Optical properties of deformed few-layer graphenes with AB stacking
Optical properties of deformed few-layer graphenes with AB stacking
Optical properties of deformed few-layer graphenes with AB stacking
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043509-3 Lee et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 043509 2010FIG. 2. Color online The low-energy bands <strong>of</strong> <strong>few</strong>-<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong> nearthe K point along k̂. y Different stains are shown for a N=1, b N=2, cN=3, and d N=4.FIG. 3. Color online The same plot as Fig. 2, but shown along k̂. x Energybands crossing the Fermi level are also plotted by the dashed curves forcomparison.term. f is the Fermi–Dirac distribution function. =0.4 meV is the broadening parameter due to variousde-excitations. The subbands away from the Fermienergy are assigned to the index J=1,2,...,N,correspondingly. The velocity matrix element, h k x ,k y ,JÊ· P /m e h k x ,k y ,J, is evaluated <strong>with</strong>in thegradient approximation. 29,30 It can be approximated as h k x ,k y ,JÊ · P /m e h k x ,k y ,J= a ll,lh a l h l Ê · P /m e l l,lah l a H h l,ll .k xH l,l /k x includes the intra<strong>layer</strong> and the inter<strong>layer</strong> atomicinteractions, as seen in Eq. 3. The former dominate theabsorption spectra, since they are much stronger.III. LOW-ENERGY ELECTRONIC AND OPTICALPROPERTIESFirst, a simple review is given for the low-energy-electronic structure <strong>of</strong> mono<strong>layer</strong> graphene, and is followedby a detailed discussion about N-<strong>layer</strong> <strong>AB</strong>-stacked<strong>graphenes</strong>. Single-<strong>layer</strong> graphene possesses two isotropic linearbands black lines in Figs. 2a and 3a intersecting atthe Fermi level; therefore, it is a zero-gap system. The Fermimomentum k F is located exactly at the K point black arrow.Deformation changes the K point and the Fermi momentum.The coordinate <strong>of</strong> the former moves from2/3b,2/3 3b to 2/3b1+,/ 3b1−/65−1−/6/3 3b1+ 2 red and blue arrows. The energydispersions near the K point remain linear along ̂k ygreen and red lines in Fig. 2a, whereas transform intoparabolic ones along ̂k x <strong>with</strong> an energy gap green and redcurves in Fig. 3a. Notice that there is still a linear intersectionalong ̂k x at kF green and red dashed lines in Fig.3a. The isotropy is also destroyed because <strong>of</strong> the slightlydifferent slopes <strong>of</strong> the linear bands along ̂k x and ̂. ky As for theFermi momentum, it varies from 2/3b,2/3 3b to2/3b1+,2 cos −1 0 /2 0 / 3b1−/6. kF alonĝk y blueshifts under uniaxial tension.The inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions have significant influenceon the band structures. For instance, the low-energybands <strong>of</strong> multi<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong> becomes anisotropic. The <strong>AB</strong>bi<strong>layer</strong>graphene exhibits two pairs <strong>of</strong> parabolic energybands. Without deformation, one pair has overlapping nearE F =0, and the other pair is located at higher energy 1 ;not shown. A semimetallic overlap appears when depictedthrough the K point along ̂k y black curves in Fig. 2b;while along ̂, k x another overlap intersecting at EF is locatednear the K point black dashed curves in Fig. 3b. The localmaxima in the former are actually the local minima along ̂. k xThis means that they are saddle points in the energy-wavevectorspace, marked by triangle heads in Fig. 2b. Thedeformation causes the band structures to be more anisotropic.Under the uniaxial tension compression, the overlappingalong ̂k y grows disappears red green curves inFig. 2b. The local extreme values are still saddle pointstriangle heads in Fig. 2b. These saddle points contributeDownloaded 07 Sep 2010 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
043509-4 Lee et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 043509 2010FIG. 4. Color online The JDOS for <strong>few</strong>-<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong> <strong>with</strong> a N=1, bN=2, c N=3, and d N=4.to the high density <strong>of</strong> states, resulting in the special structuresin the optical spectra. As to the overlapping along ̂, k x itis enhanced and still intersects at the Fermi level whenuniaxial compression is applied green dashed curves in Fig.3b, but tension causes it to disappear. Meanwhile, the augmentation<strong>of</strong> deformation increases the energy spacing betweenthe conduction and valence bands at the saddle points.In addition to the saddle points, the Fermi momenta play animportant role in the optical excitations as well. The k F ’s aredetermined by the intersections <strong>of</strong> energy bands and E F . Theincreasing tension enlarges the spacing between the conductionand valence bands at k F ’s red curves in Fig. 2b.While the increase in compression doesn’t open up a bandgap, it only changes the slope <strong>of</strong> the linear bands intersectingat E F green dashed curves in Fig. 3b. The Fermi momentaare expected to decide the initial threshold frequency <strong>of</strong> opticalspectra, because the vertical excitations <strong>of</strong> the least energytake place at these states.The 3- and 4-<strong>layer</strong> <strong>AB</strong>-stacked <strong>graphenes</strong> both exhibittwo pairs <strong>of</strong> conduction and valence bands near the Fermilevel. The former has one pair <strong>of</strong> linear bands and one pair <strong>of</strong>twisted parabolic bands, where more band-edge states existblack curves in Fig. 2c. The latter has two pairs <strong>of</strong> parabolicbands, one <strong>of</strong> which shows twisting as well blackcurves in Fig. 2d. The inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions leadto the different Fermi-momentum states and band-edgestates. Some <strong>of</strong> the band-edge states are saddle points andmake important contributions to the special structures <strong>of</strong> theabsorption spectra. Others relate to the local maxima orminima, causing insignificant structures. The effects <strong>of</strong>uniaxial stress in the case <strong>of</strong> N=3 and 4 are similar to thosein bi<strong>layer</strong> graphene, such as, the increasing energy spacingbetween the conduction and valence bands at the Fermi momentaand saddle points red and green curves in Figs. 2c,2d, 3c, and 3d. These changes can be seen in opticalexcitations.The main characteristics <strong>of</strong> absorption spectra A aregoverned by the JDOS and the velocity matrix element. TheJDOS represents the total number <strong>of</strong> optical excitation channels.In the absence <strong>of</strong> stress, the JDOS <strong>of</strong> mono<strong>layer</strong>graphene increases linearly from zero <strong>with</strong> the growing Fig. 4a. The uniaxial tension compression increases decreasesthe JDOS. It is because the uniaxial tension compressionresults in the smaller larger slope <strong>of</strong> linear energybands, inducing more less electronic states and generatingmore less transition channels. As for the bi<strong>layer</strong> graphene,the parabolic energy bands exhibit saddle points triangleheads in Fig. 2b near the K point, which lead to many newexcitation channels and a prominent peak in the low-energyJDOS Fig. 4b. Under uniaxial tension, the JDOS is vanishingnear 0, and it keeps almost zero <strong>with</strong>in a frequencyrange red curve in Fig. 4b. Such range is definedas the transition gap tg , the vertical excitation energy betweenthe Fermi-momentum states and the occupied or theunoccupied states, depending on which one is the smallest.That is to say, it is due to the vertical excitation channelsbetween the conduction and valence bands at the Fermi momentumred curves in Fig. 2b. On the contrary, the JDOSat =0 and 0 black and green curves in Fig. 4b exhibitsalmost zero transition gaps because the energy bandsintersecting near E F provide the low-energy excitation channelsblack curve in Fig. 2b and green dashed curves in Fig.3b.The inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions in tri<strong>layer</strong> and tetra<strong>layer</strong><strong>graphenes</strong> induce richer electronic <strong>properties</strong>, creatingmore special structures in the JDOS. The former has aprominent peak and a transition gap black curve in Fig.4c, owing to the saddle points and the Fermi momenta <strong>of</strong>the twisted parabolic bands, respectively black curve in Fig.2c. Both the peak frequency and transition gap are enlargedby tension and compression. Furthermore, a slightshoulder structure at 0.02 eV owes to the contributionfrom the Fermi momenta <strong>of</strong> the linear bands black curve inFig. 2c. For the tetra<strong>layer</strong> graphene, more than one peakare induced black curve in Fig. 4c. These pronouncedpeaks are related to the saddle points, and other minor peaksand shoulder structures come from the local minima ormaxima. In the presence <strong>of</strong> stress, more minor peaks andshoulder structures exist in the JDOS and the uniaxial compressioneven causes a prominent structure <strong>with</strong> twin peaksgreen curve in Fig. 4d.The optical spectra have the similar special structures asthe JDOS does. However, the velocity matrix element alsoinfluences A drastically, such as the spectrum intensity.For mono<strong>layer</strong> graphene, the linear -dependence <strong>of</strong> Arelates to that <strong>of</strong> the JDOS. Compression leads to strongerspectrum intensity than tension green and red lines in inset<strong>of</strong> Fig. 5a, as the opposite is true for the JDOS green andred lines in inset <strong>of</strong> Fig. 4a. This result clearly illustratesthat the velocity matrix element is <strong>of</strong> great importance concerningA.Downloaded 07 Sep 2010 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
043509-5 Lee et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 043509 2010FIG. 6. The strain-dependence <strong>of</strong> a the frequencies <strong>of</strong> the most prominentpeaks and b the transition gaps.FIG. 5. Color online The absorption spectra <strong>with</strong> different strains for aN=1, b N=2, c N=3, and d N=4.As for multi<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong>, A is affected significantlyby the inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions. Spectrum intensitiesare determined by the competition between the JDOSand the velocity matrix element. In the absence <strong>of</strong> deformation,the bi<strong>layer</strong> graphene possesses a pronounced peakblack curve in Fig. 5b due to the vertical excitations fromthe saddle points <strong>of</strong> the parabolic bands black curve in Fig.2b. In addition, such a symmetric peak is divergent in thelogarithmic form at the zero broadening width. The parabolicbands intersecting at the Fermi level <strong>of</strong>fer efficient verticalexcitation channels near 0 and, as a result, no transitiongap. The tri<strong>layer</strong> and the tetra<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong> exhibit differentabsorption frequencies and intensities black curves inFigs. 5c and 5d. Their transition gaps differ from eachother as well. In the tetra<strong>layer</strong> graphene, the most pronouncedpeak at 0.011 eV black curve in Fig. 5dassociates <strong>with</strong> the second highest JDOS peak black curvein Fig. 4d. The highest JDOS peak correlates to the shoulderstructure at 0.016 eV, mainly owing to the weakervelocity matrix element.Deformation leads to great variations in absorption spectra<strong>of</strong> multi<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong>. No simple relation between theuniaxial stress and spectrum intensities, as seen in the mono<strong>layer</strong>graphene, could be obtained. Deformation enhances thefrequencies and the intensities <strong>of</strong> pronounced peaks. Moreshoulder structures and minor peaks are generated because <strong>of</strong>new vertical excitations from the Fermi momenta and thenew local minima or maxima, respectively. Compressioneven creates a prominent structure <strong>with</strong> twin peaks in tetra<strong>layer</strong>graphene green curve in Fig. 5d. The main reason isthat the excitation energies from the two saddle points areclose but yet distinguishable in A. Besides, tension inducesa transition gap in bi<strong>layer</strong> graphene tg 0.008 eV;red curve in Fig. 5b for the vertical transitions from theFermi momenta <strong>with</strong> nonzero excitation energy. However,A remains no transition gap under compression greencurve in Fig. 5b. For tri<strong>layer</strong> and tetra<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong>, tgincreases in the presence <strong>of</strong> stress red and green curves inFigs. 5c and 5d.The frequency <strong>of</strong> the most prominent peak mp and thetransition gap are strongly dependent on strain. Uniaxialstress raises mp red and green curves in Figs. 5b–5dthrough the enhancement <strong>of</strong> energy spacing at the saddlepoints red and green curves in Figs. 2b–2d. The smallestvertical excitation energy will rise proportionally when thestress grows. For this reason, mp is proportional to Fig.6a. It also arises <strong>with</strong> the increase <strong>of</strong> N. Besides, the strongerdeformation enlarges the transition gaps in tri<strong>layer</strong> andtetra<strong>layer</strong> <strong>graphenes</strong> Fig. 6b. With the increasing uniaxialstress, the transition gaps become larger as a result <strong>of</strong> thebigger energy spacing between the Fermi-momentum statesand the occupied or unoccupied states red curves in Figs.2c and 2d. Similar phenomena also take place when raisingthe uniaxial tension in bi<strong>layer</strong> graphene. On the otherhand, the transition gap almost remains zero at 0. Thatthe linear bands crossing the Fermi level provides the lowenergyexcitation channels green dashed curves in Fig. 2baccounts for this result. The predicted strain-dependence <strong>of</strong>absorption frequency could be verified by the experimentalmeasurements on optical spectra.Under the influence <strong>of</strong> electric and magnetic fields, the<strong>few</strong>-<strong>layer</strong> <strong>AB</strong>-stacked <strong>graphenes</strong> have been investigated.Uniaxial stress has analogous as well as diverse effects onthe electronic <strong>properties</strong> and absorption spectra. Electricfields and the stress have similar effects, such as the subbandcrossing, the changes in subband spacing, and extra band-Downloaded 07 Sep 2010 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions
043509-6 Lee et al. J. Appl. Phys. 108, 043509 2010edge states. 21 Moreover, the low-energy energy bands becomemore anisotropic. As for absorption spectra, the mostprominent peak presents the divergent logarithmic form atthe vanishing broadening parameter. There is no special opticalselection rule. However, the magnetic fields induce theisotropic Landau levels and result in the delta-function-likespectrum peaks. Such peaks are much more eminent than thelogarithmic ones. They obey certain selection rules; furthermore,the field-dependent absorption frequencies are verycomplex. 23IV. CONCLUDING REMARKSThis work studies the electronic <strong>properties</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>few</strong>-<strong>layer</strong><strong>AB</strong>-stacked <strong>graphenes</strong> under uniaxial stress by the tightbindingmodel. The gradient approximation is utilized to calculatethe absorption spectra when the graphene is <strong>deformed</strong>.The inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions, the <strong>layer</strong> number, and theuniaxial stress all have great effects on the electronic structuresand optical excitations. The frequency <strong>of</strong> the mostprominent peak and transition gap strongly depend on thestrain.Mono<strong>layer</strong> graphene owns isotropic linear bands in thelow energy. The inter<strong>layer</strong> atomic interactions destroy theisotropy and induce parabolic bands in multi<strong>layer</strong> <strong>AB</strong>stacked<strong>graphenes</strong>. The band-edge states <strong>of</strong> these parabolicbands, such as the saddle points and the local minima andmaxima, lead to special structures in absorption spectra. Inthe presence <strong>of</strong> the uniaxial stress, the parabolic bands becomemore anisotropic. Deformation enhances the overlappingbetween the valence and conduction bands, changes theenergy spacing at the band-edge states, and generates moreband-edge states. In addition, the energy spacing at thesaddle points and the Fermi momenta is predominated by thestress strength except for the latter in <strong>AB</strong>-bi<strong>layer</strong> grapheneunder compression.As for absorption spectra, the prominent peaks are inducedby the saddle points, and the shoulder structures arerelated to the local extremes or the Fermi momenta. Thetransition gap is dominated by the smallest energy spacingbetween the occupied and unoccupied states at the Fermimomenta. Under the uniaxial stress, the enlarged energyspacing at the saddle points enhances the pronounced peakfrequencies, and the one at the Fermi momenta expands thetransition gaps. In tetra<strong>layer</strong> graphene, deformation generatesmore band-edge states and thus results in the new minorpeaks and shoulder structures. Compression causes theprominent twin-peak structure. The <strong>layer</strong> number affects thefrequencies and intensities <strong>of</strong> pronounced peaks, and createsnew shoulder structures. The strain is linearly related to thefrequency <strong>of</strong> the most prominent peak. Also, it is closelyconnected <strong>with</strong> the transition gap excluding bi<strong>layer</strong> grapheneunder compression. The effects <strong>of</strong> electric fields are similarto those <strong>of</strong> the uniaxial stress, such as energy dispersions andspecial structures in A. On the contrary, magnetic fieldshave very different consequences. These predicted resultscould be demonstrated by optical measurements.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the NSC and NCTS <strong>of</strong> Taiwan,under the Grant Nos. NSC 98-2112-M-006-013-MY4,NSC 98-2811-M-006-019, and NSC 99-2811-M-110-006.1 J. S. Bunch, Y. Yaish, M. Brink, K. Bolotin, and P. L. McEuen, Nano Lett.5, 287 2005.2 C. 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