Grade 9 Course Calendar - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
Grade 9 Course Calendar - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
Grade 9 Course Calendar - St. Elizabeth Catholic High School
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ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC HIGHSCHOOL525 New Westminster Drive, Thornhill, OntarioL4J 7X3GRADE 9 COURSE CALENDAR2014-2015DATES TO REMEMBEROctober 30, 2013RAP Open House7:00 pmat the YCDSB Centre for the ArtsNovember 20, 2013<strong>Grade</strong> 8 Open House7:00 pmat <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Elizabeth</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong>
As a <strong>Catholic</strong> Community, we value learning and excellencethrough collaboration and innovation.
COMPULSORY COURSESENGLISHENG1D ACADEMICThis course emphasizes theanalytical reading; writing, oralcommunication, and thinking skillsthat students need for success insecondary school academicprograms and their daily lives.<strong>St</strong>udents will study and interprettexts from contemporary andhistorical periods, including shortstories, poems, and short essays,and will investigate and createmedia works. An important focuswill be the correct and effective useof spoken and written language.This course also addressesnumerous Gospel values which arerelevant to the issues studied ineach unit.ENG1P APPLIEDThis course emphasizes keyreading, writing, oralcommunication, and thinking skillsthat students need for success insecondary school and their dailylives. <strong>St</strong>udents will study plays,short stories, and newspaper andmagazine articles, and will describeand create media works. Animportant focus will be the correctuse of spoken and written language.This course also addressesnumerous Gospel values, which arerelevant to the issues studied ineach unit.ENG 1L ESSENTIALThis course provides foundationalliteracy and communication skillsto prepare students for success intheir daily lives, in the workplace,and in the English <strong>Grade</strong> 11Workplace Preparation course. Thecourse is organized by strands thatdevelop listening and talking skills,reading and viewing skills, andwriting skills. In all strands, thefocus is on developing foundationalliteracy skills and in using languageclearly and accurately in a varietyof authentic contexts. <strong>St</strong>udentsdevelop strategies and put intopractice the processes involved intalking, listening, reading, viewing,writing and thinking, and reflectregularly upon their growth in theseareas. This course helps students tomeet Ontario <strong>Catholic</strong> GraduateExpectations by enabling eachperson to become an effectivecommunicator who listens activelyand critically to understand in thelight of gospel values; reads,understands and uses writtenmaterials effectively; and presentsinformation and ideas honestly andwith sensitivity to others.
SCIENCESNC1DACADEMICThis course enables students tounderstand essential concepts inbiology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics and to developskills in the processes of scientificinquiry. <strong>St</strong>udents will learn aboutscientific theories and pursueinquiries related to cell division andreproduction, atomic and molecularstructures, properties of elements andcompounds, the universe and spaceexploration, and the principles ofstatic and current electricity. <strong>St</strong>udentswill reflect on their own faith journeyand the teachings of Christ inexploring scientific issues andproblems; and relate scienceknowledge to technological, social,and environmental knowledge.SNC1PAPPLIEDThis course enables students tounderstand essential concepts inbiology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics and to developpractical skills in scientificinvestigation. <strong>St</strong>udents will designand conduct investigations intopractical problems and issues relatedto cell division and reproduction, thestructure and properties of elementsand compounds, astronomy andspace exploration, and static andcurrent electricity. <strong>St</strong>udents willreflect on their own faith journey andthe teachings of Christ in exploringscientific issues and problems; and toapply their knowledge of science toeveryday situations.SNC 1L ESSENTIALThis course emphasizes reinforcingand strengthening science-relatedknowledge and skills, includingscientific inquiry, critical thinkingand the relationship between science,society, and the environment, toprepare students for success ineveryday life, in the workplace andin the Science <strong>Grade</strong> 11 WorkplacePreparation course. <strong>St</strong>udents explorea range of topics including science indaily life, properties of commonmaterials, life-sustaining processes insimple and complex organisms, andelectrical circuits. <strong>St</strong>udents have theopportunity to extend mathematicaland scientific process skills and tocontinue developing their skills inreading, writing, and oral languagethrough relevant and practicalscience activities. This course helpsstudents to meet Ontario <strong>Catholic</strong>Graduate Expectations by enablingeach person to become a reflectiveand creative thinker who examines,evaluates and applies knowledge ofinterdependent systems (physical,political, ethical, socio-economic andecological) for the development of ajust and compassionate society.
MATHEMATICSMPM1D ACADEMICPRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICSThis course enables students to developmathematical ideas and abstractreasoning through exploration ofapplications, the effective use oftechnology, and extended experienceswith hands-on activities. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate relationships of straight linesin analytic geometry, solve problemsinvolving the measurement of 3-dimensional objects and 2-dimensionalfigures, and apply key numeric andalgebraic skills in problem solving.<strong>St</strong>udents will have opportunities toconsolidate core skills and deepen theirunderstanding of key mathematicalconcepts, as well as foster patience,tolerance, humility, and sharing, and thecontinuous pursuit of the common good,through problem solving.MFM1PFOUNDATIONS OFMATHEMATICSAPPLIEDThis course enables students to developgeneralizations of mathematical ideasthrough exploration of applications, theeffective use of technology, and abstractreasoning. <strong>St</strong>udents will investigaterelationships to develop equations ofstraight lines in analytic geometry,explore the relationships betweenvolume and surface area of objects inmeasurement, and apply extendedalgebraic skills in problem solving.<strong>St</strong>udents will engage in abstractextensions of core learning that willdeepen their mathematical knowledgeand enrich their understanding, as wellas foster patience, tolerance, humility,and sharing, and the continuous pursuitof the common good, through problemsolving.MAT 1LMATHEMATICSESSENTIALThis course emphasizes furtherdevelopment of mathematicalknowledge and skills to prepare studentsfor success in their everyday lives, inthe workplace, in the <strong>Grade</strong> 10 LDCCcourse, and in the Mathematics<strong>Grade</strong> 11 and <strong>Grade</strong> 12 WorkplacePreparation courses. This course isorganized by three strands related tomoney sense, measurement, andproportional reasoning. In all strands,the focus is on developing andconsolidating key foundationalmathematical concepts and skills bysolving authentic, everyday problems.<strong>St</strong>udents have opportunities to furtherdevelop their mathematical literacy andproblem-solving skills and to continuedeveloping their skills in reading,writing, and oral language throughrelevant and practical math activities.This course helps students to meetOntario <strong>Catholic</strong> Graduate Expectationsby enabling each person to become athinker who evaluates situations andsolves problems reflectively andcreatively.
SOCIAL SCIENCESCGC1DACADEMICGEOGRAPHY OF CANADAThis course uses a variety offrameworks, including ecozones andprinciples of physical, human, andeconomic geography, to explore thedistinct and evolving character ofCanada’s geography. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate the interconnectionsbetween the environment andhuman activities in Canadianecozones in order to understandCanada’s diversity and role in theworld. The concept of stewardshipof God’s creation will be examinedthroughout the course.CGC1PAPPLIEDGEOGRAPHY OF CANADAThis course draws upon students’everyday experiences and uses avariety of frameworks, includingecozones, to help students learnabout the geography of Canada andthe country’s place in the globalcommunity. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate the interconnectionsamong the country’s land forms,climate, soils, plants, animals, andhuman activities in order tounderstand Canada’s physicalcharacter and diversity, and variouskinds of interactions. The conceptof stewardship of God’s creationwill be examined throughout thecourse.FRENCHFSF1DACADEMICCORE FRENCHThis course provides opportunitiesfor students to communicate andinteract in French with increasingindependence, with a focus onfamiliar topics related to their dailylives. <strong>St</strong>udents will continue todevelop language knowledge andskills by using language-learningstrategies introduced in theelementary Core French program,and will apply creative and criticalthinking skills in various ways.They will also enhance theirunderstanding and appreciation ofdiverse French-speakingcommunities, and will develop theskills necessary to become life-longlanguage learners. Gospel valuesare integrated through prayer andreflection, giving witness, liturgyand paraliturgy, and curriculum andcommunity resources.Prerequisite: Minimum of 600hours of elementary Core Frenchinstruction, or equivalent
FSF1PCORE FRENCHAPPLIEDRELIGIONThis course provides opportunitiesfor students to communicate andinteract in French in structuredsituations on everyday topics andto apply their knowledge of Frenchin everyday situations. <strong>St</strong>udentswill continue to develop languageknowledge and skills introduced inthe elementary Core Frenchprogram, through practicalapplications and concreteexamples, and will use creative andcritical thinking skills in variousways. They will also enhance theirunderstanding and appreciation ofdiverse French-speakingcommunities, and will develop theskills necessary to become lifelonglanguage learners. Gospelvalues are integrated throughprayer and reflection, givingwitness, liturgy and paraliturgy,and curriculum and communityresources.HRE10RELIGION – BE WITH MEOPENThis course uses the Beatitudes asa framework to examine theattitudes and actions thatcharacterize the Christian life.<strong>St</strong>udents will derive knowledge andskills from a study of Scripture,profession of Faith, ChristianMoral Development, Prayer,Sacramental Life, and Family Life.<strong>St</strong>udents are encouraged to grow inGospel values while activelyengaging in a variety ofchallenging educational activities.Retreat $25.00Prerequisite: Minimum of 600hours of elementary Core Frenchinstruction, or equivalent
ELECTIVE COURSEOFFERINGSADA1ODRAMAARTSOPENThis course emphasizes the activeexploration of dramatic forms andtechniques, using material from awide range of authors, genres, andcultures. <strong>St</strong>udents will construct,discuss, perform, and analyzedrama, and then reflect on theexperiences to develop anunderstanding of themselves, the artform, and the world around them.Drama is a social art form.Constructing, performing, andanalyzing drama involve acollective experience of socialinteraction. By communicating inboth their real and imaginedworlds, students developproficiency in listening, speaking,questioning, and negotiating.Through the process of “steppinginto the shoes of another”, studentsdevelop and express empathy.Analysis of dramatic works revealsthe universal aspects of humanexperience.Prerequisite: NoneAMK1OOPENPIANO/KEYBOARDMUSICThis course emphasizes performanceof music at a beginning level thatstrikes a balance between challengeand skill. No experience is required inkeyboarding skills. <strong>St</strong>udent learningwill include participating in creativeactivities and listening perceptively.<strong>St</strong>udents will be required to develop athrough understanding of the languageof music, including the elements,terminology, and history. <strong>St</strong>udentswill develop piano keyboardtechniques, MIDI applications(musical instrumental digitalinterface) and perform a wide varietyof repertoire. This course integratesthe <strong>Catholic</strong> faith tradition in theperformance, analysis and critique ofkeyboard music.Enhancement Fee: $50.00AMU1OOPENINSTRUMENTAL MUSICThis course is aimed at developingtechnique, sensitivity, andimagination. <strong>St</strong>udents will participatein creative activities that teach them tolisten with understanding. They willalso learn correct musical terminologyand its appropriate use. As this is aband course, students will studyinstruments and be placed in a sectionappropriate to their level ofexperience. Beginners select fromtrumpet, alto or tenor saxophone,
percussion, French horn, trombone,baritone, tuba, flute, clarinet. Forexperienced musicians, they willcontinue on the instrument alreadyplayed. This course presents valuesand content consistent with ourmission as a <strong>Catholic</strong> Community andemphasizes the performance of musicat a level that strikes a balancebetween challenge and skill.Enhancement Fee:$50.00AMV1OOPENVOCAL MUSICThis course is a practical study of thevoice for both beginning andexperienced students. It emphasizesthe performance of music at a levelthat strikes a balance betweenchallenge and skill and is aimed atdeveloping technique, sensitivity andimagination. <strong>St</strong>udents will participatein creative activities that teach them tolisten with understanding. They willalso learn correct musical terminologyand its appropriate use. This coursehelps students to meet Ontario<strong>Catholic</strong> Graduate Expectations byenabling each person to become aneffective communicator who uses andintegrates the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith tradition,in the critical analysis of the arts,media, technology and informationsystems to enhance the quality of life.Prerequisite: NoneEnhancement Fee:$50.00AVI1OVISUAL ART OPEN<strong>St</strong>udents will become familiar withthe elements and principles ofdesign and the expressive qualitiesof various materials throughworking with a range of materials,processes, techniques, and styles.They will learn and use methods ofanalysis and criticism and willstudy the characteristics ofparticular historical art periods anda selection of Canadian art and theart of other cultures.Comprehensive in nature, somestudio projects will be integratedwith historical/cultural aspectswhile others will connect to varioustechniques and media usage. A“hands on” approach is integral asare field trips to support thecurriculum. <strong>St</strong>udents will beprepared through this andsubsequent courses to go on to postsecondary courses in fine arts,design, graphics, or animation.This course offers an overview ofvisual arts as a foundation forfurther study and presents valuesand content consistent with ourmission as a <strong>Catholic</strong> Community.
BUSINESSBTT1OInformation and CommunicationTechnology in Business, <strong>Grade</strong> 9,OPENThis course introduces students toinformation and communicationtechnology in a business environmentand builds a foundation of digitalliteracy skills necessary for success ina technologically driven society.<strong>St</strong>udents will develop wordprocessing, spreadsheet, database,desktop publishing, presentationsoftware, and website design skills.Throughout the course, there is anemphasis on digital literacy, effectiveelectronic research andcommunication skills, and currentissues related to the impact ofinformation and communicationtechnology. This course helps studentsto meet Ontario <strong>Catholic</strong> GraduateExpectations by enabling each personto become a responsible citizen whowitnesses <strong>Catholic</strong> social teaching bypromoting equality, democracy, andsolidarity for a just, peaceful andcompassionate society.SPECIAL EDUCATIONGLE1OLEARNING STRATEGIESOPENThis course focuses on learningstrategies to help students becomebetter, more independent learners.<strong>St</strong>udents will learn how to develop andapply literacy and numeracy skills,personal management skills, andinterpersonal and teamwork skills toimprove their learning andachievement in school, the workplace,and the community. The course helpsstudents build confidence andmotivation to pursue opportunities forsuccess in secondary school andbeyond. This course develops notonly knowledge and skills for thelearner, but also the values, attitudes,and actions that constitute a way oflife routed in the Christian call todiscipleship and service.Prerequisite: <strong>St</strong>udents with an IEP orrecommendation of Principal.ITALIAN
LWIBDITALIANACADEMICThis course enables students todevelop competence in listening,speaking, reading and writing in thelanguage of study. <strong>St</strong>udents willcontinue to participate in interactiveactivities in which they can applyand develop their language skills tocommunicate with native speakersof the language. They will exploreaspects of culture in regions of theworld where the language is spoken,including social customs, food,sports and leisure activities, popularfestivals and music. Althoughstudents will expand theirvocabulary and knowledge oflinguistic elements, the languagethey will use at this level will still besimple. The graduate will respectand affirm the diversity andinterdependence of the world’speoples and cultures. As a life-longlearner and responsible citizen, thegraduate will also be able to makeappropriate decisions in light ofGospel and Church teachings.Prerequisite: None It is a first yearcourse, Credit is level 2.LWSBDSPANISH AcademicThis course enables students todevelop competence in listening,speaking, reading and writing in thelanguage of study. <strong>St</strong>udents willcontinue to participate in interactiveactivities in which they can applyand develop their language skills tocommunicate with native speakersof the language. They will exploreaspects of culture in regions of theworld where the language is spoken,including social customs, food,sports and leisure activities, popularfestivals and music. Althoughstudents will expand theirvocabulary and knowledge oflinguistic elements, the languagethey will use at this level will still besimple. The graduate will respectand affirm the diversity andinterdependence of the world’speoples and cultures. As a life-longlearner and responsible citizen, thegraduate will also be able to makeappropriate decisions in light ofGospel and Church teachings.Prerequisite: None It is a first yearcourse, Credit is level 2.
SOCIAL SCIENCEHIF1OINDIVIDUAL AND FAMILYLIVINGOPENThis course explores the challengesfaced by all people: how to meetbasic needs, how to relate to others,how to manage resources, and howto become responsible members ofsociety. <strong>St</strong>udents will acquireknowledge and skills that areneeded to make the transition toadulthood. Teachers will instructstudents in developinginterpersonal, decision-making,and practical skills related to dailylife. <strong>St</strong>udents will explore thefunctioning of families and thediversities found among familiesand within society. This coursehelps students to meet Ontario<strong>Catholic</strong> Graduate Expectations byenabling each person to become acaring family member who valuesand honours the important role ofthe family in society.Enhancement Fee: $24.00HEALTH AND PHYSICALEDUCATIONPPL1OF (Female)PPL1OM(Male)HEALTH AND PHYSICALEDUCATIONOPEN<strong>St</strong>udents will learn movement skillsand principles, ways to improvepersonal fitness, physicalcompetence and safety/injuryprevention. They will investigateissues related to healthy sexuality,and drug abuse including tobaccoand alcohol, presented in a manner,which is consistent with ourmission as a <strong>Catholic</strong> community.They will participate in activitiesdesigned to develop goal setting,community, and social skills. Thiscourse emphasizes students’ dailyparticipation in a variety ofenjoyable physical activities thatpromote lifelong healthy activeliving and encourages respect forthe dignity and welfare of self andothers and promotes the living ofgospel values.PPL1OF Enhancement Fee:$54.00PPL1OM Enhancement Fee:$52.00
TECHNOLOGYMPM1DSACADEMIC ESLTIJ1OINTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIESOPENThis course enables students tounderstand the technological andcomputer concepts they need in orderto design, develop, and build usableproducts and/or deliver services, and topursue further technological studies.<strong>St</strong>udents will use the technologicaldesign process and a variety of toolsand software to solve problems,complete projects and strengthen theircommunication skills.ESL COURSESEnglish as a Second LanguageESL Levels A to DESLAO / ESLBO / ESLCO/ESLDOESL level will be determined based onEnglish Language proficiency and inconsultation with elementary ESLteacher and Board personnel.PRINCIPLES OF MATHEMATICSThis course enables students todevelop mathematical ideas andabstract reasoning through explorationof applications, the effective use oftechnology, and extended experienceswith hands-on activities. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate relationships of straightlines in analytic geometry, solveproblems involving the measurementof 3-dimensional objects and 2-dimensional figures, and apply keynumeric and algebraic skills inproblem solving. <strong>St</strong>udents will haveopportunities to consolidate core skillsand deepen their understanding of keymathematical concepts, as well asfoster patience, tolerance, humility, andsharing, and the continuous pursuit ofthe common good, through problemsolving. This course correlates withthe themes, topics and essentialexpectations of the grade nineacademic Math program, and has beenadapted for English Language Learnersto maximize their understanding of thecourse content. Explicit expectations,strategies, accommodations andadaptations have been provided.Note: Available to English LanguageLearners onlyRecommend: The purchase of a T183Plus Graphing Calculator
MFM1PS APPLIED ESLFOUNDATIONS OFMATHEMATICSThis course enables students todevelop generalizations ofmathematical ideas throughexploration of applications, theeffective use of technology, andabstract reasoning. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate relationships to developequations of straight lines inanalytic geometry, explore therelationships between volume andsurface area of objects inmeasurement, and apply extendedalgebraic skills in problem solving.<strong>St</strong>udents will engage in abstractextensions of core learning that willdeepen their mathematicalknowledge and enrich theirunderstanding, as well as fosterpatience, tolerance, humility, andsharing, and the continuous pursuitof the common good, throughproblem solving. This coursecorrelates with the themes, topicsand essential expectations of thegrade nine academic Scienceprogram, and has been adapted forEnglish Language Learners tomaximize their understanding ofthe course content. Explicitexpectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptationshave been provided.Note: Available to Englishlanguage Learners only.HRE10SRELIGION – BE WITH MEOPEN ESLThis course uses the Beatitudes as aframework to examine the attitudesand actions that characterize theChristian life. <strong>St</strong>udents will deriveknowledge and skills from a studyof Scripture, profession of Faith,Christian Moral Development,Prayer, Sacramental Life, andFamily Life. <strong>St</strong>udents areencouraged to grow in Gospelvalues while actively engaging in avariety of challenging educationalactivities. This course correlateswith the themes, topics andessential expectations of the gradenine open Religion program, andhas been adapted for EnglishLanguage Learners to maximizetheir understanding of the coursecontent. Explicit expectations,strategies, accommodations andadaptations have been provided.Note: Available to EnglishLanguage Learners onlyRetreat $25.00
SNC1DSSCIENCE - ACADEMIC ESLThis course enables students tounderstand essential concepts inbiology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics and to developskills in the processes of scientificinquiry. <strong>St</strong>udents will learn aboutscientific theories and pursueinquiries related to cell division andreproduction, atomic and molecularstructures, properties of elementsand compounds, the universe andspace exploration, and theprinciples of static and currentelectricity. <strong>St</strong>udents will reflect ontheir own faith journey and theteachings of Christ in exploringscientific issues and problems; andrelate science knowledge totechnological, social, andenvironmental knowledge. Thiscourse correlates with the themes,topics and essential expectations ofthe grade nine academic Scienceprogram, and has been adapted forEnglish Language Learners tomaximize their understanding of thecourse content. Explicitexpectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptationshave been provided.Note: Available to EnglishLanguage Learners only.SNC1PSSCIENCEAPPLIED ESLThis course enables students tounderstand essential concepts inbiology, chemistry, earth and spacescience, and physics and to developpractical skills in scientificinvestigation. <strong>St</strong>udents will designand conduct investigations intopractical problems and issuesrelated to cell division andreproduction, the structure andproperties of elements andcompounds, astronomy and spaceexploration, and static and currentelectricity. <strong>St</strong>udents will reflect ontheir own faith journey and theteachings of Christ in exploringscientific issues and problems; andto apply their knowledge of scienceto everyday situations. This coursecorrelates with the themes, topicsand essential expectations of thegrade nine academic Scienceprogram, and has been adapted forEnglish Language Learners tomaximize their understanding of thecourse content. Explicitexpectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptationshave been provided.Note: Available to EnglishLanguage Learners only.
CGC1DSGEOGRAPHY OF CANADA -ACADEMIC ESLThis course uses a variety offrameworks, including ecozones andprinciples of physical, human, andeconomic geography, to explore thedistinct and evolving character ofCanada’s geography. <strong>St</strong>udents willinvestigate the interconnectionsbetween the environment and humanactivities in Canadian ecozones inorder to understand Canada’sdiversity and role in the world. Theconcept of stewardship of God’screation will be examinedthroughout the course. This coursecorrelates with the themes, topicsand essential expectations of thegrade nine academic Geographyprogram, and has been adapted forEnglish Language Learners tomaximize their understanding of thecourse content. Explicitexpectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptationshave been provided.Note: Available to EnglishLanguage Learners onlyESL ELECTIVE COURSEOFFERINGSFAMILY STUDIESHIF1OSINDIVIDUAL AND FAMILYLIVINGOPENThis course explores the challengesfaced by all people: how to meet basicneeds, how to relate to others, how tomanage resources, and how to becomeresponsible members of society.<strong>St</strong>udent will acquire knowledge andskills that are needed to make thetransition to adulthood. Teachers willinstruct students in developinginterpersonal, decision-making, andpractical skills related to daily life.<strong>St</strong>udents will explore the functioning offamilies and diversities found amongfamilies with society. This coursehelps students to meet Ontario <strong>Catholic</strong>Graduate Expectations by enablingeach person to become a caring familymember who values and honours theimportant role of the family in society.This course correlates with the themes,topics and essential expectations of thegrade nine open Individual and FamilyLiving program, and has been adaptedfor the for the English languageLearners to maximize theirunderstanding of the course content.Explicit expectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptations havebeen provided. Note: Available toEnglish language Learners onlyEnhancement Fee: $24.00
GLS1OS OPEN ESLLEARNING STRATEGIESThis course focuses on learningstrategies to help students becomebetter, more independent learners.<strong>St</strong>udents will learn how to developand apply literacy and numeracyskills, personal management skills,and interpersonal and teamwork skillsto improve their learning andachievement in school, theworkplace, and the community. Thecourse helps students buildconfidence and motivation to pursueopportunities for success insecondary school and beyond. Thiscourse develops not only knowledgeand skills for the learner, but also thevalues, attitudes, and actions thatconstitute a way of life rooted in theChristian call to discipleship andservice. This course will increasestudents’ confidence, motivation, andability to learn. This coursecorrelates with the themes, topics andessential expectations of the gradenine open Learning <strong>St</strong>rategiesprogram, and has been adapted forEnglish Language Learners tomaximize their understanding of thecourse content. Explicit expectations,strategies, accommodations andadaptations have been provided.Note:Available for EnglishLanguage Learners onlyADA2OSDRAMATIC ARTS OPENESLThis course requires students toactively explore dramatic forms andtechniques, using their own ideas andconcerns as well as sources selectedfrom a range of genres, and cultures.<strong>St</strong>udent learning will includeidentifying and using the principlesof space, time, voice, and movementin creating, sustaining, andcommunicating authentic roles withina drama. <strong>St</strong>udents will assumeresponsibility for decisions made inthe creation and presentation of thedrama, and will analyse and reflecton the experience. This course helpsstudents to meet Ontario <strong>Catholic</strong>Graduate Expectations by enablingeach person to become an effectivecommunicator, who uses andintegrates the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith traditionin the critical analysis of the arts,media, technology, and informationsystems to enhance the quality of life.This course correlates with thethemes, topics and essentialexpectations of the grade nine openLearning <strong>St</strong>rategies program, and hasbeen adapted for English LanguageLearners to maximize theirunderstanding of the course content.Explicit expectations, strategies,accommodations and adaptationshave been provided.Note: Available to EnglishLanguage Learners only<strong>Course</strong> Fee: None