2013 MANX RALLY - VMCC - Isle of Man

2013 MANX RALLY - VMCC - Isle of Man

2013 MANX RALLY - VMCC - Isle of Man


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10. SIGNING-ON, TECHNICAL INSPECTIONS AND BRIEFINGSSigning-on• Signing-on will be held at the Hailwood Centre, the Grandstand from 1300 hrs to 1400 hrs on Friday 23 August.• Riders who have not signed on by 1400 hrs will not be eligible to take part.Documentation required• Documentation required at signing on – ACU Road Race licence or ACU Parade Licence or Full Motorcycle Licence. Riders over 70 years<strong>of</strong> age see point 2 above.Technical Inspections• Technical Inspections will be held at the Grandstand and machines and riders’ helmets and clothing must be presented.• Times as follows: Friday 23 August - 1330 hrs to 1430 hrs• Peter Maddocks, Chief Technical Officer for the <strong>Man</strong>x Grand Prix races will be responsible for Technical Inspections.Briefing• On Friday 23 August at 1430 hrs (after technical inspection) a compulsory briefing for all riders will be conducted by the Clerk <strong>of</strong>the Course, Phil Taubman, in the Hailwood Centre, The Grandstand, Douglas. Any rider who has not attended the briefing will not bepermitted to take part in the parade.Machine Preparation• Machines must be well prepared and roadworthy machines. Please do not present any machine for Technical Inspections which has notbeen thoroughly cleaned and properly prepared in accordance with the high standard expected. Handlebar controls and levers must betight on the bars. Tyre inflation caps are essential.• Each machine is required to carry one number plate which will be supplied by the MMCC and distributed at signing on.Exhaust Noise• Exhaust silencing is not compulsory for this event.Protective Clothing and Safety Helmets• Full leather clothing (one piece or two pieces zipped together with the zip at least 50% <strong>of</strong> waist band) in good condition or suitableprotective motorcycle clothing including boots and gloves, designed for road use must be worn (ie paddock jackets, jeans <strong>of</strong> any type,trainers etc will not be allowed on the track).• Racing approved leather substitute materials may be used provided they have been checked and approved by the Chief Technical Officer.The use <strong>of</strong> a back protector is highly recommended. All clothing will be checked for suitability at signing on and will be rejected if notaccepted by the Organisers.• (ACU Standing Regulations for PR5 – Spectator Parades – Speed Controlled also refer).• Safety Helmets must be worn and fastened properly at all times. They must be legal for road use. The Chief Technical Officer will assesstheir suitability based on age condition. ACU Gold standard is recommended. Pudding basin helmets will not be permitted.PAGE 3 OF 4

11. RIDER & MACHINE CHANGES• No change <strong>of</strong> rider will be permitted. Machine changes appropriate to the event may be made prior to and including signing on andapplications should be made to the <strong>VMCC</strong>. An <strong>of</strong>ficial change <strong>of</strong> machine form must be completed during signing on.12. STARTERS• The maximum number <strong>of</strong> starters allowed in the Parade will be limited to those invited by the organisers.13. PASSES• Passes for one parader, one assistant and one vehicle plus a programme will be issued to all accepted riders at signing-on and must be displayed.14. UNAUTHORISED RIDING• Only the Parader is permitted to ride the machine. Mechanics and others are not insured against third party claims.15. RETIREMENTS DURING SPECTATOR PARADES• All riders who retire during a parade must leave the Course with their machine safely at the very first available opportunity, at all timesensuring that they do not place themselves or their machines in such a position as to constitute a danger to other paraders. Riders muststay with their broken down machines until the <strong>of</strong>ficial Course car has passed.• “Touring” back to the paddock whilst spectator parade events are under way is strictly forbidden.• Riders are reminded that they may only travel in the direction <strong>of</strong> the course and under no circumstances may ride or push a broken downmachine in the opposite direction until the <strong>of</strong>ficial Roads Open car has passed at the end <strong>of</strong> racing for the day.• Riders are solely responsible for recovery <strong>of</strong> their own machines.• Any rider wishing to ride a machine on the highway at any time must wear a helmet and must ensure that the machine complies with theroad traffic laws and that the machine is covered by valid insurance for road use.16. TIMETABLE SUMMARY• Saturday 8 June Last date for receipt <strong>of</strong> entries• Friday 23 August Signing-on - 13:00 hrs to 14:00 hrs.Technical Inspection – 13:30 hrs to 14:30 hrs.Compulsory Briefing – 14:30 hrs.• Saturday 24 August Assemble in Paddock from 12:30 hrsAssemble in Dukes Avenue at 13:30 hrsParade commences at 14:00 hrs approxPAGE 4 OF 4

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