e r / Le i s u r e 2006 – 2010 Ye a r-To-Da t e Di sc o v e r y Gu id e2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11Tourism Industry Advertisers 137 123 138 70 78Total Produced & Distributed 140,000 140,000 125,000 75,000 100,000Strategic ActionsMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Lo c a lWork with local media outlets to build on the “Locals Know” program to create “This is My <strong>Brantford</strong>,”an in-market awareness campaign focused on tourism assets and activities which build civic pride(outreach to citizens/VFR market)Develop ad campaigns that focus on the lifestyle and experiences within the community for media buysOversee the completion <strong>of</strong> the 2011/12 Discovery Guide publication with both input from the County<strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations, and New Credit communities and local partner support - hard copies will bedistributed locally, regionally, and provincially, and a digital version uploaded towww.discoverbrantford.comContinued enhancement <strong>of</strong> and, and support <strong>of</strong> themunicipal e-government strategyCompletion <strong>of</strong> 2011/13 Travel Map projectCompletion <strong>of</strong> social media protocol and implementation <strong>of</strong> a Social Media <strong>Plan</strong> (i.e. Facebook,You Tube and Twitter)ongoingQ1Q2ongoingQ4Q1Mar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Re g i o n a lParticipate in RTO #3 leisure campaigns through www.heart<strong>of</strong> and social media initiativesLeverage regional marketing opportunities by partnering in the Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong>Alliance. Programs targeted for 2011 include: Journey the Grand Brochure; continued development <strong>of</strong>, co-op media buys, tradeshow participation and new mobile app implemenationPartner in the Ride the Counties <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance. Programs targeted for 2011 include: co-op mediabuys, continued development <strong>of</strong> and tradeshow participationImplement a regional media buy program (focus on e-marketing opportunities) involving the followingsegments: culinary/agri, gardens, outdoor, and motorcycleongoingongoingQ1Q1Mar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Provincial/In t e r n a t i o n a lIn conjunction with the Grand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> Alliance and OTMPC, participation in theFall Drives programParticipate in the following 2011 consumer shows hosted in Toronto, ON: Motorcycle Show,International Centre; Outdoor Adventure Show, International Centre; and solicit local tourism partnerparticipationParticipation in media buy opportunities with CAA - Ontario and provincially-targetedwebsites/publications with Festivals and Events Ontario, Attractions Ontario, Savour Ontario andOTMPC family and outdoor programsQ2Q1Q2_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 20 519. 751.9900
BR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingFurther develop product <strong>of</strong>ferings in the culinary/agri, garden tours and motorcycle niche marketsCross-regional niche market consumer package and itinerary developmentContinue to facilitate the development <strong>of</strong> the local War <strong>of</strong> 1812 Bicentennial Commemorationinitiative, including adding content to (Q1); completion <strong>of</strong> the local 1812Bicentennial Map (Q2); and coordination <strong>of</strong> the 1812 Peace Garden project. All local activitiescompleted in conjunction with the regional Western Corridor 1812 Bicentennial Alliance/Region 7.on-goingongoingongoingBR+E - Pr o d u c t Develo pmentContinued implementation <strong>of</strong> outdoor map signs in partnership with the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Parks andRecreation DepartmentQ2Target Market: CULTURAL TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENTObjectives1. Increase local awareness <strong>of</strong> cultural resources and services.2. Increase visitation at local cultural attractions.3. Implement measurement tools and indicators to track economic impact <strong>of</strong> culturaltourism.4. Strengthen cultural sector’s role as a tourism demand generator.5. Retain and grow tourism business in the municipality, focusing on the arts andculture sector and the mandate <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brantford</strong> Cultural Network. (i.e. capacitybuilding workshops, public artprogram, and the downtown cultural district).6. Coordinate a clear, consistent message promoting public participation in and positive impacts <strong>of</strong> culturalactivities in the community.Target Audience Segment1. Demographics:• Mainstream Families - Provincial Families• Retired Roamers, adults and mature couples• Visiting Friends & Family (VFR)2. Industry Targets:• Community artists (pr<strong>of</strong>essional and amateur), organizations and businesses stakeholders and volunteers3. Industry Associations:• Creative <strong>City</strong> Network, Ontario Museum AssociationStrategic ActionsMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Lo c a lCoordinate the Museum and Cultural Attractions Awareness program, including a web component andinteractive initiatives (i.e. geocaching)Develop a <strong>Brantford</strong> Cultural Directory to promote the area’s diverse cultural resources (in partnershipwith the YMCA Immigrant Settlement Services and the <strong>Brantford</strong> Arts Block)Support arts events in Harmony Square and local cultural festivals, including: Culture Days, The BrantStudio Tour, the 2011 <strong>Brantford</strong> Film Festival, the 2012 Heritage Week Showcase and the Heritage DaySymposiumCoordinate and distribute three issues <strong>of</strong> “On Stream” newsletterAdd municipal e-government initiatives to, and increasing the division’s culturalpresence on and www.heart<strong>of</strong>ontario.comCompletion <strong>of</strong> an Arts and Cultural Services pr<strong>of</strong>ile page 21 519. 751.9900Q2Q4ongoingongoingongoing
BR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingCoordinate capacity building workshops for cultural and not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>it organizations - target twoworkshopsCoordinate and implement public art protocol and programmingContinued assistance with the designation <strong>of</strong> a cultural district in <strong>Brantford</strong>’s downtown core, thedowntown heritage district designation and potential Brant Museum and Archives re-locationContinued facilitation <strong>of</strong> information from senior levels <strong>of</strong> government regarding arts and culturefunding opportunities at the local levelCreation <strong>of</strong> Five-Year Municipal Cultural <strong>Plan</strong> (2011 to 2016)Q4ongoingongoingongoingQ4BR+E - Pr o d u c t Develo pmentContinued work on a cultural facilities development programProvision <strong>of</strong> support to the Greenwich-Mohawk re-development project/proposed museum facilitiesprojectInput to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks and Recreation Department’s community development outreachmodel to the arts and culture communitySupport the re-development <strong>of</strong> the Walk <strong>of</strong> Fame monument installation and programongoingongoingongoingongoingTarget Market: TRAVEL WRITER/MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONSObjectives1. To generate $500,000 + in positive media exposure.2. Continue developing a positive working relationship with Travel Media Association <strong>of</strong> Canadamembers.3. Work with partners in developing media strategies and campaigns which help improve theirability to be media ready/worthy.4. Develop and support communication programs for a variety <strong>of</strong> the division’s initiatives.5. Facilitate the priorities and administrative functions <strong>of</strong> the Tourism Advisory Committee’sCommunications Working Group.Target Audience Segment1. Demographics:• Mainstream Families - Provincial Families• Retired Roamers, adults and mature couples• Visiting Friends & Family (VFR)2. Industry Target:• Travel writers and members <strong>of</strong> the media3. Industry Associations:• Travel Media Association <strong>of</strong> Canada_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 22 519. 751.9900
Strategic ActionsMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Lo c a lCoordination <strong>of</strong> a comprehensive media release program and tracking highlighting the division’sprogramming, activities and associated partners in the areaDevelop a strong cross-section <strong>of</strong> current story ideas with an accompanying photo gallery based oninput from our communityCoordinate local Tourism Awareness Week 2011 activitiesCoordinate and distribute three issues <strong>of</strong> “Tourism Talks” newsletterongoingongoingQ2ongoingMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Re g i o n a lDistribution <strong>of</strong> seasonal media releases/story ideas (at least 10 to 12 per year) to regional travel mediadatabaseongoingMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Provincial/In t e r n a t i o n a lCoordination <strong>of</strong> a media Familiarization tour <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> to 2 - 3 qualified medial contactsCoordination <strong>of</strong> participation in the 2011 Travel Media Association <strong>of</strong> Canada (TMAC) annualconference and marketplaceCompletion <strong>of</strong> a travel writer/media services pr<strong>of</strong>ile sheetQ3Q1Q1BR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingProvide communications plan implementation support to the annual Shining Stars Tourism Awards,tourism workshop series and the War <strong>of</strong> 1812 Bicentennial Commemoration activitiesContinue to assist with the priorities and work <strong>of</strong> the Tourism Advisory Committee’s CommunicationsWorking Group - including the “This is My <strong>Brantford</strong>/Locals Know” programUpdating and distribution <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Tourism Digest BulletinongoingongoingQ4BR+E - Pr o d u c t Develo pmentWith the <strong>City</strong>’s Traffic Department, coordinate the following signage programs: tourism directionalsignage program, the TODS provincial sign program (provide a communication link on behalf <strong>of</strong> themunicipality), and provide support to the Downtown Signage Working Group and the Tourism AdvisoryCommittee’s Signage Task ForceQ4Target Market: SPORT TOURISMObjectives1. To take the lead in developing external marketing efforts in the sport tourismmarket sector for the <strong>City</strong>, in partnership with the Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong>Ontario (TCO) and the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Parks and Recreation Department.Target Audience Segment1. Demographics:• Local leaders with competitive sports teams who currently host events or tournaments2. Industry Targets:• Qualified sport associations (local, regional, provincial)3. Industry Associations:• CSTAPhoto courtesy <strong>of</strong> The page 23 519. 751.9900
Strategic ActionsMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Lo c a lIn collaboration with the <strong>Brantford</strong> Sports Council, Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong> Ontario, and Parks &Recreation, provide updates to local sport associations about sport tourism marketing; through thiseffort, solicit new qualified bid opportunitiesWith input from Parks & Recreation key staff, develop an inventory <strong>of</strong> fields and facilities for promotionon the creation <strong>of</strong> an annual sport event/tournament calendar in order to strategically promote thecity as a potential host throughout the year, with emphasis on filling in gaps and encouraging awell-rounded calendar <strong>of</strong> activitiesIn collaboration with the <strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel Association, host an event to entice local sport organizations towork with the municipality on future bidsParticipate in local networking opportunities, including Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong> Ontario luncheonsInvestigate options for the creation <strong>of</strong> a bid securement fund for tournament/sport event opportunitiesongoingongoingQ2Q2ongoingongoingMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Re g i o n a l/ProvincialCoordinate all site tours and requests by sport associations (regional, provincial) to showcase <strong>Brantford</strong>as a potential location to host sports-related meetings, events and tournamentsCoordinate two breakfast presentations to the Ontario Sports Alliance in partnership with TournamentCapital <strong>of</strong> Ontario, Parks and Recreation, the <strong>Brantford</strong> Sports Council and the <strong>Brantford</strong> HotelAssociationongoingQ 2 andQ4BR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingWith representatives from the Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong> Ontario (TCO) and the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks andRecreation Department, participate in the 2011 Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance Congress (CSTA)conference and marketplace. Coordinate the the CSTA sponsorship program with the TCO and<strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel AssociationDevelop sports bid and hosting protocol to complement new municipal policyCoordinate assessment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s sport tourism market readinessCompletion <strong>of</strong> a sport infrastructure competitive analysis <strong>of</strong> comparable communities within 1-hour <strong>of</strong><strong>Brantford</strong>Coordinate the development <strong>of</strong> a new sport tourism banner in partnership with the <strong>Brantford</strong> HotelAssociationQ2Q2Q2Q2Q2VISITOR INFORMATION SERVICESObjectives1. Enhance the experience <strong>of</strong> the individuals and groups that utilize the services <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & TourismCentre.Target Audience Segment1. Demographics:• Mainstream Families - Provincial Families• Retired Roamers, adults and mature couples• Visiting Friends & Family (VFR)• Corporate/<strong>Business</strong> Travel• Group Travel_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 24 519. 751.9900
40,00035,00037,398<strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & Tourism CentreAttendance Figures2006 - 201030,00025,00023,68222,04223,34920,00017,67115,00010,0005,00002006 2007 2008 2009 2010Visitor & To u r i sm Ce n t r e 2010: Origin o f VisitorsVisitor & To u r i sm Ce n t r e 2010: Pu r p o s e o f Visit4000Origin <strong>of</strong> Visitors1600Purpose <strong>of</strong> Visit35001400300012002500# <strong>of</strong> Visitors10002000# <strong>of</strong> Visitors1500800100060050040002006 2007 2008 2009 2010GTA 2557 1716 1461 1996 949S Ontaio 3417 3382 2412 2865 2273Ont - Other 517 715 530 771 474USA - Tier 1 1614 1550 832 816 936USA - Other 542 494 362 431 514Canada 627 464 420 450 367Overseas 618 662 566 607 454Unknown 216 272 431 258 51220002006 2007 2008 2009 2010Tournaments 144 139 564 383 63Relocate 418 459 350 395 297Visiting Friends & Relatives 383 489 369 488 327Info for Others 324 529 523 387 405Passing Through 1156 1479 1340 1332 724<strong>Business</strong> Inquiries 570 613 499 538 3582010 Activity ResultFulfillment requests • Conference/tournament bags provided - 8,405• Relocatioon packages provide to new/potential residents - 277Outreach displays (local/regional)Total customers served since Centre opened in2002• Participation at 30 events• 205,671Visitor In f o r m a t i o n Servi cesContinue to <strong>of</strong>fer high quality year-round services at the facilityContinue to provide exceptional service for the operations <strong>of</strong> the Tim Horton’s Community RoomContinue to <strong>of</strong>fer souvenirs and a retail line that includes <strong>Brantford</strong> “insignia items,” while continuouslyresearching new page 25 519. 751.9900
Strategic ActionsMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Lo c a lDistribute fulfillment and relocation packages to visitors and potential residents as a result <strong>of</strong> walk-in,telephone and Internet inquiries and continue to service the meeting/conventions and sport tourismmarkets through information packages and welcome bagsContinue to enhance motor coach “Meet ‘n’ Greet” welcome program involving group leader, tourescort and bus driver incentives, both at the <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & Tourism Centre and outreach at theSanderson Centre for the Performing ArtsCoordination <strong>of</strong> “Welcome to Newcomers” program (to <strong>Brantford</strong>/Canada), in partnership withImmigrant Settlement and Counseling Services <strong>of</strong> BrantCoordination <strong>of</strong> orientation presentations and community tours for the city’s Economic DevelopmentDepartment and post-secondary institutions as requiredDistribute the annual <strong>Brantford</strong>, County <strong>of</strong> Brant, Six Nations and New Credit Discovery Guide to keymarkets, local sports tournaments, conferences, conventions, trade shows and local attractions andaccommodationsCoordinate the Discover <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor Card programProvide support to the inclusion <strong>of</strong> minicipal e-government services on Directory) and www.brantford.caContinue to expand and strengthen visitor service opportunities and collateral distribution points at the<strong>Brantford</strong> Municipal Airport, <strong>Brantford</strong> Transit, VIA Train Station and other gatewaysCoordinate the <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & Tourism Centre exterior LED sign, promoting local community eventsand activitiesCoordinate outreach displays at a variety <strong>of</strong> local and regional eventsongoingongoingongoingongoingQ2 to Q4Q2ongoingongoingongoingongoingMar k e t i n g, Co m m u n ic a t i o n s & Pu b l ic Re l a t i o n s - Re g i o n a lCoordinate Step-On Guide service for motor coach tours, both at the <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & TourismCentre and outreach at the Sanderson Centre for the Performing ArtsCoordinate outreach program using the tourism special events van and trade booth displays at local andarea tradeshows and career fairs, including student, teacher and medical/physician recruitmentopportunitiesongoingongoingBR+E - Pr o g r a m Develo pment/Ca p a c i t y BuildingWork with local partners to implement a new visitor survey questionnaire program at key attractions in<strong>Brantford</strong> in order to gain insights about the VFR marketAssist with the review <strong>of</strong> attendance data gathered by partners; investigate a standardized approach forlocal attractions to gather visitor statisticsCoordinate Familiarization tours with staff and partners to assist in the promotion and cross-promotion<strong>of</strong> area tourism productsCoordinate traffic-tracking statistics; maintain the CMS database and other industry databases utilizedby the Division; and provide report generation as requiredImplement review <strong>of</strong> municipal tourism directional signage programQ2Q2Q2ongoingQ4_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 26 519. 51.9900
2011-12 marketing opportunities & services _________________There are a variety <strong>of</strong> ways to partner with Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> including:• Participation in web contests and prize incentives• Direct sales (publications, online and co-op advertising)• Partnership opportunities at tradeshows, site visits, sales missions, and Familiarization tours• Educational workshops, webinars and networking opportunities• Media alerts, events and tours• Participate in the “Let’s Meet Up” corporate program and networking, promotion and lead generation• Learn about new mobile apps, social media efforts, and e-marketing initiatives• Get qualified leads and assistance in increasing motor coach businessBenefits include the following free opportunities with Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>:• FREE basic organization listing on• FREE event listing on• FREE brochure distribution at <strong>Brantford</strong> Visitor & Tourism Centre• FREE consultations with any <strong>of</strong> the division’s knowledgeable staff regarding programs, media relations, travel trade,marketing, partnerships, sales and more• FREE access to research, tourism statistics and analysis• FREE opportunities to submit editorial, events and images for consideration into Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> programs (webcontent, social media, publications)• FREE access to the division’s newsletter “Tourism Talks” and “On Stream”• FREE - Nominate front line staff for customer service recognition through the Stars <strong>of</strong> the Grand: <strong>Brantford</strong> program(www.stars<strong>of</strong>• FREE - Participate in the annual Shining Stars Tourism Awards program ( following is a directory <strong>of</strong> services, co-operative marketing opportunities and sector-specific programs for2011-12. To sign up, please visit TRADE/GROUPp New Re g i o n a l Gr o u p It i n e r a r y Ca t a l o g u eThis full colour lure markets your business/organization to tour operators, individual travelers, travel agents, groupleaders and media representatives. Participating partners get a listing with a photo; presence in targeted quarterlye-blasts; leads; and inclusion in FAM tours. Participation opportunities still available.p Pr o g r a m/Sh o w ParticipationProgram/Show Date LocationAmerican Bus Association Tradeshow/Marketplace January 9 - 12, 2011January 6 - 10, 2012Philadelphia, PA, USGrapevine, TX, USOntario Motor Coach Association Conference and Marketplace November 6 - 9, 2011 Windsor, ONSales Missions Spring 2011 Ontario West & NorthGroup Leader Shows September 2011 TBDTour Operator Destination Round Table November 2011 TBDp Sa l e s MissionsTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will be coordinating two sales missions to Ontario tour operators in Q1 and Q2 2011. Share in thecost <strong>of</strong> each sales mission and have your literature distributed to each operator. Cost: $ page 27 519. 751.9900
MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONSp Tê t e-à-Tê t e Co n v e n t i o n a n d Tr a d e s h o w, Ot t a w a, ONShowcase your business to the 300 delegates who attend this annual meeting and convention tradeshow. Reapthe benefits <strong>of</strong> solid lead generation. Cost: shared partner opportunitiesp MPI, CSAE a n d Ca nSPEP Ne t w o r k i n gAs an active member <strong>of</strong> Meeting Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals International (MPI) - Toronto Chapter, Canadian Society <strong>of</strong>Association Executives (CSAE) and Canadian Society <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Event <strong>Plan</strong>ners (CanSPEP), Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>is slated to attend six to eight networking sessions over the course <strong>of</strong> 2011. Cost: varies per event $50 - $90 perpersonp Let’s Meet Up - Mo n t h l y E-NewsletterTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> coordinates a monthly e-newsletter as part <strong>of</strong> its “Let’s Meet Up” corporate marketing program.This communication tool is sent to local meeting planners, companies and industry pr<strong>of</strong>essionals who assist guestsplan things to do while visiting here. This program is available to all partners looking to promote their events anddining specials to the meeting, convention and events market. Cost: FREEp Sa l e s MissionsTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will coordinate two sales missions to associations and meeting planners in Toronto, London andNiagara Falls. Interested partners can travel to each location or pay to have literature distributed. Cost: $ 50.00 fordistributionp Co r p o r a t e Pl a n n e rA total <strong>of</strong> 1,000 corporate packages will be distributed to meeting planners, executive assistants, sports associationplanners and companies. Purchase a pr<strong>of</strong>ile card, which will be distributed at tradeshows and through directmailings. Cost: $650 per pr<strong>of</strong>ile cardp Bid SolicitationTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> is actively looking at bid opportunities for meetings and convention business in the city.p Pr o g r a m/Sh o w ParticipationProgram/Show Date LocationTête-à-Tête January 2011 & 2012 Ottawa, ONSales MissionsSpring and Summer2011Toronto, Niagara Fallsand London, ONMPI, CSAE and CanSPEP Networking Monthly Toronto, ONCanSPEP Tradeshow and Supplier ShowcaseFebruary andToronto, ONNovember 2011LEISUREp Gr a n d Ri v e r Co u n t r y Ma r k e t i n g AllianceTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will continue to participate in the following 2011 Grand River Country<strong>Marketing</strong> Allianceprograms:•• Grand River Country mobile app – “go live” set for February 2011 Cost: FREE• Journey the Grand brochure - 55,000 distributed at key locations Cost: $395 - $1,500_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 28 519. 751.9900
p Rid e t h e Co u n t i e sFocus on the continual development <strong>of</strong> promoting motorcycling touring in the area•• <strong>Brantford</strong> & Area Motorcycle Touring Brochure - 5,000 distributed at key tradeshows and events• <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Ride Show ‘n’ Shine - attraction stop opportunity - September 2011p Pr o g r a m/Sh o w ParticipationProgram/Show Date LocationNorth American International Motorcycle Supershow January 7 - 9, 2011 Toronto, ONOutdoor Adventure Show February 26 -27, 2011 Toronto, ONCAA Seminars Ontario March to June, 2011 Various locationsthorughout OntarioCITC Educators Update Show May 2011 Toronto, ONp Di sc o v e r Br a n t f o r d Visitor Ca r dOver 20,000 cards distributed to meeting and convention delegates, tournament participantsand general consumers at regional festivals and events. Distribution: Spring 2011 Cost: $50p Di s c o v e r b r a n t f o r m - To u r i sm Br a n t f o r d’s <strong>of</strong>ficial w e b s i t eLaunched in time for the 2010 May 24th long weekend, this redeveloped website features a variety<strong>of</strong> directories where local businesses and organizations can list their contact information FREE. Event planners canregister events FREE. Contact Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> for details.• Sweet Deals PromotionsThe Sweet Deals page on continues to be one <strong>of</strong> the most viewed sections <strong>of</strong> the newwebsite. If you have specials, incentives, or packages that you would like to promote, let us know so we can get theword out there! Cost: FREE• Banner Ad or Feature BoxOpportunities for banner ad placements on the home page <strong>of</strong> or main sections.Cost: $ 200/two monthsp Br a n t f o r d, Br a n t, Six Na t i o n s a n d New Cr e d i t 2011/12 10t h An n i v e r s a r y Di sc o v e r y Gu id eThe Discovery Guide, now printed and online, is the <strong>of</strong>ficial tourism publication in the area. The guide will be in-marketby early spring <strong>of</strong> 2011, with a total distribution <strong>of</strong> 100,000. Cost: varies.p Sp e c i a l Ev e n t s Va n Pr o g r a mTourism <strong>Brantford</strong>’s “travelling billboard” is a very popular program. Showcase your product orattraction to over a million visitors a year at key festivals, events and tournaments in the region.Cost: $595 per yearp Tr a v e l Ma p 2011/13In partnership with the County <strong>of</strong> Brant, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Parks and Recreation and TransitServices, Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will coordinate the 2011 travel map project. This fully-indexed, four colour map isan essential tool for visitors. The map is slated to be in-market by the fall <strong>of</strong> 2011, with a total distribution <strong>of</strong> 65,000.Cost: starting at $ 1, page 29 519. 751.9900
ARTS & CULTUREp On St r e a m NewsletterPrinted three times per year; cultural organizations and individual artists are invited toparticipate. Cost: FREE to submit information. Sponsorship and insertion opportunitiesavailable for $175p Cu l t u r e Qu e s tUp to 5,000 rack cards are distributed throughout the community promoting museums andgalleries in <strong>Brantford</strong> and area. Cost: Sponsorship available.SPORT TOURISMTourism <strong>Brantford</strong>, in partnership with the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>’s Parks and Recreation Department and theTournament Capital <strong>of</strong> Ontario, has developed a sport tourism bid and hosting policy for the municipality. Thecreation <strong>of</strong> a protocol is expected to be completed in 2011. Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> is actively developing a sporttourism marketing program and looking at bid opportunities for <strong>Brantford</strong> and area to host potentialtournaments, sport event activities and meetings.p Pr o g r a m/Sh o w ParticipationProgram/Show Date LocationCanadian Sports Tourism Alliance April 27 - 29, 2011 Ottawa, ON(and in 2012)Ontario Sports Alliance BreakfastApril and October2011Toronto, ONBUSINESS RETENTION + EXPANSION (BR+E)p St a r s o f t h e Gr a n d: Br a n t f o r dThis program recognizes exceptional customer service. Local tourism and hospitality businesses that havefront-line staff who provide customer service are eligible to participate.Visit www.stars<strong>of</strong> for more information. Cost: FREEp Sh i n i n g St a r s To u r i sm Aw a r d s Pr o g r a mTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> coordinates this annual recognition <strong>of</strong> excellence in the tourism industry in the area.The 2011 awards program will be launched in the spring with the awards presentations to be held in October.Go to for more information. Self-nominations are accepted.p Br a n t f o r d, Br a n t, Six Na t i o n s a n d New Cr e d i t Wo r k s h o p Series 2011In partnership with our local area tourism partners and the <strong>Brantford</strong>•Brant <strong>Business</strong> Resource Enterprise Centre,Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> will be <strong>of</strong>fering a variety <strong>of</strong> workshops in 2011, providing the opportunity to share information,build knowledge, network and build connections within the community.Workshop topics include: Tweetstock IV; Accessibility Standards for Customer Services:Helping You Comply and Achieve Accessible Service Excellence; Tourism Awareness Week(June 6 to 10) - Customer Service Workshops; and Small <strong>Business</strong> Week (October 17 to 21)- <strong>Marketing</strong> 101. The <strong>Brantford</strong> Cultural Network and the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Funders’Network will also host a range <strong>of</strong> workshops throughout 2011.For more information and to register, go to <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 30 519. 751.9900
TRAVEL WRITER/MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONSp St o r y Sh o r t s, Me d i a To u r s a n d We b s i t eTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> provides email updates to qualified media leads and inquiries on a regular basis. Don’t delay; sendin your story ideas for consideration! Cost: FREEp Tr a v e l Me d i a As s o c i a t i o n o f Ca n a d a (TMAC) An n u a l Ma r k e t p l a c e a n d Mo n t h l y Ne t w o r k i n gTourism <strong>Brantford</strong> selects stories each year to be pitched to media writers from across Canada at the TMAC annualmarketplace and monthly networking sessions. Call today - let Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> help get yourproduct ready for this market.p To u r i sm Ta l k s NewsletterThis tourism industry newsletter is produced three times per year. Community businesses,organizations and groups are encouraged to submit news and information. Cost: FREE to submitinformation. Sponsorship and insertion opportunities available $175For more information about Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>, visit our partner site note: There are only a select number <strong>of</strong> participants in each <strong>of</strong> the co-op marketing options. Anumber <strong>of</strong> other advertising opportunities may appear throughout the year. Prices do not include tax. Allprices are subject to change. Some opportunities require a certain number <strong>of</strong> partners in order to beimplemented. Opportunities available on a first-come, first serve basis. Call or email today for information andprogram page 31 519. 751.9900
key partnerships & memberships _______________________________________InternationalAmerican Bus AssociationBi-National Tourism AllianceDestination <strong>Marketing</strong> Association InternationalNationalCanadian Society <strong>of</strong> Association ExecutivesCanadian Society <strong>of</strong> Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Event <strong>Plan</strong>nersCanadian Sport Tourism AllianceCanadian Tourism CommissionCreative <strong>City</strong> NetworkDestination <strong>Marketing</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaEconomic Developers Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaTravel Industry Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaTravel Media Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaProvincialAttractions OntarioEconomic Developers Council <strong>of</strong> OntarioGo Ride OntarioMeeting Pr<strong>of</strong>essionals International - Toronto ChapterOntario Ministry <strong>of</strong> TourismOntario Motor Coach AssociationOntario Museum AssociationOntario Tourism Culinary AllianceOntario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership CorporationTourism Industry Association <strong>of</strong> OntarioLocal/RegionalBrant Museums & Galleries Association<strong>Brantford</strong> Arts Block<strong>Brantford</strong> Downtown <strong>Business</strong> Improvement Area<strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel Association<strong>Brantford</strong> Service Canada<strong>Brantford</strong>-Oxford-Perth AllianceChamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce <strong>Brantford</strong>/BrantCounty <strong>of</strong> Brant - Economic Development & TourismEnterprise BrantGrand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> AllianceNew Credit Economic Development & TourismRegional Tourism Organization # 3 (RTO # 3)Six Nations Economic Development &TourismTournament Capital <strong>of</strong> OntarioTwo Rivers Community Development_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 32 519. 751.9900
committees _____________________________________________________________________________________________The Tourism Advisory Committee provides “community-at-large” input to the strategic direction <strong>of</strong> the division.The <strong>Brantford</strong> Cultural Advisory Committee has a direct connection with the Tourism Advisory Committee throughan appointed liaison, and working groups are formed to deal with specific issues. Currently, the Tourism AdvisoryCommittee has the following working groups:1. Communications Working Group2. Sector Specific <strong>Marketing</strong> Working Group3. Signage Task Force4. Economic Development Strategy Working Group<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> Tourism Advisory Committee 2010/11Arthur Horney, ChairJack Jackowetz, Vice-ChairBeverly Scott, Past ChairMayor Mike Hancock, ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio (until December 1, 2010)Mayor Chris Friel, ex-<strong>of</strong>ficioCouncillor John Bradford (until December 1, 2010)Councillor Debi Dignan-RumbleCouncillor John UtleyKirby BrownVic PrendergastEydie Stryes - Six Nations TourismNatalie MichalchukCarol Ann WilsonBob WyattCom m u n i t y a t-La r g e Liaisons:Vincent Geerdinck - Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce <strong>Brantford</strong>/Brant Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsKeri Korfmann - Downtown <strong>Brantford</strong> <strong>Business</strong> Improvement Area Board <strong>of</strong> ManagementWendy Prowse - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Advisory CommitteeBill Harding - Tournament Capital <strong>of</strong> Ontario (TCO) Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Kim Petitti - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Com m u n ic a t i o n s Wo r k i n g Gr o u p 2010/11Beverly Scott - ChairArthur HorneyVic PrendergastWendy ProwseStaff:Melissa Stephens/ (parental leave: Paula Kozbial/Donna Stewart) - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> page 33 519. 751.9900
NBRANTFORD • COUNTY OF BRANT • SIX NATIOseCtor sPeCifiC working grouP 2010Kirby BrownArthur HorneyJack JackowetzKeri KorfmannVic PrendergastBeverly ScottBob WyattStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>signage task forCe 2010/11Jack Jackowetz - ChairNatalie MichalchukStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Melissa Stephens/ (parental leave: Paula Kozbial/Donna Stewart) - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>eConoMiC DeveloPMent strategy working grouP 2010/11Arthur HorneyJack JackowetzVic PrendergastBeverly ScottBob WyattStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>WAR OF 1812BICENTENNIAL COMMEMORATION STEERINg COMMITTEEZig Misiak - ChairCouncillor Dan McCrearyCouncillor James Calan (until December 1, 2010)Bob Coyne - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Advisory Committee liaisonBill DarflerYvonne DerbertAngela FilesJim FilesKeith Jamieson - Six Nations Legacy Consortium liaisonJoan Kanigan - Brant Museum & Galleries Association liaisonWayne King - Heritage Committee liaisonZach MelnickDelia O’BryneMike O’Bryne - County <strong>of</strong> Brant liaisonEva Slater - Ministry <strong>of</strong> Culture AdvisorBeverly Scott - Tourism Advisory Committee liaisonRick ShaverEydie StyresDoug Summerhayes - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Advisory Committee (resigned October 2010)Staff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Nicole Drake - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>WAR OF1812BICENTENNIAL200TH ANNIVERSARYS • NEW CREDIT_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 34 519. 751.9900
Regional Tourism Organization #3 Transition Board <strong>of</strong> Directors<strong>Brantford</strong> RepresentativesKirby BrownStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong><strong>Brantford</strong> Hotel AssociationKirby Brown - ChairDanny BawaFawad KhanPeter DennisArthur HorneyParash RajaStaff:Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Donna Clements - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>BRANTFORD CULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEEMargaret Glass - ChairHamish Roberston - Vice-ChairMayor Mike Hancock, ex-<strong>of</strong>ficio (until December 1, 2010)Mayor Chris Friel, ex-<strong>of</strong>ficioCouncillor Marguerite Ceschi-Smith (until December 1, 2010)Councillor David NeumannCouncillor Jan VandersteltRichard CaseyPat DaviesTeresa HaqArthur Horney - Tourism Advisory Committee liaisonJosh Bean - Brant Muesums & Galleries Association liaisonJoan Kanigan - Brant Museum & Galleries Association liaison (until January 1, 2011)Com m u n i t y a t-La r g e Liaisons:Chris Stanley/Paula Tomlinson - <strong>Brantford</strong> Public LibraryStaff:Nicole Drake - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Municipal Cu l t u r a l Pl a n Wo r k i n g Gr o u p 2010/11Margaret Glass - ChairCouncillor David NeumannCouncillor Jan VandersteltJosh BeanJoan KaniganKathryn HoggChris Stanley/Paula TomlinsonArlene LaskeySherri BocchiniEva Salter, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Culture AdvisorStaff:Nicole Drake - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Susan Sager - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> page 35 519. 751.9900
staff team ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Susan Sager - Manager Tourism & <strong>Marketing</strong>Donna Clements - Tourism <strong>Business</strong> Development OfficerMaureen Cowper - Visitor Services CoordinatorNicole Drake - Arts & Culture CoordinatorMelissa Stephens/ (parental leave: Paula Kozbial/Donna Stewart) - Tourism Information CoordinatorEla Stypa - Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> & Services AssistantFront Counter Staff:Jocelynn BlackerDebra BradshawHillary JacksonCathy NarjekoBaily Ryan/ (parental leave: Paula Penny)references ______________________________________________________________________________________________________Canadian Tourism Commission - 2010 Industry Monthly Snapshots<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong> - Community Strategic <strong>Plan</strong> “Shaping Our Future”, 2005Downtown <strong>Brantford</strong> Master <strong>Plan</strong>, 2008Economic Development Strategy - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, 2010Laurier <strong>Brantford</strong> Master <strong>Plan</strong>, 2010Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism - Ontario Tourism Current Performance Bulletins, 2010Ministry <strong>of</strong> Tourism/Statistics Canada - Regional Pr<strong>of</strong>iles 2008Municipal Cultural <strong>Plan</strong> - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, 2005Ontario Competes: Performance Overview Using the 3 T’s <strong>of</strong> Economic Development, Martin Prosperity Institute, April2009Ontario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership 2010-11 <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Ontario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership Corporation - Partnership Opportunities 2011/12Ontario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership Corporation - Segmentation Research Summary 2007Regional Tourism Organization # 3 - Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>, November 2010The Ontario Tourism Competitiveness Study, February 2009Tourism Industry Association <strong>of</strong> Canada <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, 2008 - 2011Transit <strong>Marketing</strong> Study - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, 2007Waterfront Master <strong>Plan</strong> - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>, 2010Other Resources:Fayetteville/Cumberland County - <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, North Carolina, US<strong>Marketing</strong> Led Sales Driven, Ajay Sirsi, 2005<strong>Marketing</strong>: A Roadmap to Success, Ajay Sirsi, 2010Stillwater Convention & Visitors Bureau <strong>Marketing</strong> & Sales <strong>Plan</strong>, Oklahoma, USThe 25 Immutable Rules <strong>of</strong> Successful Tourism, Roger A. Brooks and Maury Forman, 2003Tourism Hamilton 2010 <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> “Focusing Our Efforts”Tourism Toronto <strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> 2009_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong> 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> page 36 519. 751.9900
acronyms/abbreviations _____________________________________________________________________ABABM&GABTACAACanSPEPCSAECSTACTCDACDMACDMAIDMOEDACEDCOFEOFITGRCGRCAMCPMPIMSPOMAOMCAOTECOTMPCRTOTIACTIAOTMACVFRAmerican Bus AssociationBrant Museums & Galleries AssociationBi-national Tourism AllianceCanadian Automobile AssociationCanadian Society <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional Event <strong>Plan</strong>nersCanadian Society <strong>of</strong> Association ExecutivesCanadian Sports Tourism AllianceCanadian Tourism CommissionDowntown Action Committee - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Destination <strong>Marketing</strong> Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaDestination <strong>Marketing</strong> Association InternationalDestination <strong>Marketing</strong> OrganizationEconomic Development Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaEconomic Developers Council <strong>of</strong> OntarioFestivals & Events OntarioFully Independent TravellerGrand River Country <strong>Marketing</strong> AllianceGrand River Conservation AuthorityMunicipal Cultural <strong>Plan</strong> - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Meeting <strong>Plan</strong>ners International - Toronto ChapterMuseum Sustainability <strong>Plan</strong> - <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brantford</strong>Ontario Museum AssociationOntario Motor Coach AssociationOntario Tourism Education CouncilOntario Tourism <strong>Marketing</strong> Partnership CorporationRegional Tourism OrganizationTourism Industry Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaTourism Industry Association <strong>of</strong> OntarioTravel Media Association <strong>of</strong> CanadaVisiting Friends and FamilyPlease note: The contents <strong>of</strong> the 2011-12 <strong>Business</strong>/<strong>Marketing</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>: “Connecting & Building Together” wascompiled with the most current information available. This <strong>Plan</strong> is subject to the final approval <strong>of</strong> the 2011operational budget for Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>, expected in the first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2011, and will serve as a blueprintfor the destination development, communication and marketing programs <strong>of</strong> the division. It should beconsidered a working document. Please note that some marketing programs require a minimum level <strong>of</strong>participation to be implemented.For more information please contact:Tourism <strong>Brantford</strong>, 399 Wayne Gretzky Parkway, <strong>Brantford</strong>, ON N3R 8B4519-751-9900 • 1-800-265-6299 • 519-751-2617 (fax) • • page 37 519. 751.9900