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E-International Scientific Research JournalISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 2010Ranks21. Prefers to commute from home to work and vice 1.50 1 1.49 2versa22. Emails to friends and family 2.09 7 2.21 1023. Sends text messages through SMS 1.95 6 2.03 624. Uploads photos and o<strong>the</strong>r files on social networks 2.21 9 1.19 125. Engages in bodily and mental exercises such as 1.86 4 2.20 9yoga, painting, cooking, baking, swimming, o<strong>the</strong>rsports and martial arts26. Listens to radio and watches TV broadcast and 1.81 3 1.57 3infomercials.27. Leaves <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r person enjoy <strong>the</strong> freedom to 1.90 5 1.92 5decide28. Spends time at <strong>the</strong> beach breathing fresh air, 2.33 10 2.10 8dipping feet in <strong>the</strong> water, or bathing at <strong>the</strong> sea29. Rides on PUVs even to short distance destinations 1.61 2 1.76 430. Prefers calling than texting 2.11 8 2.08 7D. Home and WorkplaceProfessionals Non-Professionals31. Applies facial creams, body moisturizers,sunblock and o<strong>the</strong>r extra skin and hair careprotect and energy boosting, skin revitalizingproducts32. Goes vegetarian by eating only fish or no fish atall diet, avoiding junk foods and softdrinks33. Takes dietary food supplements such aswheatgrass, vitaplus, fernslim, vitalC, fernC,bioslim and o<strong>the</strong>r weight reducing substances34. Sticks to daily routines from <strong>the</strong> moment ofwaking up to bedtime such as fixing <strong>the</strong> bed,taking meals on time, etc. to freshening up atnight35. Maintains regular meeting with family membersand workmates.Ave. RankRank ofRanksAve. RankRank ofRanks1.75 2 2.31 71.84 4 1.89 42.09 6.5 2.11 61.76 3 1.00 12.09 6.5 1.78 236. Leaves <strong>the</strong> room or hall with its lights on 1.60 1 1.93 537. Charges cellular phones beyond <strong>the</strong> required charging 1.86 5 1.79 3timeTable 7 presents <strong>the</strong> average ranks showing <strong>the</strong> lifestyles of professionals and nonprofessionals.It showed that among professionals, lifestyles such as brushing <strong>the</strong>ir teeth withfaucet open; leaving office air-conditioning units on while taking noon breaks; commutingfrom home to work and vice versa; and leaving <strong>the</strong> room or hall with its lights on, ranked first;while <strong>the</strong> non-professionals’ lifestyles revealed that <strong>the</strong>y prefer to drink cold water; dine outevery mealtime while at work; upload photos and o<strong>the</strong>r files on social networks; and stick todaily routines from <strong>the</strong> moment <strong>the</strong>y wake up to bedtime such as fixing <strong>the</strong> bed, taking mealson time, etc. to freshening up at night, topped in <strong>the</strong>ir rank of ranks. This implies that thoughboth groups varied <strong>the</strong>ir lifestyles, <strong>the</strong> professionals did less mitigation, while <strong>the</strong> non-342

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