NAPPO Conference Call/Meeting Report
NAPPO Conference Call/Meeting Report
NAPPO Conference Call/Meeting Report
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<strong>NAPPO</strong> <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>Call</strong>/<strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Panel:Location:Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Technical Advisory Group<strong>Conference</strong> callDate: December 13, 2012Chairperson:Participants:Jonathan Lelito, USDA-APHISBarry Lyons, NRCan Robert Lavallee, NRCan Mireille Marcotte, CFIAGustavo Gonzalez, SEMARNAT Ian McDonell, <strong>NAPPO</strong> Rebecca Lee, <strong>NAPPO</strong>Faith Campbell, Nature ConservancyAssignment 1:Consensus:Assignment 2:SummarySynthesize the existing information on biological control programs andresearch for managing the Emerald Ash BorerThe first several chapters of the draft report are available in English on the<strong>NAPPO</strong> FTP site. They are also in queue for translation.Identify potential methods for information exchange to help reduce theimpact of the EAB in North AmericaConsensus: Environmental Assessments and other within-member-countrydocumentation have been exchanged amongst the TAG members.Ongoing discussion revolves around future directions.Assignment 3: Identify the need for collaboration with the <strong>NAPPO</strong> Forestry and BiologicalControl PanelsConsensus:Assignment 4:Biological control collaboration ideas are the topic of the next meeting.<strong>Report</strong> back to the <strong>NAPPO</strong> Forestry Panel with recommendations forcoordinated research on biological controlConsensus: Pending next meeting on 2-5-12
Next StepsResponsible Person Action DateFaith CampbellAdd financial costs of EAB and associated informationto Chapter 1 document and pass to FTP site fortranslation.Feb. 5th, 2013Jonathan LelitoAllSubmit draft framework for research focus andstrategies for collaboration on EAB biological control toTAG Members.Submit suggestions for items to be included inChapters 5-7 (e.g. future directions, strategies forcollaboration on biological control research, etc.).Alba Campos Send reminder for next conference call on February 5 th ,2013.Feb. 5th, 2013Feb. 5th, 2013January 28th,2013Next <strong>Meeting</strong>Location:Date:<strong>Conference</strong> callTuesday, February 5th, 2013, 1:30 Eastern Standard Time (U.S.)Proposed Agenda Items1. Consolidate input from TAG members regarding Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of our report2. Review material for Chapter 4 and provide TAG feedback.3. Coordinate next steps for completion of the draft report prior to April/May of 2013.2