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7System maintenance7 System maintenanceThis chapter explains, why regular maintenance isimportant for your system. It will also indicate to you,how you can check and regulate the water pressure.SYSTEM DAMAGECAUTION!through inadequate cleaning andmaintenance.• Have your system inspected, cleanedand maintained annually by a specialistcontractor.• We recommend you enter into acontract covering an annual inspectionand maintenance on an "as-requiredbasis".Observe the separate maintenance instructions formaintenance work on the neutralising system. Onlyspecialists should carry out work on the neutralisingsystem.7.1 Why is regular maintenanceimportant?You should have your system regularly serviced for thefollowing reasons:– to maintain the highest level of efficiency and tooperate the system economically (low fuelconsumption),– to achieve a high level of operational reliability,– to maintain the highest level of environmentallyresponsible combustion.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.de12Operating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/2003

System maintenance 77.2 Checking and correcting the water pressureYour heating system must contain sufficient water toensure the safe and correct function of your system.SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough frequent re-filling.CAUTION!The system may be damaged, dependingon water quality, by corrosion or scaling, ifyou frequently need to re-fill your systemwith make-up water.• Enquire from your local heatingcontractor whether you can use yourpublic water untreated or whether youneed to treat it before filling yoursystem.• Notify your local heating contractor ifyou need to regularly add make-upwater to your system.Fill make-up water into your system, if the systempressure is too low (see Chapter 3 "Using correct fill andmake-up water", page 7).7.2.1 When do you need to check the waterpressure in your heating system?– Recently filled in make-up water loses much of itsvolume in the first few days because it releasesgases. With new systems therefore check the waterpressure in your heating system initially on a dailybasis, and then after increasing intervals.USER NOTEAir pockets may form through the fill ormake-up water releasing gases.• Vent the system via the radiators and, ifrequired, replenish the system withmake-up water.– Check the water pressure monthly, if the heatingsystem still loses volume.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/200313

System maintenance 77.2 Checking and correcting the water pressureYour heating system must contain sufficient water toensure the safe and correct function of your system.SYSTEM DAMAGEthrough frequent re-filling.CAUTION!The system may be damaged, dependingon water quality, by corrosion or scaling, ifyou frequently need to re-fill your systemwith make-up water.• Enquire from your local heatingcontractor whether you can use yourpublic water untreated or whether youneed to treat it before filling yoursystem.• Notify your local heating contractor ifyou need to regularly add make-upwater to your system.Fill make-up water into your system, if the systempressure is too low (see Chapter 3 "Using correct fill andmake-up water", page 7).7.2.1 When do you need to check the waterpressure in your heating system?– Recently filled in make-up water loses much of itsvolume in the first few days because it releasesgases. With new systems therefore check the waterpressure in your heating system initially on a dailybasis, and then after increasing intervals.USER NOTEAir pockets may form through the fill ormake-up water releasing gases.• Vent the system via the radiators and, ifrequired, replenish the system withmake-up water.– Check the water pressure monthly, if the heatingsystem still loses volume.We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications. <strong>Buderus</strong> Heiztechnik GmbH • http://www.heiztechnik.buderus.deOperating instructions condensing gas boiler Logano plus SB735 • Issue 10/200313

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