Final Project.pdf - First Class® Information
Final Project.pdf - First Class® Information
Final Project.pdf - First Class® Information
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BLACKLINE MASTER 3-0 <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – GLC2O<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – GLC2O Career Studies(worth __% of the final mark)Name:DUE DATE:Total Marks = /100 = %Directions:The final project will consist of three parts, all of which will be presented at the Career Fairscheduled for _________________________________.1. Research Report2. Static Display Board or Equivalent Media Presentation3. Education Program PlanPreparing for a Career FairYou have been asked by your Career Studies teacher to research and assemble a display on one ofthe careers that you think you might be interested in pursuing. This research report and display will beused at the Career Fair which has been scheduled for your final exam. The purpose of the staticdisplay is to highlight the career you have researched. This display may take the form of a bulletinboard, poster, or free standing display. Alternatively, for the technically oriented students, anelectronic presentation via Powerpoint or Corel Presentations could be created which would run as astand alone presentation. ** Heads up: It will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that alaptop, complete with required software are available for the Career Fair. The teacher will NOT beresponsible for any technical requirements.Research ReportPrepare a written report to compare your suitability with the career. You will want to research thecareer (using the template given) and then compare the requirements with what you have learnedabout yourself in this course using your notes. The report should use headings, be placed in aduotang, and answer the following: State the career you chosen to research. Describe the career, salary range, hours andtype of work. Include the advantages, disadvantages, specific skills, educationrequirements, and schools that offer education related to this career. What attracted you to this career? Explain the lifestyle appeal (money, prestige,flexibility, status, etc.). How suitable is this career for you? To ensure a complete and thorough responseoccurs for this question, respond using examples of past experiences to support yourclaim. Use your personal profile brochure and various assessments from your folder toconsider each of the following:
skillsvaluesinterests/extracurricular pastimespersonality typelearning stylemultiple intelligencesfavourite subjects What are the education requirements for this career as they relate to highschool courseselections? Are you taking your courses at the appropriate level? Explain. Recall your self assessment of personal management skills from Unit 1. What personalmanagement skills do you need to develop further to ensure success with this career?How will you go about improving these skills? If you plan to pursue this career, what experiences outside of the classroom could youinvolve yourself with to help you develop the necessary essential skills? Be specificwith regards to the activity and where it could be done (e.g., rowing - goal setting, timemanagement). Reflection - Now that you have reviewed your personal profile and compared this to thecareer researched, do you think that this career is a viable option for you to consider?Explain. Are there any potential barriers that could interfere with the achievement ofyour post secondary goals ( e.g., learning disabilities, financial constraints, distancefrom opportunities)? How do you plan to overcome these?Static Display Include the career name, career description, salary, hours of work, advantages,disadvantages, needed skills, learning style, personality style and type, right or left brain etcfrom notes, post secondary institutions that offer education programming, professionalassociations related, high school subjects needed, any other useful or interesting informationon your career. .. Make your layout pleasing – avoid too many different styles of fonts. Be aware of the mediumused. Short bursts of text, rather than long paragraphs should be used throughout. .. Attempt to engage the audience in the display - e.g., open a flap to learn of an answer, etc. .. Graphics should complement the text, not distract from it. .. Arrange the items on your display in a logical order. .. Ensure that the display is free of spelling and grammatical errors. .. People scan information according to a Z-pattern. Thus, information should be laid out toassist people with this process.
Education Program PlanEducation Program PlanDistrict School of NiagaraStudent:School:Year 120Year 220Year 320Year 420DiplomaRequirements1 ENG ENG ENG ENG Compulsory Credits 182345678TotalCreditsPost Secondary Plans: college university apprenticeship other (Example: Armed Forces,employment)Counsellor Notes:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Note plans for a 5 th year here)4 English3 Maths2 Science1 French1 Canadian Geography1 Canadian History1 Arts1 Health and Physical Ed..5 Career Studies.5 CivicsPlus:1 additional credit in English, or French as a secondlanguage, or a Native language, or a Classical or anInternational language, or Social Sciences and theHumanities, or Canadian and World Studies, orGuidance and Career Education, or Co-opeducation....................................G11 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, orthe Arts, or Business Studies, or Co-opeducation....................................G21 additional credit in Science (Grade 11-12) orTechnology(Grade 9- 12) or Co-opeducation......................................G3* A maximum of 2 credits in Co-op education cancount as compulsory credits12 Elective CreditsSuccessful completion of the Literacy Test40 hours of community involvement
<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Project</strong> – Preparing for a Career FairSummative EvaluationName:Class:Due Date:Please check once each of the following components has been completed:Static display highlighting the career researchedWritten report on a career and sourcesEducation Program Plan for academic and personal growthStatic Display30 marksSummary of EvaluationWritten Reportand Sources50 marksEducation Planand Participationin Career Fair20 marks<strong>Final</strong>100 marksKnowledge/UnderstandingThinkingCommunicationApplicationTotal
effectiveness.Evaluation Booklet Page 4DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA - COPYRIGHT8Unit 3 - Culminating Task: Part 69B
Culminating TaskWritten Report and Educational Plan RubricCategory/Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Thinking- use of processing skills(analysing, reflecting,synthesizing and formingconclusions)- A completed educationalplan exists. While awritten report exists,significant improvement inreflection is need. A basicconclusion exists.- A majority of both thewritten report andeducational plan arecomplete. Processingskills have been used withsome effectiveness.While a conclusion exists,greater support for such isdesired.- The written report andeducational plan arecomplete. Processingskills have been used withconsiderableeffectiveness. Thestudent=s conclusion iseffective.- The written report andeducational plan are bothcomplete and insightful.Processing skills havebeen used with a highdegree of effectiveness.The student=s conclusionis effective.Communication- uses of language- Communicatesinformation andexperiences with limitedclarity. Few if anyheadings were used toassist in readability.-Several spelling orgrammar errors exist.- Communicatesinformation andexperiences with someclarity. Better use ofheadings to improvereadability should haveoccurred.-Several minor spelling orgrammar errors exist.- Communicatesinformation andexperiences withconsiderable clarity.Headings have been usedto improve readability.-A few minor spelling orgrammar errors exist.- Communicatesinformation andexperiences with a highdegree of clarity andconfidence. Headingshave been used toimprove readability.-No spelling or grammarerrors exist.Application- high school graduationrequirements- making connections- The education planensures that thecompulsories have beenincluded.- The education planensures that mostgraduation requirementsare included. Courselevel considerations mayneed to be made.- The education planensures that allgraduation requirementsare included. A realisticplan exists.- The education planensures that allgraduation requirementsare included andconsideration of postsecondary requirementshas occurred. A realisticplan exists.- A reflection exists, yetgreater support throughthe inclusion of personalaccounts is desired.- The personal reflectionis substantiated with slightmention of personalaccounts.- The personal reflectionis substantiated with somepersonal accounts.- The personal reflectionis substantiated with manypersonal accounts.DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF NIAGARA - COPYRIGHT8Unit 3 - Culminating Task: Part 79B
Career FairDirections:Complete 5 assessments of your peers’ work. Fill out a form below for each static display yourassess.Student who made the display:____________________________________________Career Name:_______________________________Overall impression 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10KnowledgeThinking (Planning)Communication (language/visuals)1 2 3 41 2 3 41 2 3 4Really Good StuffThings to improveCheck the ones you can find the answer to on the displayCareer NameCareer DescriptionSalaryHours of WorkAdvantages and DisadvantagesSkillsWork Experience recommended or post-secondary program namePost-secondary institutions that offer the above mentioned programAdmission requirements/educational prerequisitesHigh school subjectsProfessional associationsScholarshipsFuture needRelated fields of studyTotal approximate cost for educationAnything else usefulDSBN – 2011 S. Bacchus HSP3M
DSBN – 2011 S. Bacchus HSP3M