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E-International Scientific Research JournalISSN: 2094-1749 Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 2010tributary is <strong>the</strong> Dioyo river of Sapang Dalaga. Three fourths of <strong>the</strong> bay is shallow and itsshoreline is dominated by a muddy substrate lined with patches of mangroves around its base.Depth of <strong>the</strong> water ranges from 0.5-30m in <strong>the</strong> shallow sea and 120m in deep water portion.The Bay has been identified as a rich fishing ground and believed to be one of <strong>the</strong> mostdiversified bays in Mindanao (Microsoft Encarta, 2007). Majority of <strong>the</strong> inhabitants in <strong>the</strong>coastal barangays engaged in fishing and collecting shells as <strong>the</strong>ir means of livelihood.Historical trends of <strong>the</strong> Bay show that in 1940’s to 1970’s, it is rich in fishery resources.Diverse commercial fish were abundant as well as shells, crabs, squids, octopus and prawns.Shellfish have been part of every household dish as <strong>the</strong> primary source of protein to local folksand people of Zamboanga del Norte.Nowadays, mounting evidence links climate change to HAB. Recent studies showedthat dinoflagellate blooms will increase due to increased temperature and salinity stratificationresulting from climate change. This paper evaluates <strong>the</strong> present condition of Murcielagos Bayspecifically, <strong>the</strong> costal areas of Sibutad and Rizal, Zamboanga del Norte to determine whattriggered <strong>the</strong> harmful algal bloom.MethodologySampling. Plankton analyses were collected by suspended vertical tow plankton net of20 µm mesh size at a depth of 1m. Plankton identification and counting were done at JRMSUlab using electric compound microscope with a sedgewick-rafter counting chamber.The cell density was calculated using <strong>the</strong> following formula:N.V 1D (cells/L) = -------------V SW<strong>here</strong>: N = Number of cells in 1mL sample (average of two trials)V 1 = Total volume of <strong>the</strong> plankton sample (mL)V S = Volume of <strong>the</strong> sea water filtered by plankton net within hauling depth (mL)Physico-chemical parameters were also monitored during each survey. Temperaturereadings from predetermined depths were obtained using <strong>the</strong>rmometer. Secondary data on airtemperature and rainfall were also obtained from PAGASA office for comparison. Salinity anddissolved oxygen were also measured using <strong>the</strong> handheld refractometer and DO meterrespectively. Water samples for phosphate and nitrate analyses were also collected and broughtto Silliman University, Dumaguete City.360

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