DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se


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elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>1.1 Safety instructionsInformation for Your Own SafetyThis <strong>manual</strong> does not contain all of the safety measures for operation of the equipment(module, device), becau<strong>se</strong> special operating conditions, and local code requirements orregulations may necessitate further measures. However, it does contain informationwhich must be adhered to in the interests of your own personal safety and to avoidmaterial damages. This information is highlighted by a warning triangle is repre<strong>se</strong>ntedas follows, depending on the degree of potential danger.WarningMeans that failure to ob<strong>se</strong>rve the instruction can result in death, <strong>se</strong>rious injury orconsiderable material damage.CautionMeans hazard of electric shock and failure to take the necessary safety precautions willresult in death, <strong>se</strong>rious injury or considerable material damage.Qualified personnelCommissioning and operation of the equipment (module, device) described in this<strong>manual</strong> may only be performed by qualified personnel. Qualified personnel in the<strong>se</strong>n<strong>se</strong> of the safety information contained in this <strong>manual</strong> are persons who areauthorized to commission, start up, ground and label devices, systems and circuitsaccording to safety and Regulatory standards.U<strong>se</strong> for the intended purpo<strong>se</strong>The equipment (device, module) may only be u<strong>se</strong>d for the application ca<strong>se</strong>s specified inthe catalog and the u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong> and only in connection with devices and componentsrecommended and approved by DMMetering.Proper handlingThe prerequisites for perfect, reliable operation of the product are proper transport,proper storage, installation and as<strong>se</strong>mbly, as well as proper operation andmaintenance. When operating electrical equipment, certain parts of this equipmentautomatically carry dangerous voltages. Improper handling can therefore result in<strong>se</strong>rious injury or material damage.‣ U<strong>se</strong> only isolated tools.‣ Do not connect while circuit is live (hot).‣ Place the meter only in dry surroundings.‣ Do not mount the meter in an explosive area or expo<strong>se</strong>d to dust, mildew and in<strong>se</strong>cts.‣ Make sure the u<strong>se</strong>d wires are suitable for the maximum current of this meter.‣ Make sure the AC wires are connected correctly before activating the current/voltage tothe meter.‣ Do not touch the meter connecting clamps directly with your bare hands, with metal,blank wire or other material as you will have the chance of an electricity shock and apossible chance for health damage.‣ Make sure the protection cover is replaced after installation.‣ Installation, maintenance and repair should only be carried out by qualified personnel.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-2- 021-60975591/ 60975592

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