DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se


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elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Edited with the trial version ofFoxit Advanced PDF EditorTo remove this notice, visit:www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping<strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong>DIN rail three pha<strong>se</strong> four wire energy meter1.1 Safety instruction1.2 Foreword1.3 Performance criteria1.4 Specifications1.5 Basic errors1.6 Description1.7 Dimensions1.8 Installation1.9 Operating1.10 Troubleshooting1.11 Technical support<strong>U<strong>se</strong>r</strong> <strong>manual</strong>Fanthyttans Shanghai Fengyilong Elektriska Electronic Co. Ltd. 0581-51187 www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.comwww.elnu.<strong>se</strong>Fanthyttan 215 070-552 06 56 -1- 021-60975591/ info@elnu.<strong>se</strong> 60975592711 96 STORÅSWEDEN

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>1.1 Safety instructionsInformation for Your Own SafetyThis <strong>manual</strong> does not contain all of the safety measures for operation of the equipment(module, device), becau<strong>se</strong> special operating conditions, and local code requirements orregulations may necessitate further measures. However, it does contain informationwhich must be adhered to in the interests of your own personal safety and to avoidmaterial damages. This information is highlighted by a warning triangle is repre<strong>se</strong>ntedas follows, depending on the degree of potential danger.WarningMeans that failure to ob<strong>se</strong>rve the instruction can result in death, <strong>se</strong>rious injury orconsiderable material damage.CautionMeans hazard of electric shock and failure to take the necessary safety precautions willresult in death, <strong>se</strong>rious injury or considerable material damage.Qualified personnelCommissioning and operation of the equipment (module, device) described in this<strong>manual</strong> may only be performed by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel in the<strong>se</strong>n<strong>se</strong> of the safety information contained in this <strong>manual</strong> are persons who areauthorized to commission, start up, ground and label devices, systems and circuitsaccording to safety and Regulatory standards.U<strong>se</strong> for the intended purpo<strong>se</strong>The equipment (device, module) may only be u<strong>se</strong>d for the application ca<strong>se</strong>s specified inthe catalog and the u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong> and only in connection with devices and componentsrecommended and approved by DMMetering.Proper handlingThe prerequisites for perfect, reliable operation of the product are proper transport,proper storage, installation and as<strong>se</strong>mbly, as well as proper operation andmaintenance. When operating electrical equipment, certain parts of this equipmentautomatically carry dangerous voltages. Improper handling can therefore result in<strong>se</strong>rious injury or material damage.‣ U<strong>se</strong> only isolated tools.‣ Do not connect while circuit is live (hot).‣ Place the meter only in dry surroundings.‣ Do not mount the meter in an explosive area or expo<strong>se</strong>d to dust, mildew and in<strong>se</strong>cts.‣ Make sure the u<strong>se</strong>d wires are suitable for the maximum current of this meter.‣ Make sure the AC wires are connected correctly before activating the current/voltage tothe meter.‣ Do not touch the meter connecting clamps directly with your bare hands, with metal,blank wire or other material as you will have the chance of an electricity shock and apossible chance for health damage.‣ Make sure the protection cover is replaced after installation.‣ Installation, maintenance and repair should only be carried out by qualified personnel.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-2- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Edited with the trial version ofFoxit Advanced PDF EditorTo remove this notice, visit:www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping‣ Never break the <strong>se</strong>als and open the front cover as this might influence the functionalityof the meter, and will void any warranty.‣ Do not drop, or allow physical impact to the meter as there are high precisioncomponents inside that may break or render the meter measures inaccurate.Exclusion of liabilityWe have checked the contents of this publication and every effort has been made toensure that the descriptions are as accurate as possible.However, deviations from the description cannot be completely ruled out, so that noliability can be accepted for any errors or omissions contained in the informationgiven. The data in this <strong>manual</strong> are checked regularly and the necessary correctionsare included in sub<strong>se</strong>quent editions. We are grateful for any improvements that youcare to suggest.Subject to technical modifications without notice.CopyrightCopyright elnu.<strong>se</strong> January 2013 All rights Re<strong>se</strong>rved.It is prohibited to pass on or copy this document or to u<strong>se</strong> or disclo<strong>se</strong> its contentswithout our express permission. Any duplication is a violation of the law and subjectto criminal and civil penalties. All rights re<strong>se</strong>rved, particularly in the event of apatent award or utility model registration.1.2 ForewordThank you for purchasing the <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> DIN rail three pha<strong>se</strong> four wire energymeter. The <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> energy meter is the most advanced type electronic kWhmeter available at the market. With the product range we have introduced alarge scale of energy meters on the market suitable for 110V AC to 400V AC (50 or60Hz). Besides the normal energy meters we also developed our own pre-paidmeters with chip card, chip card re-loaders and a complete PC managementcontrol system.Although we produce the <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> meter according to IEC 62053-21 and ourquality inspection is very accurate there might always be a possibility that yourproduct shows a fault or failure for which we do apologize. Under normal conditionsyour product should give you years of benefit and pleasure. In ca<strong>se</strong> there is problemwith the energy meter you should contact your dealer immediately. All energymeters are <strong>se</strong>aled with a special <strong>se</strong>al. Once this <strong>se</strong>al is broken there is no possibilityto claim for warranty. Therefore NEVER open an energy meter or break the <strong>se</strong>al ofthe energy meter. The warranty time is 6 months, after production, and only validfor construction faults.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-3- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>1.3 Performance criteria:Operating humidity ≤ 75%Storage humidity ≤ 95%Operating temperature-10°C - +50°CStorage temperature-30°C - +70°CInternational standard IEC 62053-21Accuracy class 1Protection against penetrationof dust and waterIP51Insulating enca<strong>se</strong>d meter ofprotective classII1.4 Specifications:Nominal voltage (Un) 230/400V AC (3~)Operational voltage 161/279 – 300/520V AC (3~)Insulation capabilities:- AC voltage withstand 4KV for 1 minute- Impul<strong>se</strong> voltage withstand 6KV – 1.2µS waveformStarting current (Ist) 0.04ATransitional current(Itr) 1.0AMinimum current 0.5AReference current (Iref)10AMaximum current (Imax)100AThe current measuring range 0.5-10(100)APeak current withstand 3000A for 0.01sOperational frequency range 50Hz ±10%Internal power consumption≤2W / 10VA per pha<strong>se</strong>Test output flash rate (PULSE LED) 400imp/kWhpul<strong>se</strong> output rate400imp/kWh1.5 Basic errors:With balanced loads0.05Ib Cosφ = 1 ±1.5%0.1Ib Cosφ = 0.5L ±1.5%Cosφ = 0.8C ±1.5%0.1Ib - Imax Cosφ = 1 ±1.0%0.2Ib - Imax Cosφ = 0.5L ±1.0%Cosφ = 0.8C ±1.0%With single pha<strong>se</strong> load0.1Ib - Imax Cosφ = 1 ±2.0%0.2Ib - Imax Cosφ = 0.5L ±2.0%Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-4- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>1.7 DimensionsHeightWidthDepthSize of connection clamp(L×H)Size of connec clamp(Diagonal)Weight140mm70 mm64 mm8×8mm11.3mm0.4 Kg (net)1.8 InstallationCAUTION‣ Turn off and lock out all power supplying the energy meter and theequipment to which it is installed before working on it.‣ Always u<strong>se</strong> a properly rated voltage <strong>se</strong>nsing device to confirm that power isoff.WARNING‣ Installation should be performed by qualified personnel familiar withapplicable codes and regulations.‣ U<strong>se</strong> isolated tools to install the meter.‣ Fu<strong>se</strong> or thermal cut-off or single-pole circuit breaker can’t be fitted on thesupply line and not the neutral line.- We recommend that the connecting wire which is u<strong>se</strong>d to connect the meter tooutside circuit should be sized according to local codes and regulations for theampacity of the circuit breaker or over current device u<strong>se</strong>d in the circuit.- An external switch or a circuit-breaker should be installed on the inlet wire,which will be u<strong>se</strong>d as a disconnection device for the meter. And there it isrecommended that the switch or circuit-breaker be near the meter so that it isconvenient for the operator. The switch or circuit-breaker should comply withthe specifications of the building electrical design and all local regulations.- This meter can be installed indoor directly, or in a meter box which is waterproofoutdoor, subject to local codes and regulations.- To prevent tampering, <strong>se</strong>cure the meter with a padlock or a similar device.- The meter has to be installed against a wall which is fire resistant.- The meter has to be installed in a good ventilated and dry place.- The meter has to be installed in a protection box when placed in dangerous ordusty environments.- The meter can be installed and u<strong>se</strong>d after being tested and <strong>se</strong>aled with a letterpress printing.- The meter can be installed on a 35mm DIN rail.- The meter should be installed in an available height so that it is easy to read.- When the meter is installed in an area with frequent surges due to e.q.thunderstorms, welding machines, inverters etc, protect the meter with SurgeShanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-6- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Protection Devices- After finishing installation, the meter must be <strong>se</strong>aled to prevent tampering.- Connection of the wires should be done in accordance with the underneathconnection diagram.L1 L1 pha<strong>se</strong> wireL2 L2 pha<strong>se</strong> wireL3 L3 pha<strong>se</strong> wireNNeutral wire20 and 21 Pul<strong>se</strong> output contact1.9 OperatingWorking indicationOn the <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong>’s front panel, there are three power indicating LED which havedifferent color from each other. The yellow LED repre<strong>se</strong>nt L1 pha<strong>se</strong>; the green LEDrepre<strong>se</strong>nt L2 pha<strong>se</strong>; the red LED repre<strong>se</strong>nt L3 pha<strong>se</strong>. When any pha<strong>se</strong>s work normally,the LED repre<strong>se</strong>ntation will burn. When any pha<strong>se</strong>s have failure or no power, the LEDwill turn off.Consumption indicationThere is a PULSE LED which is u<strong>se</strong>d as indicating power consumption in the front panelof <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> When consumption happens, the LED will flash. The more quickly LEDflash, the more consumption there is. For this LED, the flash rate is 400 impul<strong>se</strong>s perkWh (2.5Wh/imp).Rever<strong>se</strong> indicationThere is REV. LED on <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> front plate. When meter load current flow is rever<strong>se</strong>,the LED lighten.Reading the meterThe <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> energy meter is equipped with a 5+2 LCD display which is u<strong>se</strong>d asrecording consumption and can’t be re<strong>se</strong>t to zero. The number system is ba<strong>se</strong>d on unitsof 10.And unit is kWh.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-7- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Pul<strong>se</strong> outputThe <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> DIN rail energy meter is equipped with a pul<strong>se</strong> output which is fully<strong>se</strong>parated from the inside circuit. That generates pul<strong>se</strong>s in proportion to the measuredenergy for remote reading purpo<strong>se</strong>s and accuracy testing. The pul<strong>se</strong> output is a polaritydependant, passive transistor output requiring an external voltage source for correctoperation. For this external voltage source, the voltage (Ui) should is 5-27V DC, andthe maximum input current (Iimax) is 27mA DC. To connect the impul<strong>se</strong> output,connect 5-27V DC to connector 20 (anode), and the signal wire (S) to connector 21(cathode). The meter pul<strong>se</strong>s 800 per kWh (1.25Wh/imp).1.10 TroubleshootingCAUTION‣ During repairing and maintenance, do not touch the meter connectingclamps directly with your bare hands, with metal, blank wire or othermaterial as you will have the chance of an electricity shock and a possiblechance for health damage.‣ Turn off and lock out all power supplying the energy meter and theequipment to which it is installed before opening the protection cover toprevent the hazard of electric shock.WARNING‣ Maintenance or repair should be performed by qualified personnel familiarwith applicable codes and regulations.‣ U<strong>se</strong> insulated tools to maintain or repair the meter.‣ Make sure the protection cover is in place after maintenance or repair.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-8- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Problem Check SolutionNo light for thePower supplyindicator (L1, L2 &L3 LED).Is AC power supplyconnected to themeter ?Is the L1, L2, L3 andN connectingcorrect ?Check switch or circuit-breakerand fu<strong>se</strong> or thermal cut-off.Reinstall terminal screws on theL1, L2, L3 and N. Make sure allscrews are fixed. Than thereshould be a 230V 50Hz AC voltagebetween the terminal screws onthe N and L1 or L2 or L3, whenpower supply is input.No light for theconsumptionindicator (PULSE &SOLED).Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Is the loadrunning ?Is the operatingpower too low ?Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Only when load is running, thisLED will flash.If the operating power is too low,the spacing interval of the flasheswill take some more time, this iswhy it <strong>se</strong>ems like the LED isn’tburning.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Continue.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-9- 021-60975591/ 60975592

elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Problem Check SolutionThe register can’trun.Is there a powersupply inside themeter ?Check that the power supplyindicator ( L1, L2 & L3 LED ) isburning.No pul<strong>se</strong> output.Pul<strong>se</strong> output ratewrong.Is the operatingpower too low ?Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Is DC power supplyconnected to themeter ?Is the connectioncorrect ?Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.If the operating power is too low,the spacing interval of the pul<strong>se</strong>swill take some more time, this iswhy it <strong>se</strong>ems like the registercan’t run.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Check the external voltage source(Ui) is 5-27V DC.Check correct connection:connect 5-27V DC to connector 20(anode), and the signal wire (S)to connector 21 (cathode).Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.1.11 Technical supportFanthyttans Any questions, Elektriska 0581-51187, plea<strong>se</strong> contact: 070-552 06 56info@elnu.<strong>se</strong>TEL: 021-60975591/60975592FAX: 021-60975593Email:sale03@china-meters.comwww.china-metes.comShanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-10- 021-60975591/ 60975592

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