DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se

DRT-370D User manual - Elnu.se


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elnu.<strong>se</strong><strong>DRT</strong>-<strong>370D</strong> u<strong>se</strong>r <strong>manual</strong>Problem Check SolutionNo light for thePower supplyindicator (L1, L2 &L3 LED).Is AC power supplyconnected to themeter ?Is the L1, L2, L3 andN connectingcorrect ?Check switch or circuit-breakerand fu<strong>se</strong> or thermal cut-off.Reinstall terminal screws on theL1, L2, L3 and N. Make sure allscrews are fixed. Than thereshould be a 230V 50Hz AC voltagebetween the terminal screws onthe N and L1 or L2 or L3, whenpower supply is input.No light for theconsumptionindicator (PULSE &SOLED).Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Is the loadrunning ?Is the operatingpower too low ?Maybe there is afault in the insidecircuit.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Only when load is running, thisLED will flash.If the operating power is too low,the spacing interval of the flasheswill take some more time, this iswhy it <strong>se</strong>ems like the LED isn’tburning.Plea<strong>se</strong> contact technical supportto replace this meter.Continue.Shanghai Fengyilong Electronic Co. Ltd. www.china-meters.com Email:fyl@china-meters.com-9- 021-60975591/ 60975592

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