Methodist College AnnuAl RepoRt 2005 - Methodist University
Methodist College AnnuAl RepoRt 2005 - Methodist University
Methodist College AnnuAl RepoRt 2005 - Methodist University
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Message From The PresidentDear <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Family and Friends,The year <strong>2005</strong> was a time of continued growth for <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Academically, we beganour second master’s program, The Professional MBA at Pinehurst, while putting the final touches onour Master in Justice Administration program, which began in January 2006. Our Physician Assistantprogram celebrated its 10th anniversary, and new undergraduate majors were established in cardiacrehabilitation and strength and conditioning.The Seeds on Good Soil, A New Season campaign reached the $14.2 million mark, allowingus to begin construction on an addition to the Science Building and a Fitness and Wellness Centerin November <strong>2005</strong>. This campaign—now in its final stages—has also added over $3 million to the<strong>College</strong>’s endowment. We are thankful for the generosity of our trustees and the many individuals, corporations, foundations andfriends of the <strong>College</strong> who made this success possible.I would also like to thank Senators Elizabeth Dole and Richard Burr, and Congressmen Bob Etheridge, Mike McIntyre and RobinHayes. Their efforts and support on our behalf brought new federal dollars to <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> for the first time in many years.Though our fall <strong>2005</strong> enrollment dropped 20 students from the previous year, we rebounded strongly in spring 2006 (up 34 fromlast year). The early numbers for fall 2006 are also very promising. An increasing trend in the number of residential students oncampus prompted some needed renovations on existing buildings as well as the start of construction on a new residence hall. The 92-bed state-of-the-art facility should be ready for student occupancy by fall 2006. This marks the first time that three buildings have beenunder construction at one time since the initial construction of the campus in the late 1950s.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> athletic programs continue to strengthen, with men’s and women’s teams capturing six conferencechampionships during 2004-<strong>2005</strong>. We are especially proud of our Women’s Golf Team for winning their 8th-straight nationalchampionship.In closing, every moment of my 23 years with <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> has been exciting. While many new plans and programs are beingdeveloped, our historic mission of academic excellence and building good human beings remains unchanged.Sincerely,M. Elton HendricksPresidentMessage From The ChairmanDear Friends,On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to report that <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> isacademically and financially strong. Its trends in growth of number of students, financialresources and educational opportunities are promising, and the faculty and studentscontinue to stress a culture of excellence.With the launch of its third master’s program underway, <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> is continuingto build its reputation as a broad-based institution of academic learning. While it is arelatively young academic institution, I believe there are extraordinary opportunities aheadfor <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> that will enhance its future.The success of its recent fund-raising campaign confirms that the local community undoubtedly supports the missionof <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. In its third capital campaign, Seeds on Good Soil, A New Season, the <strong>College</strong> raised more than $14million dollars. I believe this amount is the largest amount raised from private funding in the history of Cumberland County.This success would not have been possible without strong support from the local community. We were especially pleasedwith the support shown from major financial institutions with locations in Cumberland County.Finally, it is important that we continue to expand <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>, both academically and financially, to provideour youth; military community; working individuals who want to advance their careers; and those pursuing new careerinterests access to quality educational opportunities. Fewer goals are more worthwhile than providing an educationalopportunity to individuals who want to make a difference in society.Sincerely,Alfred E. Cleveland
Fall Enrollment History2,4002,2002,1342,1382,1802,255 2,2772,1472,0001,824 1,8521,9741,8001,7391,7201,6001,4001,2001,000800675 690 695 704759 757 784833 80786082560040020001995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 <strong>2005</strong>- Total Enrollment- Residential StudentsFall <strong>2005</strong>:Day 1,530 Evening/Weekend 706 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
<strong>2005</strong> HighlightsRetired Gen. John W. Handy, ’66, returned to<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> in June <strong>2005</strong> during his last yearof service to visit with past professors, staff, studentsand friends. During his visit, he noted, “whateverhappened in my life is a result of <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>.”The <strong>College</strong> began its second master’s program,The Professional MBA at Pinehurst. The program isthe first of its kind in the nation—designed to allowstudents to continue their full-time careers whileearning their degree in 24 months.New undergraduate majors were established incardiac rehabilitation and strength and conditioning.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> offered students displaced byHurricane Katrina free tuition, room and board andbooks for the fall term II evening college.The Department of Government Studies sponsoredthe first “Constitution Day” Lecture presented byRep. Rick Glazier on Sept. 23, <strong>2005</strong>.Friends of the <strong>College</strong>, faculty, staff and studentsgathered on Oct. 31, <strong>2005</strong> to celebrate the start ofconstruction on two new buildings—an addition tothe Science Building and a new Fitness and WellnessCenter. These have been the primary focus ofthe Seeds on Good Soil, A New Season campaign.The Master of Justice Administration (MJA) program—targetedtoward professionals working in thecriminal justice system at the local, county or statelevel—was approved by the Southern Association of<strong>College</strong>s and Schools (SACS), the regional accreditingbody for <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. The MJA programopened its doors to students in January 2006.MilestonesThe Physician Assistant program—started witha minimal budget, a staff of three and a class offour students—celebrated its 10th anniversary.The Lura Tally Centerfor Leadership Developmentcelebratedits 10th anniversarywith former Gov. JimHunt as the featuredspeaker on Oct. 18,<strong>2005</strong>.AthleticsThe Lady Monarchs captured their eighth-straightchampionship when they hosted the <strong>2005</strong> NCAADivision III Women’s Golf National ChampionshipMay 10-13 at MidPines Golf Club in Southern PinesN.C. Over the last 20 years, the Lady Monarchshave won 18 national championships at the DivisionIII level.The <strong>Methodist</strong> Monarchs finished out the <strong>2005</strong>season going 8-2 overall and 6-1 in the USA SouthAthletic Conference—earning the first ever footballchampionship for <strong>Methodist</strong> and a share of the <strong>2005</strong>USA South championship.Winning USA South regular season championshipsfor <strong>Methodist</strong> were baseball, men’s basketball,softball and men’s and women’s tennis. Men’s basketball,men’s golf and men’s and women’s tenniswere USA South Tournament champions.Christina Gipson (women’s soccer) was selectedUSA South Athlete of the Year.Bob McEvoy, director of Athletics, was selected asthe president of USA South Athletic Conference for<strong>2005</strong>-07. Additionally, he was selected as a NCAADivision III National Men’s Basketball Committeemember 2003-07. McEvoy was also selected as afacilitator for NCAA III Regional Leadership Conferences<strong>2005</strong>-06 inDallas, Texas andJersey City, NewJersey. Most recently,he was nominated toserve on the CumberlandCounty/FayettevilleCity Parks& Recreation MasterPlan Advisory Committee<strong>2005</strong>-06.Husein Nasiro-Sigo (men’s cross country) and AdamHorton (men’s golf) both won individual USA Southtitles.Women’s Golf Coach Vici Pate was selected DivisionIII Coach of the Year.Head Golf Professional/Director ofInstruction Tom Inczauskis completed hisadvanced PGA teacher certification. He isone of 30 PGA professionals to do so inthe United States.AwardsEnausa Davis-Robinson ’05, receivedthe Toby Brown award, presented by theNorth Carolina chapter of the NationalAssociation of Social Workers. The statechapter awards only one per year. Shewas also awarded the Lucius Stacy Weaveraward at graduation in May <strong>2005</strong>. This award hasbeen given annually since 1964 to a student who isan outstanding member of the academic class.TrusteesThe Board of Trustees welcomed six new membersin the fall of <strong>2005</strong>:• Mrs. Kathy Wright• Retired Gen. John W. Handy, ’66• The Rev. Dr. R. Carl Frazier, Jr.• Dr. John W. Schrader• Dr. Eric L. Mansfield• Mr. Ron B. MatthewsFaculty AccomplishmentsDr. Lloyd R. Bailey, adjunct professor of BiblicalStudies, has wrapped up four years of researchand preparation of “Smyth & Helwys’ Leviticus-Numbers,” a 648-page Bible Commentary seriesfull of commentary and illustrations. The series isinnovative both in the theological and homileticalfocus of its content and in its array of illustrative art.The series is built on the idea that meaningful Biblestudy can occur when the insights of contemporarybiblical scholars blend with sensitivity to the needsof the students of Scripture.Dr. Michael Potts, associate professor of Philosophy,presented a paper, “Pharmaceutical Mergers andGenetic Technology: A Problematic Combination” to(Continued on page 32) <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Board of TrusteesMr. Alfred E. ClevelandChairMr. Harvey T. Wright, II ’70Vice-ChairMr. James A. Bledsoe ’67SecretaryMr. A. Howard Bullard, Jr.TreasurerMr. Richard L. Player, Jr.Immediate Past ChairNew Board of Trustees MembersMr. Richard R. Allen, Sr.Mr. D. Keith AllisonMr. Frank Barragan, Jr.Mr. Dohn Broadwell, Sr.Mrs. Mary Lynn BryanMr. Wade E. Byrd ’70Dr. Loleta Wood FosterThe Rev. Dr. R. Carl Frazier, Jr.The Rev. Dr. Brian G. GentleGen. John W. Handy ’66 (Ret.)Mrs. Betty Upchurch HastyMr. Charles B.C. HoltMrs. Dorothy B. HubbardMrs. Jane Hook JohnsonDr. Wesley JonesMr. Jerry A. Keen ’65Mr. Earl D. Leake ’73The Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk (Deceased)The Rev. Jerry LowryThe Rev. David O. MalloyMr. O. Ray Manning, Jr. ’73Dr. Eric L. MansfieldMr. Ron B. MatthewsMr. George W. Miller, Jr.Dr. H. W. Mark Miller, IVMr. Vance B. NealDr. John W. SchraderDr. Louis Spilman, Jr. ’64Dr. Frank P. StoutMr. Bud K. Taylor, Jr. ’68Mrs. Ann H. ThorntonMs. Terri S. UnionThe Rev. Hope A. Vickers ’91Mr. Thomas L. WaldenMr. Charles E. WarrenMr. William R. West, Sr. ’69Mrs. Kathy WrightMr. Ramon L. YarboroughTrustees EmeritiDr. Mott P. BlairMr. J. Nelson Gibson (Deceased)The Rev. Dr. Clyde G. McCarverMr. Woodrow V. RegisterMr. T.L. SmithDr. R. Dillard TeerPresident EmeritusDr. Richard W. PearceThe Rev. Dr. R. Carl Frazier, Jr.Dr. Eric L. MansfieldDr. John W. SchraderGen. John W. Handy ’66 (Ret.)Mr. Ron B. MatthewsMrs. Kathy WrightHonorary TrusteeBishop Alfred W. Gwinn, Jr.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
RevenuesInterest, Dividends andGains on Investments1.6%Private Gifts and Grants9.5%Auxiliary Enterprises17.7%Miscellaneous1.6%Total Revenues(As of 6/30/05 Close of Fiscal Year)$38.2 millionStudent Tuitionand Fees (Gross)69.6%ExpendituresStudent Services13.4%Administrative & General14.8%Instructional, Library& Academic Support31.9%Total Expenditures(As of 6/30/05 Close of Fiscal Year)$35.7 millionStudent Aid(Scholarship & TuitionAllowances)24.7%Auxiliary Enterprises15.2%Endowment History$12M$10M$8M$7.199M$8.159M$8.129M$8.678M$8.130M$7.611M$8.106M$9.981M$10.633M$6M$4M$4.145M$5.533M$2M$0’94-’95 ’95-’96 ’96-’97 ’97-’98 ’98-’99 ’99-’00 ’00-’01 ’01-’02 ’02-’03 ’03-’04 ’04-’05 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>In Millions of Dollars (As of 6/30/05 Close of Fiscal Year)
A Portrait of GivingThere are a handful of special people in this world whose lives impacteveryone they touch in a positive way. Dr. Bill Lowdermilk was one of thosepeople.his retirement. In fact, in 2004, he helped establish a Bible study for golfmanagement students titled “In His Grip.” He was also very involved withthe Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Men’s Bible Study.Dr. Lowdermilk did not intend to spend his life in theworld of education. Rather, he attended Duke <strong>University</strong>,earning a bachelor’s degree in divinity and was ordainedas a <strong>Methodist</strong> minister. Still, when his bishop asked himto go and help a young <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> get on its feet,he answered the call, and <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> became hismission field.Dr. Lowdermilk was employed with <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> from1963 until his retirement in June 1995 as vice presidentof Church and Community Relations. He served under allthree of the <strong>College</strong>’s presidents. <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> studentswere his passion and his family, earning him the moniker“Uncle Bill.” He was known for hosting student gatherings rich with greatfellowship and wonderful desserts. These gatherings continued even afterThe Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk(1933-<strong>2005</strong>)During his life, Dr. Lowdermilk made modest gifts to<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. He established two small endowments,which he added to over the years, to eventually fund ascholarship and an award in his name.Dr. Lowdermilk was not born into a family of great financialmeans. This was not a man who should have been able toleave <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> over $1 million dollars in his will,yet he did, largely by living a life of frugality. His scholarshipand award endowments are well-funded and will continueto impact the lives of countless <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> students.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> salutes “Uncle Bill” Lowdermilk for alifetime of service and giving to the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> family. His life trulywas a portrait of giving.In Memoriam<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> has been blessed with a family of caring individuals who have helpedshape and make the <strong>College</strong> what it is today. We bid a sad farewell to a number of thoseindividuals in <strong>2005</strong>. The <strong>College</strong> pays tribute to those listed below and others whosenames may have been missed for their caring spirits and generous hearts.Mr. Henry C. Campen, Sr. Aug.16, <strong>2005</strong>A faithful friend and supporter of <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong>, Mr. Campen was honored in 2004for 45 years of annual consecutive giving tothe <strong>College</strong>.Mrs. Margaret T. Clark Nov. 26, <strong>2005</strong>Mrs. Clark was a devoted friend andsupporter of the <strong>College</strong>. Her husband,Walter Clark, served on the <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong> Board from 1981 until his death in1997. An endowed scholarship and Walterand Margaret Clark Hall (which houses theCharles M. Reeves School of Business andEconomics) are named in their honor.Dr. Anthony J. “Tony” DeLapa Jan. 6, <strong>2005</strong>Dr. DeLapa served <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>from 1989 through 2003 as a professorin the Education Department, chair of theEducation Department, vice-president ofAcademic Affairs and academic dean of the<strong>College</strong>. The Anthony J. DeLapa Art Awardis named in his honor.Mr. Samuel Reese Edwards, Sr. April 21, <strong>2005</strong>Mr. Sam Edwards joined the <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong> staff in 1960 as registrar, director ofAdmissions and Financial Aid, and physicaleducation instructor. He was employed for14 years until his retirement in 1974.Dr. J. Nelson Gibson, Jr. April 18, <strong>2005</strong>Mr. Gibson was a member of the original<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Board of Trustees,serving from 1956 through 1965, then from1969 through 1987. He remained active withthe <strong>College</strong> and earned trustee emeritusstatus in 1988.Dr. Bert Ishee Nov. 16, <strong>2005</strong>A devoted friend and supporter of <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong>, Dr. Ishee served as president ofthe <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Foundation in theearly years of the <strong>College</strong>. His wife, JeanIshee, was one of the first faculty membershired at the <strong>College</strong> and served as chair ofthe Fine Arts Department.Mrs. C. Wallace Jackson(Garnett “Pinkey” Jackson) Sept. 28, <strong>2005</strong>Mrs. Pinkey Jackson was a founding memberof the Fayetteville <strong>College</strong> Foundation,which later became the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>Foundation. A lifelong friend of the <strong>College</strong>,she participated in the <strong>College</strong>’s LoyaltyDay for many years.Dr. Pauline Longest Nov. 1, <strong>2005</strong>An assistant professor of biology, Dr.Longest taught botany and other biologycourses at <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> from 1962through 1979. She was given assistantprofessor emeritus status following herretirement. The Pauline Longest EducationAward and Pauline Longest Nature Trail arenamed in her honor.The Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk July 18, <strong>2005</strong>An employee of <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> for32 years, Bill Lowdermilk worked as theassistant director of Public Relations (1963-68), director of Public Relations (1968-74),assistant to the president (1974-77) andvice-president of Church & CommunityRelations (1977-95). In 1997 Dr. Lowdermilkbecame a member of the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>Board of Trustees. An ethics seminar,scholarship, achievement award, alumnigolf tournament and the main street in to the<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> campus are all named inhis honor.Mrs. Jane Peyrouse April 16, <strong>2005</strong>Mrs. Peyrouse was a long-time friend andsupporter of the <strong>College</strong>. Her husband, JackPeyrouse, was on the faculty of <strong>Methodist</strong>Major Gifts<strong>College</strong> from 1977 through 1996 and servedas chair of the Theatre Department.Dr. Lorenzo P. “Joe” Plyler Nov. 9, <strong>2005</strong>Hired as professor of religion in 1966, Dr.Plyler served <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> for almost20 years. He also served as head of theDepartment of Religion and Philosophy andthe Division of Humanities.Mr. Charles H. Von Rosenberg Oct. 29, <strong>2005</strong>Mr. Von Rosenberg established theaccounting firm of Haigh and VonRosenberg—the <strong>College</strong>’s original auditors.A faithful supporter of the <strong>College</strong>, he alsoserved as an organizer and board memberof the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Foundation.In <strong>2005</strong>, the <strong>College</strong> received gifts of $1,235,000 from Mr. Shelby M. C.Davis and Mrs. Gayle L. Davis (Davis World Scholars Program) committedto students attending <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> from one of the ten United World<strong>College</strong>s located around the world.The Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk, a member of the <strong>College</strong>’s Board of Trustees,left the <strong>College</strong> an estate gift of $1,010,627 designated for endowment. Dr.Lowdermilk had worked at <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> for 32 years before he retired inJune 1995 as vice president of Church and Community Relations.Wachovia Bank, through The Wachovia Foundation, committed to a giftof $250,000 to establish the Wachovia Scholars Program, a distinguishedmerit program for students from North Carolina who demonstrate highacademic achievement, leadership qualities, commitment to communityservice and good citizenship.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Cumulative GivingSociety of 1956In recognition of the chartering of <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong> in 1956, this Society acknowledgesdonors to the <strong>College</strong> whose lifetime giftsexceed $500,000.Diamond Society – Society of 1956(Lifetime Donors of $1,000,000 & Above)Mr. Shelby M. C. Davis &Mrs. Gayle L. Davis (Davis United World<strong>College</strong> Scholar Program)The late Mr. Robert H. Dedman, Sr.The Kresge FoundationThe late Rev. Dr. William P. LowdermilkThomas R. McLean FoundationNC Conference of the United <strong>Methodist</strong>ChurchMrs. Sarah Crosby Reeves & the lateMr. Charles M. Reeves, Jr.Platinum Society – Society of 1956(Lifetime Donors of $500,000 to $999,999)Mr. Richard R. Allen, Sr.The Karl H. Berns Trust FundThe late Mr. Walter B. Clark &Mrs. Margaret T. ClarkNC Independent <strong>College</strong>s & UniversitiesMr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, Jr.Mrs. March F. Riddle & the lateMr. J.P. Riddle, Jr.Sodexho Campus ServicesEstate of Benjamin Franklin StoneSystel(Mr. & Mrs. D. Keith Allison)Louis D. & Bernadine L. ThomasScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Ramon L. YarboroughThe Yarborough Family FundGold Society(Lifetime Donors of $250,000 to $499,999)BB&T CorporationBelk of FayettevilleMr. William F. BethuneCumberland Community Foundation, Inc.Fayetteville Publishing Co.Haigh, Byrd & LambertThe late Dr. William E. Horner, Sr.The late Dr. Lucile W. HutaffDr. & Mrs. J. Wesley JonesMrs. Maria B. Minges & the lateLuther Dan MingesThe late Dr. & Mrs. I. H. O’HanlonPiedmont Natural Gas (formerlyN.C. Natural Gas)The Florence Rogers Charitable TrustEstate of John C. Rosser, Jr.Short Stop Food Mart(Mr. & Mrs. Vance B. Neal)Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stout, Sr.Terminix Termite & Pest Control(Mr. James Gooch &Elisabeth Nimocks Gooch)(Mr. Donald Harley &Mrs. Lucy Nimocks Harley)(Mr. James D. Haugh & Mrs.Mary Flagg Nimocks Haugh)(Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, Jr.)(Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, III)Mrs. Dorothy B. Wyatt & the lateJohn W. Wyatt <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>Circle of Vision(Lifetime Donors of $100,000 to $249,999)The late Mr. James C. Black, Sr.Mr. Wade E. Byrd ‘70The Cannon Foundation, Inc.ClubCorpFirst Citizens Bank & Trust Co.General Board of Higher Education &Ministry, United <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchHoffer Remainder Annuity TrustMrs. Dorothy B. Hubbard &the late Edwin A. HubbardThe late Dr. & Mrs. W. Robert JohnsonDr. & Mrs. William R. JordanMicrosoft CorporationDr. Richard W. PearceMr. Richard L. Player Jr. &Mrs. Margaret A. PlayerMr. Samuel C. RankinMr. & Mrs. Harold J. SturdivantMr. & Mrs. R. Dillard TeerSir John M. TempletonUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. WarrenThe late Dr. L. Stacy &Mrs. Elizabeth H. WeaverMr. Harvey T. Wright, II ‘70 & Mrs. MaryFermanides Wright ‘68Circle of Distinction(Lifetime Donors of $50,000 to $99,999)Mr. & Mrs. George H. Armstrong ‘68Bank of AmericaMr. & Mrs. James A. Bledsoe ‘67Mr. Dohn Broadwell, Sr.Estate of Mary W. BrowningBullard Furniture, Inc.(Mr. & Mrs. A. Howard Bullard, Jr.)Carolina Model Home Corp.Dorothy Jordan Chadwick FoundationCoca-Cola Bottling Co. ConsolidatedThe late Mrs. Ingeborg M. DentThe Dingus Educational FundEnsystex, Inc.First Union FoundationDr. Sid GautamJerry Gregory & Associates(Mr. Jerry D. Gregory)Mrs. Anita S. HardingHaymount United <strong>Methodist</strong> MenDr. & Mrs. M. Elton HendricksRobert P. Holding FoundationMr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Keen ‘65Cumulative GivingThis section pays tribute to those who have givengifts of $10,000 or more to <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> duringtheir lifetime. Only completed gifts are includedfor lifetime giving consideration.Mr. & Mrs. Kieran KidderThe late Mrs. Pauline LongestEstate of Lucie MoormanDr. & Mrs. Clarence S. OliveMrs. E. Ruth PalmerProgress Energy Corp.Mr. & Mrs. Parley B. Rasmussen, Jr.The Reeves FoundationKate B. Reynolds Charitable TrustRiddle-Floyd & GodwinMrs. Margaret Rose Sanford & the lateMr. Terry Sanford, Sr.Mrs. Ruby Strouse ‘80The Titmus Foundation, Inc.Wachovia BankEstate of Clara Jewell WestbrookMr. Carlos & Mrs. Terri Union ZukowskiCircle of Excellence(Lifetime Donors of $25,000 to $49,999)The Clara Abbott FoundationAir Force Aid Soc. Ed. GrantAlcoa FoundationEstate of William T. Alexander, IIIMr. & Mrs. Jerry L. AlphinAnonymousMr. & Mrs. Von Autry, Jr.Bass Air Conditioning Company, Inc.(Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Bass)The Boston FoundationBroadwell Land CompanyMr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Bruce ‘68Bryan Honda-Pontiac-Cadillac Company(Mr. David C. Bryan)(Mr. Norwood E. & Mrs. Mary Lynn Bryan, Jr.)Carolina By-Products, Fayetteville DivisionDr. Franklin S. Clark, III &Mrs. Theresa P. ClarkCrowell Constructors, Inc.Dickinson Buick-Dodge CompanyMrs. Claudia H. Dudley ‘67Edenton Street UMCEstate of Elizabeth EllingtonFayetteville Area New Car DealersAssociationMs. Verna FentonFirst South BankMr. Richard L. Fox, II ’68 &Mrs. Ashton Lilly FoxMr. & Mrs. M. Carr GibsonGolden Corral Franchising Systems, Inc.(Mr. & Mrs. James H. Maynard)The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.The late Mr. Dan W. Gore, Jr. ‘66Dr. & Mrs. William F. GrimesMrs. Betty U. HastyMrs. Lillian Hatfield & the lateRobert C. HatfieldMr. & Mrs. William R. HawleyJ & S Pizza Express, Inc.(Mr. Jurgen Stanley ‘77)The Janirve FoundationJC Penney CompanyJohnson-Sherman CompanyMrs. Thelma JohnsonKiwanis Club of FayettevilleM & O ChevroletMr. & Mrs. O. Ray Manning, Jr. ‘73Mr. Ron B. & Mrs. Sharon T. MatthewsMr. & Mrs. James H. MaynardDr. & Mrs. Oscar McFadyen, Jr.Mid-South Insurance Co.Mrs. Carol Nance & the lateMr. Mitchell A. NanceEstate of Thelma Harding OttPlayer, Inc.Estate of Frances S. QueenMrs. Rosalie C. RayJ. P. Riddle Charitable FoundationMr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Riddle, IIIEstate of Janette RosenbergDr. & Mrs. Louis Spilman, Jr. ‘64Sprint Mid-Atlantic OperationsSt. John’s Episcopal ChurchShirley Starcher Memorial FundHon. Lura S. TallyMr. & Mrs. Bud K. Taylor, Jr. ‘68Triangle Community FoundationMr. & Mrs. Thomas L. WaldenMr. Joe W. WalkerDr. & Mrs. L. Elbert WethingtonTrustees Associates(Lifetime Donors of $10,000 to $24,999)Mr. Donnell G. (Buck) Adams ScholarshipArmy Emergency ReliefThe Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland CountyThe Rev. James A. AumanBacot Foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barragan, Jr.Ms. Barbara D. Bass and the lateWoodrow P. BassMrs. Frances J. BassMr. Bill Billings ‘68Dr. Mott P. BlairMr. William W. Blalock, Jr. ‘69Mr. & Mrs. Graham B. BlantonMrs. Appie W. Bolton ‘69 &Mr. Thomas M. BoltonMrs. Linda S. Bourland ‘69 &Mr. Michael V. BourlandMr. Charles W. BroadwellBurger King CorporationButler Memorial ScholarshipMr. Jesse H. Byrd, Jr.Francis Ouimet Caddie Scholarship Fund, Inc.Mr. Norman J. CampbellCargill, Inc.Carolina BuildersCarpenter, Cammack & AssociatesCavin’s Business SolutionsDr. & Mrs. Darl H. Champion
Cumulative Giving (cont.)The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. ChristianMr. Jerome B. Clark, Jr.Dr. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74 &Mrs. Lynn Gruber Clark ‘72Mr. Gene Clayton & Mrs. Pat Clayton ‘68EUA CogenexMr. John ConradMr. & Mrs. Neill A. CurrieMrs. Patricia N. DeLapa &the late Dr. Anthony J. DeLapaDiamond Golf, LLCMr. & Mrs. G. Gordon Dixon ‘66, ‘81Mr. Joe F. Doll, Jr.Mr. Sanford Doxey, Jr.Mr. Murray O. Duggins, Sr. ‘66Mr. Robert R. Dunn ‘70DuPont - Fayetteville WorksEdenton Street UMC Men’s Bible ClassMr. Gerald EdmondsThe Priscilla Maxwell EndicottScholarship FundMs. Anne Faircloth &Mr. Fred Beaujeu-DufourFay Block CompanyFayetteville District of the UMCThe Rev. Margaret C. Harriss FooteDr. Loleta W. Foster & LTC Benjamin F. FosterFriends of Music at <strong>Methodist</strong>Mr. Charles R. GaddyEstate of Fleeta Harris GibsonGolden Corral-FayettevilleDr. Raul F. GomezDr. & Mrs. Stanley G. GriffinGuaranty Federal Savings BankHaire Plumbing Company, Inc.Mr. Joe E. HallHandicomp, Inc.The John H. Harland Co.Dr. & Mrs. William C. Harrison ‘74, ‘72Col. Clark W. Hastings (Ret.) ‘74Healy Wholesale Company, Inc.Hercules Steel Company, Inc.(Mr. Lewis E. Jourden & the lateCarolyn B. Jourden)Hewlett-Packard CompanyHighland OB/GYN ClinicMr. J. Daniel Highsmith, Sr.Mr. Ralph F. Hoggard ‘64Mr. Jerry T. & Mrs. Barbara HoggeMr. & Mrs. Charles B.C. HoltHolt Oil CompanyThe late Mr. Young W. &Mrs. Morie M. HowardThe late Mr. Julian B. HutaffJ. J. Barnes & Ivey Mechanical Co.Jefferson-Pilot Life InsuranceMs. Elva L. Jess ‘71LTC Lehman H. & Jane H. JohnsonMr. Bernie F. & Mrs. Joyce Krick, Jr.LaFayette Cemetery Park Corp.LaFayette Motor Sales, Inc.LaFayette Society, Inc.The Lance FoundationLaw Enforcement Support ServiceLeland M. Coe & AssociatesMaine State Golf AssociationMajor League BaseballMr. Carlton C. & Mrs. Lynell A. MartinMr. F. Milo McBryde ‘68Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott McFadyen, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Marcus G. McKnightMrs. Mary N. Mercer ‘73Merrill Lynch & Co.Metropolitan LifeMoorman, Kizer & Reitzel, Inc.NFI Consumer Products(Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Guy)(Mr. Larry Chriscoe)(Ms. Betsy Horner)North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc.The late Joan A. Pait ‘91Mrs. Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ‘64Pepsi Bottling Ventures, LLCPGA Consolidated Disbursement AccountPharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.Pilot Club of FayettevilleThe Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. PittmanMrs. Peggy S. PowersPowers Swain Chevrolet, Inc.Procraft, Inc.Professional Women of FayettevilleEstate of Katharine PurdieMrs. Marjorie U. RaganRankin BrothersMrs. Christine RankinThe George Record School FoundationRBC CenturaReed-Lallier Chevrolet(Mr. Michael G. Lallier)Mr. Riddick & Mrs. Gillie RevelleMr. Gregorio H. Reyes ‘88RJR Nabisco, Inc. (R.J. Reynolds Foundation)Estate of Kathryn B. RobinsonMr. & Mrs. Stanley Leon ShacklefordEstate of Gertrude F. ShoreShuller Ferris Lindstrom & Assoc.Smithboro Furniture CompanySpilman FamilySprintMrs. Marie T. StewartThe late Mr. Marlin M. Stewart, Sr.Dr. James K. SuttieLTC (Ret.) & Mrs. Walter SwingThomason IndustriesHon. & Mrs. W. Lyndo Tippett, CPAUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> WomenUnited Student Aid FundsMrs. Edna W. VaughanMr. & Mrs. M. J. WeeksMr. & Mrs. John H. WheelerMr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Whilden ‘71, ‘71J.J. Wiggins Memorial TrustMrs. Deleano WilliamsMr. Sherrill WilliamsMr. & Mrs. Harrison H. WilliamsonThe late Mr. Hubert M. WillisMr. R. Parker WilsonMr. & Mrs. Kenneth WoodWyeth-Ayerst PharmaceuticalsMr. & Mrs. Wilson F. Yarborough, Jr.Z. Smith Reynolds FoundationMr. & Mrs. James M. Zeigler ‘67, ‘65Endowment SocietyWe recognize and thank the following for providing for <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>through their will, trust, life insurance and other planned gifts. This includesboth completed and anticipated future gifts.Ms. Bonnie J. Adamson ‘92Mr. Ronald R. Apflert ‘87Mr. & Mrs. Frank Barragan, Jr.Mrs. Debbie Bright Beavers ‘72Mr. William F. BethuneMr. Bill Billings ‘68Mr. James C. Black, Sr. (Deceased)Mr. & Mrs. Graham B. BlantonMs. Summer E. BrockMary W. Browning (Deceased)Mr. Richard P. ButlerMrs. Susan J. Butler ‘72Mr. Jesse H. Byrd, Jr.Ms. Dorothy D. Castaneda ‘73Mr. Robert J. ChaffinDr. Suzan K. CheekThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.ChristianMr. Tony Cimaglia & Mrs. Ann G.Cimaglia ‘64Dr. John C. Clamp ‘70Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. Gene T. Clayton & Mrs. Patricia B.Clayton ‘68Mr. John A. CoheleyMr. Norman A. ColtraneMr. & Mrs. James ConradDr. Anthony J. DeLapa (Deceased)Mrs. Patricia DeLapaMrs. Ingeborg Dent (Deceased)Mr. & Mrs. John G. Dicks, III ‘73Mr. Joe F. Doll, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIMs. Judith A. Cushman-Dubose ‘77Mr. Murray O. Duggins, Sr. ‘66Mr. & Mrs. John C. EllsworthMr. & Mrs. Robert Exum, Jr.Mrs. Nona D. Fisher ‘88The Rev. Margaret C. Harriss FooteDr. Loleta W. FosterMajor Jay B. Fullerton ‘90Mr. John K. Fux ‘83Mr. Robert S. Gibson (Deceased)MAJ Robert L. Guilford, Sr. ‘89Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. HahnMr. Thomas J. HallThe Rev. Claudia G. Harrelson ‘78Dr. M. Elton HendricksMr. & Mrs. John T. Henley, Sr.Mr. Wayne M. HewittDr. Wenda D. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. C. Franklin Jones, Jr.Dr. Thomas H. Jones ‘71Mr. & Mrs. Jerry A. Keen ‘65Mr. Mark C. Kendrick ‘83Mrs. Dorothy Collins KirkpatrickDr. Tryon D. LancasterThe Rev. Henry W. Lee ‘73 &Mrs. Catherine P. LeeMr. John B. Lipscomb, Jr. ‘68Mrs. Pauline Longest (Deceased)LTC James L. Louden (Ret.)The Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk(Deceased)Mr. O. Ray Manning, Jr. ‘73Mr. Charles K. McAdamsThe Rev. Dr. Samuel D. McMillan, Jr.(Deceased)Mrs. Samuel D. McMillan, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Monday ‘71Mr. & Mrs. Glenn MortonMrs. Janet Mullen ‘72 (Deceased)Mrs. Carol D. NanceMr. Jon O. NeuhsDr. I. H. O’Hanlon (Deceased)Mrs. Kathy Offenhauser ‘89Mrs. Joan A. Pait ‘91 (Deceased)Mr. Roger D. Pait ‘85Mrs. E. Ruth Palmer (Deceased)The Rev. Carrie W. ParrishMr. Larry S. Philpott ‘73Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Player Jr.The Rev. Dr. William M. Presnell ‘71Sen. & Mrs. Tony E. RandMr. & Mrs. Riddick RevelleMs. Sara RogersMr. John C. Rosser, Jr. (Deceased)Mr. & Mrs. D. P. Russ, Jr.The Rev. Michael W. Safley ‘72Dr. Louis Spilman, Jr. ‘64Mrs. Marie T. StewartMrs. Ruby Strouse ‘80LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Walter SwingMr. & Mrs. R. Dillard TeerMr. George W. Tinnin (Deceased)Mr. James J. Townsend ‘80Mr. Charles E. WarrenMr. J. Lee Warren, Jr. ‘75Dr. & Mrs. L. Stacy Weaver (Deceased)Mr. & Mrs. M. J. WeeksMr. & Mrs. John H. WheelerMs. Rita S. WiggsMr. M. Wayne Williamson ‘66Mr. & Mrs. David G. WilsonMr. R. Parker WilsonThe Rev. LaVerne B. Womack ‘74Mr. & Mrs. Dave Woodard ‘71Mr. Harvey T. Wright, II ‘70 &Mrs. Mary Fermanides Wright ‘68Mr. & Mrs. Ramon L. YarboroughMr. Carlos Zukowski & Mrs. TerriUnion Zukowski<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
North Carolina Independent <strong>College</strong> FundThe Independent <strong>College</strong> Fund of North Carolina (ICFNC) was established in 1953 to provide North Carolinabusinesses with an effective vehicle to support the state’s private colleges and universities. Of the 36 privatecolleges and universities in our state, 27 are members of the Fund. These funds are used to provide studentscholarship aid. We thank the following for their gifts to the Independent <strong>College</strong> Fund during <strong>2005</strong>:The A.B. Carter, Inc. FundAC CorporationMs. Nancy G. AdamsAdvance Stores Co., Inc.The Alex Hemby FoundationAlwinell FoundationAMETEK FoundationBB&T Charitable FoundationB.B. Walker FoundationB.C. Moore and Sons, Inc.Bank of GraniteBernhardt Furniture Co.Best Commercial DevelopmentBiltmore Farms, Inc.Blumenthal FoundationThe Bolick FoundationThe Borden Fund, Inc.Bradytrane Co.Brame Specialty Co., Inc.Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc.Broyhill Family Foundation, Inc.Burlington Industries FoundationCCB FoundationThe C.F. Sauer CompanyCapital BankCarolina Foods, Inc.Carolina Steel CorporationCisco SystemsClancy & Theys ConstructionClariant Corp.Coastal Lumber CompanyCoca-Cola Bottling Co. ConsolidatedThe Coca-Cola FoundationCommScope, Inc.Cooperative Bank for Savings, Inc.Mr. Robert J. DeCristoforoMs. Frances G. DempseyThe Diamond TrustDickson Foundation, Inc.The Dillard Fund, Inc.Dominion North CarolinaDover Foundation, Inc.Duke Power funded through The Duke EnergyFoundationDunn Family FoundationElectric Supply Company of NC, Inc.Eli Lilly and CompanyMr. Brian C. EtheridgeExport Leaf Tobacco Co.Family Dollar, Inc.Felix Harvey FoundationFirst South BankFood Lion, LLCGMAC InsuranceMr. and Mrs. Charles W. GaddyGarris Evans Lumber Co., Inc.Genworth FinancialGeorge FoundationGolden Corral Charitable Fund of TriangleCommunity FoundationThe Golden LEAF FoundationGrady-White Boats, Inc.Henry E. Wurst, Inc.Ms. Gwenn HobbsHornwood, Inc.Mr. John W. HuntIna McNair Avinger Foundation, Inc.J.J. Haines Foundation, Inc.J.W. Burress, Inc.Joseph Dave FoundationThe Honorable Carolyn H. JusticeKetner Foundation, Inc.Kulynych Family Foundation I, Inc.Lance, Inc.Lenoir Mirror CompanyLexington State BankMrs. Amanda A. LivingstonLongley Supply Co.The Loxcreen Company, Inc.Luddy Charitable FoundationThe Lundy Fetterman Family FoundationM&F BankMartin Marietta MaterialsMr. Timothy McDowellMs. Jane MeyerMilliken FoundationThe Morgan Foundation, Inc.Mount Olive Pickle Company, Inc.NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.N.B. Handy Co.National Starch & Chemical Foundation, Inc.Nationwide InsuranceNews & RecordNoland CompanyNorfolk Southern FoundationNorth Carolina Electric Membership CorporationNorth Carolina Foam IndustriesNorth State CommunicationsNucor CorporationPPD Development, LPPSNC Energy - A SCANA Co.Paul & Margaret Porter Charitable FoundationPhilip L. Van Every FoundationPiedmont Federal Savings & LoanPiedmont Natural Gas CompanyProgress Energy FoundationR.A. Bryan Foundation, Inc.RBC Centura BankMr. Brooks T. RaifordRMIC CorporationMr. and Mrs. William Trent Ragland, Jr.Renfro CorporationRock-Tenn Company Alliance GroupRocky Mount Cord Company, Inc.Mr. E.T. RollinsShadowline, Inc.Shurtape Technologies, Inc.Southco Distributing Co.Snyder Paper Corp.SprintMr. & Mrs. William C. StanbackStatesville Brick CompanyStephenson Millwork Company, Inc.Stock Building SupplyStonecutter Foundation, Inc.The Tanner Foundation, Inc.Mr. John A. TaylorTaylor Brothers Division of Conwood Co.Mr. James E. ThomasThomasville Furniture IndustriesTriad Guaranty Insurance Corp.UPS Foundation, Inc.Universal Leaf FoundationVerizonVulcan Materials CompanyWachovia FoundationWade Manufacturing CompanyDr. A. Hope WilliamsWinn-Dixie Raleigh, Inc.Wren Foundation, Inc.Wyeth VaccinesWyatt-Quarles Seed Company10 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Monarch Society (Cont.)Metropolitan Life FoundationMurray, Craven & Inman, LLPNew Century Bank SouthMr. Bruce R. PulliamMrs. Susan E. PulsipherMr. & Mrs. William SeilingMr. Randy Smith ’05Mr. Kevin M. Starke ’95State Farm Companies FoundationsMr. James C. Sypult & Dr.Sharron SypultThe Carolina Club of NorthCarolina, LLCMr. Robert M. TollevsenUnion Corrugating Company(Ms. Terri Union)Mrs. Harriet E. WallaceMr. Daniel H. Williams, Jr. ‘68The Rev. Dr. Samuel WomackMETHODIST COLLEGEDONOR GIVING SOCIETIESDiamond Society $1,000,000 & abovePlatinum Society $500,000 to $999,999Gold Society $250,000 to $499,999Circle of Vision $100,000 to $249,999Circle of Distinction $50,000 to $99,999Circle of Excellence $25,000 to $49,999Trustees Associates $10,000 to $24,999President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999Dean’s Society $1,000 to $4,999Monarch Society $500 to $999Green & Gold Circle $250 to $499Century Club $100 to $249Bell Tower Club up to $99Green & Gold Circle($250 to $499)Ambassador Animal Hospital(Dr. Kasmin B. Davis)CW4 & Mrs. Charles H.Astrike (Ret.)Mr. Von & Mrs. Frances AutryMr. W. Glenn Bell ’66Brad Hurley Insurance AgencyMr. & Mrs. Paul BradshawHon. & Mrs. E. Maurice BraswellMr. Eric A. BrimerBroadwell Construction Co.Mrs. Nancy W. BroadwellMr. & Mrs. Roger H. Brown ’74, ’73Bryant Restaurants, Inc.Butler’s Electric Supply ofFayetteville, Inc.Cape Fear Amateur Radio SocietyCaptain Jerry’s SeafoodRestaurant, Inc.Dr. Samuel J. & Mrs.Lynn Gruber Clark,III ’74, ’72Ms. Jan CobbMs. Mary Ann CoffieldMr. Ronald K.Coleman ’72Mr. Stephen M. CorneliusMs. Tricia M. Criswell’91Col. & Mrs. Joseph J.Currin, IIICut It RightMr. Clyde J. Daniel ’75Mrs. Marie Shaw DeeMrs. Patricia N. DeLapaMr. T. Dixon DickensDiversified Polymers, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Frankie DullMr. Josh W. Dunning ’02Eagle Flight GolfEllis-Walker Builders, Inc.Enterprise Rent-a-CarFayetteville Orthopaedic Clinic PAFleming & AssociatesMr. H. Steve Floyd, Jr. ’73The Rev. Margaret C. H. FooteMrs. Jane W. GardinerMr. Daniel K. GilesMr. Nathaniel GoodMr. & Mrs. Samuel GraciMrs. Winifred M. Grannis ’73 &Mr. Edward W. GrannisGen. & Mrs. John W. Handy (Ret.) ’66Mr. Joshua K. Harris ’05Dr. Lysa M. HartleyMr. Gordon B. Herbert ’68Hinkamp Jewelers, Inc.Mr. Jerry & Mrs. Barbara HoggeHoliday Inn Bordeaux(Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stout, Sr.)Mr. John F. HolmesCol. & Mrs. A. A. HowellMr. Ralph Huff III & Mrs. Linda B.Huff ’74The Rev. Jack M. Hunter ’64Hurst Annaho Supply Co., Inc.Dr. Ernie & Mrs. Connie G. JohnsonKanos Enterprises, Inc.Mr. Leslie J. Kaunitz ’71Hon. A. Elizabeth KeeverMr. Allen R. Kent ’05King Electric of FayettevilleMr. Robert KisiahMr. Matthew L. Kleckner ’05Lancaster & Player Real EstateMr. Kenneth C. & Mrs. Carolyn A.LancasterLee Hyundai, Inc.Kenneth B. Lewis, DDSCPT & Mrs. William A. Lillard, III’68, ’70Litchfield Beach & Golf ResortMr. Michael R. Loesekann ’75Mae Horne Simpson Inc.Manna Church of RaefordMr. Spencer MartinMr. & Mrs. Marcus G. McKnightThe Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin R.Melvin ’78Mr. & Mrs. James T. MelvinMr. Joseph Mullen ’99Mr. & Mrs. J. Harvey Oliver, Jr.Mrs. Virginia T. OliverMr. Jeffrey A. Olson ’73Orozco SolutionsMr. & Mrs. Chappie PetreeDr. William C. PowellMr. & Mrs. Roger QuinnMr. & Mrs. Clark RanneyMr. & Mrs. Chester RedmanMrs. Janice M. Rhue ’69Mr. Mark & Mrs. Vickie RossMr. & Mrs. Albert RummansSandy Ridge Electric, Inc.Mr. Gerald SeifertMr. John G. ShawShayne Hammond HomesMr. & Mrs. Sammy E. ShortSIFEMrs. Donna Davis Smith ’68Southern Gin & Grain CompanyMrs. Marie T. StewartThe Logistics Company, Inc.(Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Walsh’93, ’92)The Spa Fitness & WellnessCenter, Inc.Townsend Real EstateTrinity UMC of SouthportThe Trophy House, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. James R. WarnerMr. Michael L. WarrenThe Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin E.Wells ’95Wiener Works of Cumberland CountyMs. Rita S. WiggsMr. Evan WiseMr. & Mrs. Wilson F. Yarborough, Jr.Dr. Thomas S. Yow, III ’66Mr. & Mrs. Earl ZambellaCentury Club($100 to $249)Abaco Inc.Ms. Bonnie J. Adamson ’92CPT Kyle J. Adrian ’90Ms. Yong Ahn ’00Mr. David B. Alabaster ’69Mr. Paul J. Amaral ’87Mr. S. Ambrose & Mrs. D. AmbroseAnaconda Sports Inc.Andy’s Cheesesteaks &CheeseburgersAnimal Hospital of Fayetteville, PAMr. Howard B. Arden ’70Ms. Amber R. ArnoldMr. & Mrs. Dwight ArnoldMr. Andy Auman ’74Automatic Data Processing, Inc.Mr. Billy E. Bailey, Jr. ’81Baldinos Giant Jersey Subs &SaladsMr. & Mrs. John T. Baranowski’67, ’68Mr. & Mrs. W. Charles BarkleyMr. & Mrs. James J. Barnes, Jr.Mr. Russell W. Barnes ’91Mr. Malvern S. Barrow, III ’68Beale Flooring, Inc.Ms. Shelby W. BealeMs. Barbara L. BeebeMs. Bonita R. BelcastroMs. Mary Alyce BenkoskyMs. Elizabeth B. BennettMr. & Mrs. Robert M. BennettBilly Bill Grading Co., Inc.Mr. & Mrs. W. A. BissetteMr. James C. Black, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. BlanchardMr. & Mrs. Graham B. BlantonBleecker Oldsmobile-Buick-GMC, Inc.Ms. Mattie C. BradshawBragg Pawn ShopMr. & Mrs. James BrennanMr. A. Paul Brill, III ’65Ms. Summer E. BrockMr. & Mrs. William BrophyMr. & Mrs. Edwin N. Brower, Jr.Brown, Denslow, Black & Billups, P.C.Mr. Bruce T. BrownDr. Joseph Brum, Jr. ’78Mr. David C. BryanMrs. Elaine M. BryantBuffalo Wild WingsMr. & Mrs. Robert A. BullMr. & Mrs. Steven BullMr. John N. Bumgarner ’97Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Burke, Jr.Mr. John C. Byrd ’73Mrs. Debra Underwood Byrum ’77C E Putnam Insurance AgencyCain & Cain AdvertisingMrs. Amelia L. Caison ’70Callahan & Rice Insurance GroupMr. Cory D. CallowayMrs. Diana Cameron ’05Mr. Henry C. Campen, Sr.Mrs. Ruby J. CampenMr. D. Raymond Canady Jr. ’87Cape Fear Orthopaedic Clinic PAMr. Carlyle Capps ’66Mr. Patrick A. Cardenas ’94Carolina Services of FayettevilleCarr AssociatesMr. Grady L. Carroll, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. Michael CarterMr. & Mrs. Ronald CarterMr. & Mrs. George CarverMrs. Patricia M. Cashion ’64 &Mr. Hilton E. CashionMr. & Mrs. Thomas CasselMr. John & Mrs. Diane Cates EggerMr. & Mrs. Fred S. CatesCol. & Mrs. William M. Causey Jr.Caviness & Cates Development, Inc.Mr. Robert J. ChaffinChaminade Music ClubMrs. Julia D. Chandler ’71Mr. Chayron R. CharltonChick-Fil-A(Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Arnold, Jr.)Chris’ Open Hearth Steak House16 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Century Club (Cont.)Mr. Charles L. Christie, Jr. ’03Mr. & Mrs. John C. Clark, Jr.Coleman Realty CompanyMs. Patricia E. CollieColonial Kitchens & Cabinets, Inc.Committee to Elect Tony RandMr. Samuel H. Compton, Jr. ’69Mr. Clayton A. Cosner ’73Mrs. Louise Council ’64The Rev. Jerry W. Cribb ’81Mr. William B. Crompton, III ’79Cross Creek, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. CrowellMrs. Ruth A. Crumley ’87Cumberland AnesthesiaAssociates, PACumulus BroadcastingMr. Mike DalyDr. & Mrs. Crowell T. DanielMrs. Libby S. DanielMr. & Mrs. Paul Daniels ’89, ’89Mrs. Chang C. Danley ’82Mr. Jeffrey D. Darnell ’94Mr. Thomas DaughtreyMr. & Mrs. Daniel DaunMr. Bob L. Davis ’70Mr. & Mrs. John G. Dawson, III ’74Mr. Adam DenningMr. & Mrs. George T. Dent ’76, ’77Devils Ridge Golf ClubMr. Theodore J. Dexter, Jr. ’89Direct Mail Services, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Dixon ’70, ’69Mrs. Kelly M. Dolson, CPA ’90Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIMr. & Mrs. Stephen Driggers ’76, ’76Mrs. Claudia H. Dudley ’67Mrs. C. C. DuellMs. Mary E. Earp ’83Eastern Turf Equipment, Inc.Mrs. Jennifer Eavenson ’95Mr. & Mrs. J. G. EdgeMr. John L. ElliottMr. Maurice W. Elliott ’69Mr. & Mrs. Mark EllsworthMrs. Lorraine EllzeyMrs. Vickie Alvis Erben ’81Estate of Mr. Lee Nella WrightCol. Richard H. Estes (Ret.) ’69Mr. & Mrs. Greg EudyMr. & Mrs. Jasper D. EvansFamily Foods, Inc. T/A Taco Bell(Mr. & Mrs. Ron Matthews)Farmers BankFASTSIGNSMrs. Elefteria Z. FasulFayetteville Area Convention &Visitors BureauMr. & Mrs. Jeremiah D. FerreeMr. & Mrs. Tony FerrellMs. Holly J. Filas ’03Fire Protection, Inc.First United <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchMr. E. Wilson Fisher, Jr. ’72Mr. & Mrs. Mark FisherDr. & Mrs. Malcolm FleishmanFleishman’s Tiny TownMr. & Mrs. Darel FletcherThe Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Flynn’70, ’71Mrs. Rita J. Foley ’73Mr. Carl D. Ford, Jr. ’70Mr. & Mrs. John ForsbergMrs. Mary Lynn Fraser ’65Mrs. Karen Milner Freeman ’70CW4 William Freeman (Ret.) ’74Fulcher Electric of FayettevilleDr. & Mrs. E. C. Garber, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. GatesMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey GilbertMr. & Mrs. J. Conrad GlassHon. Rick B. & Mrs. Lise GlazierGore Builders/DevelopersMr. Paul J. Gorski ’64Mr. Jim Gosier, Jr. ’68Mr. Gary L. Graham ’65Mr. John J. Grandefeld ’75Mrs. Lynne B. GreeneMr. & Mrs. John W. GreerDr. & Mrs. William F. GrimesMr. Neil G. Guess, II ’95Mrs. Judy Conard Gum ’69H & H Enterprises, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Danny Hagans’84, ’88Mr. Alex Hager, II ’71Mr. & Mrs. Richard HagieMr. Philip W. Haigh, IIIThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs.Michael L. Hale ’69, ’79Mr. Claude T. Haley Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James HallMr. Phillip E. HallMr. & Mrs. Ray HalstedMrs. Ann Y. Hampton ’70Mr. & Mrs. James M.HandyDr. Lewis B. HardisonMrs. Monica J. Hardy ’83Mr. Alton L. HareMr. George B. HarrisonMr. Shawn M. Hartman’00Mrs. Carol S. HasenkopfMr. Otis D. Hatchell, Jr. ’69Dr. & Mrs. W. BenjaminHatcherMr. & Mrs. Eric HaugeMr. James E. Heath ’77Dr. & Mrs. Joel HedgecoeMr. & Mrs. Don HelmsMrs. W. Mae Hepner ’87Hercules Steel Company, Inc.Heritage Rentals/ConstructionMr. & Mrs. John HermannMr. Charles S. Hester ’70Mrs. Juanita W. HeywardHighland Lumber CompanyDr. Carol L. HigyMr. Robert S. Hodges ’71Mrs. Myrtle HoganMs. M. Linda Holleman ’69Mr. & Mrs. Joe HollinshedMr. & Mrs. Jon D. HoltMrs. Jeannie R. HoltonMr. Jack R. Honeycutt ’66Hope Mills Xpress Lube, Inc.Mr. Earl C. Horan, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Horne, Sr.Mr. Reid A. Horne ’73Mr. & Mrs. Marshall C. HowieMrs. Tracy L. Huber ’93Mr. S. Howard Hudson, III ’69Mr. & Mrs. Maurice D. HuppMr. & Mrs. Bill HurleyMr. & Mrs. Arthur P. HurrInova TechMrs. Sandra H. Ivarsson ’86Ivey Mechanical Company, LLCJ & M Learning Systems, Inc.J. Cain Investments, Inc.Jack A. Watson, CPAMrs. Frances Jackson ’84Miss Joi S. JacksonMr. Kevin M. Jackson ’99Mrs. Julia P. James ’68Mr. Joseph M. JenkinsMr. Ken JenkinsMr. Anthony G. Jernigan ’88Mr. & Mrs. Rupert JerniganJerry’s Bumper Sales, Inc.(Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Raynor)Reflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.The John S. Huggins Foundation, Inc.The Rev. James W. Johnson ’64Mr. & Mrs. J. Franklin Johnson, IIIDr. Thomas H. Jones ’71Mr. William A. JonesLTC Carl M. & Mrs. Ellen Jordan Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Weldon H. JordanMr. & Mrs. Jack P. Justice, Jr.Mr. Mark C. Kendrick ’83Mrs. Stuart Verdery KerrMr. & Mrs. Bob KestenMr. & Mrs. John KetchumKing SignsMr. & Mrs. Dan V. KinlawMrs. Dorothy Collins KirkpatrickMr. William F. Knowlton, II ’87Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. KraftKV Consultants & Associates, Inc.LaFayette Cemetery Park Corp.Ms. Lois J. LambieThe Rev. Ecwood C. Lancaster,DS ’69Ms. Rosemary J. Lands ’68LTC & Mrs. Marshall A. Lanter (Ret.)Last Call Sports Bar, Inc.Lee Chevrolet Inc.The Rev. & Mrs. Henry W. Lee ’73Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. LeggettLennon Oil Company, Inc.Leon Sugar’s Men ShopDr. Jen-Hsiang LinMr. & Mrs. Rickey L. Lindsley’80, ’80Dr. & Mrs. Roland C. LingleMr. John B. Lipscomb, Jr. ’68Lisa’s Picture FramingMr. & Mrs. Greg Liss ’72, ’72Mr. Stuart B. Longest ’90Mr. & Mrs. Michael LopezMr. James F. Loschiavo ’69Lumbee BankMr. Terry D. Lydick ’92Mr. & Mrs. William R. LymangoodCol. & Mrs. William D. MacMillan, IVMr. & Mrs. Norman MaharMr. & Mrs. George J. MalletteManchester Animal HospitalMr. Michael P. Manchester ’90Market House DevelopmentMr. Glenn Marriott ’04Mr. & Mrs. Kerry MartinMr. William & Mrs. Esperanza MartinMr. Romulus A. Mason ’66Master Craft Associates, Inc.Mr. Brent A. Matthews ’74Mrs. Elizabeth W. Matthews ’89 &Mr. Ark MatthewsMr. Thomas H. Matthews ’67Dr. & Mrs. Robert MaughanThe Rev. & Mrs. J. AlexMaultsby, III ’77Mr. Carman A. Maxwell ’90Mr. David E. Maxwell, Jr. ’93Dr. & Mrs. Harold E. MaxwellMr. Phillip L. McAllister ’82Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCainMr. Robert O. McCoy, Jr.McDaniel Commercial Realty, Inc.Mr. Kenneth McDonaldDr. Mary D. McDuffie ’75Mr. Jack McGinleyMs. Paula K. McGrann ’83Mr. Paul A. McKee, Jr. ’70McKenzie’s Plumbing, Inc.Mrs. Mary Beth McKnight ’72McLaurin of Fayetteville, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. James W. McLeanDr. Linda C. McPhail ’70Mr. Glen E. Meade, Jr. ’78Mr. Samuel H. MearesMEDIUMRARE, INC.Mega Force TemporariesMr. L. Richard Meissner, Jr. ’66Melanie’s Country CurlMr. & Mrs. Donald L. MelvinDr. Charles H. MercerMr. & Mrs. Grayson MerrillMr. & Mrs. Charles E. MesserMiCasitaMid-South LightingMike Warren Insurance AgencyDr. Mary E. MillerMrs. Cheryl C. Mitchell ’75Mr. & Mrs. John MitchellMoonlight Communications, Inc.Edward Ray MooreWalter C. MoormanMorris, Colyer & Associates, Inc.Mrs. Marilyn C. MorrisDr. Trevor G. MorrisMr. & Mrs. Larry MountsMrs. Lou Mullin ’88Major (Ret.) & Mrs. William G.Mullins, Sr.Nathan’s Heating & AirConditioning, Inc.Ms. Debra E. Neill ’76Chauncy F. Nelson, II, DDS, P.A.Mr. & Mrs. Charles NelsonMr. & Mrs. Douglas NelsonMr. Douglas A. Nicol ’74Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, IIIMr. & Mrs. Robert R. NimocksMr. Raymond W. NoeMs. Stephanie Noonan ’04North Wake County BaseballAssn., Inc.Northside Tire & Auto ServiceMrs. Jennifer D. O’Keefe ’93Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. OlcottOlive Glass & MarbleOutback SteakhouseMrs. Barbara J. Overman ’91Mr. Roger D. Pait ’85Mrs. Nell B. Palmer ’73Mr. Ernest W. Parker ’79The Rev. & Mrs. Evander ParnellMr. John C. PateCW2 & Mrs. Patrick C. Payson (Ret.)Peaden’s Seafood & Catering ServicePeanut Processors, Inc.Ms. Tracey M. PearsonMr. & Mrs. Anthony R. PennellDr. Charles A. PhillipsMr. Larry S. Philpott ’73Mr. & Mrs. Rodney PicklerPine Hills South, LLCMr. Robert C. Pinson ’01Player, Inc.Mrs. Donna Shaw PleasantMr. & Mrs. Thomas Pope, Jr. ’78, ’78Ms. Ethel J. PorterMr. & Mrs. Robert M. PoulkMr. Kenneth C. Praschan, P.A. &Mrs. Shelly N. Praschan ’80<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>17
Century Club (Cont.)Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. PriceMr. & Mrs. John E. PrinceMr. Stuart E. Proctor, Jr. ’69Mr. & Mrs. John E. Raper, Jr.Mrs. Elaine W. Ratliff ’68Ray Miranda Agency, Inc.Ms. Diana L. Reichelderfer ’80Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Reichle, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Bruce ReillyMr. Paul N. Reinhard ’72Mrs. Jeanetta Relyea ’69REMAX Choice RealtorsMr. James B. ReynoldsMr. Riddick Revelle, C.L.U.Roads End FarmsMrs. Christina L. RoblesMr. Gregory D. Roonan ’73Mrs. Linda Fuller Rosen ’87The Rev. & Mrs. Ben C. RouseRoy J. Haddock Surveying Co.Mrs. Julie Weeks RufenachtAngela C. Ruff, DDS, P.A.Mr. & Mrs. James F. Russell, II’70, ’71Sammio’s Italian RestaurantMr. Justin M. Scali ’02Mrs. Elizabeth A. Schnarr ’95Mrs. Patricia S. Schob ’84Dr. & Mrs. John SchraderMr. Herbert A. Schroer, Jr. ’85Ms. Frances M. SchultzMr. & Mrs. Larry SchumacherMrs. Carolyn D. Scoggins ’73Mrs. Peggy H. Scott ’71Mrs. Tracey B. Sellers ’99ServiceMasterShamrock EnterprisesMs. Vernell P. Sharpe ’97Mr. F.C. Shaw, III ’87Dr. & Mrs. Frank S. ShawMr. & Mrs. Edward SheehanMr. Eric C. Shillinger ’98Mr. David J. Sibley ’95Dr. John S. SillMr. & Mrs. Rudolph G. Singleton, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Stan SjobergMr. & Mrs. John SlaughterDr. & Mrs. Charles M. SmithMrs. Lynne D. Smith ’86CDR Sue James Smith ’70Mrs. Fern M. SmyntekMr. Michael J. Sokalski ’84SonicSouthland Rental & Supply Co.Spa & Pool WorldMr. Lynwood E. Spence, Jr. ’71Mr. & Mrs. Edward StaplesMr. & Mrs. William StempferMr. & Mrs. Martin W. SternlichtMr. & Mrs. Jimmy D. StewartMrs. Meredith Player StiehlMr. & Mrs. James S. StilwellMrs. Dolores B. Strickland ’94Mrs. Pamela J. Strickland ’95Mr. & Mrs. Larry StrotherMrs. Jane SuitchSweetwater HomesMr. Conrad D. Swick ’85Mr. L. Thomas Swink ‘69Mr. Richard L. Swink ’69Ms. Linda SzulcDr. Laura A. Tavernier ’82Mr. & Mrs. Gary Teachey ’72, ’72Dr. Deborah J. TeasleyMr. Alan Terrell ’97The Allstate FoundationThe Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter& BrittonThe Medicine ShoppeThomas Goetz Architect PAMr. & Mrs. David ThompsonMs. Bo ThorpThree-Way Electric Company, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. TilghmanTire Sales & Service, Inc. ofFayettevilleTisdale Homes Inc.Mr. Terry L. Tolbert ’82Mr. Mark A. Tomeucci ’02Mr. James J. Townsend ’80Triangle Futbol ClubTri-Co Insurance Agency, Inc.Tri-Player Investments, LLCMr. Valentine O. Ukandu ’03United <strong>Methodist</strong> Women Calvary<strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchValley Auto World, Inc.Valley View Medical Care P.C.Mr. Tommy & Mrs. Su VickVillage Green RelatedCompanies, LLCW. R. Caviness & S. C. Tolbert,D.D.S., P.A.Mr. David W. WaddellMr. & Mrs. G. Lane WagamanMr. & Mrs. Jack WangerMr. & Mrs. G. Eddie WarenMr. Donald M. Warren ’00Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Warren, Jr. ’75Washington Sporting CenterMs. Margaret G. WatsonMr. & Mrs. Matthew J. WattsDr. Charles L. WellsMr. & Mrs. Greg WestMr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Whilden ’71, ’71Mr. & Mrs. Joel M. WhiteMr. Roy A. WhitmireReflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.METHODIST COLLEGEDONOR GIVING SOCIETIESDiamond Society$1,000,000 & abovePlatinum Society $500,000 to $999,999Gold Society $250,000 to $499,999Circle of Vision $100,000 to $249,999Circle of Distinction $50,000 to $99,999Circle of Excellence $25,000 to $49,999Trustees Associates $10,000 to $24,999President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999Dean’s Society $1,000 to $4,999Monarch Society $500 to $999Green & Gold Circle $250 to $499Century Club $100 to $249Bell Tower Club up to $99Mrs. Flora B. WilkinsMr. & Mrs. Ronnie WilkinsonDr. William J. & Mrs. DonnaWilkinsonMr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Williams, Jr.Mr. Clarence & Mrs. Leslie WilsonMr. & Mrs. David G. WilsonMr. & Mrs. Erik O. WoernerMr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Wood, Sr. ’64Mrs. Anna G. Workman ’68Worth Printing CompanyCol. Willie F. WrightMr. & Mrs. Jim YatesMrs. Margaret M. Young-Wall ’90Mr. & Mrs. Jim ZellmerMs. Mouzetta Zumwalt-Weathers ’82Ms. Kathryn L. ZybeckBell Tower Club(Up to $99)316 Oyster Bar & Seafood GrillMrs. Julia G. Abner ’94Ace Pawn ShopMrs. Charity L. Adair ’97Mr. David L. Alcott ’82Mr. & Mrs. Timothy AldridgeMs. D. Jean AllenMr. & Mrs. David W. AllredMr. Ilhan AltinbasakDr. Rao AluriHon. & Mrs. Jim AmmonsMs. Jeanette B. Anderson ’81Ms. Mary E. Anglin ’90Mrs. Linda Archer ’84Ms. Deborah A. Arendas ’98Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Armentrout’88, ’88Arran Realty, Inc.Mrs. Sylvia C. Arvizu ’81Ms. Alice T. AshtonMr. Samuel Q. Atchley ’72Attorneys’ Mortgage Services LLCMr. Ricky AutryMr. Timothy B. AutryMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Avant’96, ’97Mrs. Anne Axford ’68B & B Catering & EventPlanningB & W Quality Auto Parts &Service Center, Inc.Mrs. Jo Ann Bagley ’97SFC Therese M. Bailey ’91Mr. Jason B. Baker ’92Bank of AmericaMs. Theresa L. Barbour ’03Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Barnes’75, ’75Mr. Greg C. Barnhart ’70Mrs. Earleene R. BassMrs. Anna P. Baxley ’69Mr. Bryan Beckwith, Jr.Ms. Kisha L. Becton ’01Mr. Andrew H. Bell ’02Mrs. Anne Z. Benenhaley ’03Mr. & Mrs. Brian BenjaminMr. & Mrs. Charles W.BernatovitzMr. Joseph BezekMs. Susie E. Biddle ’03Mr. & Mrs. Andy BillowDr. Erik J. BitterbaumDr. Joan BittermanDr. & Mrs. J. Breeden BlackwellMr. Mike & Mrs. Cathy BlantonCW2 Michael C. Blewett ’95Mr. Robert W. Bloodworth, Jr.Mrs. Pson BlueDr. Becki Boatwright ’76Mr. David A. Bossung ’02Ms. Mindy BounanMr. & Mrs. Jack BowieMr. & Mrs. Bart BowserMr. Barry A. Box ’74Ms. Robin P. BoydMrs. Kathleen BoyleMrs. Beth C. Bradshaw ’69Mr. & Mrs. Johnny BranchMrs. Wendy M. Brasier ’94Ms. Catherine L. BreitenbachMrs. Delores B. BreswitzDr. Steven P. Brey & Mrs. LyndaC. WardMs. Polly A. Bridge ’75Mr. Will D. BridgesDr. L. Samuel Bright, Jr.Ms. Sharon Britten ’74Mr. Robert S. Brodie, Jr. ’68Mrs. Muriel A. Brooks ’77Mrs. Connie M. Brown ’66Mr. & Mrs. Gary BrownMr. Jason M. Brown ’98Mrs. Jo Anna Walker Brown ’73Mr. Richard W. Brown ’71Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. BrunnerMr. Steven BrunnerMrs. Catherine Bryant ’68The Rev. Janet K. Buffaloe ’90Mr. & Mrs. David BunnMrs. Jeneal W. Bunn ’82Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. BunnMrs. J. A. BurgessMr. & Mrs. Joe BurgettBurlington Industries FoundationMr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Burrows, Jr. ’94CWO Donald A. Bushnell (Ret.) ’74Mr. John A. ButlerMr. Richard A. Butler, Jr. ’88C. J. Designs, Inc.Mr. Kevin Caccia ’03Mrs. Ruth L. CadeMs. Heather M. Cain ’99Mrs. Janet S. Cameron ’71Mrs. Nicolette A. CamposCape Fear Regional TheatreMrs. Kathleen CariotaMr. & Mrs. Robert T. CarlsonMiss Anastasia V. Carney ’05Ms. Deirdre A. Carpenter ’84Mr. Andre Carson ’81Mrs. Yvette F. Carson ’95Mr. & Mrs. Tommy CarswellMrs. Sandra Thomas Carter ’68Mrs. Sandra M. Carter ’70Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Case ’88, ’88Mr. Curtis A. Cash ’69Mr. & Mrs. D. Brian Cash ’73, ’72Mrs. Doris CassanovaMr. Randy C. CastleberryMr. Joseph A. Castner ’91Mr. & Mrs. Randy Caviness18 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Bell Tower Club (Cont.)Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Chance ’68Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. CheekMr. Larry Cheek & Dr. Suzan CheekMrs. Betsy N. Cheshire ’70Mr. James M. Chesnutt, III ’74Ms. Kristy D. ChitwoodMr. Earl N. Choice ’77Dr. & Mrs. Chris ChungMr. & Mrs. J. Gary CicconeMr. & David W. Clark ’97Dr. & Mrs. Louis P. Clark, Jr.Mr. Steven L. Clary ’92Mrs. Beverly A. Cleverly ’70The Clip JointMr. Ronald L. Coats ’75Mr. Z. Vance CockerhamMrs. Sara L. CoileMrs. Stacey A. Colborn ’03Ms. Hazel L. CollierMrs. Mary E. CollierMr. & Mrs. Lester CombsMrs. Marie B. Conner ’78Mr. Robert J. Cooper ’95Mr. Bob CorneliusCDR George S. Council, Jr. (Ret.) ’65Mr. W. McAllister Council ’68Mr. Willie C. Covington ’90Mr. Robert D. Cox ’87Mr. Edward M. Cozart ’67Mrs. Bonnie H. Crabtree ’73Mrs. Mary B. Crabtree &Mr. Dale E. CrabtreeMr. Dwight E. Cribb ’80Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. CrosmunMrs. H. Emily CrowleyMr. Robert E. CrowleyMr. & Mrs. C. Scott Culbreth ’78, ’78Mr. & Mrs. David B. Culbreth ’87, ’88Mrs. Kristy N. Culbreth ’03Mrs. Shasta M. CulbrethMr. & Mrs. James CullenMr. & Mrs. William R. Culver IIMrs. Rose B. Cunningham ’79Mrs. Norma Z. CurrieMr. & Mrs. George G. DaisMs. Betsy S. DanielMrs. Mendee H. Daniel ’81Mr. Michael D’Arcy ’89David Alabaster InsuranceMr. Charles W. Davis, III ’67Mr. George W. DavisMr. & Mrs. James A. DavisMr. & Mrs. John F. DavisMr. Larry E. DavisMr. & Mrs. Michael D. DavisDr. Spencer DavisMs. Stacey M. Davis ’01Mrs. P. Dianne deAndrade ’68Mr. Daniel R. DeCriscio ’86Mrs. Anita L. DeGrasse ’71Mrs. Diane Dennis ’75LTC Timothy A. Dennis (Ret.) ’74Mr. & Mrs. Kevin V. Dennison’95, ’95Dr. William A. DePrater, III ’69Mrs. Donna M. Devault ’92Dianne’s Tanning, Nail, Hair &BoutiqueMrs. Diane B. Didden ’69Mr. & Mrs. Randall DietrichDigital Document SolutionsMr. Matthew W. Dira ’00Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. DixonMr. & Richard L. Dombrowsky ’02Don’s Auto SalesMs. Lyndsey H. Dorr ’05Mr. Daniel M. Drake ’67Mr. Robert W. DrakeMr. & Mrs. Terry L. DrumDr. & Mrs. David DukeMr. Edward L. Dunn ’69Ms. Leslie E. Dunn ’05SPC Amy J. Durand ’01Dr. Carl DykeMr. & Mrs. Cyrus P. Earnhardt, Jr.Mrs. Arlene K. Eckhardt ’70Mr. & Mrs. Gene EdmundsonMr. Peter A. Egazarian ’04Mr. Randy Egsegian ’84CW4 David H. Engelskirchen, Jr. ’89Mr. & Mrs. Del EricksonMs. Myra E. EricksonMrs. Rhonda Gore Etherden ’79Mr. & Mrs. Monroe E. EvansMrs. Patricia Zahran Evans ’67Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. EveretteMr. Louis J. Evola, Jr. ’73Ms. Gertrude A. EymanE-Z Auto Inc.Mrs. Linda K. Famuliner ’83Ms. Priscilla Farhan ’00Mr. D. Keith FarmerMs. Amy FaucetteMr. & Mrs. Jason FaucetteFayetteville Family ChiropracticMr. Ellis Felton, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. George FisherDr. Stephen B. FleishmanMs. Jeanette FlemingMs. Dianne G. ForsbergMrs. Wanda C. FosterMs. Silvana M. FotiFrank W. McDonald, Inc.Ms. Katherine L. Franklin ’04Dr. & Mrs. William F. FrecciaMajor Jay B. Fullerton ’90Mr. Ron FunariG & K Cleaning Service, Inc.Mr. Raiford A. Gainey ’96Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. GallinaMr. Robert H. Garrison, III ’71Mr. & Mrs. Newman B. GeeMrs. Mary Ann Genter ’76Mr. & Mr. John GetchonisGhost TapeMr. Robert L. Giannini, III ’70Ms. Joanne H. Gibson ’89Mrs. Sue G. Giles ’72Mrs. John M. Gillis, Sr.Mr. Michael W. Gillmer ’77Dr. & Mrs. John GimeshMr. C. John Gissell ’75Mr. Richard J. Glave ’65Glenn Jernigan & AssociatesMr. Mark D. Godfrey ’86Golden Rule Bible Class -Hay Street UMCMs. Bianca L. Goo ’04Mrs. Patsy J. Gordon ’82Ms. Patricia A. GrayMr. & Mrs. Frederick A. GrecaMr. Eric N. Green ’92Mr. James R. Green ’84316 Oyster Bar & Seafood GrillDr. Rao AluriMr. and Mrs. George H. Armstrong ‘68Ms. Barbara L. BeebeMr. Kenneth G. BlairMr. and Mrs. Paul BradshawMr. and Mrs. James BrennanDr. Steven P. Brey and Mrs. Lynda C. WardCape Fear Regional TheatreMiss Anastasia V. Carney ‘05Mrs. Lynn M. Carraway ‘71Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Darden’s NurseryDr. Spencer DavisDeVico ServicesDevils Ridge Golf ClubMs. Lyndsey H. Dorr ‘05Eagle Flight GolfEnsystex, Inc.Mrs. Vickie Alvis Erben ‘81Excell Inc.Mrs. Arleen M. FieldsGhost TapeHaigh, Byrd & LambertDr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Harling, IIIMrs. Carol S. HasenkopfDr. and Mrs. M. Elton HendricksGIFTS-IN-KIND <strong>2005</strong>Gifts-in-Kind are non-monetary items of tangible personal propertysuch as equipment, vehicles, books, collectibles, etc.Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. HensdaleDr. Carol L. HigyMr. and Mrs. Maurice D. HuppMr. Bernie F. Krick, Jr.Mr. John B. Lipscomb, Jr. ‘68Litchfield Beach & Golf ResortDr. Ronnie W. MartinMs. Donna G. MaultsbyMr. and Mrs. Gus MehallisJerry Miller ArtMitchell Golf Equipment CompanyDr. Peter C. MurrayMrs. Eleanor H. NinesteinMrs. Evander ParnellMs. Tracey M. PearsonDr. Michael PottsMrs. Susan E. PulsipherMr. F.C. Shaw, III ‘87Mr. Randy Smith ‘05Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. SullivanMr. James C. Sypult and Dr. Sharron SypultMr. J. David TurnerMrs. Edna W. VaughanDr. Rebecca WendelkenMs. Rita S. WiggsWorth Printing CompanyMs. Kathryn L. ZybeckWish ListThroughout the year, there are many needs for students and staff at the <strong>College</strong>. The<strong>College</strong>’s staff and faculty have come up with a wish list. Gifts-in-kind are most welcomeand their fair market value is tax deductible. Contact the Development Office if you areinterested in helping the <strong>College</strong> with an item. Current needs include, but are not limited tothe following:• Golf carts• Ice machine• Video camcorders• Canopy• Washing machine and dryer• Microwave oven• Outdoor fitness course• Aluminum bleachers• Digital camera• Plasma screen television• Laptops• Video camera tripods and VCRs• Slide projectors• Multimedia system (computer, soundsystem, projector, podium)• Outdoor field lights• $5,000 donation or studio time to record aCD of One Spirit, the <strong>College</strong>’s scholarshipvocal ensemble• Permanent electronic display/amplifiedspeakers• Cabinet lighting system• Macintosh computers with flat screenmonitors for software and animation• Portable dry erase boards with musicstaff lines• Ceiling mounted projected• Wall mount and CD Player/audioequipment• LCD projector plus TV cart• Digital projector with laptop computerand DVD reader• Spotlight• Lawn mower• Snow blade for gator• Power lift for vehicle• Lobby furniture• Baseball pitching machine<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>19
Bell Tower Club (Cont.)Mrs. Stephanie T. Green ’91Mr. J. Stephen Gregory ’69Mrs. Celia A. Griffin ’67Mrs. Bonnie S. Griffith ’70Ms. Cathy S. Griffith ’93Mr. Robert M. Grogard ’79Mr. Duane C. GroomsMrs. Diane Gross ’67Mr. & Mrs. Antonio GuerreroMr. & Mrs. Vance GulliksenMr. & Mrs. Neill P. GuyMr. & Mrs. Charles GuynMr. & Mrs. Alfred A. HairstonMrs. Maurine N. HaleMrs. Paula J. Hales ’92Mrs. Linda Carlson Hall ’71Mrs. Pamela Greene Hall ’77Mr. Eugene S. Hallock ’98Mrs. Wolftraut HalsteadMrs. Leilani HammMr. B. Scott HancoxMr. & Mrs. Jim HandyMrs. Pamela J. Hanlin ’69Mrs. Joanna B. HarmonThe Rev. Claudia G. Harrelson ’78Harris Insurance of LumbertonMr. Clifford Harris ’98Mr. J. C. Harris, III ’73Mr. Chuck Harris ’94Mrs. Melissa B. Hart ’91Mr. & Mrs. Danny HawkinsMr. John W. Hawkins ’92Hayes Hobby House, Inc.Mrs. Mary M. HayslipMs. Barbara HemingwayMr. Earl E. Hemminger ’80Mr. & Mrs. Kurt HenningsenMrs. Joan HerbertMr. & Mrs. James J. HerronMr. Samuel W. Heywood ’94Mrs. Zula M. High ’69The Rev. Jan N. Hill ’95 &Mr. Ricky L. HillMr. & Mrs. Douglas W. HillmanMiss Tracey Hinds ’05Mrs. Peggy A. HinsonMrs. Blanche D. HodulMs. Conney S. Hofferman ’02Ms. Mary M. HolbenReflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.Mrs. Dixie P. Holcomb ’84Ms. Stacy HollandMr. & Mrs. Vivian HollinshedMr. & Mrs. Dennis B. HoltonHomemakers Furniture &Interiors, Inc.Mrs. Paula S. Horne ’76Mrs. Roland E. HorneMr. & Mrs. Don L. HornerMr. Adam K. Horton ’05Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert HorvathMr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. HouseMr. & Mrs. Nathan K. HowieMs. Irmgard K. Hoy ’90Mrs. Dorothy B. Hubbard ’85Mr. John T. Hughes, Jr. ’71Mr. Stewart Humphrey ’68Ms. Janice E. Humphreys ’89Mr. Wade C. HuntMr. John B. & Kerri S. HurleyMrs. Patricia A. Hurley ’97Mrs. Hazel F. HutsonMiss Judy HyjekMs. Delaney T. IngrahamMr. & Mrs. Larry C. IngramMr. & Mrs. Mark L. IngramInsurance Services Office, Inc.Ms. Belinda Ivey & Mr. Michael IveyDr. & Mrs. Henry IzurietaMr. & Mrs. Edward J. JacksonMrs. Myra S. Jackson ’74Mrs. Susan Y. Jaeger ’81Ms. Michelle A. Jahren ’96Mrs. Margo M. Jarvis ’96Mr. & Mrs. Myron A. JenkinsMr. William B. JenningsMr. Teddy W. Jernigan ’98Ms. Caroline JiamachelloMr. & Mrs. Richard W. Jinnette’92, ’92Mr. & Mrs. Dave JobinDr. & Mrs. Scott J. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Bruce JohnsonMrs. Alyce Johnson ’79Mrs. Kathy R. Johnson ’91Mr. Joey & Mrs. Stephanie JohnsonMr. Richard Johnson ’69Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson ’71, ’71Mr. & Mrs. Brandon K. JollyMr. & Mrs. Christopher JonesMrs. Cynthia Moore Jones ’79Mr. Gary D. Jones ’68Mr. J. Glenwood Jones ’65Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Jones, Jr.Mrs. Wendy L. JonesMr. & Mrs. Zane W. JonesMrs. Zelphia H. Jones &Mr. Steve L. JonesMr. & Mrs. C. T. Jordan Jr.Mrs. Marjorie M. F. JordanMr. Mickey A. Jordan ’00Mrs. Rhonda Reams Jordan ’68Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Jorgenson ’73, ’69Mrs. Gail Harrison Joyner ’66Mr. & Mrs. William E. JulianDr. Laura G. Kafka ’86Mrs. Susan KammlerMr. Scott A. Kauffman ’00Mr. & Mrs. Thomas KearnsMr. John T. KeeverMr. Philip S. Keever ’02Mr. Jason Kemp ’97Mr. V. Ray Kennedy, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kildow ’86, ’84Ms. Deborah H. King ’77Mr. Glenn KingMr. & Mrs. Thomas R. KingMs. Vera B. KingMrs. C. Doreatha Kinlaw ’66Mrs. Lois A. Kirby ’80Mr. Wallace H. KirbyMr. Jay Kirkpatrick ’91Mr. & Mrs. Ray KisiahMrs. Carolyn G. Kneas ’70Mr. Paul T. Knight ’94Mr. & Mrs. David KnoxMrs. Marsha KoubaMrs. Sandra I. Kunbargi ’69LAD, Inc., DBA Roto RooterMr. David E. LainMaurice H. LammThe Rev. James R. Lancaster,Jr. ’68Mr. & Mrs. Andrew L. LandersMr. Donald H. Laney ’89Mrs. Lisa M. Lange ’90Mr. Mark L. Lange ’92Mrs. Susan S. Lasater ’72Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. LawsonMr. Loran E. Leck ’90Mr. J. Paige LedfordMr. Jamie W. LeggMr. & Mrs. Ron LeitaoMrs. Katherine H. Leith ’91Mrs. Jean Lemke ’86Dr. Jane T. LewisLTC & Mrs. Jerry D.Lewis ’79, ’81Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.Lewis, Jr.Mr. Ronald W. Liggins ’92Ms. Carina Lindley ’97Mr. David D. Lindsay ’79Mr. & Mrs. William M.Lineberger ’70, ’71Mrs. Linda D. Lines ’72Mrs. Linda Lingerfeldt ’70SFC Oscar E. Lister(Ret.) ’78Mr. & Mrs. David J. LittleMr. & Mrs. Fred Little IIILizzie Lamb Bible Class - HayStreet United <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchMs. Brenda G. Lockett ’88Mr. & Mrs. David F. Lockhart ’89Mr. Frank R. Lopes, Sr. ’74Ms. Jo Anne LowderMr. & Mrs. Roy LowderMr. & Mrs. Robert S. LowdermilkMr. & Mrs. Robert LucasMr. Cabell Luck, Jr. ’67Mr. Harold E. Luck, Jr.Mrs. Barbara J. LuedekeMr. & Mrs. Larry Lugar ’72, ’72Mr. Stuart E. Mac Intyre ’75CW3 Al MacDonald ’74 (Ret.)Mrs. Cheryl V. MacPhail &Mr. Bruce T. MacPhailMr. Stephen A. Magnotta ’72Mr. & Mrs. Miguel MaldonadoMs. Carol S. MalvestiMr. Fred MarayMr. Jerrold A. Marcus ’65Maj. Robert W. Marrs ’90Mrs. Bertha R. MartinMrs. Dianna C. Martin ’98Mrs. Lucy S. Martin ’64Mrs. Margaret A. Martin ’71Ms. Mariah Byrd Martin ’69Mr. Roy K. Martin ’78Mr. Nathaniel D. Martin-AdkinsMr. & Mrs. Guy E. Mason, Jr.Mr. Stacey MasonMassey Hill Drug CompanyMr. & Mrs. George E. Matthews, IIIMr. Michael K. MatthewsMs. Donna G. MaultsbyMs. Bonnie F. MaxwellMrs. Krista F. McArtan’00Ms. Arline McArthur ’88Mr. & Mrs. George E.McCormickMr. & Mrs. Eddy McDonaldMrs. Harriett SmithMcDonald ’64The Rev. & Mrs. JamesR. McDowell ’76, ’77Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G.McEvoyMrs. Mary E. McFadyen’69Mrs. Mona P. McFadyen’79 & Mr. MalcolmMcFadyenMr. & Mrs. GlennMcGlaunMr. & Mrs. Robert F. McIntyre, Sr.Mr. & Mrs. John McKayMr. & Mrs. Guy McKeoneMs. Kathryn C. McLambMr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlinMrs. Charlotte McLaurin ’74Ms. April G. McLeanMr. & Mrs. James R. McLeanMs. Jackie McLellanMs. Ann B. McLeodMrs. Sharon S. McNairMrs. Kathy H. McPhail ’89Mrs. Gloria L. McSwain ’69Mrs. Larynilsa Medina ’03Mr. Jonathan F. Mellette ’97Mr. Louis Mello ’04Ms. Sharon S. MelvinMr. Leslie J. Mengel ’67Mr. Bill MenhornMrs. Delores R. MetzMrs. Valerie M. Michaelis ’98Mr. & Mrs. Fred MiddaughMr. Jerry MillerMs. Carleen Moulder MillerMrs. Joan Walker Miller ’93Mr. Joseph L. MillerMrs. Lorna Miller ’74Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Mish ’03, ’02Mr. Terry A. Mitchell ’83Mr. & Mrs. Gary MobergMrs. Candice R. Moody ’97Mrs. Margaret C. Moody ’74Mrs. Sallie K. Moody ’71The Rev. Mark C. Mooney ’81Moore ExposureMoore Motor CompanyMs. Caroline MooreMr. Garry W. MooreMr. & Mrs. William T. MooreMr. Kenneth M. Morgan ’82Mr. & Mrs. Kevin MorrisMr. Tony J. Morrison, Jr.Mr. Gary F. Mortoro ’71Mrs. Gay Moser ’81Mrs. Amanda M. Mosketti ’05Mrs. Susan G. Motes ’71Mr. Jeffery L. Muldrow ’03Mr. D. A. MurrayMr. Michael B. MurrayMr. C. James Nash, Jr. ’76Mr. Donnie R. NaylorMrs. Sonya M. Naylor ’90Mr. N. B. Neff, IIMETHODIST COLLEGEDONOR GIVING SOCIETIESDiamond Society $1,000,000 & abovePlatinum Society $500,000 to $999,999Gold Society $250,000 to $499,999Circle of Vision $100,000 to $249,999Circle of Distinction $50,000 to $99,999Circle of Excellence $25,000 to $49,999Trustees Associates $10,000 to $24,999President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999Dean’s Society $1,000 to $4,999Monarch Society $500 to $999Green & Gold Circle $250 to $499Century Club $100 to $249Bell Tower Club up to $9920 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Bell Tower Club (Cont.)Mrs. Jody K. Nelson ’86Mr. George W. NicholsonMs. Stephanie R. Nicholson ’95Mrs. Eleanor H. NinesteinMr. & Marion J. NolandMr. & Mrs. S. Julian Norris Jr.Ms. Hattie M. OdomMrs. Marianne Snowden Odom ’70Mrs. Kathy Offenhauser ’89Mr. & Mrs. John K. OndoMr. Brian C. OndrakoMs. Christa M. O’Quinn ’88The Rev. John K. Ormond ’64Mr. & Mrs. William H. OwenMr. & Mrs. John PaizMr. Han H. Park ’80Mr. J. Roy Parker, Jr.Ms. Libba PateMr. & Mrs. W. D. PateMr. & Mrs. D.L. PaulMr. Leasel S. Pawley ’83Mr. & Mrs. William W. Pearce’70, ’70Ms. Mary Helen Pearsall ’71Pee Wee’s Service CenterMr. Robert L. Penn, Jr. ’93Mr. Troy A. Pennington ’95Mrs. Connie Perkins ’75Mr. Gregory Perkins ’99Dr. Robert C. PerkinsMr. Edward A. Perry ’90Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Pesta Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Patrick PhillippeMr. Ronald K. Phipps ’89Mrs. La Jeanne Pierce ’75Col. & Mrs. Daniel M. PietzMs. Helen M. Pilkay ’84Mrs. Leigh W. Pittman ’91Play It Again SportsMrs. Alice Plenge ’67Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy M. Plumley’98, ’99Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. PonderMrs. Ann M. Pope ’70Mr. Kerry D. Pope ’97Dr. Michael PottsMr. & Mrs. J. Fletcher Poulk’73, ’73Mr. Wayne D. Powers ’77Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. PrettymanMr. & Mrs. Gary W. PrinceDr. William L. PritchardProgress Energy Corp.Mrs. Linda M. Pyne ’68Mr. & Mrs. Marshall K. QuinnMr. & Mrs. Gregory P. RadfordMs. Rachel D. RadfordMrs. Laura V. Rambeaut ’70Mr. Emery H. RamseySen. & Mrs. Anthony E. RandMr. Seldon B. Rapelye, Jr. ’65Mr. Anthony S. Raphael, Sr. ’02Mrs. Janet M. Raskin ’70Ms. Leighann M. Rastede ’02Mr. J. Patrick RaynorMr. & Mrs. John M. Rea ’78, ’78Mrs. Marie R. Reale ’66Mr. & Mrs. H. D Reaves, Jr.Mrs. Tracy C. Redfern ’93Mrs. Anita Whitehead Redman ’70Mrs. Robin L. Register ’87Mrs. Carol B. Renken ’92Mr. & Mrs. Thornton L. ReynoldsMs. Hazel L. RhyneMr. Thomas E. Rittenhouse ’92Ms. Milagros M. Rivera ’99Mr. Joe H. Roberts, III ’72Mr. & Mrs. Jason Robertson ’93Ms. Suzanne RobinsonMr. Brian R. Rodgers ’96Ms. Anne J. Rolfe ’91SFC & Mrs. Michael J. RomeuMrs. Juanita T. Rose ’86Ms. Margie L. RoseMr. Robert RossiMr. Charles E. Routh ’98The Rev. & Mrs. James Rowlette’74, ’74Mrs. Doris D. Rulnick ’65Mrs. Esther K. RusmiselMr. Andrew A. Sakowicz ’98Mrs. Angela J. Sampels ’89Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A.Sanders ’69, ’69Dr. Jacquelyn L.Sandifer ’86Mr. & Mrs. Michael B.Saunders ’67, ’67Mr. Vello Savi ’82Mrs. Katherine M.Schaffer ’96Mrs. Karabeth Schleich’69Mrs. Serafina B. Scholl’79Mr. Joel SchurMr. Bob Searle ’73Mr. & Mrs. William SelfMrs. Carolyn NunerySellers ’67Mr. & Mrs. PasqualeSelvaggioMr. Mike Servie ’71Mrs. Lisa A. Sessoms’85Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell S.SessomsMrs. Mary Ann DuncanSharpe ’65Dr. Sherry S. Shaw ’70The Rev. Dr. & Mrs.Dennis Sheppard’77, ’80Ms. Carolyn F. SholarMr. & Mrs. Vaughn G. SholarMrs. Ann ShrayerMiss Elizabeth A. ShulerMr. & Mrs. James SimpsonDr. Narendra P. SinghMr. & Mrs. Terry SklarMrs. Ann Marenick Slack ’90Mrs. Christine G. Slappey ’73Mr. George A. Small ’85Smiley’s SupermarketThe Rev. Adolph C. Smith ’81Mrs. Carolyn S. Smith ’72Mrs. Colleen W. Smith ’77Mrs. Ella Rose Smith ’66Mrs. Joselyn Evans Smith ’72Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Smith’76, ’75Mrs. Patricia H. Smith ’67Mr. Raymond H. Smith, Jr. ’69Mr. & Mrs. Ritchie SmithMrs. Sandra L. Smith ’86Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. SmithMr. & Mrs. Terry D. SmithMr. Thurman L. Smith ’64Ms. Mae Belle L. SmythMrs. Jean S. Snively ’75Dr. Sue W. Snyder & Mr. DrewSnyderSoutheastern PowerSweeping, LLCMr. & Mrs. Bruce D. SparhawkMr. & Mrs. James W. Spence’72, ’73Spring Marble & Tile, LLCLt. Corinthea Stack ’84The Rev. Sidney E. StaffordMs. Elizabeth C. Stanley ’02The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rufus H.Stark, IIMrs. Rebecca Starling ‘65The Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr. ’70Mr. & Mrs. Mike SteadmanMrs. Anita C. Stephenson ’85Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. StewartMr. & Mrs. John StewartMs. Yvonne R. StohlmanMrs. Suzanne Stork ’65Mrs. Anne B. Story ’82Strickland Homes ofFayetteville, Inc.Mr. Michael W. Strickland ’81Mr. Brent O. Stroud ’75Ms. Tissa Larson Strouse ’99Ms. Alice F. Stuckey ’74Maj. Lorie M. Stump ’92Mr. & Mrs. Luther G. Suber ’79, ’71Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. SullivanMs. Nicole SummerlinThe Rev. Reed P. Swanson ’88The Rev. Thomas L. Sweeley ’80CSM & Mrs. James F. Talbot (Ret.)Mr. Ken TanezMrs. Faith Finch Tannenbaum ’75Mrs. Norma Q. Tanner ’70The Boeing CompanyThe Heritage BankMrs. Mary N. Thompson ’90Mr. Steven R. Thompson ’70Mr. Michael A. Thorne ‘04Mrs. Joy W. Thrash ‘98Stacey L. Tidwell & Lynn S.TidwellMr. & Mrs. Willie G. TidwellMr. Douglas R. Tingle, Jr. ’97Mr. & Mrs. Steve TinkhamMs. Christy J. TobieMrs. Hilde M. ToblerMr. & Mrs. Timothy TomainoMr. Christian D. Treney ’98Mr. Michael R. TrentMr. & Mrs. Wayne Tryon’70, ’71Tucker Real Estate, Inc.Mr. Albert S. Tucker, IV ’03Mr. Michael TuckerMr. P. Alan Tucker, Jr.& Judge Kimbrell K.TuckerMr. & Mrs. Terry TuckerMr. Robert M. Tunstall ’03Mrs. Barbara L. Turner ’67Dr. Robert B. Turner ’73Mr. Robert L. TurnerMr. Michael Twiddy ’74Mr. Robert B. Twine ’89Mr. & Mrs. Neil TysonMr. & Mrs. Joseph W.Ulatowski ’98, ’98Mrs. Patricia W. Ulmer ’68Mr. & Mrs. David G. VailMr. Benjamin J. VanNess’95Mr. & Mrs. Bill A. VanStoryMr. & Mrs. Richard VarelaMs. Teresa R. VarnellMs. Carla C. Vaughn ’00Mrs. Marcia L. Vernberg ’73Mr. Stephen V. Vo ’79Mr. David L. Waddell ’80Mr. & Mrs. Myers WaddellThe Rev. David C. Wade ’79Mrs. Colleen M. Waffer ’96Walls Roofing Company, Inc.Wal-Mart FoundationMr. Stuart WaltersMr. Robert L. Ward ’78Mrs. Jane R. WarfelMr. & Mrs. Bill M. WattMr. John C. Weakly ’89Mr. Alton T. F. Webster ’93Mr. & Mrs. David WebsterMr. & Mrs. Stanley L. WebsterMr. Robert D. Wham, Jr. ’76Mr. Gerald R. Wheeler, III ’93Mrs. Mary Wingate Whitaker ’69Mr. Larry T. White ’73Mr. George F. WhitfieldMrs. Joanne S. Whitley ’88Mrs. LaRae T. Wiggins ’71Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wilderman’93, ’85Mr. Brock W. Williams ’70Mrs. Gerri Williams ’68 & Mr. SteveWilliamsDr. Jimmie R. WilliamsMrs. Margaret R. Williams ’69Maj. Roger M. Williams (Ret.) ’85Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. WilliamsMrs. Rebecca L. Williamson ’68Mrs. Dawn M. Willis ’00Dr. Paul F. WilsonWindsor Pharmacy, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Donald WiseMr. & Mrs. Paul J. Wojcik ’93The Rev. LaVerne B. Womack ’74Mrs. Jenny L. Worley ’76Mrs. Tina L. Wright ’96Mr. & Mrs. Joe WunderlichMrs. Mary Helen Wyatt ’74Mr. Benny L. Wyrick ’96Ms. Dana XiaoMrs. Laura Pierce Younts ’75<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>21
Message From the Alumni PresidentDear Fellow Alumni:I had the pleasure of welcoming 331 new alumni to the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni Association in<strong>2005</strong>, bringing the total membership to 8,800. We have grown not only in numbers, but also in theways in which we interact with and support our alma mater.When <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> broke ground on a much-needed new Science Building addition andFitness and Wellness Center in fall <strong>2005</strong>, it was with the help of hundreds of MC alumni who literally“answered the call” during the phonation held in August. With your assistance, the <strong>College</strong> was able to meet the KresgeFoundation $550,000 challenge grant. Altogether, the Seeds on Good Soil, A New Season campaign, which began fouryears ago, exceeded the $14 million mark in <strong>2005</strong>.Alumni supported <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> in many ways, not just with financial contributions.Many used their Greatest Gift Scholarship to recruit and refer several hundred goodstudents to our alma mater. Others served on campus boards; assisted students,professors or coaches; or participated in our alumni survey.You too can become involved in the MC Alumni Association Board and its programs!Come back to campus for Homecoming 2006 and the 50th Anniversary celebrationduring the week of Nov. 1-4, 2006. Attend athletic events and enjoy musical and culturalperformances at <strong>Methodist</strong>. Contact Career Services about employment or internshipopportunities available for our wonderful students, or speak to a class about your area ofexpertise.You can also keep up with the accomplishments of students and faculty and find outmore about the happenings on campus by logging on to the <strong>College</strong>’s website To subscribe to our alumni e-newsletter, go to What a great way to stay in the know!Each time I stand in front of a graduating class and welcome them into the MC AlumniAssociation, I again experience that same awe-inspiring sense of accomplishment thatI am sure each of us felt on our graduation day. I think we can all be re-inspired as wethink back to our graduation day, and as we then look on the many achievements of ourclassmates, peers and the whole <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> campus and community today.Looking to the future, we have an enthusiastic Alumni Association Board that is opento your ideas about how best to serve MC alumni. We look forward to promoting thecontinued growth and progress of <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>!The Greatest GiftScholarshipEvery year, alumni assist in recruitingnew students by offering the GreatestGift Scholarship. Each alum can awardone new scholarship per year to a fulltimeday student that he or she activelyrecruits for undergraduate admission.In <strong>2005</strong>, 91 alumni assisted in recruitingnew students to <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. Atotal of 374 students received a GreatestGift Scholarship. As a result, $147,425was awarded in financial aid. Thank youfor helping with our recruiting efforts!To learn more about the Greatest GiftScholarship, contact the Office ofDevelopment and Alumni Affairs at (910)630-7200 or log on to,Nona D. Fisher ’88President<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni AssociationMBNA DonationsThank you to the 455 alumni who participated in the <strong>Methodist</strong><strong>College</strong> MBNA Credit Card Program during <strong>2005</strong>. Thisprogram pays a small percentage of the total purchases backto the Alumni Association. In <strong>2005</strong>, $1,388 was donated backto <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. To learn more about this opportunity,contact MBNA at (800) 437-0180 or apply online at <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Fall <strong>2005</strong> Alumni by StateHawaii15California107Washington54Oregon14Nevada17Idaho2Utah10Montana2Wyoming4Colorado45Arizona47 New Mexico11Alaska16North Dakota1South Dakota3Nebraska7Kansas22Oklahoma22Texas85Minnesota22Iowa2Missouri37Wisconsin34Arkansas21Illinois65Mississippi12Louisiana33Michigan58Ohio103West Virginia22 VirginiaKentucky44337North Carolina4,291Indiana50Tennessee89Alabama59 Georgia216Virgin Islands1Puerto Rico7South Carolina228Florida373New Hampshire19Vermont7New York150Pennsylvania145Maine17Rhode Island 7Connecticut 33New Jersey 101Massachusetts 57Delaware 21Maryland 67District of Columbia 4Top StatesNorth Carolina 4,291Virginia 443Florida 373South Carolina 228Georgia 216Alumni Giving by Class<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> sincerely appreciates all gifts, whether large or small. Because of the number of alumni who have madestretching gifts to the Seeds on Good Soil, A New Season campaign, we honor those who have committed to a multi-year gift of$1,000 and above by listing them in bold print. This includes personal and alumni-owned business gifts. Alumni receive creditfor matching gifts from their employers.Reflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.Total <strong>2005</strong> Giving:$280,018.00Average Percent Contributed:11.23% (957 out of 8,525)Class Of 1964 $8,291.0023.53% (16 out of 18) ContributedTrustees AssociatesDr. Louis Spilman, Jr.Dean’s SocietyMrs. Betty G. BunceMrs. Ann G. CimagliaMrs. Betty-Neill Guy ParsonsMonarch SocietyMr. Guy B. Beattie, Jr.Green & Gold CircleThe Rev. Jack M. HunterCentury ClubMrs. Patricia M. CashionMrs. Louise CouncilMr. Paul J. GorskiThe Rev. James W. JohnsonMr. Jerry C. Wood, Sr.Bell Tower ClubMrs. Lucy S. MartinMrs. Harriett Smith McDonaldMr. Amos W. McLambThe Rev. John K. OrmondMr. Thurman L. SmithClass of 1965 $7,555.0019.78% (18 out of 91) ContributedCircle of DistinctionMr. Jerry A. KeenDean’s SocietyMr. David B. HerringMr. Walter R. TurnerMs. Cynthia A. WalkerMrs. Frances ZeiglerGreen & Gold CircleMr. Gary L. GrahamCentury ClubMr. A. Paul Brill, IIIMrs. Mary Lynn FraserBell Tower ClubCDR George S. Council, Jr.(Ret.)Mrs. Mary Ann Duncan SharpeMr. Lee GarvinMr. Richard J. GlaveMr. J. Glenwood JonesMr. Jerrold A. MarcusMr. Seldon B. Rapelye, Jr.Mrs. Doris D. RulnickMrs. Rebecca StarlingMrs. Suzanne StorkClass of 1966 $7,025.0018.87% (20 out of 106) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. L. Curtis Barnes, Jr.Mr. G. Gordon DixonMr. Murray O. Duggins, Sr.Mrs. Wanda G. HerringLt. Gen. James M. Link (Ret.)Green & Gold CircleMr. W. Glenn BellGen. John W. Handy (Ret.) ’66Dr. Thomas S. Yow, IIICentury ClubMr. Carlyle CappsMr. Jack R. HoneycuttMr. Romulus A. MasonMr. L. RichardMeissner, Jr.Bell Tower ClubMaj. Charles P.Bris-Bois, Jr.Mrs. Connie M. BrownMr. Robert W. GriffinMrs. Gail HarrisonJoynerMrs. C. DoreathaKinlawMrs. Marie R. RealeMrs. Ella Rose SmithMrs. Betty Jean B.StarlingClass of 1967 $13,836.6620.33% (25 out of 123) ContributedTrustees AssociatesMr. James A. BledsoeDean’s SocietyMs. Margaret S. AlexanderMETHODIST COLLEGEDONOR GIVING SOCIETIESDiamond Society $1,000,000 & abovePlatinum Society $500,000 to $999,999Gold Society $250,000 to $499,999Circle of Vision $100,000 to $249,999Circle of Distinction $50,000 to $99,999Circle of Excellence $25,000 to $49,999Trustees Associates $10,000 to $24,999President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999Dean’s Society $1,000 to $4,999Monarch Society $500 to $999Green & Gold Circle $250 to $499Century Club $100 to $249Bell Tower Club up to $99<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>23
Mr. Arthur BentonMr. J. Spencer BirdsongMr. John J. HaracivetMrs. Ann M. SuttonMr. James M. ZeiglerCentury ClubMr. John T. BaranowskiMrs. Claudia H. DudleyMr. Thomas H. MatthewsBell Tower ClubThe Rev. James BlantonMr. Edward M. CozartMr. Charles W. Davis, IIIMr. Daniel M. DrakeMrs. Patricia Zahran EvansMrs. Celia A. GriffinMrs. Diane GrossMr. Cabell Luck, Jr.Mr. Maurice H. McBrideMr. Leslie J. MengelMrs. Alice PlengeMrs. Mary S. SaundersMrs. Carolyn Nunery SellersMrs. Barbara L. TurnerMr. Dale L. WeberClass of 1968 $105,003.4424.16% (43 out of 178) ContributedCircle of DistinctionMr. George H. ArmstrongMr. James A. BledsoeMrs. Mary Fermanides WrightCircle of ExcellenceMr. Bud K. Taylor, Jr.Trustees AssociatesMr. Dennis L. BrucePresident’s SocietyMrs. Pat ClaytonMr. Stephen W. HopkinsDean’s SocietyMr. Bill BillingsMr. C. David BrownDr. Robert A. HarperMr. Paul C. ReinertDr. James K. WeeksMonarch SocietyMrs. Gwen L. HoltsclawMr. Daniel H. Williams, Jr.Green & Gold CircleMr. Gordon B. HerbertCPT William A. Lillard, IIIMrs. Donna Davis SmithCentury ClubMrs. Barbara A. BaranowskiMr. Malvern S. Barrow, IIIMr. Jim Gosier, Jr.Mrs. Julia P. JamesMs. Rosemary J. LandsMr. John B. Lipscomb, Jr.Mrs. Elaine W. RatliffBell Tower ClubMrs. Anne AxfordMr. Robert S. Brodie, Jr.Mrs. Catherine BryantMr. Donald W. BullardMrs. Sandra Thomas CarterMr. Harry C. ChanceMr. W. McAllister CouncilMrs. P. Dianne deAndradeMr. Roger B. HummMr. Stewart HumphreyMr. Gary D. JonesMrs. Rhonda Reams JordanThe Rev. James R. Lancaster, Jr.Mrs. Linda M. PyneMrs. Eva O. TurlingtonMr. Ronald O. TurlingtonMrs. Patricia W. UlmerMrs. Gerri WilliamsMrs. Rebecca L. WilliamsonClass of 1969 $17,221.4821.05% (56 out of 266) ContributedPresident’s SocietyMr. James B. Darden, IIIMr. and Mrs. Rick ViethDean’s SocietyMrs. Appie W. BoltonMrs. Linda S. BourlandMrs. Jackie J. EstesMr. William P. EstesMr. Steven H. HardenMr. Robert A. Jones, Jr.Mrs. Diana L. SimsThe Rev. Woodrow W. Wells, Jr.Mr. W. Bill West, Sr.24 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>Monarch SocietyMr. A. G. Mason DiricksonGreen & Gold CircleMrs. Janice M. RhueCentury ClubMr. David B. AlabasterMr. Samuel H. Compton, Jr.Mrs. Marietta M. DixonMr. Edward L. DunnMr. Maurice W. ElliottCol. Richard H. Estes (Ret.)Mrs. Judy Conard GumThe Rev. Dr. Michael L. HaleMr. Otis D. Hatchell, Jr.Ms. M. Linda HollemanMr. S. Howard Hudson, IIIThe Rev. Ecwood C. Lancaster, DSMr. James F. LoschiavoMr. Stuart E. Proctor, Jr.Mrs. Jeanetta RelyeaMr. L. Thomas SwinkMr. Richard L. SwinkBell Tower ClubMrs. Anna P. BaxleyMr. Thomas M. BellMrs. Beth C. BradshawMrs. Brenda T. BullardMr. Curtis A. CashDr. William A. DePrater, IIIMrs. Diane B. DiddenMr. Charles F. Edwards, Jr.Mrs. Nancy T. GeeMr. J. Stephen GregoryMrs. Pamela J. HanlinMr. Henry Heath, Jr.Mrs. Zula M. HighMr. Richard JohnsonMr. John A. Jordan, IIIMrs. Patricia B. JorgensonMrs. Sandra I. KunbargiMs. Brenda D. LandsbergerMs. Mariah Byrd MartinMrs. Mary E. McFadyenMrs. Gloria L. McSwainMr. and Mrs. Thomas A.SandersMrs. Sharon SandersMrs. Karabeth SchleichMr. Raymond H. Smith, Jr.Mr. Walter G. TownleyMrs. Mary Wingate WhitakerMrs. Margaret R. WilliamsClass of 1970 $19,328.1023.95% (57 out of 238) ContributedCircle of VisionMr. Wade E. ByrdCircle of DistinctionMr. Harvey T. Wright, IIPresident’s SocietyMr. Thomas F. MirielloDean’s SocietyDr. John C. ClampThe Rev. J. Milton Hadley, Jr.Mr. Edward T. KeilMrs. Leta S. OlsonMrs. Linda M. WarrenMrs. Trudi J. WatersMrs. Carole M. WellsMonarch SocietyMs. M. Regina McLaurinGreen & Gold CircleMrs. Judy Fields LillardCentury ClubMr. Howard B. ArdenMr. Bob L. DavisMr. and Mrs. Frank F. DixonThe Rev. Robert C. FlynnMr. Carl D. Ford, Jr.Mrs. Karen Milner FreemanMrs. Ann Y. HamptonMr. Charles S. HesterMr. Paul A. McKee, Jr.Dr. Linda C. McPhailMr. James F. Russell, IICDR Sue James SmithBell Tower ClubMr. Greg C. BarnhartMs. Sarah L. BeardMr. Charles BullardMrs. Amelia L. CaisonMrs. Sandra M. CarterMrs. Betsy N. CheshireMrs. Beverly A. CleverlyMrs. H. Emily CrowleyMrs. Arlene K. EckhardtMr. Herbert R. Finger, Jr.Mr. Robert L. Giannini, IIIMrs. Bonnie S. GriffithMrs. Wendy A. KeeseeMrs. Jan C. KennedyMrs. Carolyn G. KneasMr. William M. LinebergerMrs. Linda LingerfeldtMrs. Scheherazade NoblesMr. and Mrs. Eugene OdomMrs. Marianne Snowden OdomMrs. Caroline R. PearceMr. and Mrs. William W. PearceReflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.Mrs. Ann M. PopeMrs. Laura V. RambeautMrs. Janet M. RaskinMrs. Anita Whitehead RedmanDr. Sherry S. ShawMrs. Linda Y. SmithThe Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr.Mr. Steven R. ThompsonMr. Wayne TryonMr. Brock W. WilliamsMr. William Williams, Jr.Class of 1971 $7,475.0019.33% (46 out of 238) ContributedPresident’s SocietyMr. Jerry R. MondayDean’s SocietyMr. Michael J. AllowayMr. John W. BrownMr. John W. Butler, Sr.Mrs. Lynn M. CarrawayMs. Elva L. JessMr. Frederic J. KochHon. Leonard W. Thagard, Sr.Mr. Dave WoodardMonarch SocietyMr. J. Alan HoldenGreen & Gold CircleMr. Leslie J. KaunitzCentury ClubMrs. Julia D. ChandlerMrs. Jeannine F. FlynnMr. Alex Hager, IIMr. Robert S. HodgesDr. Thomas H. JonesMrs. Diana R. RussellMrs. Peggy H. ScottMr. Lynwood E. Spence, Jr.Mr. Stephen M. WhildenMrs. Pamela T. WhildenBell Tower ClubMrs. Linda BaileyMr. Richard W. BrownMrs. Catherine M. BunceMrs. Janet S. CameronMrs. Anita L. DeGrasseMr. Robert H. Garrison, IIIMrs. Linda Carlson HallMrs. Deborah P. HillMr. Ambrose P. HillMr. Barry E. HorneMr. John T. Hughes, Jr.Mr. Robert JohnsonMrs. Laura E. Johnson
Mrs. Sandra L. LinebergerMrs. Margaret A. MartinMrs. Sallie K. MoodyMr. Gary F. MortoroMrs. Susan G. MotesMr. Leonard F. Parker, Jr.Ms. Mary Helen PearsallMr. Mike ServieMrs. Teresa L. SwainMrs. M. Katherine TryonMrs. LaRae T. WigginsClass of 1972 $7,894.5514.29% (34 out of 238) ContributedPresident’s SocietyMrs. Judy C. HarrisonDean’s SocietyMrs. Susan J. ButlerMr. William J. Costin, Jr.Mrs. Laura J. KamionkaMr. Donald F. LeathermanThe Rev. Michael W. SafleyMonarch SocietyThe Rev. Ray T. GoochGreen & Gold CircleMrs. Lynn Gruber ClarkMr. Ronald K. ColemanCentury ClubMr. E. Wilson Fisher, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Greg LissMrs. Jane LissMrs. Mary Beth McKnightMrs. Donna PleasantMr. Paul N. ReinhardMr. Gary TeacheyMrs. Virginia A. TeacheyBell Tower ClubMr. Samuel Q. AtchleyMrs. Marie A. CashMr. Jerry L. ClemmonsThe Rev. Robert D. Cook, Jr.Mrs. Christina R. GarrattMrs. Sue G. GilesMr. Phillip K. JoynerMrs. Susan S. LasaterMrs. Linda D. LinesMr. Larry LugarMrs. Sharon S. LugarMr. Stephen A. MagnottaMr. Joe H. Roberts, IIIMrs. Joselyn Evans SmithMrs. Carolyn S. SmithMr. James W. SpenceMrs. Celia E. YarboroughClass of 1973 $15,795.8216.02% (41 out of 256) ContributedCircle of DistinctionMr. O. Ray Manning, Jr.Trustees AssociatesMr. Earl D. LeakeDean’s SocietyThe Rev. Wesley F. BrownMs. Dorothy D. CastanedaMr. John G. Dicks, IIIDr. Robert F. PelhamLTC James K. Waters, Jr.Green & Gold CircleMr. H. Steve Floyd, Jr.Mrs. Winifred M. GrannisMr. Jeffrey A. OlsonCentury ClubMrs. Vicki B. BrownMr. John C. ByrdMr. Clayton A. CosnerMrs. Rita J. FoleyMr. Reid A. HorneThe Rev. Henry W. LeeMrs. Nell B. PalmerMr. Larry S. PhilpottMr. Gregory D. RoonanMrs. Carolyn D. ScogginsBell Tower ClubMrs. Jo Anna Walker BrownMr. John A. ButlerMr. D. Brian CashThe Rev. John D. Conwell, Jr.Mrs. Bonnie H. CrabtreeMrs. Abby CritcherMr. Louis J. Evola, Jr.Mr. J. C. Harris, IIIMr. Kevin JorgensonMr. Gary F. LewisMrs. Sandra L. McDanielMr. Edward G. Odom, Jr.Mr. J. Fletcher PoulkMrs. Daryl PoulkMr. Bob SearleMrs. Christine G. SlappeyMrs. Beth Ray SpenceDr. Robert B. TurnerMrs. Marcia L. VernbergMr. Larry T. WhiteMr. Kenneth L. WilliamsClass of 1974 $5,245.7514.17% (35 out of 247) ContributedPresident’s SocietyMr. Dan R. FowlerDr. William C. HarrisonDean’s SocietyMr. M. Scott CharnockThe Rev. Randy L. WallGreen & Gold CircleDr. Samuel J. Clark, IIIMrs. Linda B. HuffCentury ClubMr. Andy AumanMr. Roger H. BrownMrs. Carolyn H. DawsonCW4 William Freeman (Ret.)Mr. Brent A. MatthewsMr. Douglas A. NicolBell Tower ClubMr. Barry A. BoxMs. Sharon BrittenMrs. Marion Hawkins BryantCWO Donald A. Bushnell(Ret.)Mr. James M. Chesnutt, IIIMr. Les J. ColburnLTC Timothy A. Dennis (Ret.)Mr. Andrew D. Ennett, IIIThe Rev. Ronald J. GilreathMr. Ronald R. GlancyMrs. Myra S. JacksonMr. Frank R. Lopes, Sr.CW3 Al MacDonald (Ret.)Mrs. Charlotte McLaurinMrs. Lorna MillerMrs. Margaret C. MoodyMrs. Mary M. PooleMrs. Mary J. RowletteThe Rev. James RowletteMs. Alice F. StuckeyMr. John T. ThompsonMr. Michael TwiddyThe Rev. LaVerne B. WomackMrs. Mary Helen WyattClass of 1975 $3,148.2014.63% (30 out of 205) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Parker S. JonesDr. Anthony L. ParkerMr. Geoffrey K. ShermanMonarch SocietyMrs. Norma C. WomackGreen & Gold CircleMr. Clyde J. DanielMr. Michael R. LoesekannCentury ClubDr. Mary D. McDuffieMr. John J. GrandefeldMrs. Cheryl C. MitchellMr. J. Lee Warren, Jr.Bell Tower ClubMrs. Evelyn B. ArandaMrs. Lynn BarnesMr. Wayne BarnesMrs. Linda F. BradfordMs. Polly A. BridgeMr. Ronald L. CoatsMrs. Diane DennisMrs. Marsha G.FaucetteMr. C. John GissellRev. Stephen B. HallMr. Stuart E. Mac IntyreMrs. Connie PerkinsMrs. La Jeanne PierceMr. Wayne M. RobinsonMrs. Eugenia B. SmithMrs. Jean S. SnivelyMr. Brent O. StroudMrs. Faith FinchTannenbaumMs. Donna K. WallMrs. Laura PierceYountsClass of 1976 $1,915.0015.33% (23 out of 150) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Mildred H. Dexter-RosellMr. David L. FosterCentury ClubMr. George T. DentMr. Stephen DriggersMrs. Patricia DriggersMs. Debra E. NeillBell Tower ClubMr. Eugene W. Blount, Jr.Dr. Becki BoatwrightMrs. Elizabeth BrandtMrs. Sherry S. BrittMrs. Patti Crissman EllingtonMrs. Kathia Elliott EnnettMrs. Mary Ann GenterMrs. Margaret A. GrissettMrs. Paula S. HorneMrs. Chris M. LawerThe Rev. James R. McDowellMrs. Sue M. McGrawMr. David MowryMr. C. James Nash, Jr.Mr. Michael C. SmithMr. Robert D. Wham, Jr.Mrs. Jenny L. WorleyClass of 1977 $2,193.0011.30% (20 out of 177) ContributedTrustees AssociatesMs. Judith A. Cushman-DuboseDean’s SocietyMr. Larry ParsonsCentury ClubMrs. Debra Underwood ByrumMrs. Betty Jo DentMr. James E. HeathMrs. Nancy Lemmond MaultsbyBell Tower ClubMrs. Muriel A. BrooksMr. Earl N. ChoiceMr. Michael W. GillmerMrs. Pamela Greene HallMs. Deborah H. KingMr. Neal R. LanceMr. and Mrs. Clyde LawerThe Rev. Victor C. Mansfield, IIMr. E. Scott Maultsby, IIMrs. Yvonne McDowellMr. Wayne D. PowersThe Rev. Dr. Dennis SheppardMrs. Colleen W. SmithMrs. Virginia M. WilliamsClass of 1978 $3,374.9216.79% (22 out of 131) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Robin P. DavenportThe Rev. James E. Malloy, Jr.Mr. David L. RadfordMrs. Mary L. SasserGreen & Gold CircleThe Rev. Benjamin R. MelvinCentury ClubMr. Carl C. Birk, Jr.Dr. Joseph Brum, Jr.Mr. Glen E. Meade, Jr.Mrs. Margaret F. PopeMr.Thomas Pope, Jr.Bell Tower ClubMrs. Marie B. ConnerMrs. Sherrie H. CulbrethMr. C. Scott CulbrethMr. Mitchell W. DavisThe Rev. Claudia G. HarrelsonSFC Oscar E. Lister (Ret.)Mr. Roy K. MartinMrs. Charlotte ReaMr. John M. ReaMrs. Donna M. SurrettMr. Robert L. Ward<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>25
Class of 1979 $940.0011.73% (19 out of 162) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Kathryn Kudyba ParkerCentury ClubMr. William B. Crompton, IIIMrs. Jane HaleMr. Ernest W. ParkerBell Tower ClubThe Rev. William E. CummingsMrs. Rose B. CunninghamMrs. Rhonda Gore EtherdenMr. Robert M. GrogardLTC Joan A. GunningMrs. Alyce JohnsonMrs. Cynthia Moore JonesLTC Jerry D. LewisMr. David D. LindsayMrs. Mona P. McFadyenMrs. Debra M. PoulkMrs. Serafina B. SchollMr. Luther G. SuberMr. Stephen V. VoThe Rev. David C. WadeClass of 1980 $13,287.9411.80% (21 out of 178) ContributedTrustees AssociatesMrs. Ruby StrouseDean’s SocietyMrs. Rebecca HarrisThe Rev. J. Tal MadisonGreen & Gold CircleMrs. Janice W. MelvinCentury ClubMr. Rickey L. LindsleyMrs. Bonnie R. LindsleyMrs. Shelly N. PraschanMs. Diana L. ReichelderferMr. James J. TownsendBell Tower ClubMs. Elaine AdamsMr. Paul W. BargstadtMr. Dwight E. CribbMETHODIST COLLEGEDONOR GIVING SOCIETIESDiamond Society $1,000,000 & abovePlatinum Society $500,000 to $999,999Gold Society $250,000 to $499,999Circle of Vision $100,000 to $249,999Circle of Distinction $50,000 to $99,999Circle of Excellence $25,000 to $49,999Trustees Associates $10,000 to $24,999President’s Society $5,000 to $9,999Dean’s Society $1,000 to $4,999Monarch Society $500 to $999Green & Gold Circle $250 to $499Century Club $100 to $249Bell Tower Club up to $99Mrs. Susan Dumas GodwinMr. Earl E. HemmingerMrs. Sherry L. HudsonMrs. Lois A. KirbyMr. Han H. ParkMrs. Barbara E. SheppardCAPT Curtis A. SpringerThe Rev. Thomas L. SweeleyMr. David L. WaddellClass of 1981 $2,038.2713.25% (20 out of 151) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Margaret D. DixonMr. John HarrisCentury ClubMr. Billy E. Bailey, Jr.The Rev. Jerry W. CribbMrs. Vickie Alvis ErbenBell Tower ClubMs. Jeanette B. AndersonMrs. Sylvia C. ArvizuMr. Andre CarsonMrs. Mendee H. DanielMrs. Susan Y. JaegerMr. Karl-Michael A. KroosMrs. Deborah J. LewisThe Rev. Mark C. MooneyMrs. Gay MoserMr. Emmett D. Sadler, Jr.The Rev. Adolph C. SmithMrs. Cindy A. StockdaleMr. Michael W. StricklandMs. Cynthia L. WhetzelClass of 1982 $2,605.5712.08% (18 out of 149) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Sylvia Tartt BolandMrs. Linda M. GravittMrs. Julie Ragan MadisonCentury ClubMrs. Chang C. DanleyMr. Phillip L. McAllisterDr. Laura A. TavernierMr. Terry L. TolbertMs. Mouzetta Zumwalt-WeathersBell Tower ClubMr. David L. AlcottMrs. Jeneal W. BunnMr. Robert J. FlinnMrs. Patsy J. GordonMr. Kenneth M. MorganMr. Vello SaviMrs. Anne B. StoryMrs. Diane C. ThorneMs. Patricia A. WadeMr. Brian K. WagonerClass of 1983$1,872.009.33% (14 out of 150) ContributedDean’s SocietyMs. Carla J. RaineriMrs. Linda WiseThe Rev. Gilliam WiseCentury ClubMs. Mary E. EarpMrs. Monica J. HardyMr. Mark C. KendrickMs. Paula K. McGrannBell Tower ClubMr. John W. Chance, Sr.Mrs. Linda K. FamulinerMaj. Jeanette K. Ham (Ret.)Mrs. Elaine MarshallMrs. Barbara Garza MillerMr. Terry A. MitchellMr. Leasel S. PawleyClass of 1984 $2,035.0011.24% (19 out of 169) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Terry P. SasserCentury ClubMrs. Lynne B. GreeneMr. Danny HagansMrs. Frances JacksonMrs. Patricia S. SchobMr. Michael J. SokalskiBell Tower ClubMrs. Linda ArcherMrs. Fabienne L. ButlerMs. Deirdre A. CarpenterMr. Randy EgsegianMr. James R. GreenMrs. Terri HawleyMrs. Dixie P. HolcombMrs. Michele KildowMr. Michael C. PaoniMs. Helen M. PilkayLt. Corinthea StackMr. Shahin TahmassebiThe Rev. Norma J. WaltersClass of 1985 $995.008.84% (13 out of 147) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Donna R. BeamanCentury ClubMr. Roger D. PaitMr. Herbert A. Schroer, Jr.Mr. Conrad D. SwickBell Tower ClubMr. Steven P. BohlinMr. Kenneth R. CarltonMrs. Dorothy B. HubbardMrs. Brenda L. McMerillMrs. Lisa A. SessomsMr. George A. SmallMrs. Anita C. StephensonMrs. Karen L. WildermanMaj. Roger M. Williams (Ret.)Class of 1986 $622.007.89% (15 out of 190) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Donna McCall BullardCentury ClubMrs. Sandra H. IvarssonMr. and Mrs. Charles C. MorrisMrs. Lynne D. SmithBell Tower ClubMr. Keith KildowMrs. Juanita T. RoseDr. Jacquelyn L. SandiferMrs. Jody K. NelsonMr. Daniel R. DeCriscioMr. Mark D. GodfreyDr. Laura G. KafkaMrs. Jean LemkeMrs. Sandra L. SmithClass of 1987 $1,626.008.06% (17 out of 211) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Felicia D. EvansCentury ClubMr. Paul J. AmaralMr. D. Raymond Canady Jr.Mrs. Ruth A. CrumleyMrs. W. Mae HepnerMr. William F. Knowlton, IIMrs. Linda Fuller RosenMr. F.C. Shaw, IIIBell Tower ClubMrs. Esther B. CastaldoMr. Robert D. CoxMr. David B. CulbrethMrs. Patricia H. FlynnMrs. Elaine JordanMr. Stanley D. MozingoMrs. Robin L. RegisterMs. Sara L. ShipmanMrs. Ella L. WilliamsClass of 1988 $4,229.0012.73% (21 out of 165) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Darrell D. BockMr. Jansen D. EvansMrs. Nona D. Fisher1SG Thomas S. Hatfield (Ret.)Mr. Terry D. PreissCentury ClubMrs. Valerie M. HagansMr. Anthony G. JerniganMrs. Lou MullinBell Tower ClubMr. Scott W. ArmentroutMrs. Alice R. ArmentroutMr. Richard A. Butler, Jr.Mrs. Brenda McKimens CaseMr. Robert M. CaseMrs. Dedra R. CulbrethMs. Brenda G. LockettMs. Arline McArthurMr. Lee J. Norman, Sr.Ms. Christa M. O’QuinnMrs. Carolyn S. RehrerThe Rev. Reed P. SwansonMrs. Joanne S. Whitley26 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Class of 1989 $2,060.9010.76% (27 out of 251) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Dawn F. AusbornMr. Patric S. ZimmerCentury ClubMrs. Melody K. DanielsMr. Paul DanielsMr. Theodore J. Dexter, Jr.Mrs. Elizabeth W. MatthewsBell Tower ClubMs. Holly E. AndersonMr. Michael D’ArcyCW4 David H. Engelskirchen, Jr.Mr. Paul EveretteMs. Joanne H. GibsonMs. Janice E. HumphreysMr. Richard JohnsonMrs. Alice KehoeMr. Donald H. LaneyMr. David F. LockhartMrs. Kathy H. McPhailMrs. Bonnie MilnerMrs. Kathy OffenhauserMr. Ronald K. PhippsMrs. Angela J. SampelsMs. Maritza M. SantamariaMs. Rochelle M. StokesMr. Melvin Y. TanouyeMr. Linwood C. Thornton, IIMr. Robert B. TwineMr. John C. WeaklyClass of 1990 $3,215.009.30% (24 out of 258) ContributedTrustees AssociatesMrs. Ann L. LoydCentury ClubCPT Kyle J. AdrianMrs. Kelly M. Dolson, CPAMr. Stuart B. LongestMr. Carman A. MaxwellMrs. Margaret M. Young-WallBell Tower ClubMs. Mary E. AnglinThe Rev. Janet K. BuffaloeMrs. Lauren M. CaputoMrs. Mithu ChaudhuriMr. Willie C. CovingtonMr. and Mrs. Ron FosterMaj. Jay B. FullertonMr. and Mrs. Nathan K. HowieMs. Irmgard K. HoyMrs. Stephanie D. JohnsonMrs. Lisa M. LangeMr. Loran E. LeckMaj. Robert W. MarrsMrs. Sonya M. NaylorMr. Edward A. PerryMrs. Ann Marenick SlackMrs. Mary N. ThompsonClass of 1991 $2,480.008.57% (21 out of 245) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Jamie GlassThe Rev. Hope A. VickersReflects completed gifts madeduring <strong>2005</strong>. Also reflects multi-yearcommitments of $1,000 andabove the pledge level.Green & Gold CircleMs. Tricia M. CriswellMrs. Barbara G. HoggeDr. Kelli K. SappCentury ClubMr. Russell W. BarnesMrs. Barbara J. OvermanMr. Timothy D. PriceBell Tower ClubSFC Therese M. BaileyMr. Mark E. BrysonMr. Joseph A. CastnerMr. Sherman L. DowningMrs. Stephanie T. GreenMrs. Deanna Moulder HammMrs. Melissa B. HartMr. Douglas JohnsonMrs. Kathy R. JohnsonMr. Jay KirkpatrickMrs. Katherine H. LeithMr. Clinton E. MontfordMrs. Leigh W. PittmanMs. Anne J. RolfeClass of 1992 $1,833.4010.38% (27 out of 260) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Brian D. CuppettMr. Brian W. MayMr. Michael A. StoneMonarch SocietyMr. Timothy HoltsclawCentury ClubMs. Bonnie J. AdamsonMr. Terry D. LydickBell Tower ClubMr. Jason B. BakerMr. Steven L. ClaryMs. Amanda L. CookMrs. Donna M. DevaultMrs. Elizabeth M. EshelmanMr. Timothy J. EshelmanMr. Eric N. GreenMrs. Paula J. HalesMr. John W. HawkinsMr. Timothy A. HawkinsMrs. Michelle L. JinnetteMr. Richard W. JinnetteMrs. Frances L. JohnsonMr. Mark L. LangeMs. Robyn J. LeatherwoodMr. Ronald W. LigginsMrs. Marian Moorman MorganMr. Robert J. PilewskiMrs. Carol B. RenkenMr. Thomas E. RittenhouseMaj. Lorie M. StumpMr. Charles P. ThomasMrs. Dawn R. ThompsonClass of 1993 $1,006.008.97% (21 out of 234) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Thomas C. MazeCentury ClubMr. David E. Maxwell, Jr.Bell Tower ClubMr. Timothy A. GiresiMs. Cathy S. GriffithMrs. Mercedes M. HarrisMrs. Tracy L. HuberMr. Michael JordanMrs. Misty K. LooneyMr. Jack C. Mellott, Jr.Mrs. Joan Walker MillerMrs. Jennifer D. O’KeefeMr. Edward T. Oldt, Jr.Mr. Robert L. Penn, Jr.Mrs. Tracy C. RedfernMr. Jason RobertsonMrs. Christine L. ScottMr. Scott StokerMr. Alton T. F. WebsterMr. Gerald R. Wheeler, IIIMr. William J. WildermanMr. Paul John WojcikClass of 1994 $1,449.006.98% (15 out of 215) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Jan W. BockMr. James E. JusticeMrs. Constance C. MayCentury ClubMr. Patrick A. CardenasMr. Jeffrey D. DarnellMrs. Dolores B. StricklandBell Tower ClubMrs. Julia G. AbnerMrs. Wendy M. BrasierMr. Gerald L. Burrows, Jr.Mr. Mark S. FaberDr. Stephen A. FannMr. Chuck HarrisMr. Samuel W. HeywoodMr. Paul T. KnightMs. Lisa A. RobertsMrs. Sarah S. WilsonClass of 1995 $1,845.008.30% (20 out of 241) ContributedMonarch SocietyMr. Kevin M. StarkeGreen & Gold CircleThe Rev. Benjamin E. WellsCentury ClubMrs. Jennifer EavensonMr. Neil G. Guess, IIMrs. Elizabeth A. SchnarrMr. David J. SibleyMrs. Pamela J. StricklandBell Tower ClubCW2 Michael C. BlewettMrs. Cynthia L. ChampagneMr. Robert J. CooperMr. Kevin V. DennisonMr. Michael A. HendricksThe Rev. Jan N. HillMrs. Ellen L. JordanMs. Dana M. MackMs. Stephanie R. NicholsonMr. Troy A. PenningtonMr. Benjamin J. VanNessMrs. Simone B. Young-DennisonClass of 1996 $1,502.005.21% (15 out of 288) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Stacy L. HolzingerMiss Ginger A. PreissCentury ClubMr. David R. EavensonMrs. Leslie WilsonBell Tower ClubMr. Jeffrey AvantMr. Ernest L. FergusonMrs. Kimberly L. FrazeeMr. Raiford A. GaineyMs. Michelle A. JahrenMrs. Margo M. JarvisMr. Brian R. RodgersMr. Donnie L. SandersMrs. Katherine M. SchafferMrs. Colleen M. WafferMrs. Tina L. WrightMr. Benny L. WyrickClass of 1997 $1,830.008.61% (21 out of 244) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Jacquelyn D. Cephas-AbramMr. Joseph L. ClarkMrs. Cindy L. HoggeCentury ClubMr. John N. BumgarnerMs. Vernell P. SharpeMr. Alan TerrellBell Tower ClubMrs. Charity L. AdairMrs. Diane AvantMrs. Jo Ann BagleyMs. Elizabeth C. BlackMr. Larry C. BreckenridgeMr. Anthony J. BugejaMr. David W. ClarkMrs. Patricia A. HurleyMr. Jason KempMs. Carina LindleyMr. Jonathan F. MelletteMrs. Candice R. MoodyMr. Kerry D. PopeMrs. Donna J. SaundersMr. Douglas R. Tingle, Jr.Class of 1998 $925.005.45% (24 out of 440) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. J. Todd PurgasonCentury ClubMr. Eric C. ShillingerBell Tower ClubMs. Deborah A. ArendasMrs. Lara L. BugejaMr. Jason M. BrownMrs. Kendra L. ClarkMr. J. Taplie CoileMr. Eugene S. HallockMr. Clifford HarrisMr. Bradley J. HicksMr. Teddy W. JerniganMrs. Cheri A. JordanMrs. Dianna C. MartinMr. Michael McGirrMrs. Valerie M. MichaelisMr. Jeremy M. PlumleyMr. Charles E. RouthMr. Andrew A. SakowiczMrs. Joy W. ThrashMr. Christian D. TreneyMr. Joseph W. UlatowskiMrs. Tiffany A. UlatowskiMr. DeCarlos D. West<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>27
Class of 1999 $1,645.004.67% (19 out of 407) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Amy M. StaniszewskiMonarch SocietyCW2 Todd J. ChampagneGreen & Gold CircleMr. Joseph MullenCentury ClubMs. Leslie R. AntonielMr. Kevin M. JacksonMrs. Tracey B. SellersBell Tower ClubMs. Heather M. CainMr. R. Eric FrazeeMr. Richard M. GraveenMr. Marvin KellerMrs. Beverly D. KeyMr. George W. LightburnMr. Gregory PerkinsMrs. Lindsey M. PlumleyMr. Samuel RichardsonMs. Milagros M. RiveraMr. Felix Sarfo-Kantanka, Jr.Ms. Tissa Larson StrouseMr. Donald W. SwineyClass of 2000 $1,550.004.79% (19 out of 397) ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Rodney C. ParkerMrs. Heather E. PurgasonCentury ClubMs. Yong AhnMr. Shawn M. HartmanMr. Donald M. WarrenMr. Clarence E. WilsonBell Tower ClubMrs. Daisha S. ColvinMr. Omar M. CrosbyMr. Matthew W. DiraMs. Priscilla FarhanMr. Jason T. GentiliMrs. Renee M. GilmoreMr. Mickey A. JordanMr. Scott A. KauffmanMrs. Krista F. McArtanMs. Michelle Y. ScottMs. Carla C. VaughnMrs. Dawn M. WillisClass of 2001$568.001.77% (8 out of 451)ContributedDean’s SocietyMr. Charles BrigmanMrs. Donetta S. McCainMrs. Kalli E. ZieglerCentury ClubMr. Robert C. PinsonBell Tower ClubMs. Kisha L. BectonMs. Michelle J. ChagnonMs. Stacey M. DavisSPC Amy J. DurandMr. Jason R. MarionClass of 2002 $1,290.004.55% (22 out of 483) ContributedDean’s SocietyMrs. Mary C. BlancMr. D. Aureice McCainGreen & Gold CircleMr. Josh W. DunningCentury ClubMr. Justin M. ScaliMr. Mark A. TomeucciBell Tower ClubMr. Timothy J. AdamaszekMr. Andrew H. BellMr. David A. BossungMr. Richard L. DombrowskyMrs. Adrienne M. DombrowskyMr. Michael J. GiossiMs. Conney S. HoffermanMrs. Shannon J. IsekMr. Philip S. KeeverMs. Jennifer L. MishMs. Yolanda M. Morris-WoodsMr. Anthony S. Raphael, Sr.Ms. Leighann M. RastedeMr. Zachary H. SharperMr. Joel T. SilverMs. Elizabeth C. StanleyClass of2003 $765.004.62% (21 out of455) ContributedCentury ClubMr. Charles L.Christie, Jr.Ms. Holly J. FilasMr. Valentine O.UkanduBell Tower ClubMs. Theresa L. BarbourMrs. Anne Z. BenenhaleyMs. Susie E. BiddleMr. Kevin CacciaMrs. Stacey A. ColbornMrs. Kristy N. CulbrethMs. Betsey L. LaneMr. Shaun T. MaherMr. Michael J. MayhughMrs. Larynilsa MedinaMr. Brandon MishMr. Jeffery L. MuldrowMr. Michael W. NesbitMr. Nathan R. StithMs. Stacey A. TiptonMr. Albert S. Tucker, IVMr. Robert M. TunstallClass of 2004 $240.004.31% (18 out of 418) ContributedCentury ClubMs. Stephanie NoonanBell Tower ClubMr. Juan F. BobadillaMr. David BorkowskiMs. Katherine L. FranklinMs. Bianca L. GooMr. Louis MelloMs. Holly M. PhillipsMr. Michael A. ThorneWinter Commencement <strong>2005</strong>: A Beginning“There is a world of difference between success and significance,” Dr. BruceSteffes told <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> graduates, faculty, staff, family and friends at the33rd Annual Winter Commencement Ceremony. “Success is when you invest inyourself; significance is investing in others.”Dr. Steffes, who serves <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> as surgeon in residence in theDepartment of Medical Sciences, addressed the graduates on Dec. 17, <strong>2005</strong> inReeves Auditorium. He spoke about the value of living a life of service, noting thatit’s called commencement for a reason—it’s the beginning. “Now you finally havea chance to make a difference.”Although Dr. Steffes gave up his surgical practice and took a 90 percent cut inpay to serve the community, he claims it was one of the best decisions he hasever made. “You won’t be any fuller on filet mignon than macaroni and cheese,”he said.<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> conferred 174 degrees at the Winter CommencementCeremony. Dr. M. Elton Hendricks, president, congratulated all of the candidatesfor degrees and presented Danny Marchant with the Sam Edwards Award foracademic excellence, spiritual development and community service.Irena Hobzova, a graduating student from the Czech Republic, had theopportunity to present <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> with her native country’s flag during thetraditional flag ceremony. Seventy-one flags are now permanently displayed at theBerns Student Center.The Rev. Benjamin Wells served as the presiding minister and One Spiritserenaded the audience with the <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alma Mater.28 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong><strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Congratulates the Following Winter <strong>2005</strong> Graduates:Gregory Alice, Brandie Allen, De Vonne Armstrong,Michelle Asher-Jones, Carmella Barton, LorettaBaskett, Venika Bazemore, Kamilah Bennett, LakiaBethell, Jonathan Bird, William Bishop, April Blumer,Amber Boemker, Douglas Boemker, MatthewBogdanowicz, Bryan Booth, Jennifer Boyd, TaneishaBoyd, Kevin Boyle, William Bright, Cory Briglin,Jeffrey Brooks, Lakeisha Ann Brown, SonyaleBrown, Janna Browning, Georgia Buckley, JohnBucolo, Xandra Budd, Regina Bumper, HeatherBurch, Jonathan Byrd, Kellen Capps, Kent Carter,Dana Caruso, Jasmine Coleman, Jamie Cox, TallyCox, Alexis Cypher, Constance Page, Kara Daniel,Karin Danklefsen, William Davis, Kyle Deas, Nathande Goede, Nichelle Dicker, Derek DiStefano, JeffreDochow, Tricia Dorn, Lyndsey Dorr, Eric Dugas,Dianne Etheridge, Justin Evans, David Feightner,Shaun Forbes, Heather Foust, Robert Fritz,Lindsey Frye, Tracy Funk, Gary Futch Jr., JenniferGainer, Reina Ocasio-Gamez, Brian Gerowski,Monica Gerth, Tyler Graham, Brandon Grecco,Wesley Greene, Maurice Griffin, Grant ThomasGuinivan, Jamar Hairston, Todd Hart, Ryan Hayden,Wendy Heath, Mohamed Hedayet, Jessica Heise,Christopher Herrick, Tracy Hinds, Irena Hobzova,Darin Hockett, William Hoffman, Jennifer Hogan,Joshua Hopkins, Carrie Horne, Adam Horton, JustinHoward, Jackson Jean, Justin Johnson, AaronKellis, Michael Kennedy, Ryan Kesten, AmandaKidwell, Rianne Knowles, Katherine Kohley, RalphLittlejohn, Beth Ann Lockett, Rudian Luga, BryanLyncook, Carmen Macklin, Rashe Sharnell Malcolm,Danny Marchant, Dylan Matz, Donald McClung,Debra McHargue, Yolanda McNeill, Tiffany Meehan,Lonny Meeks, Purvi Mehta, Bradford Melvin, WendyMenendez, David Merrill, Elizabeth Miller, NataschaMoore, Wilton Morales, Amanda Mosketti, TristonMurray, Broc Nell, Lana Oliver, James Ondo,David Palmer, Larry Parker Jr., Michaela Penix,Justin Perun, Christa Petersen, Emily Phillips,James Phillips, Jason Pizza, Rebecca Power, AlicePrice, Mary Prouty, Ariol Rama, Wesley Rayner,Milushka Reed, Seth Ricketts, Lesley Riley, LuisRivera, Veronica Romero, Giovanni Santos, StevenSchrock, Matthew Seals, Victoria Segraves, PhyllisShaw, Jonathan Sherman, Scott Shoop, BrandonSimmons, Yvonne Simmons, John Sjoberg, AntonioSlaydon, Ildaura Sluss, Carla Smith, RandolphSmith, Troy Smith, Robert Smyser, Paul Street,Jennifer Sturcken, Nyla Thompson, AylaHuaman-Toman, James Topping, MichaelTownsend, Kyle Trent, Leigh Trivino, Anthony Trofe,Steven Underwood, Carolina Vargas, KathrynVreeland, Jovette Walsh, Joseph Warren, TabithaWhitlow, Ryan Williams, Tiare Williams, ToddWilliams, Kimberly Wright, Sean Wright, VincentZachwieja and Peter Zellmer.
Current and Former Parents & GrandparentsMr. & Mrs. Timothy AldridgeMr. Ilhan AltinbasakMr. & Mrs. Alan AngrickMiss Mary E. ArmstrongMr. & Mrs. Dwight ArnoldMr. Tom AustinMr. & Mrs. Brian BenjaminMs. Elizabeth B. BennettMr. Joseph BezekMr. & Mrs. Andy BillowMr. & Mrs. Steven K. BlanchardMrs. Patricia BloomMrs. Pson BlueMs. Mindy BounanMr. & Mrs. Steven BourgoineMr. & Mrs. Bart BowserMrs. Kathleen BoyleMr. & Mrs. Paul BradshawMr. & Mrs. Johnny BranchMr. & Mrs. James BrennanMr. & Mrs. William BrophyMr. & Mrs. Gary BrownMrs. Gwendolyn BrownMrs. Jo Anna Walker Brown ’73Mr. & Mrs. Sonny L. BrownMr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. BrunnerMr. & Mrs. Robert A. BullMr. & Mrs. Steven BullMr. & Mrs. David BunnMr. & Mrs. Joe BurgettMr. D. Raymond Canady Jr. ’87Mrs. Kathleen CariotaMr. & Mrs. Billy CarithersMr. & Mrs. Tommy CarswellMr. & Mrs. George CarverMr. & Mrs. Thomas CasselMr. John & Mrs. Diane CatesEggerMr. & Mrs. Randy CavinessMrs. Jacquelyn D. Cephas-Abram ’97Dr. & Mrs. Darl H. ChampionMr. & Mrs. Harry C. Chance ’68Dr. & Mrs. Louis P. Clark, Jr.Mrs. Beverly A. Cleverly ’70Mrs. Sara L. CoileMr. & Mrs. Lester CombsMr. & Mrs. Alan ComerDr. Robert H. Cooper, CPAMr. Bob CorneliusMr. & Mrs. James CullenMr. & Mrs. William R. Culver IIMr. & Mrs. John CushmanMr. & Mrs. George G. DaisMr. & Mrs. Jim DanielsMr. & Mrs. Daniel DaunMr. David Davenport & Mrs. Robin P.Davenport ’78Mrs. Patricia N. DeLapaMr. & Mrs. William DewarMrs. Mildred H. Dexter-Rosell ’76Mr. & Mrs. Randall DietrichMr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. DixonMr. & Mrs. Stephen Driggers ’76, ’76Mr. & Mrs. Frankie DullMr. & Mrs. Robert EbnerMr. & Mrs. J. G. EdgeMr. & Mrs. Mark EllsworthMr. & Mrs. Del EricksonMr. & Mrs. Greg EudyMr. & Mrs. Roger A. EveretteMr. & Mrs. Thomas FarreaMr. & Mrs. Patrick FavingerMr. & Mrs. Thomas G. FinleyMr. & Mrs. George FisherMr. & Mrs. Darel FletcherThe Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Flynn ’70, ’71Mr. & Mrs. Sampson FlynnMr. & Mrs. John ForsbergMr. Duane FriendMr. & Mrs. Newman B. GeeMr. & Mr. John GetchonisMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey GilbertMr. & Mrs. David GoudreauMr. & Mrs. Samuel GraciMr. & Mrs. Carlton A. GreeneMr. & Mrs. Tom GuinivanMr. & Mrs. Charles GuynMr. & Mrs. Richard HagieMr. & Mrs. Alfred A. HairstonMr. & Mrs. James HallMr. & Mrs. Ray HalstedMr. & Mrs. Jim HandyMr. & Mrs. David HansonMr. & Mrs. Frederick HansonDr. & Mrs. Robert A. Harper ’68Mr. & Mrs. Arthur HarrisMr. & Mrs. Jerry HartMr. & Mrs. Eric HaugeMr. & Mrs. Danny HawkinsMr. & Mrs. Don HelmsMr. & Mrs. Kurt HenningsenMrs. Joan HerbertMr. John R. HesterMrs. Juanita W. HeywardMr. & Mrs. Douglas W. HillmanMr. & Mrs. Michael F. HoffmanMr. J. Alan Holden ’71Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. HoltonMr. & Mrs. Gilbert HorvathMr. S. Howard Hudson, III ’69Miss Judy HyjekMr. & Mrs. James JacksonMr. Ken JenkinsMr. & Mrs. Dave JobinMr. & Mrs. Bruce JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Christopher JonesMr. Robert A. Jones, Jr. ’69Mr. & Mrs. Zane W. JonesMrs. Susan KammlerMrs. Jan C. Kennedy ’70Mrs. Stuart Verdery KerrMr. & Mrs. Bob KestenMr. & Mrs. John KetchumMr. & Mrs. Vincent L. KeyMr. Glenn KingMr. & Mrs. Ricky KingMrs. Lois A. Kirby ’80Mr. & Mrs. Ray KisiahMr. & Mrs. David KnoxMr. Bernie F. Krick, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Charles LaneMr. & Mrs. William LangstonMr. & Mrs. Ron LeitaoMr. & Mrs. Reginald LeonardMr. & Mrs. John LevinsMr. & Mrs. Rick LittleMr. Michael R. Loesekann ’75Mr. & Mrs. Robert LucasMr. & Mrs. William R. LymangoodMr. & Mrs. Norman MaharMr. & Mrs. Miguel MaldonadoMr. & Mrs. George J. MalletteMr. & Mrs. Kerry MartinMr. Stacey MasonMr. Ark Matthews & Mrs. Elizabeth W.Matthews ’89Mrs. Nancy Lemmond Maultsby ’77Mrs. Marlene D. MazeMr. & Mrs. Thomas McCainMs. Elena E. McClelandMr. & Mrs. George E. McCormickMrs. Sandra L. McDaniel ’73Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. McEvoyMr. & Mrs. Glenn McGlaunMr. & Mrs. Guy McKeoneMr. & Mrs. Edward McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. Gus MehallisMr. & Mrs. Grayson MerrillMr. & Mrs. Charles E. MesserMr. & Mrs. Kendall R. MeyerMr. & Mrs. Fred MiddaughMr. & Mrs. John MitchellMr. & Mrs. Gary MobergMr. & Mrs. Craig L. Moore, Sr.Miss Renate MooreMr. & Mrs. Kevin MorrisMrs. Mildred D. MorrisMr. & Mrs. Larry MountsMrs. Deborah M. MurrayMr. & Mrs. Ronald NederostekMr. & Mrs. Charles NelsonMr. & Mrs. Douglas NelsonMr. & Mrs. Bill O’KeefeMr. & Mrs. John K. OndoMrs. Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ’64Mr. & Mrs. John C. PavlikCW2 & Mrs. Patrick C. Payson (Ret.)Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. PennellMr. Larry S. Philpott ’73Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. PrettymanMr. & Mrs. Gary W. PrinceMr. & Mrs. Roger QuinnMr. David L. Radford ’78Mr. & Mrs. Clark RanneyMr. & Mrs. John E. Raper, Jr.Mr. Chester RedmanMr. & Mrs. Bruce ReillyMr. Samuel Richardson ’99Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. RobertsMrs. Rita RobertsonMrs. Joyce RobinsonMSGT & Mrs. Mark P. Ross (Ret.)Mrs. Susanne H. RossMr. Robert RossiThe Rev. & Mrs. Ben C. RouseMs. Maritza M. Santamaria ’89Mr. & Mrs. Martin SchafferMr. & Mrs. Larry SchumacherMr. & Mrs. William SeilingMr. & Mrs. William SelfMr. & Mrs. Pasquale SelvaggioCOL Johnnie D. Shaw (Ret.)Mr. & Mrs. Edward SheehanMrs. Ann ShrayerMiss Elizabeth A. ShulerMr. & Mrs. James SimpsonDr. Narendra P. SinghMr. & Mrs. Stan SjobergMr. & Mrs. Terry SklarMr. & Mrs. John SlaughterMr. & Mrs. Bruce D. SparhawkDr. & Mrs. Louis Spilman, Jr. ’64Mr. & Mrs. Keith SporeMr. & Mrs. Edward StaplesMr. & Mrs. William StempferMr. & Mrs. John StewartMr. & Mrs. Jimmy D. StewartMrs. Jane SuitchMr. & Mrs. Charles SullivanMr. & Mrs. David TaylorMr. & Mrs. John TempleMr. & Mrs. Shermon ThomasMr. & Mrs. David ThompsonMr. & Mrs. Steve TinkhamMr. & Mrs. Timothy TomainoMr. Michael R. TrentMr. & Mrs. Terry TuckerMr. & Mrs. Neil TysonMr. & Mrs. David G. VailThe Rev. Hope A. Vickers ’91 &Mr. Darrell A. VickersMr. & Mrs. G. Lane WagamanThe Rev. Randy L. Wall ’74Mr. & Mrs. Jack WangerMr. & Mrs. Ricky J. WargalaMr. & Mrs. Don P. Warren ’70Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Warren, Jr. ’75Mr. & Mrs. David WebsterMr. & Mrs. Ronnie WilkinsonDr. William J. Wilkinson &Mrs. Donna WilkinsonMr. & Mrs. Donald WiseMr. & Mrs. Erik O. WoernerMr. & Mrs. Sam WoodsMr. & Mrs. Michael R. WoodwardMr. & Mrs. Greg WrightMr. & Mrs. Jim YatesMr. & Mrs. Jim Zellmer<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>29
Current and Former Faculty and StaffMrs. Charity L. Adair ’97Ms. Bonnie J. Adamson ’92Dr. Christopher T. AulThe Rev. James A. AumanMrs. Dawn F. Ausborn ’89Mr. Tom AustinDr. Linda Sue BarnesMrs. Earleene R. BassMs. Barbara L. BeebeMs. Bonita R. BelcastroDr. Gillie BensteadMr. Bill Billings ’68Dr. Erik J. BitterbaumDr. Joan BittermanMr. George J. Blanc ’02Mr. Robert W. Bloodworth, Jr.Mr. Darrell D. Bock ’88Dr. Steven P. BreyDr. Charles BriscoeMs. Summer E. BrockDr. Lori Brookman CornwellMrs. Beth BrundageMrs. Nicolette A. CamposMrs. Doris CassanovaDr. Darl H. ChampionDr. Tat W. ChanThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. RobertS. ChristianDr. Louis P. Clark, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ’74, ’72Mrs. Theresa P. ClarkMr. Gene Clayton &Mrs. Pat Clayton ’68Dr. Robert H. Cooper, CPAMrs. Sandra. CrosmunMrs. Shasta M. CulbrethMr. Thomas DaughtreyMrs. Robin P. Davenport ’78Mrs. Martha A. DavisDr. Spencer DavisMrs. Patricia N. DeLapaMr. George Thomas Dent ’76Mr. G. Gordon Dixon ’66Mr. Joe F. Doll, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIDr. & Mrs. David DukeMr. Carl DykeMrs. Vickie Alvis Erben ’81Dr. John D. & Mrs. Arleen FieldsMrs. Nona D. Fisher ’88Dr. Margaret FolsomMr. Ronald & Mrs. Wanda C. FosterMs. Silvana M. FotiMr. Edgar N. French, Jr.Mrs. Jane W. GardinerMs. Bianca L. Goo ’04Mrs. Linda M. Gravitt ’82Mr. Eric N. Green ’92Ms. Cathy S. Griffith ’93Mr. Duane C. GroomsMr. Robert A. GuiseMr. Alton L. HareDr. Hugh W. Harling, IIIDr. Lysa M. HartleyDr. M. Elton HendricksMrs. Juanita W. HeywardMrs. Peggy A. HinsonMr. Jerry HoggeMs. Mary M. HolbenMrs. Mary L. HuppMs. Belinda IveyMr. Anthony G. Jernigan ’88Mrs. Pat H. JonesMrs. Wendy L. JonesMrs. Zelphia Hinnant JonesMr. Ray J. KinderMr. Bernie F. Krick, Jr.Mr. Jamie W. LeggDr. Jen-Hsiang LinMr. Frank R. Lopes, Sr. ’74Mr. Rick D. LoweDr. John M. MarrDr. Ronnie W. MartinMr. Thomas C. Maze ’93Mr. Charles K. McAdamsMs. Elena E. McClelandMr. Robert T. McEvoyMrs. Barb McIntyreMrs. Sharon S. McNairMr. John F. MeeskeMrs. Valerie M. Michaelis ’98Mr. Joseph L. MillerDr. Trevor G. MorrisMrs. Susan G. Motes ’71Mr. Joseph Mullen ’99Mrs. Deborah M. MurrayDr. Peter C. MurrayMrs. Eleanor H. NinesteinMs. Yvonne NolanMr. Thomas W. OlcottMrs. Nell B. Palmer ’73Mrs. Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ’64Dr. Richard W. PearceMs. Tracey M. PearsonDr. Michael PottsMrs. Susan E. PulsipherMs. Carla J. Raineri ’83Mr. James B. ReynoldsMs. Suzanne RobinsonMr. Brian R. Rodgers ’96The Rev. Michael W.Safley ’72Ms. Michelle Y. Scott ’00Mr. Gerald SeifertCol. Johnnie D. Shaw (Ret.)Dr. John S. SillDr. Narendra P. SinghDr. Sue W. SnyderMr. Adalberto M. StrattaMrs. Pamela J. Strickland ’95Ms. Tissa Larson Strouse ’99Mr. Michael H. SullivanMr. James C. Sypult &Dr. Sharron SypultMs. Linda SzulcMr. Alan Terrell ’97Mrs. Dawn R. Thompson ’92Mr. Mike R. TruesdellMr. Michael TuckerMr. J. David TurnerMr. Joseph W. Ulatowski ’98Dr. Marilyn VitalMs. Patricia A. Wade ’82Dr. Richard Walsh &Mrs. Patricia J. Rohrer-WalshMr. Donald M. Warren ’00Dr. & Mrs. Bill M. WattThe Rev. Benjamin E. Wells ’95Dr. Rebecca WendelkenMs. Rita S. WiggsMrs. Lauren Cook WikeMrs. Gerri Williams ’68Dr. Philip C. WilliamsMr. Thomas W. Williams, Jr.Mr. David G. WilsonDr. Paul F. WilsonMs. Dana XiaoDr. Thomas S. Yow, III ’66Dr. Andrew H. Ziegler, Jr.Ms. Kathryn L. Zybeck30 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Endowed ScholarshipsThe endowment program at <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> would not prosper without the generosity of its donors. Following is a summary of the endowed andannual scholarships at <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>. This program awarded over $240,000 in scholarships during <strong>2005</strong>. Our thanks to the benefactors whohave contributed to these funds in order to provide financial assistance for deserving young men and women who wish to attain an education at<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Donnell G. Buck Adams Memorial ScholarshipMargaret Stafford Alexander Memorial ScholarshipMary Neal Alexander Memorial ScholarshipLydia Lennon & George W. Applewhite ScholarshipFrank Barragan, Jr. ScholarshipOakel B. Bass Endowed ScholarshipBB&T Merit ScholarshipDr. & Mrs. Karl H. Berns MusicScholarshipAlex B. Bethune ScholarshipJames Carter Black, Sr.& Florence Siems BlackEndowed ScholarshipBishop Blackburn ScholarshipMary Jean BlackburnScholarshipJames A. Bledsoe EndowedScholarship FundBrantley Memorial ScholarshipDr. Allen P. Brantley, MaryMiller Brantley, MildredCozart BrantleyEarl W. Brian ScholarshipCatherine Brock ScholarshipPaul L. & Mary W. BrowningEndowed ScholarshipBruton Family EndowedScholarshipRichard P. & Etta A. ButlerMemorial ScholarshipEmma McAffie CannonMemorial ScholarshipCarolina <strong>College</strong> ScholarshipReverend Paul CarruthScholarshipFred E. Clark ScholarshipWalter & Margaret ClarkScholarshipCobb-Evans ScholarshipCoca-Cola First Generation ScholarshipMartha Hicks Culbreth Memorial ScholarshipBruce Dent ScholarshipIngeborg M. Dent ScholarshipE. Bascom and Cora Dingus ScholarshipSanford Doxey, Jr. ScholarshipElgar & Lois Draughon ScholarshipClaudia H. Dudley Endowed Scholarship FundLenora Auten & Lloyd Dunn ScholarshipEdenton Street United <strong>Methodist</strong> Church ScholarshipFayetteville Area Advertising FederationFayetteville District United <strong>Methodist</strong> ScholarshipRalph E. Fowlkes Scholarship FundFranks-Penny Memorial ScholarshipFriends of Music Endowed ScholarshipJanie Bell Edwards Gibson ScholarshipThe Golden LEAF Foundation ScholarshipM.F. Grantham ScholarshipOTHER ENDOWMENT FUNDSGeneral Endowment FundFleta Harris Gibson Library FundDr. William P. Lowdermilk StudentAchievement AwardJames Maynard Library EndowmentNimocks Endowed ProfessorshipCharles M. Reeves, Jr. Endowed Chair inBusiness EntrepreneurshipTally Endowed ProfessorshipTempleton Lecture SeriesThe Wesley Heritage Celebration FundEstablished by Dr. L. Elbert & Lois R.WethingtonSamuel J. & Norma Womack EndowedChair in Religion & PhilosophyYarborough FundWilliam F. & Francis L. Grimes Endowed ScholarshipGeorge N. Harriss ScholarshipEstablished by Joe W. WalkerMaurice A. & Vennie Hawley Endowed ScholarshipHensdale ScholarshipWilliam E. Horner, Sr. ScholarshipYoung W. & Morie M. Howard ScholarshipDr. & Mrs. Bert Ishee ScholarshipO. Teague Kirby ScholarshipLaFayette Society ScholarshipLambda Chi Alpha ScholarshipEdward Bert Lassiter ScholarshipFundEdward P. Leatherbury III ScholarshipLittle ScholarshipJohn, Julian, Albert & CalvinScholarshipWilliam P. Lowdermilk ScholarshipCharles K. & Verna McAdamsEndowed ScholarshipDr. & Mrs. Clyde G. McCarverScholarshipThomas McLean ScholarshipMcMillan Endowed ScholarshipMary McKinnon McNeill ScholarshipBetty Ruth Maness MemorialScholarshipMarlette Music ScholarshipR.A. Matheson Memorial FundJoseph Gray Melvin & Elizabeth HorneMelvin Memorial Scholarship<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> AccountingScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Walter Swing<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Alumni AssociationScholarship<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> MemorialScholarship Fund<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> N.C. Conference ScholarshipPamela Sturdivant Moll Education FundJanet C. Mullen ScholarshipMullen-Mansfield-Clayton Memorial ScholarshipDurwood Johnson Murray II ScholarshipW. Robert & Thelma Johnson & Robert Neal ScholarshipJohn & Hazel Neill Endowed ScholarshipNorth Carolina Conference United <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchScholarshipJoan Alexandra Meade Pait ScholarshipFlorence M. Paul Music Library ScholarshipAlice Pearce ScholarshipRichard W. Neva B. Pearce ScholarshipSusan Blanche Penny Ministerial ScholarshipPilot Club of Fayetteville ScholarshipTitus E. Pittman ScholarshipPittman-Frizzelle ScholarshipPlayer Endowed ScholarshipAlan M. Porter Music ScholarshipProfessional Women of Fayetteville ScholarshipProgress Energy ScholarshipBruce R. Pulliam ScholarshipKatherine Purdie Endowment FundRaleigh District United <strong>Methodist</strong> Church ScholarshipCharles B. Rankin Memorial ScholarshipHector E. Ray, Jr. ScholarshipRiddick & Gillie Revelle Endowed ScholarshipAlma Rhodes ScholarshipJ.P. Riddle ScholarshipGeorge & Bessie Robbins ScholarshipJoseph H. Rouse Endowed ScholarshipSalem United <strong>Methodist</strong> Church ScholarshipSanford District United <strong>Methodist</strong> Church ScholarshipTerry Sanford ScholarshipSherry Sellers ScholarshipGertrude F. Shore Memorial ScholarshipWilbur R. Smith III ScholarshipSouth Carolina Foundation of Independent <strong>College</strong>ScholarshipsHarriet Jean Spell ScholarshipLouis Spilman, Jr. Endowed ScholarshipWilliam S. & Nannie Seats Spillman Memorial ScholarshipSprint ScholarshipShirley Starcher Memorial ScholarshipFannie B. Stein ScholarshipJ. Bernard Stein ScholarshipElizabeth Stewart Memorial ScholarshipB.F. “Doc” Stone ScholarshipCarol Hardee Stout ScholarshipFrank Stout, Jr. Memorial FundJoe W. Stout Memorial ScholarshipEura Strother ScholarshipHarold J. & Josephine L. Sturdivant Endowed ScholarshipJames D. Suitch Memorial ScholarshipWingate E., Sigmund B., C.C. Powers & E.L. SwainScholarship (Powers & Swain Scholarship)Margaret McLeod Teabeaut ScholarshipLouis D. & Bernadine L. Thomas Scholarship FundThe Titmus Family Scholarship FundUMC Foundation Conference ScholarshipUMC Foundation General ScholarshipUMC Women- Calvary UMC ScholarshipUPS ScholarshipArthur & Portia MacPhail Vann Memorial ScholarshipWachovia FoundationWachovia Fund for ExcellenceStacy & Elizabeth Weaver ScholarshipWilliam S. Wellons, Sr. & Family ScholarshipWest Fayetteville Rotary Club ScholarshipClara Jewell Spell Westbrook Scholarship FundFlora Cornelia Bullock & Samuel Bryan Wilkins, Jr.ScholarshipW. Vardell & Bertha H. Williamson ScholarshipEutha Neighbors Willis ScholarshipHubert Willis Memorial FundHaymount United <strong>Methodist</strong> Men<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>31
GIFTS IN MEMORY OFIncludes bricks purchased in memory of an individual. Personalized bricks are ondisplay on the patio area of the Davis Memorial Library.For further information on the brick program, please contact the Development Office.Mr. Richard J. Alia-Bicoy ‘85Gifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. PorterMrs. Mary M. BruceGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Bruce ‘68Mr. Henry C. Campen, Sr.Gifts received from:Haymount United <strong>Methodist</strong> MenMrs. Cynthia L. Champagne ‘95Gifts received from:CW2 Todd J. Champagne ‘99Mrs. Margaret T. ClarkGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III‘74, ‘72Mrs. Bertha R. MartinMr. and Mrs. Graham B. BlantonThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.ChristianMr. and Mrs. Alfred E. ClevelandDr. and Mrs. M. Elton HendricksMrs. Blanche D. HodulMr. Jerry GregoryMr. Jack R. LindleyDr. and Mrs. Roland C. LingleMr. and Mrs. Mike SteadmanMr. and Mrs. James R. WarnerMrs. Dorothy B. WyattMr. Walter ClarkGifts received from:Mr. Jerry GregoryThe Rev. James H. CoileGifts received from:Maurice H. LammThe late Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk celebrates a birthday at the <strong>College</strong>.Dr. Anthony J. DeLapaGifts received from:The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ChristianDr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. Jerry Hogge and Mrs. Barbara G.Hogge ‘91LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Walter SwingMrs. Geraldine Williams ‘68 andMr. Steve WilliamsAttorneys’ Mortgage Services LLCMrs. Earleene R. BassMs. Kristy D. ChitwoodMrs. Sara L. CoileMs. Betsy S. DanielMr. and Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIMrs. Wanda C. FosterMr. and Mrs. Antonio GuerreroMr. and Mrs. James J. HerronMr. and Mrs. Edward J.JacksonLTC and Mrs. Marshall A.Lanter (Ret.)Ms. Jo Anne LowderMr. and Mrs. Roy LowderMs. Carol S. MalvestiMrs. Candice R. Moody ‘97Mrs. Amanda M. Mosketti ‘05Maj. (Ret.) and Mrs. WilliamG. Mullins, Sr.Col. and Mrs. Daniel M. PietzMs. Frances M. SchultzMr. and Mrs. Terry D. SmithMrs. Harriet E. WallaceMr. and Mrs. Stanley L.WebsterMr. and Mrs. Ramon L.YarboroughMr. Samuel R. Edwards, Sr.Gifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. PorterDr. J. Nelson Gibson, Jr.Gifts received from:Mr. Grady L. Carroll, Sr.Ms. Marian J. Graham ‘73Gifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. PorterMr. W. V. Hinnant, Jr. andMs. Lillian HinnantGifts received from:Mrs. Zelphia Hinnant JonesDr. Bert IsheeGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. J. Breeden BlackwellMrs. J. A. BurgessMr. and Mrs. Ronald CarterThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ChristianDr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. and Mrs. John F. DavisDr. and Mrs. John GimeshDr. and Mrs. Jim S. HallDr. and Mrs. William C. Harrison ‘74, ‘72Mrs. Stuart Verdery KerrMs. Vera B. KingDr. Jane T. LewisMs. Hattie M. OdomSen. and Mrs. Anthony E. RandMr. and Mrs. H. D Reaves, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James R. WarnerMs. Margaret G. WatsonMr. and Mrs. James R. Lancaster, Sr.Gifts received from:The Rev. James R. Lancaster, Jr. ‘68Mrs. Pauline LongestGifts received from:The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ChristianMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Porter<strong>2005</strong> Highlights(Continued from page 4)the Japha Symposium on Business Ethics, whichwas held at the <strong>University</strong> of Colorado at Boulder onNov. 11.Dr. David Turner and Dr. Bill Watt were among theco-authors of the third edition of “Speech Communication:Theories and Practices” (<strong>2005</strong>), published byMcGraw-Hill.Dr. Bill Watt published an article titled “FacilitativeSocial Change Leadership Model” in the fall <strong>2005</strong>edition of The Department Chair, Vol. 16, No. 2, byAnker Publishing Company, Inc. He also copy editedthe winter Journal of Leadership Education, Vol. 3,No. 3—an international journal publishedby the Leadership EducatorsAssociation.Dr. Philip Williams, vice presidentfor Academic Affairs and dean ofthe <strong>College</strong>, and Michael Sullivan,associate professor Health CareAdministration, lectured at a conferencein Beijing, China. The eventwas sponsored by the ChineseMinistry of Health. Their lecturesfocused on the strategic managementof healthcare organization.The Physician Assistant program celebrates its 10th anniversary.32 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
The Rev. Dr. William P. LowdermilkGifts received from:The Rev. and Mrs. J. Tal Madison ‘80, ‘82Mrs. Ann M. Sutton ‘67Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. AlphinMs. Alice T. AshtonMr. and Mrs. John T. Baranowski ‘67, ‘68Mrs. Earleene R. BassMs. Summer E. BrockBrown, Denslow, Black & Billups, P.C.The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ChristianDr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. ClevelandMs. Jan CobbMs. Hazel L. CollierDr. Robert H. Cooper, CPAThe Rev. Jerry W. Cribb ‘81Mr. and Mrs. James A. DavisDr. William A. DePrater, III ‘69Mr. and Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIMrs. Claudia H. Dudley ‘67Mrs. Nona D. Fisher ‘88 andMr. Fred L. FisherMr. and Mrs. J. Conrad GlassGolden Rule Bible Class -Hay Street UMCMr. and Mrs. John W. GreerMrs. Maurine N. HaleMr. and Mrs. Swayn G. HamletMr. Shawn M. Hartman ‘00Mr. and Mrs. David B. Herring ‘65, ‘66Mrs. Myrtle HoganMs. Mary M. HolbenMrs. Roland E. HorneThe John S. Huggins Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Pat H. JonesMr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Keen ‘65Mr. Wallace H. KirbyLizzie Lamb Bible Class - Hay StreetUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchMr. and Mrs. Robert S. LowdermilkMrs. Barbara J. LuedekeMr. and Mrs. Guy E. Mason, Jr.Mr. Thomas C. Maze ‘93Mr. and Mrs. Eddy McDonaldMr. and Mrs. John McKayMr. and Mrs. Marcus G. McKnightMr. and Mrs. Samuel H. MearesThe Rev. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Melvin ‘78Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. MelvinThe Rev. Mark C. Mooney ‘81Mr. and Mrs. E. Ray MooreMichael B. MurrayMr. and Mrs. W. D. PateMr. and Mrs. D.L. PaulMs. Mary Helen Pearsall ‘71Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Player Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Reginald W. PonderMr. and Mrs. Robert M. PoulkMr. Bruce R. PulliamMrs. Laura V. Rambeaut ‘70Mrs. Sarah Crosby ReevesMs. Hazel L. RhyneMs. Margie L. RoseThe Rev. and Mrs. Ben C. RouseMr. Joel SchurMrs. Mary Ann Duncan Sharpe ‘65Dr. and Mrs. Louis Spilman, Jr. ‘64The Rev. Sidney E. StaffordThe Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rufus H. Stark, IIThe Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr. ‘70Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Stout, Sr.LTC (Ret.) and Mrs. Walter SwingMr. Robert L. TurnerMr. David W. WaddellMr. and Mrs. Myers WaddellThe Rev. David C. Wade ‘79Ms. Cynthia A. Walker ‘65LTC James K. Waters, Jr. ‘73Mr. Roy A. WhitmireMrs. Geraldine Williams ‘68and Mr. Steve WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. WilliamsMr. Harvey T. Wright, II ‘70 and Mrs. MaryFermanides Wright ‘68Mrs. Dorothy B. WyattDr. Thomas S. Yow, III ‘66Ms. Eva N. McAdamsGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. HoltMrs. Irma E. NormanGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72The Rev. Evander ParnellGifts received from:Mrs. Evander ParnellMrs. Jane PeyrouseGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mrs. Peggy A. HinsonDr. Peter C. MurrayMr. and Mrs. Alan M. PorterDr. Paul F. WilsonDr. Lorenzo P. PlylerGifts received from:The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. ChristianMiss Ginger A. Preiss ‘96Gifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Preiss ‘88Pappa SacchettiGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. George J. MalletteMarcia C. SchurGifts received from:Mr. Joel SchurMrs. Jeanne SmithGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72LTC and Mrs. Marshall A. Lanter (Ret.)Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McIntyre, Sr.Mr. Joseph L. MillerMr. Robert Davis Smith Jr. ‘73Gifts received from:Ms. Cynthia A. Walker ‘65Mrs. Cora A. TurnerGifts received from:Mrs. Alyce Johnson ‘79Mr. Robert L. TurnerGIFTS IN HONOR OFIncludes bricks purchased in honor of an individual. Personalized bricksare on display on the patio area of the Davis Memorial Library.For further information on the brick program, please contactthe Development Office at (910) 630-7200.Mr. Randy S. AkersGifts received from:Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00American Guild of Organists –Cape Fear ChapterGifts received from:Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00Mr. Jordan David ArnoldGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Dwight ArnoldMr. Connor L. BlackwellGifts received from:Mr. Thomas DaughtreyMr. Chase F.S. Cates IIIGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. CatesMr. John and Mrs. Diane Cates EggerMrs. Joy W. CogswellGifts received from:Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00Miss Anna M. EdgeGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. J. G. EdgeFellowship of United <strong>Methodist</strong>s inMusic and Worship ArtsGifts received from:Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00Mr. Jerry HoggeGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Erik O. WoernerMrs. Katrina S. Jambor - Class of 2001Gifts received from:Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00LTG James M. Link – U.S. Army (Ret.)- Class of 1966Gifts received from:LTG James M. Link (Ret.) ‘66Ms. Jennifer Lymangood- Class of <strong>2005</strong>Gifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. William R. LymangoodMs. Nicole MalletteGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. George J. MalletteDr. Richard W. PearceGifts received from:Dr. Thomas S. Yow, III ‘66Mr. Jack PeyrouseGifts received from:Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mrs. Peggy A. HinsonDr. Peter C. MurrayDr. Paul F. WilsonMr. Timothy D. Price ‘91Gifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Don K. PriceMs. Diana Doucet Sims- Class of 1969Gifts received from:Mrs. Diana L. Sims ‘69 &Col. Paul N. Sims (Ret.)Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. WeaverGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. L. Stacy Weaver, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Walter P. WeaverGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. L. Stacy Weaver, Jr.Ms. Roni G. Wilkinson - Class of <strong>2005</strong>Gifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie WilkinsonThe Rev. Dr. Samuel Womack’s90th BirthdayGifts received from:Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. BrunnerThe Rev. Dr. Samuel Womack<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>33
Scholarship Program Contributions<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> is grateful for the financial assistance provided to our students by individuals,corporations and foundations in <strong>2005</strong>. Scholarship donors are listed beneath each fund.Donnell G. “Buck” AdamsMemorial ScholarshipMr. Donnell G. Adams, Jr.North Carolina CommunityFoundation, Inc.Margaret Stafford AlexanderMemorial ScholarshipMs. Margaret S. Alexander ‘67James Carter Black, Sr. & FlorenceSiems Black Endowed ScholarshipMr. James C. Black, Sr. (Deceased)Mr. & Mrs. James C. Black, Jr.James A. Bledsoe EndowedScholarship FundMr. & Mrs. James A. Bledsoe ‘67Paul L. & Mary W. BrowningEndowed Scholarship FundMary W. Browning (Deceased)Bruton Family Endowed ScholarshipMrs. Linda S. Bourland ‘69 &Mr. Michael V. BourlandRichard P. & Etta A. Butler MemorialEndowed Scholarship FundMr. Richard P. ButlerCarolina <strong>College</strong> ScholarshipMrs. Dorothy Collins KirkpatrickWalter & Margaret ClarkScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Graham B. BlantonThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.ChristianDr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. ClevelandMr. Jerry D. GregoryDr. & Mrs. M. Elton HendricksMrs. Blanche D. HodulMr. Jack R. LindleyDr. & Mrs. Roland C. LingleMrs. Bertha R. MartinMr. & Mrs. Mike SteadmanMr. & Mrs. James R. WarnerMrs. Dorothy B. WyattE. Bascom & Cora DingusEducational FundDingus Educational FundFranks-Penny MemorialScholarshipUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.General Endowed ScholarshipNC Conference of the UMCMaurice A. & Vennie S. HawleyEndowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. William R. HawleyHealth Care AdministrationStudent ScholarshipMr. Mike H. SullivanHensdale ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Von Autry, Jr.Young W. & Morie M. HowardEndowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Dana HerringDr. & Mrs. Bert Ishee ScholarshipDr. & Mrs. J. Breeden BlackwellMrs. J. A. BurgessMr. & Mrs. Ronald CarterThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.ChristianDr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. & Mrs. John F. DavisDr. & Mrs. John GimeshMr. Phillip E. HallDr. & Mrs. Jim S. HallDr. & Mrs. William C. Harrison ‘74, ‘72Mrs. Stuart Verdery KerrMs. Vera B. KingDr. Jane T. LewisMs. Hattie M. OdomMrs. Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ‘64Sen. & Mrs. Anthony E. RandMr. & Mrs. H. D Reaves, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. James R. WarnerMs. Margaret G. WatsonEdward Bert LassiterScholarship FundMr. & Mrs. Harold J. SturdivantWilliam P. Lowdermilk ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Jerry L. AlphinMs. Alice T. AshtonMr. & Mrs. John T. Baranowski ‘67, ‘68Mrs. Earleene R. BassMs. Summer E. BrockThe Rev. Janet K. Buffaloe ‘90The Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S.ChristianDr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Clark, III ‘74, ‘72Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. ClevelandMs. Jan CobbMs. Hazel L. CollierDr. Robert H. Cooper, CPAThe Rev. Jerry W. Cribb ‘81Mr. & Mrs. James A. DavisMr. & Mrs. John P. Dowd, IIIMrs. Claudia H. Dudley ‘67Mrs. Nona D. Fisher ‘88 &Mr. Fred L. FisherMr. & Mrs. J. Conrad GlassMr. & Mrs. John W. GreerMrs. Maurine N. HaleMr. & Mrs. Swayn G. HamletMr. Shawn M. Hartman ‘00Mr. & Mrs. David B. Herring ‘65, ‘66Mrs. Myrtle HoganMs. Mary M. Holben34 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>Mrs. Roland E. HorneMrs. Pat H. JonesMr. Wallace H. KirbyMr. & Mrs. Robert S. LowdermilkThe Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk(Deceased)Mrs. Barbara J. LuedekeRev. & Mrs. J. Tal Madison ‘80, ‘82The Rev. James E. Malloy, Jr. ‘78Mr. & Mrs. Guy E. Mason, Jr.Mr. Thomas C. Maze ‘93Mr. & Mrs. Eddy McDonaldMr. & Mrs. John McKayMr. & Mrs. Marcus G. McKnightMr. & Mrs. Samuel H. MearesMr. & Mrs. Donald L. MelvinThe Rev. & Mrs. Benjamin R.Melvin ‘78The Rev. Mark C. Mooney ‘81Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray MooreMr. Michael B. MurrayMr. & Mrs. W. D. PateMr. & Mrs. D.L. PaulMs. Mary Helen Pearsall ‘71Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Player Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Reginald W. PonderMr. & Mrs. Robert M. PoulkMr. Bruce R. PulliamMs. Hazel L. RhyneMs. Margie L. RoseThe Rev. & Mrs. Ben C. RouseMr. Joel SchurMrs. Mary Ann Duncan Sharpe ‘65Dr. & Mrs. Louis Spilman, Jr. ‘64The Rev. Sidney E. StaffordThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rufus H.Stark, IIThe Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr. ‘70Dr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stout, Sr.Mrs. Ann M. Sutton ‘67LTC (Ret.) & Mrs. Walter SwingMr. Robert L. TurnerMr. & Mrs. Myers WaddellMr. David W. WaddellReverend David C. Wade ‘79Ms. Cynthia A. Walker ‘65LTC James K. Waters, Jr. ‘73Mr. Roy A. WhitmireMrs. Gerri Williams ‘68Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. WilliamsMr. Harvey T. Wright, II ‘70 & Mrs.Mary Fermanides Wright ‘68Mrs. Dorothy B. WyattDr. Thomas S. Yow, III ‘66Golden Rule Bible Class -Hay Street UMCBrown, Denslow, Black & Billups, P.C.The John S. Huggins Foundation, Inc.Lizzie Lamb Bible Class - Hay StreetUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchCharles K. & Verna B. McAdamsEndowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Jon D. HoltMr. Charles K. McAdamsUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Joseph Gray Melvin & ElizabethHorne Melvin Memorial ScholarshipMrs. Patricia M. Cashion ‘64 &Mr. Hilton E. Cashion<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> AccountingScholarshipLTC (Ret.) & Mrs. Walter Swing<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> AlumniAssociation ScholarshipMr. Bill Billings ‘68Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Bruce ‘68Mrs. Martha A. Davis &Mr. Michael DavisMr. & Mrs. John G. Dicks, III ‘73Mr. & Mrs. G. Gordon Dixon ‘66, ‘81Mrs. Nona D. Fisher ‘88 &Mr. Fred L. FisherMr. & Mrs. John Harris ‘81, ‘80Mr. Parker S. Jones ‘75Mr. Robert A. Jones, Jr. ‘69Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Leake ‘73Mr. Donald F. Leatherman ‘72Mrs. Marlene D. MazeMr. Thomas C. Maze ‘93Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Miriello ‘70Pamella Sturdivant MollEducation FundMr. & Mrs. Harold J. SturdivantCumberland CommunityFoundation, Inc.Janet C. Mullen ScholarshipDr. & Mrs. Thomas J. GatesOTHER ENDOWMENTCONTRIBUTIONSW. Robert & Thelma Johnson &Robert Neal ScholarshipMs. Mae Belle L. Smyth<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> expresses appreciation to the followingdonors who contributed to other endowment funds during <strong>2005</strong>:General Endowment FundMs. Margaret S. Alexander ‘67Mr. Gene T. Clayton & Mrs. Pat Clayton ‘68The Rev. J. Milton Hadley, Jr. ‘70Dr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Harling, IIIMrs. Deborah M. MurrayMr. C. James Nash, Jr. ‘76Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. PorterMr. Geoffrey K. Sherman ‘75Ms. Linda SzulcMr. & Mrs. Gerald A. TeeleMaj. Roger M. Williams (Ret.) ‘85Metropolitan Life Insurance CompanyDr. William P. LowdermilkStudent Achievement AwardThe Rev. Dr. William P. Lowdermilk (Deceased)Nimocks Endowed ProfessorshipMr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, Jr.Lura S. Tally Endowed ProfessorshipMr. Larry Cheek & Dr. Suzan CheekMr. & Mrs. Monroe E. EvansFayetteville Publishing Co.Dr. Ernie Johnson & Mrs. Connie G. JohnsonMitchell, Brewer, Richardson,Adams, Burge & Boughman, PLLCMr. J. David TurnerMr. & Mrs. James R. WarnerDr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Ziegler, Jr. ‘01The Wesley Heritage Celebration FundUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Dr. L. Elbert & Lois R. WethingtonSamuel J. & Norma Womack Endowed Chairin Religion & PhilosophyMr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. BrunnerThe Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Womack
Joan Alexandra Meade PaitEndowed ScholarshipMr. Roger D. Pait ‘85Richard W. & Neva B. PearceScholarship FundDr. Richard W. PearceSusan Blanche Penny MinisterialScholarshipUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Titus E. Pittman ScholarshipThe Rev. & Mrs. Charles R. PittmanPittman-Frizzelle ScholarshipUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Margaret Ann Riddle PlayerEndowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Richard L. Player Jr.Professional Women ofFayetteville ScholarshipProfessional Women of FayettevilleBruce R. Pulliam ScholarshipMr. Bruce R. PulliamCharles B. Rankin MemorialScholarship FundMr. Samuel C. RankinRiddick & Gillie Revelle EndowedScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Riddick RevelleLouis Spilman, Jr. EndowedScholarshipDr. Louis Spilman, Jr. ‘64Carolyn Hardee Stout ScholarshipHoliday Inn BordeauxFrank Stout, Jr. MemorialScholarshipHoliday Inn BordeauxEura Strother ScholarshipUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Foundation, Inc.Harold J. & Josephine L.Sturdivant Endowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. Harold J. SturdivantJames D. Suitch Memorial ScholarshipMrs. Jane SuitchMONARCH BOOSTER CLUB DONORSThe Monarch Booster Club provides financial support to the AthleticDepartment above its normal operating budget & promotes theexcellence of the athletic programs of <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong>.Anaconda Sports Inc.Bobby Taylor Oil Co., Inc.Brad Hurley Insurance AgencyCape Cottages Realty, LLCClark Sporting GoodsMrs. Pat Clayton ‘68Ms. Jan CobbCommittee to Elect Tony RandCut It RightMr. Mike DalyDaly SevenMr. Matthew W. Dira ‘00Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Driggers ‘76, ‘76Dr. & Mrs. David DukeMr. Carl DykeEnterprise Rent-a-CarMr. D. Keith FarmerFayetteville Orthopaedic Clinic PAMr. Louis C. FeracaMr. & Mrs. Jeremiah D. FerreeMr. & Mrs. Tony FerrellMr. James R. Green ‘84Mr. S. Howard Hudson, III ‘69Ms. Belinda & Mr. Michael IveyMr. & Mrs. Brandon K. JollyMr. Mickey A. Jordan ‘00Mr. John T. KeeverMr. Philip S. Keever ‘02Lance, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Leake ‘73C.C. Powers, Jr. & Wingate E.,Sigmund B., & E.L. SwainMemorial ScholarshipMr. Donald F. Leatherman ‘72Mr. Jamie W. LeggMr. & Mrs. Rick D. LoweManchester Animal HospitalMr. Fred MarayMr. Thomas C. Maze ‘93Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McEvoyMr. Bill MenhornMr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Monday ‘71Dr. Peter C. MurrayMr. N. B. Neff, IIPepsi Bottling Ventures, LLCPharmacia & Upjohn, Inc.Mr. Larry S. Philpott ‘73Mr. Kenneth C. & Mrs. Shelly N.Praschan ‘80Mr. David L. Radford ‘78REMAX Choice RealtorsMs. Suzanne RobinsonRoy J. Haddock Surveying Co.Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. Sasser ‘84, ‘78LTC (Ret.) & Mrs. Walter SwingMr. Ken TanezThe Logistics Company, Inc.Tri-Co Insurance Agency, Inc.The Trophy House, Inc.Mr. Michael TuckerMr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Ulatowski ‘98, ‘98Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. WaldenMs. Rita S. Wiggs(Powers & Swain Scholarship)Powers Swain Chevrolet, Inc.UMC Women - Calvary UMCScholarshipUnited <strong>Methodist</strong> Women Calvary<strong>Methodist</strong> ChurchStacy & Elizabeth WeaverEndowed ScholarshipMr. & Mrs. L. Stacy Weaver, Jr.William S. Wellons, Sr. & FamilyScholarshipW. S. Wellons FoundationFRIENDS OF MUSIC DONORSThe Arts Council of Fayetteville/Cumberland CountyCW4 & Mrs. Charles H. Astrike (Ret.)Mr. & Mrs. James J. Barnes, Jr.Mr. Bill Billings ‘68Dr. & Mrs. J. Breeden BlackwellMr. Will D. BridgesMrs. Nancy W. BroadwellMr. & Mrs. Norwood E. Bryan, Jr.Mrs. Elaine M. BryantMr. Richard A. Butler, Jr. ‘88Chaminade Music ClubThe Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. ChristianMs. Mary Ann CoffieldMr. & Mrs. Ronald V. CrosmunMrs. Marie Shaw DeeMrs. Patricia N. DeLapaMrs. Mildred H. Dexter-Rosell ‘76Mr. Joe F. Doll, Jr.Mr. Robert W. DrakeMrs. Lorraine EllzeyMs. Gertrude A. EymanDr. & Mrs. Malcolm FleishmanMr. & Mrs. Philip J. GallinaMrs. Jane W. GardinerDr. & Mrs. William F. GrimesMr. & Mrs. Neill P. GuyDr. & Mrs. Jim S. HallMrs. Mary M. HayslipDr. & Mrs. M. Elton HendricksMr. & Mrs. John HermannMr. & Mrs. Joe HollinshedMr. & Mrs. Vivian HollinshedCol. & Mrs. A. A. HowellMr. & Mrs. Marshall C. HowieMr. Ralph Huff III & Mrs. Linda B. Huff ‘74Mr. & Mrs. J. Brad HurleyMs. Delaney T. IngrahamDr. & Mrs. Henry IzurietaMr. Joseph M. JenkinsMr. William B. JenningsMr. & Mrs. Rupert JerniganMs. Caroline JiamachelloDr. Ernie & Mrs. Connie G. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. Terry JordanDr. & Mrs. Weldon H. JordanHon. A. Elizabeth KeeverMrs. Stuart Verdery KerrMr. & Mrs. Jerry D. LeggettFlora Cornelia Bullock &Dr. Samuel Bryan Wilkins, Jr.Memorial ScholarshipMrs. Flora B. WilkinsHubert Willis Memorial FundHaymount United <strong>Methodist</strong> MenFriends of Music provides a base of community and alumni support forthe Department of Music. Among its goals is to provide funds for specialguest artist performances, performance series and/or professionalmaster classes. The <strong>College</strong> is grateful to the following individuals fortheir contributions to Friends of Music in 2004.Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Lewis, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Fred Little IIICOL & Mrs. William D. MacMillan, IVDr. & Mrs. Harold E. MaxwellMs. Kathryn C. McLambMrs. Sharon S. McNairMr. & Mrs. Samuel H. MearesMr. Walter C. Moorman, Sr.Mrs. Marilyn C. MorrisMr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nimocks, IIIMrs. Virginia T. OliverMrs. Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ‘64Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Player Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. PorterDr. William C. PowellMr. & Mrs. Paul A. Reichle, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Thornton L. ReynoldsMr. & Mrs. Albert RummansMr. & Mrs. D. P. Russ, Jr.Dr. & Mrs. Frank S. ShawMr. John G. ShawMr. & Mrs. Sammy E. ShortDr. John S. SillMr. & Mrs. W. Ritchie SmithDr. Sue W. & Mr. Drew SnyderMrs. Marie T. StewartMrs. Ruby Strouse ‘80Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. SturdivantLTC (Ret.) & Mrs. Walter SwingMrs. Lou P. TippettMrs. Hilde M. ToblerMr. & Mrs. Bill A. VanStoryMr. & Mrs. Richard VarelaMr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Vick, IIIMr. & Mrs. James R. WarnerMr. & Mrs. Don P. Warren ‘70Mr. Donald M. Warren ‘00Mr. & Mrs. M. J. WeeksDr. Charles L. WellsDr. Jimmie R. WilliamsDr. Philip C. Williams &Mrs. Sandra G. GarrettMr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Williams, Jr.Mr. Harvey T. & Mrs. MaryFermanides Wright, II ‘68, ’70COL Willie F. Wright (Ret.)Mr. & Mrs. Ramon L. Yarborough<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>35
Board Of VisitorsMonarch Booster ClubBoardClergy FriendsCenter forEntrepreneurshipAdvisory BoardFoundation BoardJohn S. McFadyenChairKelly D. PuryearVice ChairDonna W. RussellImmediate Past ChairDavid B. Alabaster ’69Billie AlphinBlair Alligood BakerBruce BaerEdith BiglerBruce T. BrownSusan J. Butler ’72Rodney B. DavisCynthia M. DeereJohn L. ElliottJo FairclothNed C. GarberLynne B. GreeneRoger F. HallCharles HarrellH. Walter Holt, Jr.Todd HoltetNathan K. HowieKathy JensenGordon JohnsonKenneth B. LewisDanny MaxwellKaren McDonaldJack Y. McGinleyRob McNultyRainelle D. Mishoe ’72Dixie PittmanLonnie Player, Jr.Shea PoteetLisa Saleeby PowellJan Faircloth PughTimothy S. RichardsonLinda G. RosenMelanie SolomonJean StultzFaith M. ThompsonSarah TilghmanMichael WarrenJames WilsonCharlene WyattSharon F. ValentineHoward Hudson ’69PresidentJamie Sykes ’93Vice PresidentBarbara LahiffSecretaryLarry DavisDave Eavenson ’96Bobby Graham ’88Melissa HayDeeDee JarmanEddie MatthewsJon Mitchell ’98Johnny TaylorDarren Thompson ’96Johnny Wilson ’99Reeves School OfBusiness AdvisoryBoardBill BowmanClarence E. Briggs, IIIDavid HaysletteRon LavoieBob LefflerBob MantelSuzanne Barlow PenninkDavid WilsonHarvey WrightPatric S. ZimmerBob ZippayThe Rev. Danny G. AllenThe Rev. William A. BoykinThe Rev. E. Ray BrooksThe Rev. Joseph Casteel ’93The Rev. Francis DanielThe Rev. Michael A. DavisThe Rev. Leonard F. Doucette ’74The Rev. Joseph W. ForbesThe Rev. Dr. R. Carl Frazier, Jr.The Rev. Dr. H. William GreenThe Rev. David J. HarrisThe Rev. Jan N. Hill ’95The Rev. Thomas G. HoltsclawThe Rev. Dr. Jerry A. Jackson ’75The Rev. Russell R. KnowlesThe Rev. Todd S. Krueger ’87The Rev. Ecwood C.Lancaster ’69The Rev. James E. Malloy, Jr. ’78The Rev. Kong S. Namkung ’91The Rev. Thomas NewmanThe Rev. Robert H. RayThe Rev. Luis ReinosoThe Rev. Caswell ShawThe Rev. Dr. DennisSheppard ’77The Rev. Jesse C. Staton, Jr. ’70The Rev. Dr. Alan P. Swartz ’78The Rev. Bobby P. Tyson, Jr.The Rev. Hope A. Vickers ’91The Rev. David C. Wade ’79Laity FriendsNorma AaronIsobel R. BeebeRuth L. CadeRobert and Elizabeth FrazierJohn Harris ’81Lehman and Jane JohnsonThomas L. WaldenJames and Julia WarnerAnna G. Workman ’68Carolyn ArmstrongCharles H. AtkinsonAllan BassRobert & Barbara BriggsLarry CaddellBrian CampbellRep. Margaret DicksonRobert DunnRobert GroverCharles J. HarrellDavid HawleyJean HodgesB. Davis Horne, Jr.Ralph HuffLucy JonesTom J. KeithTrevor KrackerRon MatthewsJerry McDonaldGraham MooreRoger OxendineSen. Anthony RandTerry P. Sasser ’84James SherrillGregory StadermannJurgen StanleyBobby SuggsRhee SuttonWilson TeacheyIris ThorntonJerry ThrasherWyatt G. UpchurchSharon ValentineLarry Walsh ’93William Wellons, Jr.Erik WellsJay WyattHealth CareAdministration AdvisoryBoardDonald BrockerHank DebnamDr. William R. JohnstonRonald MaulRichard H. ParksDr. John M. Ray, Jr.Tracey Sellers ’99Janet S. StoutDr. Deborah J. TeasleyJ. Luckey Welsh, Jr.John B. “Brad” HurleyPresidentLouis C. FeracaVice PresidentBrett HulseyTreasurerKevin S. BunnImmediate Past PresidentJeffrey B. BakerFrank K. Barragan IIIWilliam L. BowmanCharles BroadwellAlan BuffaloeStephen Driggers ’76Mac EdwardsMark FisherMary Flagg N. HaughBishop Kenneth HillTimothy J. HintonGwen Holtsclaw ’68Lucy T. JonesWilliam A. “Bill” MartinJames T. MelvinJim PittmanAnne C. RaperJ. Lee Warren ’75Paralegal BoardMembersRebecca J. BrittonValerie ChaffinDr. Suzan CheekTheresa ClarkMatt CockmanPaul CrenshawDale DeeseTina DickieBarbel DuneRobert DunnSusan HallStephen G. InmanSylvia LawrenceDr. Ronnie MartinDr. Trevor MorrisOcie Murray, Jr.Joe OsmanTrudy RutherfordDr. Phillip WilliamsDr. Andrew ZieglerKalli Ziegler ’0136 <strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>
Parents AdvisoryCouncilErik and Gail WoernerChairpersonsJames D’AmicoVice ChairRobert RossiImmediate Past ChairpersonBrian and Linda AltomareAland and Ruthann AngrickDave and Judy BallDavid and Deana BennettMark and Lynn BlackleyLeslie BounanMindy BounanPaul and Carolee BradshawSteven and Marcie BullRobin BurchScott BurchJohn and Penney BurlingameWanda and Joseph CasteelGerald and Ann ColemanWilliam and Debbie CulverElmore and Janet CurtisDeborah D’AmicoFrankie and Karen DullDel and Myra EricksonTommy and Betty EwingDavid and Constance ForlerBart and Kimberly GenovaDouglas and Christy GleasonRandy and Sandy GurleyJerry and Joani HartmanPaul and Kathryn HillsingerMark and Deborah HoffmanMichael and Kathleen HolupkaGlenn and Amy HudginsKen and Debe JenkinsTom and Angie JonesSteve and Kathy KeeterCraig and Cathy KennedyJohn and Deborah KetchumMark and Patrice KlemballaRon and Joyce KramerCraig and Karen LarimoreGary Lynn and Kimberly MimmsElizabeth and Ark MatthewsJames and Sharon McArthurCraig and Terry MooreTerrance and Pamela MusgroveJim and Anne NothBill and Theresa O’KeefePaul and Rebecca PetkanasKen and Mary PriceRoger and Jody QuinnShawn and Theresa ReedBruce and Debbie ReillyAngela ReynoldsPatt and Kristy RiceMike and Dixie RussellWilliam and Patricia SchmidtDonnie and Dee StaffordDavid and Lisa TaylorJolene and Jeffrey TaylorJon and Beth ThorstenLarry and Vicki WadeGeorge and Gail WagamanDavid and Sherri WebsterRichard and Carol WilerDavid and Pat WilliamsMark and PatriciaWoessnerJim and Geri YatesJim and Elayne ZellmerPeter and Anne ZorioThe Lura S. TallyCenter forLeadershipDevelopmentAdvisory BoardGeorge W. BreeceCharles BroadwellDr. Suzan K. CheekMildred EvansDr. Loleta Wood FosterMac HealyH. Terry Hutchens, Esq.The Rev. Ernest JohnsonRobin Huske KellyKathryn W. McCoyRep. Mike McIntyreJerry Meek, Esq.Susan Jones MonroeRichard Player, IIISen. Tony RandBilly Richardson, Esq.John M. RobbinsHarry F. ShawSen. Larry ShawRollin ShawMary Ann Tally, Esq.Brenda TinneyTerri UnionBurt VanderCluteJames R. WarnerClarie WhiteCynthia WilsonMartha Swain WoodSocial Work FieldAdvisory CommitteeTina BarronJoan BlanchardPriscilla BurtonDr. Annie ChavisDebbie CoffeyCarol HessenflowDarlene HopkinsRichard JaiteNatasha ScottJohn SuttonSocial Work AdvisoryBoardJoe BelskiLaura BlackleyRonald BurykCarol HessenflowChip ModlinDebbie NormanJoseph PeckoNatasha ScottAnn ThomasSouthern WritersSymposium CommunityAdvisory CouncilElaine BryantJane CastoMary CambpellEvelyn CouncilJan DonaldsonDr. Monte HillLiliana ParkerRoy ParkerAissatou SunjataFriends of MusicBoard of DirectorsMary Ann CoffieldPresidentWillie F. WrightVice PresidentWalter M. SwingSecretaryStephan P. BarnicleJason Britt, ‘93Richard ButlerLorraine EllzeyGertrude EymanJane Weeks GardinerJean HermannBetty HowieConnie JohnsonDon LatellaHelen LeggettVictoria L. MacMillanSharon McNairMarilyn MorrisMargaret Ann PlayerLou TippettDenise VarelaMary F. Wright ‘68Honorary MembersElaine BryantWilliam JenningsPatrick O’BriantRollin ShawCarol M. ShortDonna A. WiggsAlumni AssociationBoard Of DirectorsLeslie R. Antoniel ’99Robert B. Boswell ’85David L. Foster ’76Nona D. Fisher ’88Belinda S. Freeman ’98John T. Harris ’81Cynthia D. Hawkins ’99Beverly P. Honeycutt ’67Cannie R. Hunter ’04Margo M. Jarvis ’96Derrick L. Johnson ’95Robert A. Jones ’69Mark C. Kendrick ’83Rahn A. Kersey ’89Earl D. Leake ’73Donald F. Leatherman ’72Dale W. Marshall ’67Bryan W. May ’92Ronnie B. McNeill ’85Jerry R. Monday ’71Rodney C. Parker ’00Betty-Neill Guy Parsons ’64Larry S. Philpott ’73Dr. Kelli K. Sapp ’91Carmen Serbio ’95The Rev. Dr. DennisR. Sheppard ’77Dwight Sheppard ’75<strong>Methodist</strong> <strong>College</strong> Annual Report <strong>2005</strong>37
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