DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se
DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se
DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se
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elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Protection Devices- After finishing installation, the meter must be <strong>se</strong>aled to prevent tampering.- Connection of the wires should be done in accordance with the underneathconnection diagram.L1 L1 pha<strong>se</strong> wireL2 L2 pha<strong>se</strong> wireL3 L3 pha<strong>se</strong> wireNNeutral wire20 and 21 Pul<strong>se</strong> output contact1.9 OperatingWorking indicationOn the <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong>’s front panel, there are three power indicating LED which havedifferent color from each other. The yellow LED repre<strong>se</strong>nt L1 pha<strong>se</strong>; the green LEDrepre<strong>se</strong>nt L2 pha<strong>se</strong>; the red LED repre<strong>se</strong>nt L3 pha<strong>se</strong>. When any pha<strong>se</strong>s work normally,the LED repre<strong>se</strong>ntation will burn. When any pha<strong>se</strong>s have failure or no power, the LEDwill turn off.Consumption indicationThere is a PULSE LED which is u<strong>se</strong>d as indicating power consumption in the front panelof <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> When consumption happens, the LED will flash. The more quickly LEDflash, the more consumption there is. For this LED, the flash rate is 400 impul<strong>se</strong>s perkWh (2.5Wh/imp).Rever<strong>se</strong> indicationThere is REV. LED on <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> front plate. When meter load current flow is rever<strong>se</strong>,the LED lighten.Reading the meterThe <strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> energy meter is equipped with a 5+2 LCD display which is u<strong>se</strong>d asrecording consumption and can’t be re<strong>se</strong>t to zero. The number system is ba<strong>se</strong>d on unitsof 10.And unit is kWh.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-7- 021-60975591/ 60975592