Structural Geology Pre-Lab

Structural Geology Pre-Lab

Structural Geology Pre-Lab


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R.L. Hanna<strong>Geology</strong>C. This fold is a(n)• anticline• syncline• plunging syncline• basin• strike & dip foldLook in your lab manual for the answer.......D. This fold is a(n)• syncline• plunging syncline• plunging anticline• basin• strike & dip foldLook in your lab manual for the answer.......Page 3

R.L. Hanna<strong>Geology</strong>GEOLOGIC MAPE. If Layer 5 is the oldest rock and Layer 8 is the youngest rock, and usingthe strike and dip information, the map above shows a(n)• anticline• syncline• dome• basin• plunging syncline• plunging anticlinePage 4

R.L. Hanna<strong>Geology</strong>GEOLOGIC MAPF. If Layer 8 is the youngest rock and Layer 5 is the oldest rock, and usingthe strike and dip information, the map above shows a(n)• anticline• syncline• dome• basin• plunging syncline• plunging anticlinePage 5

R.L. Hanna<strong>Geology</strong>Find the list/legend of geologic map symbols in your lab manual.I. The symbol above indicates a(n)• impact crater• volcano• horizontal sedimentary rock• plunging syncline• plunging anticline• vertical sedimentary rock• dikeJ. The symbol above indicates a(n)• impact crater• volcano• horizontal sedimentary rock• plunging syncline• plunging anticline• vertical sedimentary rock• sillPage 7

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