September Vocabulary
September Vocabulary
September Vocabulary
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•portray-To show or represent inpicture form; make a picture of•infuriate- to make furious (verymad)•retort- A quick incisive reply,especially one that turns thefirst speaker's words to his orher own disadvantage.K.Collins
Tuesday, <strong>September</strong> 13, 2011• contaminated -to make unfit foruse by the adding of bad orundesirable elements• inaugurate - To open or beginuse of formally with a ceremony• radiant - sending out rays oflight; bright; shiningK.Collins
Wednesday, <strong>September</strong> 14, 2011• hazardous - Marked bydanger• courageous - Havingcourage, being brave• serene - calm, peaceful, ortranquilK.Collins
Thursday, <strong>September</strong> 15, 2011• rupture - The process orinstance of breaking open orbursting• frigid - Extremely cold.• astronomical - enormouslyor inconceivably large orgreatK.Collins
• solicit: to seek or obtain.• paltry: having little or no value.• sagacious: very wise• uncongenial: not pleasant; not agreeable• temperament: the emotional make-up ofa person; especially the way a personusually thinks, acts, or responds to otherpeople.K.Collins
•peevish: irritable; cranky•malevolence: the wish for evilor harm to happen to others•atrocity: a cruel or brutal act•apparition: a ghostK.Collins
•pestilence: any highlyinfectious, epidemic disease•aversion: a strong dislike•odious: causing hate ordisgustK.Collins
•chimaeras: anyimaginary monster•incarnate: in humanform•tranquil: calm ; peacefulK.Collins
• cliché: anything that has become trite (lackingeffectiveness) or commonplace throughoveruse.• atmosphere: the gaseous envelope surroundingthe earth; the air.• metaphor: a comparison of 2 things withoutusing like or as, may say one thing and meananotherK.Collins
• alliteration: words in a sentence thatbegin with the same consonant sound• genre: pertaining to a distinctiveliterary type• onomatopoeia: words that are spelledlike the sounds they makeK.Collins
• verbal irony: when an author says onething and means something else• conflict: the internal or externalproblem in a story• tone: the attitude a writer takestowards a subject or character: serious,humorous, sarcastic, ironic, satirical,tongue-in-cheek, solemn, objectiveK.Collins
• hyperbole: extreme exaggeration• oxymoron: an oxymoron is basically aphrase that has 2 words that wouldcontradict each other, or just don'tseem they should go together, such as"jumbo" and "shrimp.”• simile: comparing two uncommonthings with the words ‘like’ or ‘as’K.Collins