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5System shutdown5 System shutdownThis chapter explains, how you shut down your boiler,the control device and burner. Furthermore, you will findexplanations as to how you can shut down your systemin emergencies.CAUTION!SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough frost.The system can freeze up if it is out of use,e.g. through a shut-down because offault(s).• Protect your heating system againstfrost damage, where temperaturesbelow freezing are expected.• Drain the heating water at the lowestpoint in the system, using the boilerdrain. To do this, open the air ventvalve at the highest point in the system.5.2 Shutting down the system in anemergencyUSER NOTE• Only in an emergency, shut off thesystem via the boiler room fuse orheating system emergency stop switch.In other dangerous circumstances, isolate the main fuelshut-off valve and the electrical power supply of thesystem via the boiler room main fuse or the emergencystop switch for the boiler room (see Chapter 1.3 "Pleaseobserve these safety instructions", page 4).• Shut off the fuel supply at the main fuel shut-off valve.5.1 Shutting down the control device andburnerShut down your boiler via the control device. The burneris automatically shut down when the control device isshut down.• Set the On/Off switch (Fig. 2, page 9) to "0" (OFF).USER NOTEFor further details in this connection, seethe operating instructions of the relevantcontrol device.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.de10Operating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 102003
Correcting burner faults 66 Correcting burner faultsHeating system faults are indicated in the control devicedisplay (Fig. 3, item 2). You will find detailed informationregarding fault displays in the operating instructions ofthe respective control device. In addition, if the burnerdevelops a fault, a fault lamp on the burner and anindicator on the (Fig. 3, item 1) control device mayilluminate.2 1CAUTION!CAUTION!SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough frost.The system can freeze up if it is out of use,e.g. through a shut-down because offault(s).• You should drain the heating water viathe boiler drain at the lowest point in thesystem, to protect it against freezing, ifthe system remains switched off forseveral days because of a fault shutdown.SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough too frequent activation of the resetbutton.The burner ignition transformer may bedamaged, if you press the reset buttonmore than three times in succession, afterthe burner refuses to start.• Do not attempt to clear a fault morethan three times in succession by usingthe reset button.Fig. 3Item 1:Item 2:Burner fault indicationIndicator lampDisplay• Press the burner reset button (see burner operatinginstructions).See the technical burner documentation for informationregarding the resetting of the burner, if the burner will notstart after three attempts.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/200311
- Page 2 and 3: PreambleTo these instructionsThis d
- Page 4 and 5: 1For your safety1 For your safetyTh
- Page 6 and 7: 2Product description2 Product descr
- Page 8 and 9: 3Using correct fill and make-up wat
- Page 12 and 13: 7System maintenance7 System mainten
- Page 14 and 15: 7System maintenanceSystems are gene
- Page 16: Heating Contractor:PRODUCTS MANUFAC
Correcting burner faults 66 Correcting burner faultsHeating system faults are indicated in the control devicedisplay (Fig. 3, item 2). You will find detailed informationregarding fault displays in the operating instructions ofthe respective control device. In addition, if the burnerdevelops a fault, a fault lamp on the burner and anindicator on the (Fig. 3, item 1) control device mayilluminate.2 1CAUTION!CAUTION!SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough frost.The system can freeze up if it is out of use,e.g. through a shut-down because offault(s).• You should drain the heating water viathe boiler drain at the lowest point in thesystem, to protect it against freezing, ifthe system remains switched off forseveral days because of a fault shutdown.SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough too frequent activation of the resetbutton.The burner ignition transformer may bedamaged, if you press the reset buttonmore than three times in succession, afterthe burner refuses to start.• Do not attempt to clear a fault morethan three times in succession by usingthe reset button.Fig. 3Item 1:Item 2:Burner fault indicationIndicator lampDisplay• Press the burner reset button (see burner operatinginstructions).See the technical burner documentation for informationregarding the resetting of the burner, if the burner will notstart after three attempts.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. <strong>Buderus</strong> Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/200311